IPhone and Bluetooth

Is it possible to use sms messaging with from a bluetooth macbook or iMac? I got the phone to pair with my computer, but when I attempt to try to send an sms message, the sms choice is not highlighted.

Why would enabling BT file transfers make sense?
computer, which is much more powerful than my
never sends photo's over BT.
Send it via email, that's what everyone will be
from now on. BT phone to phone transfers don't
much sense when I can email to anyone regardless
Same for BT sync. Now, why I can't WiFI sync is
another matter. .Mac let's me "sync" over the
internet, iPhone should eventually let me do the
same. Even if it's limited to small amounts of
(e.g not Movies).
But I doubt BT file transfers from iPhone to
is the future; but rather the past.
Yes it makes sense, If I want to give my number to
someone or I don't want to carry a cable. Let me
choose not the company. I also have the N80 and miss
many phone features. The smart side of the phone is
Also I would like to use my Mac to dial out and write sms. Also would like to use my phone as a modem. And it would be nice to use a BT enabled printer to print the documents we can now read.

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    Short Version:
    I am having connectivity issues connecting my new MacBook Pro (MBP) to the Internet thru a Bluetooth PAN on my iPhone4. This has been working fine for a few days and then today it just stopped working responding that my iphone connection is not available, it's off, too far away or whatever. This is not the case. When I try to connect the iPhone to the MBP the iPhone is saying my MBP is not supported. I can pair the devices, but as soon as I try to connect to the Internet thru the iPhone via the MBP the connection fails.
    Long Version:
    I received a shiny new MacBook Pro only a few days ago and I am having Bluetooth Paired networking issues as of today, 2nd, March, 2011. The MacBook Pro is running Snow Leopard 10.6.4, and is brand spanking new, unmodified, factory defaults.
    The iPhone(s) I am using are iPhone 4's with iOS 4.1
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    The iPhones are set up in iTunes with names similar to dave1 and dave2
    On the MBP I can select which device I want to connect to the Internet by going to the Bluetooth icon and connecting to whichever iPhone I have handy at the time. Since the plans are limited connectivity, I do load share between the two.
    Today, for no apparent reason, I have been unable to connect to my wife's phone just getting a basic "The Bluetooth network is unavailable" message telling me the iphone is out of range, not on, etc etc etc. Not true.
    No problem, I just connected to my phone instead. Occasionally I tried her phone again, but it just never worked. I eventually got her to reboot it, still no joy.
    Then, a couple of hours ago, while in the middle of reading my rss feeds, my Bluetooth connection dropped out. My phone is sitting right next to the MBP. So that's not the issue. No amount of reboots of either the MBP or the iPhone have fixed this. I have unpaired and repaired the devices (on both phones) countless times. I have removed the sim card and rebooted, I have disabled and reenabled Bluetooth on both, rebooting before doing this, and after and during, I have reset network settings. Nothing I try is working here.
    Pairing alone is an event, but here's an example of what's happening:
    I go thru the motions, the MBP shows me a number (eg, 451234) and the number is displayed on the iPhone. They see each other. The numbers are the same. Good. I click PAIR on the iPhone and MBP and everything appears good. But then if I go to connect to the iphone on the MBP I get the out of range error.
    I have made both discoverable, and tried to connect to the MBP from the iphone, and got a different error message altogether: Connection Unsuccessful - "{insert my name}'s MacBook Pro" is not supported. W-T-F? It was an hour ago? What has changed?
    Then, the only option on the iPhone is to "Forget Device". ok, forget it, and start again. Same same.
    Neither the iPhones nor the MBP have been upgraded or changed in anyway today, or even recently. In fact, as mentioned earlier, I was actively using the connection without any issues for a number of hours when it just stopped for no apparent reason.
    Not that these matter, but I am in Thailand (live here for the time being), I'm on the TrueMove network, which offers 3G coverage in my area (Patong Beach).
    This could easily have been filed under MacBook Pro, iPhone, OSX and possibly many other discussion headings, because the issue can be any or all of the OS, the MacBook Pro Bluetooth adapter, the iPhone Bluetooth, (iOS for that matter), or some other unforeseen conditions...
    My head is sore from pulling my hair out. I am open to any suggestions (reasonable or otherwise!)
    For further info (not that this post is long enough already, or anything, but), I thought it was interesting that the phones didn't fail at the same time, so I pulled out an old iPhone 3GS and set it up, but after pairing, the two can still not connect.
    I know its not an issue with the data plan on the iPhone since I'm here surfing now without an issue, so it's not a data problem.
    Open to ideas....
    If you've read this far and you're ever in Phuket, give me a call... I'll shout you a beer

    Ok, now I do wish I could edit....
    I forgot to APPLY the network settings for the USB cable to work. Connected thru USB I can tether.
    So, I kept playing, and playing some more...
    I had previously unpaired everything, and gone as far as removing network devices HOWEVER...
    I didn't remove the Ethernet, Firewire or Airport Network devices.
    Now, I have done so. I REMOVED EVERYTHING
    No pairing, no network devices.
    Bluetooth was already turned off, and I rebooted.
    I turned off tethering and rebooted the iphone.
    I turned on bluetooth (on the MBP), I turned on tethering. I browsed for the iphone. It said I was already paired???? Ok, repair AGAIN, and THE IPHONE SHOWED MY BLUETOOTH TETHERING BLUE BAR at the top of the screen!
    I opened a web page, no go... d4mn, I was close...
    Opened network preferences and the created a new bluetooth PAN and voila! Internet back on the MBP. I am about to reinstall the ethernet and airport (I can live without firewire for now) and see what happens.
    Basically, the link I posted two posts ago, I had already done that, but I NEEDED to remove ethernet, firewire and airport as well...
    So MAYBE it's fixed, we'll see for how long. I'm not going to mark this as answered for now, because basically, it has failed for no reason, and I want to know why...
    Hopefully someone can come up with something, but having to delete and reinstall all pairings and network devices (to me) is not really a solution, it's a workaround (at best).

