IOS 7 download experience today.

Just got the update from iOS 6.1.3 to iOS 7. iPad 2.
Took 3 attempts to server connect.
Download indicated 657 Mb. Took 4 minutes to download.
One issue: could not verify download. Took three attempts to verify but one the third, I hit the try again button.
After it did, which only lasted a minute, it went into the restart mode with the white Apple logo on black background.
Progress bar went on for another 30 minutes or so.
Restart. Then the Welcome screen.
Only a few taps for network, iCloud login, location access, Find iPhone, email, done. I was getting email while I was still setting it up. Wow.
Whoa. Stunning on my iPad 2. Appears to work glitch-free.
Flawless experience overall. Once connected to server, don't mess with it. Only one point after download does it ask if you want to install iOS 7.
One hint: set your iPhone, iPad to Never Lock. Mine wanted to snooze after 15 minute preset.
Be patient.
Enjoy your new iOS 7.
There's no turning back.

Oh, and give yourself a good 90 minutes to complete!
Have fun.

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    I need help!!! Did my iOS 6 update today, thought it was fine!! Then my friend text me and instead of saying Siobhain it says voicemail text message!! I've tried deleting her and adding her again, turning phone off etc etc!! Please help!!

    I know of no way to remove encryption on iTunes backups if you've forgotton the password.  If you've used the 4 digit PIN code to lock your iPhone in the past that can sometimes default as your "password" for this encryption in iTunes.  Try that PIN or any PIN you've used in the past.  If you don't use a lock maybe you played around with that feature once when you first got your phone....try "1,2,3,4" or anything you could have possibly tried.
    As far as accessing older unencrypted backups you can try this software.  I do not have any experience using it but it seems like it's what you need and is probably the easiest route for both voicemail and texts:
    If you want to try to find voicemails using Terminal, I found this link as well: il/
    I know with AT&T, voicemails are only stored on their servers for 30 days so any voicemail older than that you would not have been able to access again.
    Best of luck.

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    This isn't an issue. Notice the screen prior to the one that shows usage has an iCloud section and a Manage Storage button. For this button to activate ios needs to download a few kb from icloud. Switching back to this screen forces ios to download those few kb.

  • Very poor experience today.

