Iphone 7 . Future

I was disappointed with Iphone6. I thought there will be more revolutionary ideas. therefore I offer Apple - my the vision of future phone. All these technologies are already available, they only need to be realized. I enclosed the sketches by hand.

-> http://www.apple.com/feedback/
-> http://www.apple.com/legal/intellectual-property/policies/ideas.html

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  • IPhone O2 future (UK)

    I hope thIs is the the right forum fir this kind of topic, but I'll just play along and see!
    M iPhone contract expires in jan, but I'm thinking of keeping the phone on a rolling contract until next june (when apple always anounces new iPhones!) so I can be up to date! However, iPhone is now going to orange and vodafone and t-mobile in the uk. Will o2 still have the ability to sell the iPhone next June?

    Here's a 'nugget' for today: O2 says that they'll permit UK users to unlock their iPhones once their contract-term has expired when there are other iPhone-networks in the UK, making the issue of subsequent change or moving to another operator much less of an (expensive or troublesome) issue!
    This may not sound too relevant to your specific question but it means in reality that if you're on O2 today then you'll be able to choose freely once your contract-term is reached - after that point, keeping your iPhone on O2 on a Pay-monthly contract up until you decide to switch should be a breeze added to the unlocked iPhone that you'll have to take to your network-of-choice or otherwise sell legitimately on eBay!
    It's good that O2 owner's boss (Matthew Key, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Telefónica Europe) is quoted in the press today as saying so, meaning that they're playing straight!

  • TS1538 Hi technical support Team of  Apple  I am sorry but this time  I am very disappointed with IPhone and  IOS 7.1, actually I have IPhone 5,5S both and I was trying to Restore  my Phone for sell Because I want to by IPhone 64 Gold but unfortunately   

    Hi technical support Team of Apple  I am sorry but this time  I am very disappointed with IPhone and  IOS 7.1, actually I have IPhone 5,5S both and I was trying to Restore  my Phone for sell Because I want to by IPhone 64 Gold but unfortunately    both phone stuck on recovery mode with error 1, and 3
    I got Error 3 on IPhone 5 and error 1 In IPhone 5s , I did lot of try as I can my level best , like Update iTunes, stop all security, change cable even change computer format my laptop and install everything fresh in window   I did try to with Mac of my friend,
    Change Internet connections try with DFU mode, Make DFU file Also with redsnow   everything I did
    Whatever on internet information like go to  cmd and run as administrator  to make change hosts file
    Like ipconfig/flushdns everything  everything  what I can….  but I dint get good results and  good information about this error
    Somebody told me this is hardware problem, I make change my battery and charging connector too.
    I don’t know what to do next.. because  I don’t leave any experiment on my stuck phone..
    Note : one  is big issue that apple support team  is also and giving good answer
    I am in Saudi Arabia so I don’t  have any nearest store of Apple.. even Saudi Is Big Consumer of IPhone
    Its Really Bad its big Loss of Money I can’t afford more , Now will not Buy Any IPhone  in future if I don’t get solution..
    Thank You..

    What the **** is this taht you will not provide any service due to just a bit jailbreak..
    we are not much tecnical person.. and mostly consumer dont have good idea about Jailbreak. make your device  much better secure from hacker and jailbreak please we cant afford much money please give me any solution i ll not do jailbreak again please  

  • My Iphone Will Not Restore, Please Help.

    I fell asleep while facetiming, I woke up and found that my iphone will not turn on, which is odd, since I was charging it. I then took it off my charger and then put it back on. The Iphone 4 then showed the Apple Insignia for about 10 seconds, then became a dark screen, then back to the insignia. It did this repeated flashing for a good ten minutes. I then took it off the charger and the phone stopped flashing and it became totally dead. I tried pressing the home button, and the top button, but there was no effect. I then plugged in my Iphone to the computer and put it into recovery mode. I tried to restore it, but it continually keeps getting an error (21). I tried it on a different computer, will not restore, but got a different error (I believe it was the error (1604)). I tried restoring it multiple times, I updated my Itunes to the latest version, I made sure my connection was well. I tried taking my Iphone off of recovery mode, but it did not work.
    I suspect that my problems are due to the fact that my Iphone will not stay on without being connected to a power source, and that is the reason for all the errors. I tried it on different USB ports and different computers. Please correct me if I am wrong, and please help me figure out what I should do next. I do not mind losing all my contacts, but I do mind if I have to spend money on a new phone, afterall, I barely even had this phone for a year.
    So Please, I am begging. Please help me and tell me why doesn't my phone stay on without being connected? Is it because I fell asleep while facetiming and because neither of us hung up it over-heated and killed the battery? Is there an easy way to fix this since I am technologically-impaired? Is there any hope for me and my Iphone's future?
    Any answer will be very much appreciated.
    Thank You.

    It sounds to me like you either got defective parts or otherwise did not make the repair correctly. We cannot help  with self-repairs here, the iPhone officially not user servicable, but you can ask for advice in the forums on ifixit.com, a site which is dedicated to those attempting their own repairs.

