Invoking JDeveloper2.0 deployment utility

We are getting the following problem when running the JDeveloper
*** Invoking the Oracle JDeveloper deployment utility ***
Scanning project files...done
Generating classpath dependencies...done
Generating archive entries table...done
Writing archive...done
*** Invoking the Oracle8i deployment utility ***
initialization complete
Error while accessing MD5 table
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
If anybody can throw some light on the above problem it will be
highly appreciated.
Thanking in advance
Aldrin Alberto

do you find and LOADLOBS in the error message, in case yes
then I guess this is a problem with using deployejb before using
loadjava in 8.1.5 . To fix this, get into sql*plus as the user
XYZ (the user you are trying to deploy) , then drop the package
LOADLOBS, Then, run loadjava once with some class. ( you can try
to load from jdeveloper deployment wizard too) .This should fix
Aldrin Alberto (guest) wrote:
: Hi,
: We are getting the following problem when running the
: Deployment
: *** Invoking the Oracle JDeveloper deployment utility ***
: Scanning project files...done
: Generating classpath dependencies...done
: Generating archive entries table...done
: Writing archive...done
: *** Invoking the Oracle8i deployment utility ***
: initialization complete
: Error while accessing MD5 table
: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
: If anybody can throw some light on the above problem it will be
: highly appreciated.
: Thanking in advance
: Aldrin Alberto

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    *** Invoking the Oracle JDeveloper deployment utility ***
    Scanning project files...done
    Generating classpath dependencies...done
    Generating archive entries table...done
    Writing archive...done
    *** Invoking the Oracle8i deployment utility ***
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    Is the database listener configured for iiop connections? You
    cab take a look to the note 69043.1 in Oracle Support.
    Jose R. Daz
    University of the Basque Country
    Xiaodong Zhou (guest) wrote:
    : I am using JDeveloper and developed a very simple Corba
    : object and try to deploy it to the Oracle8i installed
    : on another machine in the network, at the last step of
    : the wizard, I got the following when I clicked the 'finish'
    : button:
    : *** Invoking the Oracle JDeveloper deployment utility ***
    : Scanning project files...done
    : Generating classpath dependencies...done
    : Generating archive entries table...done
    : Writing archive...done
    : *** Invoking the Oracle8i deployment utility ***
    : java.lang.NullPointerException
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  • Error code 1127 when using teststand deployment utility

    I'm have installed on my pc Teststand 3.0 and labview 7.0 -this error occurs during build
    Error Code:1127
    Could not process LabVIEW VIs. Fix any broken VIs before rebuilding. LabVIEW error:
    Open VI Reference in TestStand - Dist Chg and Save>TestStand - Dist Build LLB>TestStand - Build VI>TestStand - Build VI Distribution AX>TestStand - Build VI Distribution AX

    >>>>>>>ok, I'm getting a different error code: error code 7 instead of a error code 1127 with the error:
    Error Code:7 Could not process LabVIEW VIs. Fix any broken VIs before rebuilding. LabVIEW
    error: Invoke Node in TestStand - Dist Cmp Settings to Disk>TestStand - Build VI>TestStand - Build VI Distribution AX>TestStand - Build VI
    Distribution AX
    >>>>>>>>And I did a mass compile of the directory mentioned above and I got this error:
    #### Starting Mass Compile: Thu, Jul 15, 2004 9:44:04 PM
    Directory: "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand
    3.0\Components\NI\Tools\Deployment Utility"
    CompileFolder: error 13 at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Compon
    ents\NI\Tools\Deployment Utility\DeploymentUtility.exe
    #### Finished Mass Compile: Thu, Jul 15, 2004 9:44:17 PM

  • What is needed to run the deployment utility while not logged into Windows?

    I am running a bash script to perform nightly builds of our test s/w. This script calls the deployment utility via command line. The actual command I am using is:
    /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/National\ Instruments/TestStand\ 4.1.1/Components/Tools/Deployment\ Utility/DeploymentUtility -- build "C:\Sandbox\ATE\Production_Test_Projects\eHLC_RX\Deployment\Unified_eHLC_RX_Test_Deployment_Config.tsd"
    It works flawlessly as long as I am logged into the PC. I have a cron job running to invoke my main script on a daily basis. As soon as I log out of the PC is when I am having the trouble. The script does get started but when looking at the processes on the PC I see my bash sessions open as well as the deployment utility open but it is not doing anything. If I end the deployment utility process the bash script continues and exits normally. Is there something I have to put in the command line to make the deployment utility work if I am not logged in? I have the cron running as a service and it is using my username and pw when required. But the deployment utility just hangs and does nothing. The deployment utility log is blank so it was basically opened but did not perform the build. Any ideas as to what may be causing this? Thanks in advance for any help.

