IOS devices fail to sync

I recently updated my itunes software to the version, and encountered a major problem. My iOS devices donot appear in the devices tab, all of them, my iPad, iPhone and even my iPod. P.s: I synced my phone with the previous version earlier the same day. What can I do to solve the problem ?

The following has instructions that may help: iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

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  • 8.0 ios is failing to sync

    Since installing the new software ( another badly written clump of mess ) my ipod has failed to sync after 2 hours connected ( yes i clicked the button, im not a git ) having followed the mediocre advice on the forums of resetting, powering off and on etc, i am now left with an ipod that is as much use to me as a gas mask to a fish.
    when an error message of -54 is displayed, my ipod fails to sync, see the files or do anything apart from charge up, any sensible people out there?

    You have done some of this.
    Sync -Troubleshoot an iOS device that won’t sync in iTunes
    Sync -Troubleshoot an iOS device that won’t sync in iTunes (2)

  • For those of you with a Windows computer and the iOS device is not syncing or showing up in iTunes. here is a known solution that has been working for tech support!

    I know this seems to be an emerging issue ever since the update to iTunes 11.1.4, some iPhones or other iOS devices are not showing up in iTunes or syncing. I'm not sure if Apple really knowns of this issue, but tech support has a (mostly) sure fire way of resolcing this issue. It's only for Windows computers though.
    Go to the article and follow the Section 5 Verify Apple Mobile Device USB driver is installed. When you clik on that section, go to your version of Windows (it seems to be happening mostly across Windows 8) . And then to the section: If Apple iPod, Aple iPhone, or Apple iPad is listed.
    The gist of what you need to do:
    Windows 8 (since it seems to be the most affected) move your cursor to the upper ight corner of your screen) and click on the Magnifying glass. Type in devmgmt.msc and this should bring up the Device Manager. Onc eyou are in the device manager, look for the "Portable device" or "Universial Serial bus Controller" list, and you should see the "Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod" listed. Onc eyou see it, right click it, choose "Update software driver." Now, IT WILL SAY THE DRIVER IS UPDATED. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Select "Browse my computer for driver software." Onc eyou choose that, select "Let me pick from a lsit of drivers on my computer." You should see the option "Have Disk." Choose that. Again, I KNOW you do not have a physical disk, but the file we need is already on your computer. After Hard Disk, choose Browse again. Follow this file path to the file we need: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.. In the Driver's folder, you should see the "usbaaple" or "usbappl64" (if you have the 64 bit for Windows). Double click on that file, and hit OK. The file should install, and once it's finished check your iTunes!!! You may want to unplug your device and plug it back it before doing all of this. I REALLY hope this works for you all as well!

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    I think that cloud privacy concerns are overdone - especially with Apple who don't have a vested interest in snooping through your data like Google does!
    Do you use email?  It's stored in the cloud on the providers servers - no matter who the provider is.
    Do you use SMS on a phone?  They're stored on a server somewhere!
    Do you use the internet?  The logs are stored at your ISP for some period of time - tracking everywhere you've been.
    Thats why I am comfortable to use iCloud for most of my documents.  If I want to transfer files very securely, I put them in an encrypted disk image on Dropbox.

  • IOS device failed to get ip address on multiple wlan on the same anchor controller

    Dear Experts:
    in my implementation, we need 2 WLANs be served on the same anchor controller.
    WLAN1: wep/40bit, integration with NAC/OOB on anchor controller for guest wlan service.
    and guest account controlled by NACguest server.
    WLAN2: wep/40bit, no layer3 secuirty for temporary using.
    foreign controller: WiSM on v6.0.196.4 (also testing on
    anchor controller: WLC4402 on v6.0.196.4
    on WLAN1:
    Windows7 client get ip address correctly.
    iOS (iPhone4 on 4.3.1/4.3.2, iPad2 on 4.3.1/4.3.2) can get ip address correctly on WLAN1.
    WLAN2, iOS device cannot get ip address.
    compare with debug message "debug clien mac" + "debug dhcp message enable"
    on both foreign and anchor controller.
    on foreign controller:
    PM state has changed from: DHCP_REQD (7) Change state to RUN (20) last state RUN (20)
    on anchor controller:
    PM state always stay on: DHCP_REQD (7) Change state to DHCP_REQD (7) last state DHCP_REQD (7)
    Enable/Disable DHCP Address Assignment Required is not work.
    Enable/Disable DHCP proxy is not work.
    Any hit this issue when get ip address failed in multiple WLANs on the same anchor controller?
    In attachment log file,
    DMZ.log: anchor controller on DMZ.
    S3p1.log: WiSM on v6.0.182.0
    S3p2.log: WiSM on v6.0.196.4
    client mac: 00:1f:3b:05:33:c1, Windows7 Client
    client mac: 58:55:ca:cf:d2:07, iPhone4 with 4.3.1,
    WLAN1 subnet:
    WLAN2 subnet:

