IOS 7: Temporary downgrade because of motion sickness?

Two days ago, I upgraded my iPad 2 to the new iOS7 because I wanted to try it out myself. Well, that definetly was a mistake for me.
It's not that I don't like the design or anything. But I can't use it for even a few minutes, because I am always getting  a huge motion sickness!
My head aches and I start to feel very sick.
I can't use my iPad anymore because of that, I can't and don't want to...
Unfortunately, Apple closed the signing of iOS 6, which means I can't downgrade anymore.
Are there more people who experience the same issues as me and would want Apple to temporarily start the signing of iOS 6 again until they fixed the animations that cause this sickness?
I really want to be able to use my iPad again without this motion sickness...

I totally agree with Edward on this one. I like the FEATURES they added and changed. I DONT LIKE THE LOOKS
The text messages and imessages are just uncomfortable to look at. To much white and no borders around anything
The green bar and and the white letters at the top, during a phone call is just painful to look at.
And what about the Notepad??? A pure white screeen and if you post a link its in YELLOW!!!!
Our family has owned a lot of apple products and been a loyal customer for years, we have had iphones from the get go, but I will say this..... Unless they change the looks back to something more easier on the eyes.. We will not be a getting a iphone when opur contract expires. And that is next year.
So apple, I hope something changes in the near future cause you will be losing customers if you care about that.

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    Thank you.

    Unfortunately right now that is the only setting you can control.
    Apple is aware and may address this in future updates.
    You can leave Apple your feedback here.

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    No, Apple has closed the access to verify iOS 7.1.2. So, you know, you can't downgrade from iOS 8 to iOS 7 any more. Instead of bearing the pain of slow iOS 8 on your iPhone 4s, I think you should learn how to speed up iOS 8 on your iPhone, say clear junk files and delete unwanted photos and messages to leaving more storage for running iOS 8, end multiple task and reduce motion effect to boost the performance.

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    This is a big usability problem which needs to be addressed!
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    I've experienced nausea and motion sickness and headaches since last week when I installed IOS 7, all due to the apps zooming in and out animation. 
    I had zero problems with IOS 6.
    I think the best thing to do is keep posting on different forums to raise awareness.  I think there's some people who may feel a little of the nauseous and dizzy symptoms, but they're not sure what's causing it. 
    Also, everyone, please send a quick email to the Apple Accessibility Group.  I believe this is the best way to get in touch with the folks at Apple who can best address this issue.  It is as simple as an enable/disable animation option with the Accessiblity menu.
    [email protected]
    My ONLY solution this past week, is to look away or close my eyes when unlocking and opening/closing apps.
    Please send an email and keep your fingers crossed for a quick fix! 

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    I don't think Apple would actually do anything about it. They have a 30 day return policy and if customers aren't happy with the product they can return it for a full refund. In fact,  I am pretty sure when you select agree to the "Terms and Conditions" of using the phone - it covers the fact
    Full terms and conditions -
    People have to understand that Apple is a business and it is up to them whether they think it's a big enough problem to put in a patch to remove the effects.
    Simple solution is if you feel that you don't agree to their way of business and unable to use the iPhone to your fullest comfort, either return the product for a full refund or sign a petition...

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    I've experienced nausea and motion sickness and headaches since last week when I installed IOS 7, all due to the apps zooming in and out animation. 
    I had zero problems with IOS 6.
    I think the best thing to do is keep posting on different forums to raise awareness.  I think there's some people who may feel a little of the nauseous and dizzy symptoms, but they're not sure what's causing it. 
    Also, everyone, please send a quick email to the Apple Accessibility Group.  I believe this is the best way to get in touch with the folks at Apple who can best address this issue.  It is as simple as an enable/disable animation option with the Accessiblity menu.
    [email protected]
    My ONLY solution this past week, is to look away or close my eyes when unlocking and opening/closing apps.
    Please send an email and keep your fingers crossed for a quick fix! 

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    Connect to iTunes on the computer you usually Sync with and “ Restore “...
    If necessary Place the Device into Recovery mode...
    You may need to try this More than Once...
    Be sure to Follow ALL the Steps...
    But... if the Device has been Modified... this will Not necessarily work.

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    I tried powering down and re-starting the iPhone (as suggested at This seems to have cleared the "...not connected to the Internet" problem, and iOS 6.1 is now in the process of downloading.
    Thanks very much for your feedback.

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    hi i had the same problem today when i updated my itunes to latest version. however, i have just found my songs in the 'itunes media' folder. this was accessed through 'my music'  then keep clicking through until you find itunes media and all my library songs were in there and i then just added these files to my library and all were restored however, i have lost all my playlists but at least my 700 songs are back. very dissapointed with apple that they have let this happen with their latest update, the previous version was miles better than this one . hope you find them. stevo

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    Disable your antivirus and firewall software. Kaspersky is especially bad about interfering with updates.

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    Was you iPhone jailbroken?

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    Then the next step would be a restore as new to rule out corruption in the backup.

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    Ios has not been released.  It is available in test version only to registered developers.
    If you are a developer then you nkow better thatn to post this here.  You should use your credentials to log into the developers forum.
    If you are not a developer then you are illegally downloading the software.

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    how to restore my iphone in ios in 4.1, because i update it in 4.2, now it stuck..

    See Here...
    Unable to Update or Restore

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