IP confusion in Convergence

I just completed a single-host installation of CommSuite 7 (on Solaris 10 x86) and I seem to have put myself into a bind (nothing new there!).
I have customers that need access to my server from behind firewalls with immutable configurations (e.g., they'll allow connections on standard ports such as 80, 443, 143, 993, etc., but not on non-standard ports, e.g. 8080, etc.). In an effort to make all of the services that I wanted to expose available to those users, I created a second logical interface on the system and bound to that IP for various services.
Specifically, I have two hostnames for this system, colder.domain.com on the physical interface (e1000g0) and mail.domain.com on the logical interface (e1000g0:8).
I configured the listeners in Glassfish, for both ports 80 & 443, to only listen on colder's IP. For Messaging Server, I used configutil to set service.listenaddr to mail's IP.
At this point, things are mostly working:
1. I can connect via POP, POPS, IMAP, & IMAPS to mail, can login, and can see the messages in my inbox. I can also connect via HTTP & HTTPS to mail and see the "WMAP service active." message.
2. I can connect via HTTPS to all of the webapps on Glassfish (i.e., /da, /im, /rest, /commcli, /imps, /searchui, & /iwc).
3. I can connect to Calendar Server on the default port (3080 - I figured users would only access this through Convergence).
However, there is one problem.
While I can connect to Convergence and login as a provisioned user, upon login I am greeted with the message "The mail service is not available. Please try again later." The following appears in the iwc.log when I log into iwc:
PROXY_MAIL: INFO from com.sun.comms.client.web.services.sun.MailServiceProxy  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2 at 2010-04-12 10:31:08,846 - Performing Sun Mail Authentication
ADDRESS_BOOK: INFO from com.sun.comms.client.ab.coresrv.DBHandler  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-0 at 2010-04-12 10:31:08,854 - Got DBPluginMap
PROXY_MAIL: ERROR from com.sun.comms.client.web.services.sun.MailServiceProxy  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2 at 2010-04-12 10:31:08,863 - cookies not present from MS response
PROXY_MAIL: INFO from com.sun.comms.client.web.services.sun.MailServiceProxy  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-3 at 2010-04-12 10:31:08,865 - Performing Sun Mail Authentication
PROXY_MAIL: ERROR from com.sun.comms.client.web.services.sun.MailServiceProxy  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-3 at 2010-04-12 10:31:08,880 - cookies not present from MS response
PROXY_CAL: INFO from com.sun.comms.client.web.services.sun.CalendarServiceProxy  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-2 at 2010-04-12 10:31:08,972 - Performing Sun calendar Authentication
PROXY_MAIL: INFO from com.sun.comms.client.web.services.sun.MailServiceProxy  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-3 at 2010-04-12 10:31:09,041 - Performing Sun Mail Authentication
PROXY_MAIL: ERROR from com.sun.comms.client.web.services.sun.MailServiceProxy  Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-443-3 at 2010-04-12 10:31:09,050 - cookies not present from MS responseHere are some of the pertinent iwc configuration properties:
mail.enable = true
mail.enablessl = false
mail.host = mail.domain.com
mail.port = 80
mail.proxyadminid = admin
mail.proxyadminpwd = ***removed***When I first added my test user, his LDAP entry included the attribute value mailHost: colder.domain.com, so my first thought was that it should instead be mailHost: mail.domain.com. I made that change, but then I saw the error message "The mail server unexpectedly closed the connection" in Convergence, and lots of imap log messages that said "get_imap_response: timed out reading from backend server". So I switched the mailHost back to colder.
The http log seems to indicate that indeed, it is trying to connect via IMAP to the wrong server:
[12/Apr/2010:10:42:45 -0500] colder httpd[10365]: General Error: IMAP connection to colder.domain.com:143 failed: Connection refused
[12/Apr/2010:10:42:45 -0500] colder httpd[10365]: General Error: Failed to connect to imap server on colder.domain.com
[12/Apr/2010:10:42:45 -0500] colder httpd[10365]: General Warning: Couldn't login testuser on IMAP server: Mail server unavailable. Administrator, check server log for details.Am I missing something obvious? Any suggestions as to what to check next?