    Hi, Nicolas:
    just checking the attachment for the run-config on foreign/anchor controller.
    DMZ_run.config  - anchor controller
    s3p1_run.config - WiSM on v6.0.182.0
    s3p2_run.config - WiSM on v6.0.196.4
    at this moment, we have disable the wlan 10 on foreign controller, and wlan 2 on foreign controller.

  • File.upload on Air SDK for iOS devices failed to send http request to server.

    I am trying to use ActionScript's File.upload to upload a file on Air SDK for iOS8 environment, but the File.upload does not work properly. No handler about the file upload is executed after File.upload is invoked, and no exception is caught. When I check the network traffic of the server side, I found that no http request even hit the server after File.upload is executed. The code snippet here is very simple.
      private var file:File;
      private var dir:File;
      //This method is executed to create a file and upload it when the Upload Button is pressed.
      protected function OnUploadButtonPressed(event:MouseEvent):void{
      var str:String = 'This is test';
      var imageBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
      for ( var i:int = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {
      imageBytes.writeByte( str.charCodeAt(i) );
      dir = File.applicationStorageDirectory
      var now:Date = new Date();
      var filename:String = "test" + now.seconds + now.milliseconds + ".txt";
      file = dir.resolvePath( filename );
      var stream:FileStream = new FileStream(); file, FileMode.WRITE );
      stream.writeBytes( imageBytes );
      file.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, uploadComplete );
      file.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError );
      file.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityError );
      file.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, someError);
      file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
      file.upload( new URLRequest(""));//This line does not work. No handler is executed. No http request hit the server side.
      } catch( e:Error ) {
      trace( e );
      //Complete Handler
      private function uploadComplete( event:Event ):void
      trace( "Upload successful." );
      //IOError handler
      private function ioError( error:IOErrorEvent ):void
      trace( "Upload failed: " + error.text );
      //SecurityError handler
      private function securityError(error:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
      trace( "Security error:" + error.text );
      //Other handler
      private function someError(error:ErrorEvent):void{
      trace("some error" + error.text);
      //Progress handler
      private function onProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void{
    When executed on Air Simulator, it works fine as expected, and the file is successfully uploaded to the server. But When executed on iOS devices(in my case, iPad), as I explain early, no handler about the file upload is executed, and no the http request even hit the server. So I think the problem may be in the client side. It seems that the Air SDK for iOS just failed to send the http request for some reason.
    To make my problem more clear, I list my environment below:
    Development Environment:  Windows7 (64bit)  / Mac os 10.9.4 (Tested on  OS platforms.)
    IDE: Flash Builder 4.7
    Air SDK:  3.8 / 16.0.0 (After I updated to the lastest Air SDK 16.0.0 , the problem still exists.)
    Application Server:  Tomcat7 + Spring
    Target OS: iOS 8
    I have been struggling for this for days. So I really appreciate it if anyone has any idea about this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi bluewindice ,
    As you have quoted ( ActionScript's File.upload does not work on Air SDK for iOS devices ) , this issue has been replicated at our end, and our team will be working on it.

  • Deleting an iMessage on an iOS device won't sync the deletion on Mac OS

    I have scoured through the discussion boards for solutions on how sync message deletions between my iOS devices and Macs via iCloud. So far, no dice. Here's where I'm at now:
    I have been able to successfully sync new message creations across all of my iOS and MacOS devices. By that, I mean I can start a new iMessage conversation on any of my Macs or iOS devices and that new message will appear among all of my other iOS and MacOS devices. And it does so almost immediately. Which is great and as advertised.
    However, if I then delete that same new message from any of my Macs or iOS devices, it remains on all of my other iOS and MacOS devices. So I'm stymied: although creating a new message puts that message on all connected iCloud devices, deleting that message from any device is only a local phenomenon: to delete any message from all devices, I need to manually go to each device and delete it. Which ***** and is not as I'd remember it being advertised.
    So here are my questions for the group:
    1) Is syncronized deletions across all devices/computers even possible? The folks on this here board don't seem to think it is.
    2) Have you personally been able to sync your deletions across your Macs/iOS devices?
         2a) If so, can you point to a link or explanation of how, exactly you set up your devices?
    3) What is your Mac OS and iOS version number, so at least we can compare notes? I'm on iOS 7.0.6 on all devices, OSX Mavericks or OSX Mountain Lion on all Macs.
    Cheers and thanks in advance, everyone!