    I want to preface my today story with a different one- I went to Best Buy yesterday to purchase a game (Mario Kart 8) and also to pre-order Destiny on PS4. I asked someone at customer service (assistant lady as referenced in the next part) if I would receive the Destiny beta code by email if I pre-ordered in the store. She seemed pretty irritated that I would ask a question like that, and I told her I just wanted to confirm as I was really interested in playing in the beta. She assured me that it would be emailed 'like every other code.' 
    I have yet to receive my Destiny Beta code, which is extremely frustrating- I would have pre-ordered it elsewhere to ensure I received a code.
    I went back in today to pick up my copy of EA UFC for PS4. I had 3 Reward coupons that I was looking to use pulled up on my phone and ready to go. I jumped in line at Customer Service to pick up my copy, and had a very brief wait before I was greeted by the next associate (assitant lady). Now starts the trouble- I asked about the free BluRay 2013 UFC highlight video that I saw advertised online- and was caught with a snappy remark that a code would be emailed to me. I told them that it was a physical copy and not a download, and asked to check the ad. All I got told that was 'there is no printed ad this week.' I asked if I could have a second to try to pull it up on the website- and she said 'I just did, it's online only." Didn't make a lot of sense to me, but maybe I'm wrong. Not worth arguing about at this point. Proceed to the checkout process- the initial employee (assistant something or-other) had left by then and handed the reigns over to what I assume was a trainee as she was simply in a white collared shirt. She scanned my pre-order bardcode, rang up the game, tried to scan my certificates- and apparently the  computer errored out, so she called over the initial employee. Initial employee asks me- 'well this computer isn't working I guess, so you have 2 options, I can either post void this transaction for your, or I can just start a new transaction and adjust the price for you.' I have no idea what the difference between either of those options would be, but I asked her to make sure I would still get credit for the pre-order bonus. I wasn't sure if I didn't actually 'pick up' the game through the preordered number. She didn't seem to have much of an answer, and told the trainee 'just try it again.' 
    Second attempt- now I've been standing here a while, a line is starting to form behind me, and other customers are pretty upset at the ~15 minutes they've been working on the computer error. Proceed again through all the steps- ring up the coupons, still a no go on my rewards working. They call over another employee to take a look at it, he wasn't able to figure it out, so we moved registers. After another 5 or 10 minutes of working it, they were able to get the coupons to take, but the amount showing due was incorrect. They fumbled with it a bit more and told me that it was taken care of. Finally after a ~25 minute checkout experience, some nasty looks in line, I was on my way out the door with the game.  A process that in reality should have taken 3 minutes and didn't require the snappy comments at me for simply asking about promotions.
    All in all, I'm a little upset about this whole scenario- I had previously been on a bit of a hiatus from Best Buy due to similar experiences and the convienience of simply ordering games online via Amazon for release day delivery. I recently took advtange of the $60 gamers club unlocked promotion, and after my experience today- I'm regretting that a bit. I received rather poor service, I have yet to receive my Destiny Beta code, I was unable to get the 'free' BluRay that was to come with the UFC purchase (whether it is online only or not, I still cannot seem to figure that out), and it took me 30 minutes to simply use my rewards coupons.
    Thanks for listening, I appreciate any help that I could receive.
    Lifelong gamer
    Co-Founder of
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Anef,
    Thank you for being a My Best Buy member, and thank you for gaming with Best Buy.  I am sorry to hear that your recent promotional experiences have not gone well, but I'll be happy to K.O. these problems with you.
    It does sound like the associate assisting you could have been better informed on our current offers.  You were eligible to pick up the UFC: Best of 2013 Blu-Ray with your pre-order fulfillment yesterday.  It was a one-day offer in conjunction with the release of EA Sports UFC on Xbox One and PS4.
    Your Destiny beta code should have been emailed to you by now.  We have a process in place for customers to request assistance with pre-order codes through our forum.  I will review this with you this time as I am looking at your account anyway, but for future reference  if you are seeking customer service with a pre-order code, just send us the following information via private message to our Gaming-BBY inbox (click that hyperlink to bring up a private message already addressed to that inbox):
    Message Subject: Game Title & Platform
    Message Body: Include...
    • Proof of purchase (Customer Service PIN from in-store receipt or order #)
    • Email address (the one you provided for the code)
    It is very important that you include all of the above information for the fastest service.
    We will then be able to investigate why you may not have received your code or why the one you received did not work and get back to you as quickly as possible. 
    Please watch for a private message from me soon with additional information.
    Mike|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • HOW can I FIX Mavericks and Safari 7.0 to allow Gmail to work?  Gmail has been FUBAR'd since downloading Mavericks today.  Finally found the brute-force logout site to just getr logged out; can't keep doing that.  Other features no longer work, either.

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    Been struggling with all the FUBARd messes it caused, ALL DAY.
    Google basic buttons don't work--can't log out or other basic functions.
    Website use is impaired.
    It took almost 3 hours to do a basic online order on one of them--at this rate, I'll be out of business soon, and it's seriously impairing Christmas preparations!
    Google Voice/Video are screwed up, had to RE-download their voice/video plugin all over again--again.
    Voice/video quality is REALLY poor.
    Lag times in so many things are bad.
    Thought this would download WITH the better writing/bookkeeping programs--NOT!
    Mac Maps is piddle compaired with GoogleMaps.
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    HOW can Safari and Mavericks be fixed?
    IF not, HOW can I REMOVE Mavericks and get back to Mountain Lion--which was not too great, but certainly more functional than Mavericks!
    I NEED my web-based emails to work--NOW...NOT when Mac finally gets around to fixing things sometime later.
    I NEED online ordering to work--NOW--not later when Mac finally gets around to fixing things.
    PLEASE someone--any help out there?  I couldn't even find but a rare hint that Safari 7.0 even exists--much less that anyone admits it's got problems, nor fixes for it.
    What to do?  Throw the whole unit out? Wipe and reboot?  Dumb it back to OS 10? HOW? WHAT?
    [freaking out here...]