  • Cost of replacing a broken or stolen iPhone?

    I'm planning to buy the iPhone when it comes out on O2 in the UK, but I'm a little unclear about whether the cost of the iPhone itself is subsidised or just a standard purchase.
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    Along a similar line, if Apple were to bring out a better version of the iPhone in future, would existing customers have to wait for their contracts to end before getting the upgrade, or could they simply buy the new phone and continue with their existing iPhone tarriff?
    Message was edited by: bilbo_baggins

    I would presume that the cost of replacement is just the normal cost of the phone - but there is no information to confirm this - that is why I'm a little unclear.
    The reason for wanting to know is so I can decide on whether it's worth considering insurance, cases etc. If it's simply a case of buying another iPhone then fair enough - if it turns out that you cannot buy another iPhone without signing up to an additional contract (and so paying two lots of £35 per month) or paying vastly more than the initial purchase price for a replacement, then I would be far more concerned about protecting my iPhone.
    Really it's a balance between cost of insurance vs risking it, and the bulkiness and inconvenience of using a case vs increased risk of damage.
    Message was edited by: bilbo_baggins

  • A month in Thailand with iPhone

    First of all, I am not a computer geek.... just a stupid user, who could just only use.... I don't really know much technical stuff, however, I would like to share some experience using this phone internationally. I just hope that it would be useful for some user who is thinking or preparing to go abroad with your iPhone (or future iPhone)
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    Trip from US to Thailand is basically 24-hour trip (more or less) including transit time via Japan. I charged my iPhone for a night before using it. Aitplane mode works very well. At that time I haven't had any movies on my iPhone. I listened to ipod from iPhone around 18 hours + half an hour international phone call. So, I guess my battery is OK.
    in Thailand:
    Since the international roaming is so expensive, I use my iPhone as iPod and web serfing only. For some reason, youtube is banned in Thailand at the moment (do not ask me why, it's the different long story), however, you could see on your iPhone via EDGE. youtube is ready to watch within one minute. However, I was charged for $20 for 1GB loading.
    Basically, I turn on airplane mode all the time in Thailand and use it as ipod touch. Map, stock and weather are useless. However, weather mode could find some other weather condition in some other countries such as Singapore or Hong Kong.
    It is worth noting that I have a trouble syncing with my home computer in Thailand and I could not solve it. I am not sure whether it is because I synced in Thailand or not. To me, it should not be the case but I could not find the wayout for this so I just ignore that (if someone knows, please let me know).
    I could not think about any other issues. iPhone is not getting into Asia until 2008. Right now, some other brands are trying to eat up some market share on devices that would have similar features as iPhone. I have tried HTC and LG Prada while I was in Thailand but I have to admit that the interface of iPhone is way better.
    I hope this would help you all in some way as a non hi-tech person.

    I use www.voipdiscount.com
    so I go to this web site via safari, login, put my phone number and long-distant destination number. The web will connect the line for you.
    I don't really know whether other website would do the same thing like this or not but this works for me lately.

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    how can i back up my iphone for future restore..
    anyone help me step by step?

    I've had similar issues and had to use a program to transfer files from my iPhone to my computer, then transfer the content from that program to my itunes account. There may be other ways, but that was my experience.
    Besides what mentioned above, i like to share you a page about [iPhone Transfer Backup Reviews|http://www.softwarebbs.com/wiki/IPhoneTransfer_SoftwareReviews], which included transferring iPhone contents to computer/iTunes.

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    iOS 7.1 update requires approximately 350MB's of storage space.
    Tap Settings > General > About > Available to see free storage space.
    Very important to never allow the free storage space to fall below at the very least 500MB's or your iPhone may not boot.
    You need to free up storage space on your iPhone for future updates as well.
    Help here >  6 Tips to Free Up Tons of Storage Space on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch

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    My iphone 4 has not been updated since I purchased it a year ago. When I go to settings to click software update as per instructions, the software update is not listed. How & where do I go  to update my phone?

    You'll have to use iTunes on your computer to get your iPhone to the latest version of iOS. From there you'll be able to update directly from the iPhone for future releases.

  • Unlocking and Activation of iPhone 4 from Australia .......

    *I am from India and my cousin lives in Australia...who will be visiting India in a few days.*
    *My Australian cousin has purchased iPhone 4 for me from Australia from the store of Vodafone Australia, which he will give to me as and when he comes to India........I am being told that one can officially unlock the said iPhone from Vodafone web site via online credit card payment of AU$ 75 which then I can use with any GSM network here in India, but, I have the following queries :-*
    *1) Can i officially unlock it from India, if i log on to Vodafone site from India and pay Vodafone unlocking charges online through my Indian Credit Card ?*
    *2) If i officially unlock it through above method, whether there would be any problems in updating my iPhone for future apple iOS updates from India ?*
    *3) After officially unlocking it, can i activate it through Indian iTunes store or it can be activated only through Australian iTunes store ?*
    *Waiting for replies.*

    1) Can i officially unlock it from India, if i log on to Vodafone site from India and pay Vodafone unlocking charges online through my Indian Credit Card ?
    You should be able to, but this is a good question for Vodafone in Australia. Why can't your cousin pay this fee for you up front when purchasing the iPhone so the iPhone is already unlocked at the time of purchase?
    Support and warranty coverage for the iPhone will be honored in Australia only.
    Once officially unlocked, there shouldn't be any problems installing a firmware update in regards to the official unlocking, but support and warranty coverage will be honored in Australia only if there is a problem.
    You can only use the iTunes store in the country where you have an iTunes account.