    The Issue is what you mean by "Sync" and what Apple put into the Apps.
    The "Sync" is only "Display on all devices" and not anything else.
    It has been this way in the beta (version 6.1 in Lion), Messages 7 and 7.0.1 in Mountain Lion and the version in Mountain Lion (which does include changes at the OS 10.9.2 update but the Messages version has not changed)
    At the OS X 10.8.2 (Messages version 7.0.1) we got the  current form of iPhone Numbers and Apple ID full linking which did not happen before this.
    This means iPhone could get Apple ID iMessages and the Mac could display the iPhone number iMessages.
    The Read, Delivered and deleting an iMessages on one device does not cross over on to other devices.
    In  that respect it is closer to fetching POP mail on server devices compared to IMAP ones
    Deleting something on IMAP server will delete it form any login.
    Doing so on a POP email will not.
    11:06 pm      Friday; February 28, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • HT3819 iOS devices will not sync Photo stream

    I have 1,000+ photos in photostream on my iphone 5s; of those only 629 appear in photostream on my ipad4 and only 50 show in our newly acquired Appletv. All iOS devices are connected to the same home wifi. What's going on? Is there anyway to force all three devices to sync all the photos? Sometimes I've read it may take a day or two, but in this case it has been over 2 weeks. Much appreciated!

    Apple TV is accessing the most up to date stream, which only has photos from the past 30 days.

  • Pushing a web clip to iOS devices fails.

    We just set up a Mac Server to do some light mobile device management and I want to put a web clip on every iPads home screen. I set the payload in Profile Manager but when I go to save the new configuration and have it pushed to the iPads they all fail the task. Can anyone help me out?

    I've already asked people to hold off on updating, but without any way to prevent them from updating, I just have to hope...
    I installed the iPCU and have looked at the console but I'm not seeing anything relevant. It's like the the command isn't being recieved by the iPad at all (even though Profile Manager shows it as sending, the iPad has internet access, and another iPad on the same network has no problem recieving commands)
    Looking at the logs on an iPad that is receiving commands (the iPad with a fresh iOS 7 install, enrolled with Profile Manager after iOS 7 was installed)  I see entries related to MDM:
    Sep 19 07:18:05 iPad-iOS7 mdmd[99] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: mdmd starting...
    Sep 19 07:18:06 iPad-iOS7 mdmd[99] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Looking for managed app states to clean up
    Sep 19 07:18:08 iPad-iOS7 mdmd[99] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Network reachability has changed.
    Sep 19 07:18:08 iPad-iOS7 mdmd[99] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Push token received.
    Sep 19 07:18:13 iPad-iOS7 mdmd[99] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: mdmd stopping.

  • Calender iOS device doesn't sync

    The calender on my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 (both on iOS 5.0.1) doesn't sync with iCloud (In the beginning it worked great). The calerder sync great with my Macbook and the WebApp shows also all the items. I already tried to remove the iCloud account and reinstall it after a reboot. Now the calender is totally blank.
    Any idea what I can trie to solve this problem?

    Extra info: The activity icon is all the time active and my battery is going fast down the drain.

  • My iOS devices dose not sync with iCloud

    It was working fine until a week ago.
    I have singed in with the proper account, Documents in the cloud are enable and pages is set to use iCloud.
    I have reset my ipad and reinstall the apps (did not restore), but still.
    Between my Mac's it's working fine.
    And now, for the last two days even mail is not accessble.

    I use iMac, iPad and iPhone.
    iCloud, numbers and pages.
    All have been working fine till I updated to IOS6 Now none of the documents will sync with the cloud and remain on the device with arrow in top right hand corner. Have made sure all applications and devices turn on to iCloud. I have even saved all documents and then deleted numbers on ip ad and re installed it but still no joy.
    Also reading here about email. Im able to send from account but not recovering anything???
    Also in back of my mind. I have two emails. The common problem not resolved by apple about the email for ID and your mobile me account. Just wondering if that anything to do with this. Hope to hear any comments and possible solutions.