    Here is a little more information. I changed the service that is running my script which is calling the Deployment Utility via command line from This Account on the Log On tab which requires my username and password to Local System Account and checked Allow Service to Interact with Desktop. This time when I was logged out of the PC and the script started I logged back on and could see the message that was thrown when the Deployment Utility was initialized. I could not see this with the service set to the other parameter because it is running in the back ground. I am sure this is what is happening because in this state I check the processes on the PC and it is reflecting the same information. The memory usage is the same and the Deployment Utility is doing nothing obviously waiting for acknowledgement of this error. If I click OK the build does start but at the end I get all types of debug messages at the end which do not happen when I am logged in and this process completes. Does anyone have any idea what this error message is referring to and maybe how to fix it?
    Thanks again for any help.
    Startup_Error.JPG ‏80 KB

  • Is there a way to keep Deployment Utility from modifying sequence file paths?

    While the Deployment Utility appears to be a great tool, it does some things that I'd rather it didn't. One is that it modifies all paths in sequence that it is including from Absolute to Relative. While this is a nice feature for many reasons, it is a show-stopper for our uses. This is because as part of our distribution process, we also use a checksum routine to verify that the sequence files being run by the operators on the Test Stations we deploy to are running the correct (unmodified) version of the test software. By using Absolute paths, we can detect and prevent accidental editing/changing of the sequences or paths that we have deployed, but if we have to use relative paths that is something that we could work with also.
    So my questions are: 1. Can this path update 'feature' be disabled? and 2. If not, then will pre-setting all paths in a sequence cause the deployment utility to only copy the file and not update it (thus changing it's checksum)?
    I'm going to test the latter when I have time, and if there are any other suggestions that might be useful, I'm love to hear them.

    In my experimentation to see if using relative paths, I was able to prove that a sequence that uses them will not be updated - with one caveat; if the path that is referenced by the sequence is not itself in a sub-directory, i.e.; it's in a different branch of the relative directory structure with respect to the Target (such as the TestStand directory), then the sequence file is always updated and re-saved. An example is that we have a sequence in the Tools directory that calls a DLL in the FrontEnd directory of the Components\User path. This re-saving causes a checksum change and screws up our verification mechanism. 
    It is unfortunate that I cannot prevent the deployment utility from modifying sequence files - Since we control the entire Test environment, including the location that software gets installed to - Test Station custodians can't go installing the software in a different location, or worse, multiple locations, so we don't have the issue to worry about.
    Because of this 'better' method, we now have to re-evaluate how to control the installed version of the software, or use a different installer, such as CVI, which while it has been working for us, has it 's own issues that we're trying to get away from. I'm glad that I am finding out about this now before I've locked down the sequences so that I can probably move the features in the Tools to the Frontend Callback sequence. 
    It's almost always the case thought that one persons forced enhancement is another's 'feature' or worse 'bug'.
    Thanks for confirming the behavior on the Deployment utility for me.

  • Teststand deployment utility used for different versions of TestStand

    I am in a situation where I developed a test sequence in TestStand 3.5 and used the deployment utility to deliver an installer to a customer with TestStand 2010 Base deployment Engine.  We are seeing the following error "This installer installs file to the TestStand directory.  You must first install TestStand or the TestStand runtime engine version 3.5 to create the TestStand directory."
    My question becomes, is it even possible to make an installer with TestStand 3.5 and have someone else use with TestStand 2010 Base deployment engine?  What then needs to happen to get past the error if it is possible?
    John 3:16

    No you cannot use 3.5 sequences on the 2010 engine.
    You need to install the 3.5 engine on that machine.  The license will still work and you will need to use the version selector to go between the two.  You can include the engine in your installer build.
    TestStand is a scripting language.  Because sequence files are not compiled it is possible to use unsupported functions on the wrong version.  Therefore, the engine just won't run other versions.  Also, you need to switch versions because they use different adapters, engines, dlls, folders, etc...  The version selector changes settings on your machine for all those things for that version.
    Hope this helps,
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

