IPhone 4 changes the key/pitch/tone of every song? Broken tone in iTunes on iPhone, fine on computer?

Hey everyone,
I am very frustrated right now. Out of NOWHERE, my iPhone 4 has been changing the pitch of every single song that I put in my iTunes library on my iPhone 4. When I play it from the iPhone through my PC, it sounds normal. HOWEVER, as soon as I play it through the iPhone, speakers or headphones, the song sounds completely different, like its underwater and being sung by a gospel singer. I have no idea how to fix it and it's driving me crazy.
Thank you

Have you read the User Guide and taken the recommended troubleshooting steps?  What exactly HAVE you done to troubleshoot your problem?

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    Even if that is true (and I am almost 100% positive that it is not true), you're talking about getting a warrant and going through a lot of legal channels, plus you'd have to show probable cause that information on the device would be helpful in solving a case, and even then, only the information relevant to the case would be available.
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    Jamiesroom wrote:
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    Here is the step-by-step instruction:
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    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

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