IP address in use by some other IPv6 client

In my network I have several imac G5s, suddenly they have began losing their IP addresses? OK not losing but another IPv6 client is using the IP addresses, that have been used by these machines for some time. In the past I have manually made up IP addresses and that has worked, rarely. The DHCP Lease is giving me IP address's that do not work. These machines are connected through an Ethernet hub. Recently I tried to implement an airport but when turned on another iMac loses it's IP address, I would love to go wireless but with these problems I'll be lucky to make it till next week.

Thank You for the response. Upon further inspection more than 1 machine had the IPv6 still on, so now that has been discovered I doubt the issue will return.
Odd Note:
Before I had a chance to review your reply I shut down the entire office (always fun) restarted and reset almost everything and the problem resolved itself for the moment. This has happened several times in the past and I am confident a solution has been found. Thanks Again

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    Hi Vamsi,
    Explicitly such kind of requirement has not been catered and i dont think you would face a problem because any application that is writing to a file will open the file in the read only mode to any other simultaneous applications so i think your concerns although valid are already taken care off .
    In the remote case you still face a problem then as a work around. Tell the FTP administrator to set the property to maximum connections that can be made to ftp as one. I wonder if you have heard of the concept of FTP handle , basically the above workaround is based on that concept itself. This way only one application will be able to write.
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    ###.###.#.# in use by 00:24:36:98:0f:e5, DHCP server ###.###.#.#
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    The error message would seem to mean that the DHCP server in your router (which allocated each connected device a unique IP number) has allocated a local IP number (probably beginning with 192) to you machine, but your machine has been set manually to a particular IP number and they are the same
    That's not what the message means. Close, but not quite right.
    What the message is telling you is that the IP address your machine is trying to use (whether it's set Manually or via DHCP) is already in use by some other device.
    This could indicate a problem with your DHCP server, or it could be some other device has been added to your network using an IP address that should be reserved for DHCP devices.
    This problem can also happen when users try to setup devices manually without fully understanding the network topology.
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    Anyone with insight, I'd appreciate it. Thanks

    MrHoffman wrote:
    One big subnet? Ok. Not my first choice.
    It's /16, but still was not my choice either. With about 50 printers and servers with static IPs that would all need the mask changed, I put off clipping the subnet mask since VLANs were in the works anyway.
    MrHoffman wrote:
    The network traffic for a DHCP lease or a lease renewal is negligible.
    Figure a few messages at intervals of half the lease time for each client.
    There already appears to be a DHCP failure here.
    I tried many different things with the 2003 Servers, usually two at a time handing out IPs (same subnet, different range, i.e. one serving and the other, and the iBooks would often sit for minutes without getting an IP at all. I'd have to turn on the Xserve's DHCP server to hand out an additional range in the subnet (, and the iBooks would then snap up IPs and authenticate to AD.
    MrHoffman wrote:
    And as for the weirdness, I'd be wondering if the DHCP traffic is being filtered by some of the devices present in this network; it's very easy to have a DHCP server active on a WiFi device (which is why most larger sites have them all configured as APs) and it's also easily feasible to have a rogue WiFi around.
    Thanks, all good ideas, but I don't think the problem here. I have all Airport Extreme base stations in Bridge Mode. I regularly do scans for rogue APs, and the iBooks would not associate to one anyway - they only know the school network and need admin access to change. In fact, so inflexible is Tiger that when I started changing to WPA2 from WPA, same SSID and password, the iBooks would not associate to the WPA2 networks without local admin login and manually choosing the SSID (and the password was still in the keychain and worked). I then brought some iBooks back to an area with just WPA (older firmware on older Airport could not do WPA2) and the iBooks were once again stranded. Leopard laptops moved seamlessly between the same APs.
    I've also done some testing for rogue DHCP servers, but nothing was found, and I've not seen any wierd IPs coming up.
    MrHoffman wrote:
    Subnetting and vlans are options. If this is a decent-sized network, I'd definitely look to subnet it; you're already in line for subnetting now, what with what is probably mixed faculty and student traffic.
    The reason that VLANs are on hold was that I told admin that with our limited wireless network (1 SSID, Airport not VLAN-aware), when they were not in an office with their laptops on ethernet, they'd only get Internet through the wireless (which would be on student/teacher VLAN), no access to admin servers or printers. I was surprised at the vociferous response.
    MrHoffman wrote:
    I'd probably toss a monitor onto different parts of the network - if you've not already tried this - and go hunting for "surprises". (If you're spec'ing out for bids on an upgrade, having packet-monitoring capabilities and rogue detection is really handy. That'll tell you if you have a rogue, or if DHCP traffic is pushing you over the edge.)
    I have an old PC catching syslogs and it has Wireshark, but I haven't turned that on in a while. If I have time, I will see if I can capture anything. I did get bids on Cisco and Procurve wireless and network infrastructure upgrades last year, and pretty much got the 'no way, talk to the hand' response (and a few more Apple APs).
    MrHoffman wrote:
    Go talk to the finance folks and to the school board, and tell them that their servers and their network traffic are all exposed to the students. If they're not running encryption, they're toast. (And they're potentially toast even if they are.) That discussion both for reasons of budget, and to cover you, as this looks to be the textbook network configuration case that eventually "blows up" on the IT staff.
    We're a medium-sized independent high school with a strapped budget. I have requested and explained everything, but it hasn't sunk in. Last year, I made everything work. This year, without all the special qos settings and tweaks to the switches I made last year to keep things mostly together, things are much more wonky (I stripped out all the qos settings over the summer while preparing for the VLANs, which I assumed was a no-brainer to happen. Unfortunately, I didn't document the settings before I cleared them, and I can't quite achieve the same balance this year). And, by the way, IT staff is pretty much me.

