IPhone 4 i0S 5 phonebook excange server problem

Hi there,
I have litter problem,
Inside phonebook on top left corner you can see that we have litter icon or settings called "group"
when i click on that group,it will ofer me all iphone contacts and my exchange server contact from my company "global list"
Now on,i0S5 i dont have that feature,in stead of that i have cloud (backup).is there a way to get back that feature with globar adress phonebook?because in my company there is lot of employes,and 3000 names in my pohonebook i dont need,but if i gona need some name ,before i could find it on Global adress,and now i cant..Anyone have some idea,pls..?

I have a similar problem. The download merged all contacts and calendar reminders for all phones in our house. I wonder why no one is concerned about this....

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    Hi Natalie,
    I was able to workaround this issue by clicking the "Skip" option on the first screen.  Afterwards, I went back and manually entered my me.com Apple ID in Settings | iCloud and my iTunes Apple ID in Settings | Store.  Doing it this way doesn't ask you to enter your birthday and I haven't yet found where that is supposed to be set.  However, everything appears to be working correctly without it.  Hope this helps!

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    What type of computer?
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    The following previous discussion may also help: Re: sync server failed to sync the iphone

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    Lynx wrote:
    Interesting - we have exactly the same problem. Haven't been able to download for days. This has happened with two different computers with different anti-virus systems - so one assumes it's not suddenly that. I can access my e-mail online and reply (having to bcc myself, so when it does eventually work I have copies on my outlook express. It was working perfectly one night and the next morning just stopped - nothing happened in between.
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    If you find a solution - would really appreciate you posting it on here, so I can fix mine. Will do the same for youi.
    This sort of problem is hard to determine. It could be a few things, including a corruption of the mail account (which can last for a short time or a number of days), it could be a local problem - which you've ruled out by the different computer check, or perhaps a "stuck" email - say one which is spam/virus attached and the online checking systems failing to pass through it, or possibly a stale IP address.
    The latter 2 are easy to check, the first via webmail and see if there is anything near the "top" of the list that may cause a problem, moving to a new folder, and try again. The last can be tried by power cycling the router to get a new IP address. Disconnect the broadband and router for say 15 minutes and then reconnect to try again.
    If there was a major server problem, there would be lots more complaints.

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    Hi Natalie,
    I was able to workaround this issue by clicking the "Skip" option on the first screen.  Afterwards, I went back and manually entered my me.com Apple ID in Settings | iCloud and my iTunes Apple ID in Settings | Store.  Doing it this way doesn't ask you to enter your birthday and I haven't yet found where that is supposed to be set.  However, everything appears to be working correctly without it.  Hope this helps!

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    == Operating system
    Intel Mac OS X 10.6
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    Standard troubleshooting...
    1. Try a Restart by pressing the sleep/lock button until you see the slider.  Slide to power off.  Restart by pressing the sleep/lock button until you see the Apple logo.
    2. Try a Reset by pressing the home and sleep buttons until you see the Apple logo. Takes about 5-15 secs of button holding and you won't lose any data or settings.
    3. Remove apps from Recently Used (multi-tasking) list...
    - From any Home Screen, double tap the home button to bring up the Recents List
    - Swipe up on the app preview card to remove it from the list
    - Press the home button when done.
    4. If still a problem restore with your backup.
    5. If still a problem restore as new, i.e. without your backup. See how it runs with nothing synced to it.
    6. If still a problem, it's likely a hardware issue.

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    I recently put on a PowerPoint presentation at DU, in Denver Colorado; signed on as DU guest to access Internet link.  SInce then I haven't been able to get e-mail on my Iphone - Cannot Get Mail, Server Stopped Responding.  I tried all previous suggestions, such as rebooting phone, updating software etc.  I went to MacBook Pro and tried logging on to yahoo e-mail.  Apparently there was a security risk to my e-mail account so Yahoo locked up my account.  I reset my password, it was verified through text message, and Voila it worked.  Don't forget you also have to change this on your Iphone: go into settings; Mail, Contacts, Calendars; click on your e-mail browser, then account and enter your new password, click done and it will verify on you phone as well.  Hope this helps!!!