  • Deployment Utility - log file errors/warnings not clear

    I'm doing my first deployment and have few questions:
    1) I tried to deploy ONLY the TS user directories. I checked the 'Deploy Files in TestStand User Directories' option and did not check 'Install TestStand Engine' since I deploy it into a system with TS3.0+CVI7.0 software(same as the source).
    The process was successful by I get the following warnings in the log file.
    Starting Log.
    5:47 PM
    An installer is being created.
    The installer is finished
    The build process is done.
    5:48 PM
    Warning: You may need to add any sequence files referenced by the following expressions:
    "reportgen_" + RunState.Root.Locals.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Process Step Result', sequence 'SequenceFilePostResultListEntry', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "reportgen_" + RunState.Root.Locals.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Process Step Result', sequence 'ProcessModelPostResultListEntry', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Get Report Footer', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Get Report Header', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Get Report Body (Sequence)', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    "ReportGen_" + Parameters.ReportOptions.Format + ".seq" in step 'Set Report Disabled Message', sequence 'TestReport', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    RunState.ProcessModelClient in step 'MainSequence Callback', sequence 'Single Pass', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    RunState.ProcessModelClient in step 'MainSequence Callback', sequence 'Test UUTs', sequence file 'C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.0\Components\User\Models\TELRAD_SequentialModel.seq'
    What does it mean? What to do about it?
    2) The utility does not include the cfg/TypePalettes where I have a my own file.
    Is there a reason to it? Do I need to include it manually?
    3) When I included workspace in the utility I get the following errors:
    Starting Log.
    Processing Workspace...
    Done processing workspace file
    Processing Workspace...
    Done processing workspace file
    6:08 PM
    Error could not open LabVIEW
    Distributing VIs requires the LabVIEW Development System
    Class not registered
    in TestStand - Get LV>TestStand - Package>TestStand ->TestStand - Distribution Wizard>TestStand - Deployment Utility Splash
    An installer was not created due to an error
    The build process is done.
    6:08 PM
    Error Code:-2147221164
    Class not registered
    in TestStand - Get LV>TestStand - Package>TestStand ->TestStand - Distribution Wizard>TestStand - Deployment Utility Splash
    In order to eliminate the problem source I un-checked the files presented by the 'Analyze Source Files' until all of them are un-checked. Even in that case I get the error message.
    What does the message mean?
    What to do about it?
    I don't use any LV in my system!!!!!
    Thanks and my apology for the long message

    Hi Rafi,
    On #1 the warnings appear whenever you have an expression that specifies a sequence file because many expressions are not valid until runtime, you can ignore it as long as ALL sequences that expression may evaluate to are included in the Workspace.
    >2) The utility does not include the cfg/TypePalettes where I have a my own file.
    >Is there a reason to it? Do I need to include it manually?
    No it does not include it because it is not needed unless you plan to edit on the deployed sequence (generally not recommended). If you add a custom type to a sequence the sequence file will have a copy of the type. You can include the types palettes manually in the workspace if desired.
    >3) When I included workspace in the utility I get the following errors:
    >What does the message mean?
    The deployment utility thinks you have a VI to deploy, it is trying to load LabVIEW and failing because LabVIEW is not installed.
    >What to do about it? I don't use any LV in my system!!!!!
    Somewhere there is a .vi or .llb in the system. Find the VI(s) and uncheck them. I did find a bug that the deployment utility caches the flag indicating if a VI is present, but it is easily worked around: Save a tsd file, Press the New button and then reload the tsd.
    -Rick Francis