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    On the AB object, "f" is a float and cannot address individual bits.
    Otherwise, you would replace the "/" with an "_".
    Forshock - Consult.Develop.Solve.

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    I am having the same issue too. It looks like many more people are having it as well. I called Apple Support a few times, but they use their standard naiive response: "we have never heard about this issue".
    It is an issue of DHCP implementation on the Apple OS.  My windows PCs and Printer are not having these issues.. 

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    Please help.
    for some odd reason my app store email address on my Ipad 1 is incorrect. How do i change it?
    i would like to use the same email address i use on my I Phone and I Mac
    Please help as i find this situation most frustrating.
    many thanks

    Do you perhaps have more than one Apple ID?  If your response is "No," are you absolutely positive?

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    When I tried to create and apple id using my gmail account i found that somebody has already created an apple id using my gmail id. So I gave forgot password option and reset the password of the id. But for resetting the security questions, link is going to some other email id which is created by the other guy. Now the problem is that the other guy also can reset my password and access my account.
    I contacted apple customer care and they are not ready to help me saying that I need to give information about the last device I logged in using this id. How can I give it when I did not create it?:) Also they are saying this account has been verified and that could happen only if someone has hacked my gmail account and verified the id using the link sent by apple.
    Later I did some experiments and found that this is a security flaw from apple. Somebody has created the id and never used it(I tried to loggin to icloud and it was saying this account was not used it any apple device). The account became verified when I reset the password.(This is a bug, account should be verified only when we click on the verification link sent by apple).
    The other mistake apple did is that they allotted my gmail account to someone before it's verified eventhough it cannot be used unless verified. Actually apple should allot the account id only after verifying the email address.
    Apple customer care is not ready to help and I am tired of fighting with them. Can any of you guys suggest any means of getting back my gmail id to use it as apple id?

    I don't think you're going to be able to. I would guess the other person used your address by accident, and when he found he couldn't access the account (because you'd changed the password) he abandoned it. Your GMail address is now locked to that account and even if it was changed you can't use it to create another.
    You already have an Apple ID, which you use to log in here; you can use that to create an iCloud account if that's what you are trying to do. If you want to create a different Apple ID just get another free address such as a Yahoo one.