  • Iphone in Great Britian discovers Apple tech problem - Signal Strength -

    November 25, 2007
    Signal trouble: British iPhone mystery
    Is O2’s network to blame, or Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone?
    That’s the question posed by more than a few British iPhone owners who purchased the device in the past two weeks and have been struggling ever since to get decent telephone reception on it.
    The problem surfaced two days after the phone went on sale in the U.K. when “Matlock” in Derbyshire started a discussion thread on Apple’s support board entitled “UK 02 (poor signal strength/reception problems)”:
    My iphone can barely pick up even the slightest signal, although on occasion can pick up 3 ars, only for it to drop out again. I have two other 02 phones, a Sony Erricson and a Nokia n95 with no reception problems at all. Is anyone experiencing same problem with their iphone, I would like to hear from you. (link)
    Two weeks later, Matlock’s query has received more than 100 replies (and 3,723 pageviews), most of them registering similar complaints. Some users found that reinstalling the software made a difference. When others returned their phones for new ones, the problem went away (although some reported that the new phones were no better).
    Definitive U.K. sales figures are not available, but O2 reported that it sold “tens of thousands” of iPhones the first weekend it was available.
    Several posters on the Apple discussion board volunteered that unlike the complainants, they were getting great reception on their iPhones. And many owners with signal problems expressed pleasure with how well the device performed its other functions.
    But unlike American iPhone owners, who tend to blame any reception headaches on AT&T’s (T) cellular network, the assumption in the U.K. seems to be that the signal problem is Apple’s. The impression is reinforced by O2, which has been referring callers directly to the manufacturer.
    One clue is that many British iPhone owners can, like Matlock, compare the signal strength on their iPhone with other cellphones using the same network (one user even posted photos showing the phones side by side). Another is that the indicator on the iPhone tends to jump to five bars as soon as it is placed in the charging dock, which suggests that the problem is battery related. As user Richard Catledge points out:
    It says in the manual that phone signal is adjusted to the minimum power when not in use, just enough to detect the incoming pings, then it will power up to get the best quality call. It is digital, so as long as the signal power is strong enough to reconstruct at the other end, more power is pointless. I suspect this is what you are seeing, or a slightly flakey implementation.
    Meanwhile, the consensus on the discussion board is that unhappy owners should let Apple know. Writes one user who posts as ::…SAM…::,
    The only way to get anything done about it is if people that have poor signal problems is to take your phone back and get it replaced. The more phones they get back, the sooner they will do something to fix the problem. Emails and complaints are fine, they can be put in a folder, high handset return numbers cant be so easy to hide under the rug.
    Thanks to InformationWeek’s Alexander Wolfe for the link. See his report here.

    Interesting post. My previous phone was an 02 XDA Exec, a smart phone based upon a common handset (forget which one), but the smart phone before that was the same. They all had one thing in common - poor reception.
    tbh, I think its an inherent problem with smart phones. However, with my iPhone I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary really. Its better than the XDA, at least the iPhone doesn't drop out completely!
    But compare it to a normal handset and the normal handset will normally have a much better reception strength.

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    I have a wireless network at home. I run my iphone and ipad on it with no problems. Just purchased a MacBook Pro, and now my wi-fi keeps disconnecting and i get an error message saying another device is using the same IP address. What does all this mean?

    Hello AKCamus
    To give you some ideas of what to do next, I have provided a few articles that will give some troubleshooting Wi-Fi connections and recommended Wi-Fi settings.
    iOS and OS X: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues in OS X Lion and Mac OS X v10.6
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

  • TS1702 i've an iphone 3.1.3. sometimes, i have problems opening all the apps i downloaded in the past 4 months. other apps would open but the recent ones will begin to boot and then close itself. once, it persisted for over a week. pls help as am frustrat

    i've an iphone 3.1.3. sometimes, i have problems opening all the apps i downloaded in the past 4 months. other apps would open but the recent ones will begin to boot and then close itself. once, it persisted for over a week. it staarted again this evening, pls help as am frustrated. NB- i checked for apps update but all my apps are up-to-date. CT

    Try the usual steps: restart, reset, restore.
    If restoring using a backup doesn't help, try restoring the iPhone to factory settings and try for a while with just the Apple-included apps, to make sure it's not an issue with a third-party app. If it still has problems, it may have a hardware problem and will need to be sent to Apple.

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