  • How to properly back up the iPhone (I clearly did it wrong)

    I backed up my iPhone, named it and then restored it to the factory settings. When I went back and right clicked on the phone to "restore from backup", the backup I had just made was not there. Only a backup from September. Now, I've lost everything since September, that was on my phone. I was wondering what I did wrong and how to properly back up the iPhone for future reference. Does it only save 2 backups? I just am not sure why it didn't save my most recent backup, and rather, saved one from September. Sad, I lost a lot of important texts, numbers, notes and pictures. Thanks for any help!

    From iTunes, File > Transfer Purchases

  • Calendar lacks week view

    The Apple ICal program is excellent on Mac and IPad. I was so grateful that I could switch between month, week, day and list views, eliminating my need for any Franklin Covey or Daytimer system.
    On the IPhone (3GS; OS 4), it lacks the "week" at a time view. This is the most productive view of the calendar for business functions. If anything, the list view should have been eliminated.
    Thank you.
    - PSRAP

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    e.g. Iphone says appointment at 3:00 but web iCloud says appointment at 2:00???

    Yes, restarting the phone works; however, at least on the galaxy s3 the automatic time zone is still selecting mountain time instead of Arizona.  So us in Arizona could have this issue again in the fall.

  • Saving Articles from Web

    Is there an IPhone Application or any other mechanism to allow a user to save an article from a web site to the IPhone for future reading, reference, emailing? Similar to printing an article to Adobe? For example, if I see an article on New York Times that I'd like to save and read later, when I am not connected to Safari, is that possible?

    Take a look at Instapaper. Caveat Emptor, I am a happy user. It lets you read most newspaper articles offline. Have had problems capturing things like discussion threads though. For an example of what you can read offline, I saved articles from NYT, WSJ, WP, Salon, Slate.com, Computerworld and my own blog entries.

  • Need advice for wireless iTunes access (have router already)

    I'm having a hard time sifting through all the info to find the best solution. I have a MacBook Pro that I'll soon be upgrading to Lion from Snow Leopard, as well as an iPhone, with a second iPhone soon to enter the family. We also plan to get an iPad. We actually have an older iMac that we won't be upgrading, so we're going to move our iTunes library from the iMac over to the MacBook (basically turning the MacBook into our primary computer). We want to be able to play iTunes without having to keep the MacBook plugged into wired speakers. That seems a bit pointless.
    We have a wireless router already (a D-Link), so I don't need AirPort Express to act as a router. (We have a 1 bedroom condo, really no reason to extend the network or anything like that.) We have a printer that works wirelessly with the MacBook already. All I'm really trying to figure out is the best way to set it up so that we can have iTunes on the MacBook, playing over speakers (either the ones we currently have our iMac plugged into, or our stereo speakers that we have our TV setup with). Ideally if we could do the same from the iPhone and (future) iPad, that would be great, too.
    Does it make any sense for us to get an AirPort Express to do this, or would it just be more straightforward to get wireless speakers that can work over Bluetooth (like the Creative D200 ones in the Apple store)? I feel like the AirPort has the potential to be overkill for our usage, especially since I can't seem to figure out if you can use AirTunes with an iPad, and we don't need it for the wireless printing functions.
    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Thanks Leo! Yeah, I was confused about the 2500 series too because they push the Flex 7500 so much as the "real" solution.
    Now that I'm looking in the right spot, it looks like NCS Prime Infrastructure is for the serious folks and we could probably get away without it, right? So that would leave the access points, the controller, and the basic network stuff.

  • Hi, so the world has not ended but most of my contacts still don't synch to iCloud! Why?!

    I want to activate my new iPhone 5, but am trying to backup iPhone contacts beforehand. Activated iCloud but only a few (of my many) contacts synch to it. Any ideas why? I have now saved contacts using 'My Contacts Backup App' (after reading that tip here!) into my Gmail contacts. Hope I can import them to new phone with this App or via Gmail... Has anyone else already done that? Also, I would still like to synch all contacts via iCloud on the new iPhone in future. Any tips? (P.S. Don't have a Mac) Would appreciate any tips. Thanks.

    Thank you - I thought that might be the case BUT why doesn't the music play that I have bought from itunes - do you happen to know please.
    All that happens is it just flicks through it all and won't play any of it???
    As in I select the song and it just flicks back one screen (if I am making sense).....
    I am really stuck and cannot work out what's gone wrong that's all.
    Considering a reset of my new iphone and trying again but done that once and it's still the same.

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