    Zak Adelman, LexSchellings,
    It's a shiney new computer.  Came loaded with Mountain Lion.
    Too busy learning to use the blessed thing, to download anything....except...
    The only pluggin that had to be loaded, was Google Voice-Video pluggin, while Lion was still it's OS.  [AND been using the Safari that came already in it.]   Had to do that a couple times--nothing new there--that plug-in had to be re-loaded when using a PC, too--THAT happened even before Google slammed everyone into coerced use of it's Google+. 
        [I understood from others, that Firefox won't work in Mac units--or I woulda put that in it to see if that solved anything]
    This unit seemed a bit sluggish from the git-go, out-of-the-box. 
    I figured that was probly the local DSL here---rural DSL DSL's not something to brag about, but it's the best we can do...
    The difference between speed of loading pages, etc. on the new Mac, was --not-- toooo terribly different--though yes, slower on Mac....and chalked it up to my inexperience with Mac. 
    Been trying to get things up and running for a bit over a month now.
    NOT doing very well at it--just barely getting by; rapidly falling behind what needs done [work]. 
    Google worked just --OK-- when OS was Lion, as did the Google voice/video--slower, and voice-video was kinda scratchy or glitchy, but worked enough to --get by--.
    Loading Mavericks, ruined that.  
    VOIP calls via Google talk have bad echio, static, cut-outs; video calling was pixilated or not working; WAS cued to re-load it's Voice-Video plug-in....which seemed to help a bit, though not very well; it only helped the Voice-Video some, not all--figured that was probably Google issues, less than Mac's, since Google has been increasingly dysfunctional as they have twisted it to be a social media-dominant thing.
    [[now seeking an email venue that does what Gmail was good at, including the Voice-video calling, that has no intention of turning itself inside out to be "social"]]
    Can't sign out of Gmail or Google+, nor use buttons in upper right corner with the drop-down menu.  
    NO buttons in upper right corner cluster on Gmail work, except the name+ button to toggle over to Google+---which I don't need! [yeah--THAT's a Google problem!] 
    Can only switch to HTML version by catching that button as the account signs in--if one fails to be fast enough with their fingers, it goes to Google+; can't get to email unless type in
    Managed to catch that button today, and clicked to use HTML "permanently" until these issues get solved.
    Have fairly new [about 1 year?] HP bluetooth printer-scanner. 
    BUT, after Mavericks loaded: it HAS the unit listed, HAS drivers for it, HP unit IS listed as default printer, everything --seems-- "go",
    .....except Mac keeps posting it's out of ink, and/or, not hooked up, and/or not turned on--even when it is on.
    It's SUPPOSED to be blue-toothing that printer/scanner.   
    It did it for Lion, before loading Mavericks, even though it was troublesome to get it to work, it at least HAD printed one document when Lion was the OS.  
    Thank you...Downloaded EtreCheck: 
    BTW:  Trying to copy/paste data from that check list, to this post, was achaic: 
    had to use Edit, select all, then use edit again to get it pasted--the mouse buttons weren't allowed to copy-paste using right-click functions [is this a relic limited-function "thing" with Mac?, or is it because I wanted to keep using this new wirless, non-Mac mouse?].
    See below...
    Hardware Information:          Mac mini (Late 2012)            Mac mini - model: Macmini6,1
                  1 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2 cores;           8 GB RAM
       Monitor used = Visio flat screen. [not Mac]
       Keyboard = Logitech solar wireless [not Mac]
       Mouse = Logitech wireless
    Video Information:            Intel HD Graphics 4000 - VRAM: 1024 MB
    Audio Plug-ins:
              BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
              AirPlay: Version: 1.9 - SDK 10.9
              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 2.0.0 - SDK 10.9
              iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9 (13A603) - Uptime: 2 days 19:33:25
    Disk Information:
              APPLE HDD ST500LM012 disk0 : (500.11 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 499.25 GB (456.94 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
    USB Information:
              MediaTek Inc MT1806 
              Logitech Logitech USB Headset
              Logitech USB Receiver
              Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple, Inc. IR Receiver
    FireWire Information:
    Thunderbolt Information:
              Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Kernel Extensions:
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
              [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
    Launch Agents:
              [loaded] com.hp.devicemonitor.plist
              [loaded] com.hp.messagecenter.launcher.plist
    User Launch Agents:
    User Login Items:
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player
    Internet Plug-ins::
              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: 11.9.900.170 - SDK 10.6
              QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
              Flash Player: Version: 11.9.900.170 - SDK 10.6
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              o1dbrowserplugin: Version:
          ======  npgtpo3dautoplugin: Version: - SDK 10.5  ===[this was in red]=====
              googletalkbrowserplugin: Version:
    Bad Fonts:
    Old applications:
              HP Device Monitor:          Version: 2.7.0 - SDK 10.5
                        /Library/Printers/hp/hpio/HP Device
    Time Machine:
    ===      Time Machine not configured!  ===[this was in red]===
    Top Processes by CPU:
                   6%          WindowServer
                   4%          Safari
                   4%          SafariDAVClient
                   2%          EtreCheck
    Top Processes by Memory:
              303 MB          Mail
              270 MB          Safari    ======[this is version 7.0 ]======
              262 MB          mds_stores
              147 MB          softwareupdated
              147 MB
    Virtual Memory Statistics:
              1.77 GB          Free RAM
              2.85 GB          Active RAM
              2.36 GB          Inactive RAM
              1017 MB          Wired RAM
              4.64 GB          Page-ins
              111 MB          Page-outs