  • Problem with deploying FPGA host VIs using TestStand deployment utility

    I am using a PCI-7831R FPGA to control an automated test fixture.  I have several host VI's that I am calling from TestStand (4.2.1) in order to control the 7831R.  The host VI's that TestStand calls are setup as sub-VI's and are used for various things such as opening an FPGA reference (which is bound to a strict type def), downloading and executing the files on the 7831R, reading writing to controls, and finally closing the reference.  In the sequence file, I am passing the reference values as a file global so that the host sub-VI's can communicate correctly.  I have all functionality working correctly in TestStand on my development PC.  When I go to deploy this to a production PC, I get errors when the sequence file trys to load the first host VI.  The error basically states that the VI is broken - try to open and run it (which I can't because I have no development license on the production PC).  I am currently trying to deploy this to another development PC to see if I can track down where the VI might be breaking. 
    I have included the lvbitx and strict type def control that the host subVI's reference in my deployment files.  I can't think of anything that I might be missing.  Is there any good documentation on exactly which files I need to include in the deployment when using FPGA Host VIs (the TestStand reference manual is pretty vague at best)?  It seems that any documentation that I read says the TestStand deployment utility will analyze all VI dependencies (other than shared variables).  On a side question, is the strict type def considered a shared variable?
    Has anyone successfully deployed a sequence that calls host VI's?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If any of the above needs further clarification please ask away and I will be happy to give more details. 

    Hi hawkstringer
    Do you encounter this problem using a deployed version of your code? Note that the subject of this topic is about deploying an FPGA application.
    I forgot I posted here, in the mean time I've managed to deploy my application. I think my problem was solved when I included all necessary drivers and components (but I'm not absolutely sure). I included the following:
    NI IVI Compliance Package
    NI FlexRIO
    NI PXI Platform Services Configuration Support
    NI R Series Multifunction RIO
    NI DAQmx Core Runtime
    NI DAQmx MAX Configuration Support
    NI RIO
    Good luck!

  • Deployment Utility can't find files

    One of the standard search directories is “Current workspace directory”.
    I’ve discovered that the Deployment Utility may or may not look there (regardless of whether it is checked), and it may or may not look in its subdirectories (regardless of whether “Search Subdirectories” is checked.
    It works OK on some of our computers, but not on others.
    In order to insure that the build always finds the files, I have to explicitly include in the search directories the folder that contains the .tsw file.
    Is there a way to force the Deployment Utility to really look in the “Current workspace directory”?

    The deployment utility will create a list of top-level files to deploy from a workspace, a directory or both. The distribution sources (workspace and directory) will only point to the root element which we will use to create the tree of files to include, these files will be specified with an absolute path to the file and we will not use the search directories to find them.
    During the analysis phase the deployment utility will find all the required top-level files for the deployment. If you selected to deploy files from a workspace, the deployment utility will iterate over every worskpace object in the workspace and call GetAbsolutePath to get its path. If the problem you are seeing is with top-level files, then I would recommend calling into this method to verify that the files are found in the correct location.
    Once we get all the absolute paths for the workspace objects we search those files, depending on their type. At this point things start getting a bit more complicated because of the large number of file types. If your workspace contains a sequence (we will find the path of the sequence by calling GetAbsolutePath on the workspace object, see the previous step), then we will analyze the sequence and for every step we will call the public API of its adapter to get the path; for example, for the LabVIEW adapter we will use VIPath and ProjectPath (in general, there are some special cases where we call other methods) to figure out which VI to deploy. If the problem is with one of your code modules I would recommend calling into the public path methods in the adapter that is calling into your code and making sure that the files are found in the correct location.
    Without more information about your problem it is hard to give you a good answer, because the deployment utility (and test systems in general) are complicated pieces of code that deal with a great deal of complexity. Some of the things that might help us give you a more specific answer to your problem are:
    What version of TestStand are you using?
    What kind of deployment are you creating (VIs, DLLs, .Net assemblies? Creating Packed Libraries? Sending to multiple destinations?)?
    Can you simplify the test case so that we can reproduce with relatively few files? Could you provide a sample that shows the error?
    Are there any differences that you can think of between the computers where the deployment works and the computers where it doesn't?
    When is the error happening? What is happening exactly? For example: Are you getting an error in TSDU that says that files couldn't be found? Are you building the deployment and the files don't show up in the image directory? 
    I hope this helps.
    - Francisco

  • Erreur -19050 lors de la compilation avec Deployment Utility/TestStand

    Bonjour à tous,
    Je souhaite créer un exécutable incluant des séquences TestStand avec des VIs Labview. Je suis tombé sur l'outil Deployment Utility qui a l'air de correspondre à ce que je souhaite faire.
    J'ai donc essayer de construire un installateur avec cet outils qui inclut mes séquences et mes Vis etc..
    Le problème arrive lors de la construction, une erreur apparait mais ne me donne pas plus de détails que ceci:
    "error -19050: The bitness of LabVIEW does not match the bitness of the deployment utility."
    J'ai essayé de chercher d'où vient le problème mais je suis au point mort la, je ne sais pas du tout où je dois regarder pour régler ce problème.
    J'utilise les versions 2014 de LabVIEW et TestStand. Mes séquences fonctionnent correctement.
    Merci de votre aide