OK, the last tidbit in the latter link had a rather cryptic description of what needed to be done, and I was able to figure it out. So that it is captured for posterity for the next person who googles for "Convert a PKCS12 certificate into JKS format", here's what I did:
1. Used pk12util to export my key & certificate from an existing web server key/certificate database:
# pk12util -o myCert.p12 -n Server-Cert \
-d /opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/config \
-K myPassword -W myPassword2. Used the KeyTool class included with App Server (*not* the keytool utility included with the JRE!) to convert the pkcs12 file into a JKS keystore:
# java -classpath /opt/SUNWappserver/lib/appserv-rt.jar \
com.sun.enterprise.security.KeyTool \
-pkcs12 -pkcsFile myCert.p12 -pkcsKeyStorePass myPassword \
-pkcsKeyPass myPassword \
-jksFile /etc/opt/SUNWiim/default/config/server-keystore.jks \
-jksKeyStorePass myPassword3. Used "keytool -list" to verify that my certificate was indeed now included in my new server-keystore.jks.
4. Imported my CA certificate chain certs into the keystore:
# keytool -importcert -trustcacerts \
-alias 'utnAddTrustAB' \
-file UTNAddTrustServer_CA.crt \
-keystore /etc/opt/SUNWiim/default/config/server-keystore.jks \
-storepass myPassword -storetype JKS
# keytool -importcert -trustcacerts \
-alias 'NetSolCA' \
-file NetworkSolutions_CA.crt \
-keystore /etc/opt/SUNWiim/default/config/server-keystore.jks \
-storepass myPassword -storetype JKS5. Ran "keytool -list" again, and it now shows two "trustedCertEntry" certificates and one "PrivateKeyEntry" certificate (the one from my pkcs12 file).
6. Added these lines to the end of the iim.conf file:
! SSL Configuration
iim_server.sslkeystore = "/etc/opt/SUNWiim/default/config/server-keystore.jks"
iim_server.keystorepasswordfile = "/etc/opt/SUNWiim/default/config/sslpassword.conf"
iim_server.requiressl = "true"
iim_server.trust_all_cert = "false"After performing these steps, I fired up the server, the SMF log file has a line that indicates that SSL has been initialized (using JKS), and I am able to connect my Pidgin IM client to the server with my test user and the "Require SSL/TLS" option enabled, and it works!
Shane, thanks again for your excellent support. It's good to know that even though your paychecks have a different company name on the top, we as your customers continue to receive the same top-notch support we've become accustomed to over the years.
P.S. Feel free to show that last kudo to your boss when you ask him for your next raise. ;-)

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    After patching convergence to 1.0-12.01 the customizations disappeared.
    I checked the client.enablecustomization variable which is correctly set to true.
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    Hi Shane,
    I think we ran convergence 1.05-xx before the upgrade.
    I don't see any buttons for themes because we removed the ability to choose other themes besides ours.
    The c11n directory exists and here is the config.js:
    c11n.config = {
            // allDomain configuration
            allDomain: {
                    module: "allDomain",            // module name
                    themeEnabled: true,             // true if theme is customized
                    i18nEnabled: true,              // true if i18n is customized
                    jsEnabled: true                 // true if js is customized
                    // the last entry must not end with comma
            // replace sample.com for each domain configuration, change
            // domain name example.com to example_com for javascript syntax and url
            example_com: {
                    module: "example_com",  // module name
                    themeEnabled: false,     // true if theme is customized
                    i18nEnabled: false,      // true if i18n is customized
                    jsEnabled: false        // true if js is customized
                    // the last entry must not end with comma
    }Best Regards,