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    ipv6 address 2001:470:...../64
    ipv6 address 2605:A000:..../64
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    S   ::/0 [1/0]
         via FE80::....., Vlan1
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    Can I change this behavior?

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    I need something that will verify alphanumeric charectors (no ",'.:#@&*^ etc.) any ideas?
    Current code:
    if email not like '_%@_%.__%' or email like '%@%@%' or email like '% %' or email like '%"%' or email like '%''%' or email like '%
    %' then
    The last line is to make sure there are no linebreaks in the middle of the email address, is there a better way to signify a line break, like \n or an ascii equivilent?

    The as noted in the previous post, DBI is a Perl package that allows Perl to talk to various databases, including Oracle. We use DBI on several UNIX servers, and it does not require ODBC, and I have always found it to be extremely quick. Things may be different in the Windows world.
    If you are spooling files out to run through Perl anyway, you may want to take a look at DBI. You could probably modify your existing scripts to use DBI fairly easily. The basic structure using DBI is like:
    use DBI;
    my dbh;       # A database handle
    my sth;       # A statment handle
    my sqlstr;    # SQL statement
    my db_vars;   # Variables for your db columns
    # Connect to the database
    $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:service_name","user/password");
    $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE id = ?' # even takes bind variables
    #Prepare statement
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstr);
    $sth->execute(12345);  # Execute with values for bind if desired
    # Walk the "cursor"
    while (($db_vars) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
       your processing here

  • Confused about wheather to use session or some other technology

    i have two jsp pages one is index.jsp and other one is display.jsp,from index.jsp i am passing a string value and collecting it in display.jsp ,after collecting it i am making use of that value in a sql query to display the result from the data base,and i am getting one line (row) of display ,when i repeat the process again that row is over written which i do not want , what i want is as long as i keep sending strings from index.jsp tp disply.jsp the number of rows should be added (as a display in display.jsp)
    and i wanted to do that in jsp environment only as i am not aware of struts and some other technology.some sample code of display.jsp is as follows
    String INDENT_NUMBER = request.getParameter("indent_number");
    query1="select some data from some tables where a.INDENT_NUMBER = '"+INDENT_NUMBER+"'";
    get some values here to display
    String item_name =rs1.getString("item_name");
    String INDENT_QUANTITY=rs1.getString("INDENT_QUANTITY");
    here i want to display row wise data
    and now close the while loop
    please get me the idea if possible with sample code,i'll be greatfull to u,

    I would add the String you get from the DB to an ArrayList, and store that ArrayList in the session. Then, at time of display, just iterate over the List. I would also look into putting the SQL into a JavaBean that does the work. Take as much of that code out of the JSP as possible.

  • My keyboard on macbook pro (laptop) is acting weird. One key is not responding at all. Have verified using Keyboard viewer and some other keys are printing the unresponsive character at random.

    my keyboard on macbook pro (laptop) is acting weird. One key is not responding at all. Have verified using Keyboard viewer and some other keys are printing the unresponsive character at random. "z" is the unresponsive character.
    Is it a damaged keyboard ?
    The laptop is just 2 months old, will Apple replace it with a new one if its indeed a damaged keyboard or just repair, I use it for official purposes so being without a laptop is not much of an option.

    No one here works for Apple, so we don't know what Apple might or might not do.  If it's a genuine defect, they will of course repair it under warranty.  It is not their responsibility if it effects your ability to work or not, so that's on you.
    If, however, they determine that the key is problematic as a result of your misuse of the laptop, then everything is on you.  And trust me, if they find a glob of dried up beer or coffee there, they will charge you.
    Your only choice is to take it in for repair.

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    my macbook wont allow me to use the same hotmail address as i used on my other computers. How can I keep the same email and log into it on a macbook?

    That indicates a hardware failure. Read here:
    If nothing works, you most likely have a hardware failure. Make an appointment at an Apple store to confirm.

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