    Je pense que tu risques d'avoir queslques difficultés pour exécuter ton application de test en distribution. Pour la distribution, il te faut effectivement au moins une licence Run-Time de TestStand et je pense que tu veux te passer de la licence LabVIEW.
    Si j'ai bien compris, tu veux une distribution avec un installer de ton application TestStand. Tu as des séquences en TS2014 64 bits et tes codes modules LabVIEW sont en LabVIEW 32 bits pour le développement. J'imagine que ton adapter LabVIEW est configuré pour fonctionner avec LabVIEW en développement.
    Première étape, as tu essayé de passer ton adapter LabVIEW en run-time ? A mon avis,ca ne va pas fonctionner d'parès cette KB .
    Il faudrait que tes modules LabVIEW soient en LabVIEW 64 bits.
    Le Run-Time TestStand n'est pas l'éditeur de Séquence. TestStand est un serveur ActiveX, et si tu as créé une interface opérateur spécifique, tu n'as pas besoin d'avoir l'éditrru de séquence pour exécuter ton application. SI tu veux les éditer ou l'exécuter depuis la même interface que celle que tu as en développement, il faut installer au moins le séquence Editor qui est disponible dans les "Optional TestStand Features..." lorsque tu coches Install testStand Run-Time. Pour l'acitvation de la licence, au pire, lors du premier lancement de ton application, il proposera de l'activer. Pense a ajouter le run-Time LabVIEW dans ton installeur si tu veux que ca installe tout d'un seul coup.
    Mais je pense qu'avant de réussir tout ca, il faudrait vraiment vérifier l'exécution en Run-Time LabVIEW au niveau de l'adapter.
    Petite question de curiosité, pourquoi tu chsoisis d'utiliser TestStand 64 bits ?

  • Deployment utility gives file not found warning, but build completes succesfully.

    When running the deployment utility, I am able to analyze source files successfully; no problems there.  When I go to build, all appears to go well until I click the popup that has the message: "The build is finished."  After closing the popup, I get the following warning:
    "Warning: This problem will cause an error when building a deployable image or an installer. The following file(s) were not found:"
    It's followed by a list of dozens of files.  However, I verified that all files are included in the search directories.
    I installed the deployment as-is and it seems to run ok; it finds the files it's supposed to.  However, I'm going to have a hard time selling this procedure off to QA if the deployment shows a 'file not found' message.
    My question is: why do I get the 'file not found' warning during the deployment build process, yet the 'analyze source file' step finishes ok and the deployed files work ok?

      These files are all relative and are part of the workspace.  I did find a
    workaround to the problem.
    In the search directories selection box, the top-level entry is "Current
    sequence file" with subdir search enabled.  The next entry is the workspace
    directory with subdir search enabled; all files are in subdirs of the
    workspace directory.  The remaining entries are unchecked or not
    user-defined (ie.: other NI directories on my computer).  In order for the
    deployment to work, I had to enable the third entry on the list: "Initial
    directory" along with subdir enabled.  However, the initial directory is
    the same as the workspace directory (since I opened teststand by
    double-clicking on my .tsw file).  What I don't understand is why should it
    matter that I have initial directory on the path if it's the same as the
    entry before it?