  • Convergence Corporate address book

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    We are currently running Convergence patch 4 and i noticed a small issue the the Address book. In particular the corporate directory,
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    continuation of the aboves debug
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,811- cookie = JSESSIONID=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863; iwc-auth=lang=en-us:token=moU4GZopM7:path=/iwc
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,812- connection = keep-alive
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,814- host = some.domain.com
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,815- multivalued parameters will be seperated with ;
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,817- srcbookid = e11dd4bbfc334;
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,819- destbookid = e11dd4bbfc143;
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,820- entryid = sbm2003;
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,822- token = moU4GZopM7;
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,824- fmt-out = JSON;
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,825- dojo.preventCache = 1232555181019;
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,827- End request
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.coresrv.CorePersonalStore Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,829- searchBookAndCopy: bookEntryID=e11dd4bbfc334, filter=|(entry/@entryID=sbm2003)
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.coresrv.DBHandler Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,830- Entered DBHandler.getDBPluginMapFromURL(ldap://corpdirectory)
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.coresrv.DBHandler Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,845- Evaluating ldap:// if matches with ldap://corpdirectory
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.coresrv.DBHandler Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,862- Evaluating ldap://corpdirectory if matches with ldap://corpdirectory
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.coresrv.DBHandler Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,864- Match found: ldap://corpdirectory
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,867- WABPEngine: null
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,868- *** Start Stack Trace ******
    ADDRESS_BOOK: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.ab.wabp.WABPEngine Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-4 ipaddress=some.ip.address.com sessionid=60c7655bd8b9c09e42eddc1f3863 at 11:24:57,870- ****** End Stack Trace ******

  • Convergence per domain customization problem

    I have enabled customizations in the convergence installation and added the configuration objectclass/attribute to the domain. I copied the configuration sample to my c11n directory. My config.js looks like this:
    c11n.config = {
    // allDomain configuration
    allDomain: {
    module: "allDomain", // module name
    themeEnabled: true, // true if theme is customized
    i18nEnabled: true, // true if i18n is customized
    jsEnabled: true // true if js is customized
    // the last entry must not end with comma
    // replace sample.com for each domain configuration, change
    // domain name uwo_ca to example_com for javascript syntax and url syntax
    jestest_uwo_ca: {
    module: "jestest_uwo_ca", // module name
    themeEnabled: true, // true if theme is customized
    i18nEnabled: true, // true if i18n is customized
    jsEnabled: true // true if js is customized
    // the last entry must not end with comma
    }, // I have tried it without the , and with it
    I then copied the default allDomain files into the jestest_uwo_ca directories and modified all the paths to reflect the directory structure. When I startup convergence I get to "20% User Theme" and it hangs. Enabling debug logs, the last message is:
    PROTOCOL: DEBUG from com.sun.comms.client.protocol.delegate.agent.ClientOptionsA
    gent Thread httpSSLWorkerThread-80-0 at 2010-05-13 12:16:21,731 - Found domain
    specific client preferences, merging with default client prefs
    The theme worked when I used it in the allDomain but I would rather use the per domain features for all the customizations. There is nothing weird in the ldap directory logs or in the log messages before the "merging with default" messages. Any advice on how to debug?

    I started using the IE and got a javascript error outlined below. I rooted the problem down to using a symbolic link for jestest_uwo_ca. I guess it gets confused with all of the ../../../.. s.
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; (R1 1.6); InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Timestamp: Thu, 13 May 2010 18:08:46 UTC
    Message: Could not load 'c11n.jestest_uwo_ca.js.customize'; last tried '../../../c11n/jestest_uwo_ca/js/customize.js'
    Line: 20
    Char: 5357
    Code: 0
    URI: http://jestest.uwo.ca/iwc_static/js/dojotoolkit/dojo/dojo.js?12.01_213859

  • Sun Convergence for user with disabled calendar service

    I have Communication Suite 7 installed with the "Sun Convergence" web interface.
    I create a test user with a disabled calendar service (service package platinum).
    The user test logged in in Sun Convergence web interface and I'm surprised,
    that the calendar for him is available.
    How can I disable the calendar view in Sun Convergence for user with disabled calendar service?
    Thank you.