  • There are songs synced without my permission on my iOS device.

    There are songs on my iOS device that are synced without my permission, not to mention using memory I would rather use for something else. I have untoggled everything and they still will not go away. I think they are on my iCloud but I don't know how to delete them from there. Please help!!

    They're in the "Audio" category on the capacity bar on the bottom of the itunes window, when you click on the device in itunes (it says 2370 Songs).  However when you select music from the dropdown menu of the device on the left hand side of the itunes window, it says there's on 2305 tracks.

  • Issues syncing apps between itunes and ios devices - changed itunes store

    I have had an iTunes store account for several years with the same apple ID.  Initially I connected that apple ID to the Belgian store and about 2 years ago I changed to the UK store, but still with the same apple ID. 
    Since I have several IOS devices, I prefer to use iTunes to update any apps I have downloaded and then sync them onto all my IOS devices using my local network rather than downloading accross the internet each time.  When I view the apps in my library it says a number of updates are available (right now there are 9).  but when I click on the button to go to the store and retrieve the updates - itunes store says "No Updates are currently avaialable" and suggests I sign in with a different ID.  However, I don't have a different ID. 
    This seems to be that any of the apps I puurchased in the Belgian store prior to switch to the UK will not update.   For a while, as a resolution, I was able to download updates on one or more of my IOS devices sucesfully whicever store I purchased them from and then when I synced back to iTunes, it updated them in the library.  Wasn't very pretty but it worked. 
    Now after upgrading to iTunes 11, although I can still update the apps on my IOS devices, when I sync it no longer transfers the updates to the iTunes library - I haven't had iTunes 11 long enough to determine if it's related to the same store switch issue or if it's a general problem.
    Anybody got any similar experiences or solutions to consolidate all my purchased apps (which ever store) into one, so updating is transparenet again?

    (A) Reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.
    (B) Reset all settings
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset all settings
    Note: Data will not be affected but settings will be reset.

  • The registration authority's response is invalid when provisioning iOS devices

    I'm working on a BYOD deployment and I've run into a snag. When a windows PC runs through the provisioning process they recieve a certificate without any issues, but iOS devices fail with the error: The registration authority's response is invalid.
    Any ideas on what is causeing this?

    To upload offline client provisioning resources, complete the following steps:
    Please update the patch useing the below details and try it.
    Step 1 Go to the Download Software web page at You may need to provide login credentials.
    Step 2 Navigate to Products > Security > Access Control and Policy > Cisco Identity Services Engine > Cisco Identity Services Engine Software.
    Choose from the following Off-Line Installation Packages available for download:
    •— Off-Line SPW Installation Package for Windows
    • — Off-Line SPW Installation Package for Mac OS X
    • — Off-Line Compliance Module Installation Package
    • — Off-Line Mac Agent Installation Package
    • — Off-Line NAC Agent Installation Package
    • — Off-Line Web Agent Installation Package
    Step 3 Click Download or Add to Cart.

  • Two iOS devices and a Snow Leopard Mac: trying to sync photos

    My wife’s tech support group, that would be me , is failing in attempts to find an easy way to sync her photos between iPhoto on her Snow Leopard Mac and her two iOS 5 devices using iCloud.
    The bottom line is how best to manage photos during a time all devices are not on iCloud.
    Two problems:
    1. She now has the two iOS devices reporting different numbers of pictures and slightly different albums. Shouldn't they be exactly the same?
    2. Is it better to have her sync her Snow Leopard Mac to the iOS devices using iTunes or iPhoto.
    Any basic tips appreciated. Including if this is not the correct Community for this post.
    Thank you.

    You are in the correct community for posting this question. Most people would never even think to ask. That's very thoughtful of you. Anyway .... to the point about syncing photos.
    I do not use Photo Stream and use iCloud for very little as well. I still sync with iTunes because that works for me and I am used to doing it that way. I am running Lion on my MacBook so I have everything I need for iCloud, but .... This is how I do it.
    Connect the iPad to the Mac and launch iTunes.
    Click on the iPad name on the left side under devices.
    Click on the Photos Tab on the right.
    Select iPhoto as the folder from which you want to sync.
    Click on all of the albums, events, faces, that you want to sync.
    Make sure that the Sync Photos heading is checked/selected.
    Click on Apply or Sync in the lower right corner of iTunes

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