IPhone 4 iOS 7.0.4 back to iOS 6.1.3

Reputable company Apple, I very long time used your products. In due time I downloaded updatings for phone and all other gadgets. But after the iOS 7 installation on iPhone 4 to use phone it became simply intolerable! Phone began to work disgustingly. It delivers a maximum of inconveniences. Phone was bought because of the speed of work, now it isn't present. Lack of return on the previous insertion it is impossible! What to do? To throw out? Whether there is an opportunity to make kickback on iOS 6.1.3? I apologize for my English.
Message was edited by: DOR9I

Downgrading is not possible. If you would like help from your fellow users in solving the performance problems with iOS 7, I'd suggest that you post in the iPhone forum. You may wish to post in your native language.

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    YMMV:  You have been warned that some are successful,  others apparently are not.  I approached it very methodically and ended up with a successful downgrade.  I offer this only to those that are stuck, and for work reasons need their phone to work,  don't want to keep trouble shooting and re-installing IOS8.
    I used an official Apple supplied copy of the 7.1.2 ipsw and would not do otherwise.
    Below is best explanation I found.  Keep in mind you cannot restore from an IOS8.0 backup if you are successful going back to 7.1.2.  In other words,  any text messages / photo messages, data,  photo's and videos that you haven't put up onto the icloud need to be saved somewhere if you want access to them after downgrade.  I also hope you have a good backup of your old 7.1.2 IOS prior to your move to 8.0.
    If you don't have an old 7.1.2 pre IOS8  backup stop now.
    Read  CAREFULLY.

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    Contact iTunes to re-enable your account at expresslane.apple.com
    You can reach them by chat or email.

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    How can u downgrade. Apple doesn't allow that. Unless your iPhone 5 is jail broken.  iOS 7 isn't even out yet. There Is no way u can get iOS 7 unless it was beta. And if so beta is having some issues.

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    You might want to check out these two threads:
    This topic has been discussed ad nauseum, they might give you some ideas on how to deal with the changes.  Be sure to leave Apple your feedback on the matter: http://www.apple.com/feedback/
    Good luck!

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    The face detection used in the camera jut isnt for me.
    Try a different camera app.  Camera Plus is a good one and there are many others.

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    i Was considerinf buying a macbook pro, but am reconsidering spending such an amount of money on a company that can screw up such a basic function. I mean you can have your iOS 8 back if this is what it means, I don't want to use your health Kit app.

    You cannot 'roll back' your iOS.  That's never been supported or allowed by Apple (with only one exception).
    Use this article: iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections - Apple
    It's not the iOS.  It may be a setting on your iPhone or the wi-fi network, or a hardware issue.  But it's not the iOS.  If it was, then everyone's iPhone 5S using the same iOS would not be working, and that's not the case.
    Troubleshoot your issue.

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    Mani Dinesh wrote:
    Can somebody help me install IOS 6.1.3 back to my iPhone 4.
    Downgrading is not supported by Apple.
    Mani Dinesh wrote:
    ...every app gives a break for 4-5 seconds to open up. ...
    See this discussion...

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    Just restore the iPhone as new
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings

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    Downgrading the iOS is not supported at all.

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    And that's exactly the problem, because everyone should have their own account for iCloud. You can share an Apple ID for iTunes & App Store purchases, but you shouldn't do that for iCloud (Mail, Calendar, Contacts etc. ... ...and Photos). The problem of using the same account together could mean that only your dad's photos were stored.

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    Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I have tried as you suggested, and when opening the "purchased" apps some have the icloud logo next to them, but I only have "OPEN" against "Find My iPhone". When opening it up, it goes through the same routine; needs to be updated before proceeding, and wouldn't update because I don't have IOS8.
    Anything else I could try, or am I doomed!
    All of your help is much appreciated, thanks

  • Iphone 4 go back to ios 4 downgrade from 5

    Dear All,
    Of course I have first searched the forum and yes, I know that I have made a terrible mistake by upgrading my iPhone 4 from ios version 4 to ios version 5.
    And I know that there is no legal way to downgrade . (Nevertheless, please confirm, that this is correct, for example can I order some service from Apple?). I am not jlbrking my phone. I like it this way. I do not need SSH.
    First of all, I think that iPhone is the greatest smartphone ever. I have tried HTC with Windows Mobile, Samsung with Android. APs are all the same, but iPhone as hardware, design, display etc. is the best.
    But after upgrading to ios version 5 I feel a bit like a beta tester. I have many software issues which I didn't have in ios version 4. Maybe ios 5 works better on the iPhone 4S? Maybe the iPhone 4 is not powerful enough? Whatever... JUST PROVIDE A WAY FOR ME TO GO BACK TO VERSION 4 (please)!!!
    Example issues:
    1) Search does not always work. Needs restart.
    2) I am starting missing calls, as if the phone was switched off
    3) It is slower overall
    So, after upgrading to ios version 5, i started restarting my phone once in two days. When I was with ios version 4 I restared it only 1 or 2 times for 4 months.
    Last one - the best of the iPhone is the stability. When I was with ios version 4 I knew I can count on it. It never let me down. Now I am not that sure that I can count on the upgraded one (starts to smell like Windows Mobile....)

    Not sure why you're asking to go back to iOS 4 when you know that is not supported by Apple.
    But anyway, I have an iPhone 4 and iOS 5.01 works great, so your issues are very likely a bad installation and/or corrupt backup file. You said you "re-started" your iPhone, which could mean a simple power OFF/ON, or maybe you meant reset.  But what you haven't mentioned is if you've tried restoring your iPhone, which will likely cure your ills.  Try these until one of them works:
    1- Connect to iTunes, right click on iPhone, select "Restore from backup", which simply re-loads your backup without erasing anything.
    2- If that doesn't fix it, do a Restore and then load your backup at the end.  This erases your iPhone but since you re-load your backup you won't have to re-do all your settings and preferences.
    3- Last resort, do a Restore and set it up as a new device.  If your backup is corrupted then this may be the only way to fix the problems. You'll have to invest some time to re-do all your settings, but it's not all that bad.

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    I updated my iPhone 3GS to the new IOS 6 and i backed it up before i done anything. and it starts to restore from back up but it gets 3/4 way done and the green bar stops moving and the time remaining goes up instead of down. what do i do to restore from my back up?

    I Just found it on the apple site, it arrived on a cd a few days later and worked just fine again.
    i would recommend backing everything up just in case. Better safe than sorry, trust me. I've lost so much when i didnt back up once when re-installing the system.
    IT shoulldnt erase everything, bt it might, so back up just in case
    should you loose everything, then i have some tips on moving stuff fromyour iphone/ipod to the computer

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    Exact same question as ankit1986, specifically with the photos while on cellular-only, and as simple as it sounds, I tried the hard reboot Ingo2711 suggested.  Still experiencing the same error with the native apps reverting to on.  It's killing our shared data-plan (2GB).

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