    petrahu wrote:
    I'm getting the expected result with a service package for mail and calendar,
    e.g. mercury, and setting the status of calendar service to inactive or disabled.The behaviour you are seeing is both "expected" (i.e. as per the current Convergence design) and "unexpected" (i.e. doesn't make sense from a DA service provisioning perspective). It is a real "can-o-worms".
    The problem stems back to the "local.autoprovision" functionality provided at the Calendar Server end (enabled by default):
    "The first time a user logs in, the user's LDAP entry in updated to add calendar service, and a default calendar is created. The user entry must already exist in the LDAP directory. If it does not, an error is returned."
    So even if the calendar service has not been granted at the Delegated Administrator end, the calendar server will "helpfully" add the required objectclasses/attributes when a client (such as Convergence) attempts to login as that user.
    This means Convergence cannot automatically assume a user is not able to access the Calendar service based on the users current objectclass/attribute settings.
    This leads to an existing bug for Convergence:
    Bug#6871400 - "Mail only user is able to access the calendar service"
    I've also created a new Change Request for Calendar Server:
    RFE#6898717 - "local.autoprovision should be disabled by default"
    Please raise this issue with Sun support (log a support request) if you believe the current behaviour is confusing/needs changing (i.e. fix the bug/RFE above).

  • Convergence - default behavior for deleting messages

    How do you set the default behavior for deleting messages in Convergence to move to Trash instead of marking as deleted?

    jessethompson wrote:
    I deleted the nswmExtendedUserPrefs attribute completely on a test account. Then I logged in to Convergence with that account. I went to Options -> Mail -> General and confirmed that "Mark messages as deleted" is selected. I went back and checked the nswmExtendedUserPrefs, and they remain empty.It appears Convergence will not propagate nswmExtendedUserPrefs values if the system folders already exist. So if you log into Convergence for the first time (nswmExtendedUserPrefs unset) but you already have "INBOX" / "Trash" / "Sent" and "Drafts" folders created on the IMAP server (e.g. you had previously accessed the account using an IMAP client which had created the folders) the matching nswmExtendedUserPrefs: values won't get added.
    Specifically, the default behavior of this option is the opposite of ME. Should I open a Sun call to file an RFE to have this default setting changed back to the way it was?I've created a bug for this behaviour as it is inconsistent with UWC/CE behaviour and can lead to confusing default behaviour:
    bug #6862511 - "Convergence doesn't set defaults for nswmExtendedUserPrefs if system folders already exist"
    Raise a support case to get this bug escalated.

  • Apple ID appearing on another iPhone device (Sync confusion)

    iTunes is sporadically requesting access to my partner's Apple ID account when downloading applications and trying to install the other iTunes account applications also when syncing takes place within iTunes. System software/accounts seems confused.
    How can I ensure that both devices remain separate and do not access each other's iTunes accounts or sync over Mac logins? How can I delete mixed applications from separate Apple ID's ensuring it won't replicate the deletion on the primary Apple ID?
    1 x Macbook Pro OS 10.8.2
    iTunes 11.0.1
    App Store 1.2.1
    1 x iPhone 4S OS 6.0.1 (Device A)
    1 x iPhone 4 OS 6.0.1 (Device B)
    Separate Apple ID's
    Separate iCloud accounts
    iTunes accounts
    Both people have our own iTunes accounts linked to their own device. All details are currently correct when checking Apple ID profiles.
    Both people have separate MacBook Pro logins and software is all up to date.
    In the past, over a year ago, both iPhone devices were sync'd via the same iTunes and Macbook log in. (Not a good start I know) Both iPhones always had their own iTunes account for downloading apps and music etc. When I realised I was syncing application data from one iPhone to the other on my Macbook, I created two Macbook log ins. I deleted all applications on Device B that were transferred from Device A and also deleted the applications in Device B's iTunes account. It seemed that both devices finally had seperated, retained their own Apple ID logins, applications and Macbook user logins.
    Device B recently tried to install an application that Device A also had.
    The application installed onto Device B without an issue and there was no confusion with Device A having the same application. The application can be upgraded to provide additional functionality. When Device B requested this within the application to upgrade, the Apple ID of Device A suddenly appeared.
    I checked that Device B was asked to INSTALL the primary basic version of the application rather than OPEN it, just incase the confusion started at this point. It definitely said INSTALL.
    I thought the divorce was done and dusted in the past.
    Why would Device B suddenly point Device A's Apple ID?
    To troubleshoot, I connected Device B to iTunes on the MacBook with Device B's Macbook log in. When iTunes opened within the Apple ID of Device B ALL DEVICE A applications appeared and started to sync these applications to Device B! I am back to mixed accounts.
    How can ITunes suddenly connect the Apple ID's of both accounts and then tell Device B it needs to install Device A's applications? They are separate Apple ID accounts, separate copyright, separate costs.
    I know with iMatch that you can share the library with another device and when this occurs it locks the Apple ID of the primary iTunes account for 90 days on secondary device. We have never done this.
    I'm 'Syncing' trying to work this one out, please help!