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    I have an iphone 4s and have installed the new ios download and can no longer find games and other apps that i have downloaded. Where would they be or have they been wiped?

    don´t be worry, this would not be a problem.
    You have to take the same Aplle ID on both devices, then you can sync them via iTunes by using all universal apps on each device, create playlists, albums and all the things you need and sync it, no problem...

  • Just paid $55.00 to get e-mail fixed after IOS download , how to get money back from Apple?

    After IOS download 2weeks ago, I could not send any mail. Do not have warranty, it is 13 months old.  I paid a computer expert $55.00 to fix it.  I think Apple should give me an ITunes card worth that amount.  what do you think?

    b1961 wrote:
    After IOS download 2weeks ago, I could not send any mail. Do not have warranty, it is 13 months old.  I paid a computer expert $55.00 to fix it.  I think Apple should give me an ITunes card worth that amount.  what do you think?
    I think you are responsible for the $55. It was your choice to pay someone. A software glitch is NOT covered by any warranty, period.

  • I just upgraded my iPhone 5s yesterday to the latest iOS version. Today, I can't get FaceBook to open at all on my phone. Any ideas?

    I just upgraded my iPhone 5s yesterday to the latest iOS version. Today, I can't get the facebook app on my phone to even open. Any ideas?  I already tried shutting the phone off and restarting, but it didn't change anything. Thanks for any suggestions that will help.

    Do you have the latest FaceBook app version installed?
    If so, try a reset which is similar to a computer restart and is done by pressing and holding the home button and the sleep/wake or on/off button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo and then release.

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    How come I could not download anything today?  It keeps saying my app is not available in the US store and that I must first switch to Philippine store.  But I have long been using Philippines as my location.  Pls help me.

    Try going to the bottom of the Featured tab in the App Store app on your device and tap on your account id, tap on 'View Apple ID' on the popup and log into your account, and then select the Country/Region section and select the Philippines.

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    if the error message was about a missing archive, you need to place both the exe and 7z files in the same directory for photoshop elements.  and then do the same for premiere elements.
    then click the exe in each directory.

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    I use Gmail myself and I seem to recall getting that message once. I'd delete any mail accounts on your phone, reset it - holding down the Sleep & Home keys until Apple Logo is displayed, then run the Mail App - it should present you with logos of various email providers now - if it doesn't there is an issue - if it does select Google and enter your details.

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    The only option you have is to buy a newer phone. The iPhone 3G can not run anything higher than 4.2.1. It was discontinued years ago.


    Downloaded itunes today to a PC. Screen confirms download completed successfully. Download cannot be found so I can access itunes. Not in programs, not in files, etc. Does it download to another location?

    Try downloading an installer from the Apple website using a different web browser:
    If you use Firefox instead of IE for the download (or vice versa), do you get a working installer?
    If you can't get a working installer via the standard download links, try the following download links instead:
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows (32-bit) - iTunesSetup.exe
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows (64-bit) - iTunes64Setup.exe

  • I downloaded ADE today on my Mac but I cannot open it. It is showing up as a disk and is only giving me the option to install but not open.

    I downloaded ADE today on my Mac but I cannot open it. It is showing up as a disk and is only giving me the option to install but not open. Help.

    After installation, you'll be able to open ADE.

  • I have a hard time to get iOs download. No luck on my iPhone 4.

    I need your help about iOs download. It is not working so the update requires at least 2.8 of available storage. What do I do? Should I remove my apps off until 2.8 of available storage?

    First try to free space by copying deleting media files (photos, movies, music) and application data (documents, etc)  to a computer and deleting them from the iPhone. Then delete applications, if there is still not enough space.

Maybe you are looking for