IPhone 6 scrolling stutters !!!!

I Have been using iphone 5s for quite a long time.
just bought iPhone 6 64gb and ftom the same day. I can clearly notice the most irritating SCROLLING STUTTER problem. Which is the most annoying thing ever in any smartphone. My iPhone 5s works way better and smooth as compared to iPhone 6.
I request apple to please do something about it.
Apart from scrolling.
1. Control center doesnt respond sometimes
2. Touch becomes unresponsive, when i showed it to apple care they said its a minor thing and we dont consider it as a problem.
I Hope you guys do something about it. The worst of all is SCROLLING STUTTE PROBLEM.
just do something about it.

Hello - I have the same problem but it appears to have only started after I downloaded and installed iOS 8.1.3. 
The other thing mine will do once the scroll starts stuttering is that it unintentionally clicks on random buttons or other parts of the touch screen when I'm not even touching it there.  As a result, mine is much more significant than just a scrolling stutter.  It's actually made me send emails before I was ready to do so because the Send button was mysteriously tapped without my touching it. 
Anyone with any knowledge of this issue?  Might it just be a bug that they can fix or is there a hardware problem with my phone itself? 

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    Hi Attiq 123,
    Thanks for the question. It sounds like you are experiencing issues with your network connection, specifically when connecting to Apple services like iCloud and the iTunes Store. The following resource provides some troubleshooting steps that you can try:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support
    You may also need to test to see if the specific ports on your Wi-Fi network are accessible:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting - Apple Support
    Make sure the issue is with the iTunes Store only. (You need an Internet connection to access the iTunes Store).
    Open a secure website to test if you are online as is necessary for the iTunes Store. This also tests if the main ports 80 and 443 are accessible. If the website works but the iTunes Store does not, it is most likely a firewall blocking the iTunes software or servers. If this is the case, follow the steps in the "Blocked by software firewall" section below.
    - Matt M.

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    Message was edited by: puzoo

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    If a clean install without using the latest backup afterwards does not work, you'll have to get it checked by Apple or an Authorized Appel Service Provider:
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support
    iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support

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    Try to contact or email your provider. they could refer you a software or codes.

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    To answer your first question, I use the iPhoneScroll class by Shine Draw. Its not 100% identical to the actual iPhone scroller but comes pretty damn close and works quite nicely on the iPhone4.
    To achieve what you described in your second question, you would have to edit the class for this, it does not support interactive content.
    Hope this helps.

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    1. Connect Iphone to computer. Note that I do not automatically sync my Itunes or iphone but manual only; others may differ.
    2. At the top of the Summary page, select the Music tab which opens the music page, at the top of which is a box that you check called Sync Music. (That 'sync music' is just a setting, not the 'sync' button at the bottom that actually syncs.)
    I make sure that under that the 'selected playlists artists albums and genres' is selected, then below that is checked the 'include voice memos'...
    3. Under that you should see a list of categories playlists, artists, etc. You can check the box 'Voice Memo' under Playlists, but don't know if this is crucial. There is another Voice Memos box under 'Genre' which you can click but also don't know if it's crucial.
    4. Most importantly, go to the Artists list, scroll down and find the name you use for your Iphone. THAT'S the box that seems most important. Then with all those boxes checked the computer may request you to hit the 'apply' button at bottom right for those changes, then click the Synch button on the bottom right of the page and all voice memos go from iphone to iTunes.
    To get them out of Itunes for backup go to the left hand column in the Itunes window where it says 'PLAYLISTS' (not the playlists on the music page, but the heading in the left hand column usually below the 'STORE' and 'DEVICES' headings.) This PLAYLISTS heading shows the iTunes folders on your computer, not your iphone, scroll down and through the playlists until you come to 'Voice Memos'. Open that and then you can drag the voice memos onto your desktop like any other itunes file. (If you mistakenly open the Voice Memos folder under the Devices heading, that's your Iphone, and you will not be able to drag those files onto your desktop. Ideally disconnect your iphone before doing this.)
    I would like to know if this works for other than the two MacBook Pros I tried it on; note that this presumes your iphone name will show up in the Artists list; if not that may be another problem.
    < Edited By Host >

    Can someone help me with that?

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