    Steve324 wrote:
    s there a solution to get things
    back the way it was before the install?
    Thank you!
    See my previous suggestions

  • HT1414 i am in the process of getting my iphone4 unlocked from att to use it on straighttalk. why do i need to "back up" the iphone and all of this? i dont have an apple computer sooo, im a little confused on why i need to do this. can someone please help

    Can someone please explain and help me? I am unlocking an iphone4 from at&t to use it on the straight talk network. They've confirmed my request to do this and I am now a little confused as to what to do next. They want me to back up the phone using itunes on either a MAC or PC. I do not have an aplle computer but I do have an acer. Sooo, can I use it to do this? Or do I even have to do this to unlock and switch the iphone4 over to a new network? If I do have to what can I do to do this because like I said I do not have a computer by apple? Can anybody walk me through what I need to do next please? I've been waiting to do this for a very long time and I now have the option to have an iphone and use it. Thanks to my awesome boyfriend who Gave me his old iphone when he swapped back to an android. Hahahaha! Please anybody!? Because I sooo don't know what I'm doing and really do not want to mess the phone Or the process up. Thanks to any and all who read this and help me! It is greatly appreciate it!

    Install iTunes on your Acer and you can back up the iPhone. Or back it up to iCloud. If you do not back it up you can get it unlocked, but you will lose all of your content.
    You can get iTunes from http://www.apple.com/itunes.
    Even after unlocking I'm not sure it will work on Straight Talk, because last time I checked ST used Verizon as its carrier, and an AT&T iPhone 4 is not compatible with Verizon's network. You can probably use it on Net 10 or T-Mobile once it is unlocked.

  • Sun java convergence error - Message no longer exist

    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7.3-11.01 64bit (built Sep 1 2009)
    libimta.so 7.3-11.01 64bit (built 19:44:36, Sep 1 2009)
    Using /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/config/imta.cnf (not compiled)
    SunOS 5.10 Generic_141445-09 i86pc i386 i86pc
    We moved mailboxes from one server to another. After that we have problems with some accounts. Users see their messages in Sun Java Convergence but can't open and read it. Error appears: Message no longer exist. We tried reconstruct command but it didnt helped.
    Thanks in advance

    luk4s1984 wrote:
    Did you also transfer across the mboxlist database? Were both the source/destination Messaging Server instances down when you performed the move?I didn't move mboxlist database and bouth source and destination instances were up.This method of migrating mailboxes is bound to cause problems. Why did you choose to use this method rather then use the rehostuser command?
    Did you change the users mailhost: parameter?I didn't changed mailhost.Do both the source and destination systems have the same hostname?
    What exact reconstruct command(s) did you run?reconstruct -aIf you run "reconstruct -r user/<uid>" for one of the accounts reporting problems, are any errors reported?
    Check the imap and http log files when the error occurs -- do you see any errors?There is no errors in imap and http logs.Interesting. Which emails return "message no longer exists"?
    Newly delivered (unread) emails, emails delivery prior to migration, emails delivered after migration or some combination of all three?

  • Computers on small office network - names getting confused on iChat

    We are using bonjour and iChat on the computers on a small airport network in our office as an instant messaging solution in our office - however, 2 of the computers (which are named differently) keep getting confused and both being called the same name.
    I have done the fix where you go to System Prefs, Users & Groups and then set the address book card to that particular computer owner, restart the computer and then open iChat (using bonjour) - it saves the name but then my colleague becomes the same name as me on iChat - so we do the same thing to her computer (set address book card etc) and it changes her iChat name, but then also seems to override what I had set for mine previously.
    Help!! What can I do to stop these 2 computers seemingly overriding each other? It doesn't happen with the other 4 computers sharing our network...