  • Deployment Utility Errors

    We're having a problem with building an installer using the TestStand Deployment Utility. We added some sequence files, VIs and image files to an existing installer and now it doesn't work.
    Below is an extract from the log file:
    Internal error code -2147023170 Processing VIs...
    Could not process LabVIEW VIs. Fix any broken VIs before rebuilding. LabVIEW error:
    The remote procedure call failed.
     in Dynamically Call Build VI Distribution LV 8.6 or Above ->TestStand - Call Build VI Distribution for Unique VI Hierarchies LV 8.6 or>TestStand - Package>TestStand ->TestStand - Distribution Wizard>TestStand - Deployment Utility Splash
    An installer was not created due to an error
    The build process is done.
    9:19 AM
    If we split it into 2 installers, with the majority of the LabVIEW VIs in one and the rest of the code in the other both installers build properly and when installed on another PC everything seems to work as expected.
    We have mass compiled all of the VIs, and opened and re-saved all of the new ones. We also tried adding more memory to the PC as we wondered if the installer was just too big (there are over 2000 custom VIs) but that didn't help.
    We are using LabVIEW 2009 and TestStand 4.2.1.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    The error message you are getting means that the connection from the Deployment Utility to LabVIEW was broken unexpectedly, probably because LabVIEW had some problem it could not recover from. From your investigation it seems like the problem is that your deployment is so big that LabVIEW is running out of memory while deploying. There are several ways you can fix or mitigate this problem.
    The easiest way would be to set the /3gb switch which makes LabVIEW run in large address-aware mode. For more information please read this KB. This will allow LabVIEW to use more virtual memory and it should allow the build to complete, however, this is only a temporary solution because if your project continues growing there will come a point where even this new amount of memory will not be sufficient. 
    Another thing you can do from the architectural point of view is splitting your VIs into different projects (and calling the VIs in the context of a project from within TestStand). The Deployment Utility will create a different deployment for every project, which means that some of your VIs which are currently being loaded together while deploying would not be loaded together anymore. This, however, is more complicated because you have to make sure that the VIs are not part of the project anymore (that is, they are not dependencies which would include them anyway) and you have to make sure that they are divided in logical groups. 
    Hope this helps,
    - Francisco

  • Deployment Utility and Labview Modules

    I am fairly new to TestStand. I have created a TestStand Sequence that calls a number of Labivew modules. Everything works fine on my development machine.
    I am trying to deploy this to another machine running a base development license. I ran the development utility and created a setup.exe which I have just installed on the 2nd machine.
    When I go to run my test sequence on the 2nd machine it cannot locate the labview modules called in the test sequence.
    So my questions are:
    Can TestStand deploy these files for me, or should I do it manually?
    If it can, is there a specific folder I should store all labview moduels on my development machine so the deployment utility picks them up?
    Is there any option in the Deployment Utility that I need to set for TestSTand to pick up these modules?
    Is there any special option I should set in the sequence file? Search area???
    Thanks & Regards,
    Go to Solution.

    You should be able to see the LabVIEW VI's in your deployment tool. If you can't then that is why you can't see them on the target system.
    Are you using a TestStand WorkSpace/Project files?
    Ray Farmer
    Message Edited by Ray Farmer on 02-11-2009 06:30 AM
    Ray Farmer
    deployment.JPG ‏70 KB

  • Assessing Command 'Analyze Source Files' via Command Line when running TestSTand Deployment Utility

    Our Software Configuration Manager is running the TestStand Command Line Deployment Build Tool (Ref:
            When he builds the application,  the code will not be at the same location it was in development. 
    If you are Manually running the TestStand Deployment Utility, This is not a problem because everything is relative in the workspace.   Simply go to the Distributed Files Tab (of TestSTand Deployment Utility) and hit the, "Analyze Source Files" button.  This finds the required files and apparently creates an updated hard path to be used during the build (probably in the *.tsd).
    PROBLEM:  We auto-run the Command Line Deployment Build Tool (Command Line), and we do not have access to the, 'Analyze Source Files' command.
                As a result, our build consist of many warnings and the output is missing many files (the location of the files have not been updated).
    If we could access the 'Analyze Source Files' Command via command line, that would fix the issue. 
    FYI:  We use an automatic builder called Quick Build as our builder.
    TestSTand Deployment Utility-Distributed Files Tab.PNG ‏76 KB

    Unfortunately it looks like Analyze Source Files does not have a command equivalent for the command line based on this article and attached PDF:
    That may be a good post for the TestStand Idea Exchange for consideration in future versions of TestStand.
    Michael K.

  • Deployment utility slow

    I have a fairly simple application.  One medium size TestStand
    sequence and a couple of dozen LabVIEW vis.  I started the
    deployment utility about two hours ago and it still has not come
    back.  It responds to mouse clicks on the tabs.   Is it
    hung?  really slow? or is this normal behavior?

    It might just be slow, but you should verify that there aren't any prompt dialogs hidden beneath your other windows.  A couple of times my deployment builds seemed to hang, but it was because LabVIEW was prompting to save VI's on behalf of the deployment utility, but the LV prompt dialog box was hidden beneath the deployment utility window.

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