    In System Preferences > Sharing is the Name the Computer has.
    This does play a part in any Bonjour Connection.
    It is this name that appears in Shares in the Finders's Side bar.
    Separate for that iChat and Messages that have the Bonjour Account Enabled broadcast the details from the My Card in the Address Book.
    Issues can arise with some Server based Logins that create a Global Address book that changes the My Card.
    You get similar difficulties on some DiskImage roll outs of updates and the like if the details of the Address Book are copied as well.
    I am not sure what you mean by the "fix" in System Preferences > Users and Groups to change the My Card or the Computer's Name.
    Yes you can click the Contact Card for that account and it will show you it in the Address Book and it should be th My Card.
    Changing the My Card then does not alter which Card is associated with the Mac User Account.
    There is no access to the Computer's Name
    7:53 PM      Wednesday; August 1, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Unable to capture video from canon xha1s to final cut pro 6.0. so confused

    i purchased a canon xha1s and am simply trying to capture the video onto my macbook pro laptop. i keep getting the error saying my settings are incorrect and am confused as what to put and where. i went to the video/audio settings and put what i believed to be correct (HDV) since my camcorder records in HDV. still that error window pops up when i try to log and capture footage.
    any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi .. I had a very similar problem .. if the above fails it may be worth a look at this too..

  • TS3276 I cannot connect to my outgoing email server on my macBook pro, yet I can, for the same email account on my iPad. Also I can send emails from the other email account I have on my MacBook...really confused can anyone help?

    I cannot connect to my outgoing email server on my macBook pro, yet I can, for the same email account on my iPad. Also I can send emails from the other email account I have on my MacBook...really confused can anyone help?

    Sometimes deleting the account and then re-creating it can solve this issue
    Write down all the information in accounts before doing this
    Highlight the account on the left and click the minus button
    Then click the plus button to add the new account and follow the prompts

  • The method add() in java.awt.Container made me in confuse

    Here is my two java code file:
    package sam.gui;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class MyContainer extends JApplet {
         private MyButton[] myButton = new MyButton[2];
         private static int counter = 0;
         public MyContainer() {
              myButton[0] = new MyButton(5, 5, 200, 30);
              myButton[1] = new MyButton(5, 40, 200, 30);
              for (int i = 0; i < myButton.length; i++) {
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              for (int i = 0; i < myButton.length; i++) {
                   System.out.println("MyButton : " + (i+1));
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              MyContainer container = new MyContainer();
              JFrame f = new JFrame();
              f.setSize(new Dimension(300, 200));
    package sam.gui;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    public class MyButton extends Component {
         private Color m_rectColor = new Color(128, 73, 0);
         public MyButton(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
              setBounds(x, y, width, height);     
         public void draw(Graphics g) {
              Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
              g.fillRect(0, 0,
                        getBounds().width, getBounds().height);
              System.out.println("x = " + getBounds().x);
              System.out.println("y = " + getBounds().y);
              System.out.println("width = " + getBounds().width);
              System.out.println("height = " + getBounds().height);          
    I thinked the runned result should be below:
    MyButton : 1
    x = 5
    y = 5
    width = 200
    height = 30
    MyButton : 2
    x = 5
    y = 40
    width = 200
    height = 30But in fact, its result is here:
    MyButton : 1
    x = 5
    y = 5
    width = 200
    height = 30
    MyButton : 2
    x = 0
    y = 0
    width = 292
    height = 173I don't know why the result would like this? I have used add(...) method to add two component MyButton to the container MyContainer, But the bounds of the second component is not I want.
    So this problem made me go into confuse.

    You need to learn how layout managers work. The default layout manager of a JApplet and JFrame is BorderLayout .

  • Confused about Open Cursors :(

    Hi all,
    i need some clarification on this issue, i've read throught the documentation and i'm a bit confused.
    I'm using
    select sum(value)
    from v$statname sn,
    v$sesstat st,
    v$session s
    where sn.statistic# = st.statistic#
    and st.sid = s.sid
    and sn.name = 'session cursor cache count'
    The result of the above query is 4926, meaning i have 4926 CLOSED cursors in the session cursor cache.
    select count(1)
    from v$open_cursor
    The result of the above query is 16968, meaning i have 16968 cached cursors
    So there are two distinct cursor Caches ?
    now lets look at other statistic
    select sum(value)
    from v$statname sn,
    v$sesstat st,
    v$session s
    where sn.statistic# = st.statistic#
    and st.sid = s.sid
    and sn.name = 'opened cursors current'
    this one gives me 12212 , so i have 12212 opened cursors (NOT CACHED , REALLY OPENED CURSORS ...is this correct???)
    I suspect that my applications are not closing resultsets (java build application, deployed in oracle application server, database connections in pooled connection) ... so i'm trying to help my developers to find the potencial bug in application.
    How can i get the SQL from OPEN cursors ???
    V$open_cursor gives me SQL from CLOSED cached cursors ...
    Best Regards
    Rui Madaleno

    >>this one gives me 12212 , so i have 12212 opened cursors (NOT CACHED , REALLY OPENED CURSORS ...is this correct???)
    For your instance, yes because you use the sum(value) aggregate function. But I think that the best is get this value per session.
    select count(1) from v$open_cursor
    v$open_cursor shows cached cursors, not currently open cursors, by session. If you're wondering how many cursors a session has open, don't look in v$open_cursor. It shows the cursors in the session cursor cache for each session, not cursors that are actually open. To monitor open cursors, query v$sesstat where name='opened cursors current'. This will give the number of currently opened cursors, by session:
    select a.value, s.username, s.sid, s.serial#
    from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session s
    where a.statistic# = b.statistic#  and s.sid=a.sid
    and b.name = 'opened cursors current';
    >>I suspect that my applications are not closing resultsets (java build application, deployed in oracle application server, database connections in pooled connection)
    In this case, you need to monitor you application. If want, you can use the OEM Database Console and go to [Top Sessions | Session Details] link, or to use this SQL above.
    By the way, do you are getting ORA-1000 errors ?
    If so, set the OPEN_CURSORS parameter high enough that you never get an ORA-1000 during normal operations.

  • Table numbering confusion and how to link to tables in a book/document?

    More questions :-(
    Table numbering confusion...
    I'm porting over (from MS Word) a document that has a bunch of tables in it.
    The document currently looks something like this:
    1 Major heading
    1.1 Sub heading
    text for that sub heading that refers to a table that follows (or may preceed) such as see Table 1-1 that follows
    Table 1-1
    Row 1/Column 1 content   Column 2 content   Column 3 content
    Row 2/Column 1 content   etc....            etc.
    Row 3                    etc.               etc.
    1.2 Next sub heading
    Text to follow that sub head that references Table 1-2 below...
    Table 1-2
    Row 1/Column 1 content   Column 2 content   Column 3 content
    Row 2/Column 1 content   etc....            etc.
    Row 3                    etc.               etc.
    2 Major heading
    2.1 Next sub heading
    Text to follow that sub head that references Table 2-1 below...
    Table 2-1
    Row 1/Column 1 content   Column 2 content   Column 3 content
    Row 2/Column 1 content   etc....            etc.
    Row 3                    etc.               etc.
    3 Major heading
    3.1 Next sub heading
    Hopefully that makes sense.
    Currently it seems that the tables are numbered based on the chapter number with the chapter apparently being set at 2.
    I need the tables to instead use numbering based on the heading (Titles) numbers, but can't seem to figure out how to get the numbers set for the tables as I would want them to be.
    What do I need to do to make the table numbers reset based on the paragraph numbers (subchapters if you would refer to them that way...)
    Thanks again!

    What is the paragraph format of "Table 2-1" lines?
    Table numbering is commonly controlled by two things:
    1. Format > Paragraph > Paragraph Designer
    [table title para name]
    [ Numbering]
    2. Format > Document > Numbering
    The default in Frame is that tables have titles of para fmt "TableTitle", but tables can switch that off, and also be anchored to paragraphs (often Headings) of any arbitrary format name and numbering scheme.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • GPS coordinates in CS6

    I recently purchased CS6 and am having difficulty importing (or finding) the GPS data for my images.  I'm using Nikon D5100 and D5200 cameras to take pictures, with attached GP-1 GSP system.  I'm shooting in RAW and converting the images as I import

  • Error when backing up HFM File

    When making a copy of the HFM application every week we get an error message saying the journal tables can not be copied. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?