  • Iphone and Bluetooth earpeices.

    Ok, so I've had the iphone since it was released and the only real issue I have with it is the reception for bluetooth earpeices. I've had 3 different ear peices, the first 2 were plantronics, they both worked fine but then eventually got so much static in the ear peice I couldn't hear from them unless I had the phone less then a foot from the earpeice..
    Eventually I thought just the earpeices were peices of garbage so I just bought a new jawbone ear peice today, charged it, paired it and I'm still getting tons of static...
    Can anyone give any insight? I'm lost.
    Thank you!!!
    Message was edited by: Arentele

    David S. wrote:
    Might want to clean up the language a little.
    Is that H7 still available?
    Sorry. Those ** stands for a word that rhymes w. smell and shell. It's the place you go after you die if you've been bad (e.g. posting profanity.) Didn't think it was offensive. Again sorry.
    As for the moto H700 (I checked the model number.) I don't know if it's still around--I've had it for awhile. I've been to two different Circuit City stores and both Verizon kiosks have clearance moto BT headsets for $15. It works good. The newer models have the fold out boom to toggle 0n/0ff. The $15 jobber is a 500 (older still) series... No toggle (bit for fifteen clams it's a steal any which way.)
    The latest Moto BT whichever series they are up to has got to be as good and presumably better.
    I agree w, the post that suggests all BT are subject to interference/static--to a point.
    The phone and the BT headset have a great deal to do w. how that interference is handled.
    I've been in a convertible going 50mph w. the jabra--noise cancel/military grade supposedly--and it worked like a charm--no static clear convo on both ends.
    I've been one foot from the iPhone BT headset and iPhone and turned my head mid call and couldn't believe the static. Also when walking to my car to office--the thing sounded like that place you go when you're bad (rhymes w. smell.) It wasn't windy at all but just the mere walking made it sound like a wind tunnel.
    iPhone thus far has less than stellar BT going for it--from what I've read here, my own experience and people I've spoken to. That being said, I use a BT more than I don't and while I've had better performance w. other phones (the convertible example was a Bb phone)---It still can be made to work--for me anyway.

  • IPhone and Bluetooth Motorola H700

    The Motorola H700 can be paired with the iPhone.
    See step by step instruction posted at:

    I use Motorola H700 with iPhone. Used to use it with Samsung for 1 year. Got the iPhone and it paired right up. Very happy. Heard the "Jawbone" was better. Went and bought one at Best Buy, ($139) had problems pairing it but after 2 days got it to work. It sucked. Noise canceling didn't work and the plastic over the ear felt like someone was squeezing my ear with pliers.
    Stick with the 700. I go to bed at night sometimes and reach up to my ear and the 700's there. I'd been wearing it all day and didn't even know it was there.

  • IPhone and Bluetooth printing

    With the latest iPhone OS(4), is bluetooth printing supported?
    If not directly from the existing apple apps, but using the SDK/development tools to connect and print (even text format output) to a bluetooth printer?
    I have a requirement to develop an app that needs to produce some output to a printer. Will this be possible?

    Thanks for the reply but, Iam not looking to print via the existing apps, like photo/notes etc.., but from my own app.
    If a bluetooth connection is possible to a bluetooth 'device' (e.g. a small BT printer) then I would want to send output to the device.
    This output could be simple text/ASCII using spaces/tabs to align the data.
    In other words, can I connect in a similar fashion to a serial device via BT?

  • Iphone and bluetooth: I can´t answer my phone normally

    Hi there: Hope someone can help with this.
    I have connected perfectly and without problems the use of Bluetooth on my Iphone but since I have done it I can´t answer the phone normally when I don´t have the BT connected. I have to use the speaker.
    Since then I can´t listen to music or see videos without the use od headphones. I have done a general reset to the phone and it still gives the same problem.
    Thanks for taking time so look at this.

    Reset: Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Note: You will not lose any data

  • Iphone and bluetooth with mac

    I'm trying to connect my iphone to my mac via bluetooth, but all I get is a message from my mac saying that it's found the device but the settings on the phone are wrong. I've checked the phone and everything seems fine. The bluetooth works fine in my car, and the initial connection with my mac went well and I introduced the code as indicated, but for some reason although the computer "sees" the phone, it can't seem to connect to it as expected. Can anyone help?

    The iPhone does not have the bluetooth profile to sync to your Mac. The iPhone only has the profiles for headsets and hands free.

  • IPhone and Bluetooth Car question???

    HELP! Can't figure out how to do this...Seems like one product does this and another product does that...So I came here looking for help Maybe I'm asking for too much. LOL
    What I want is a product that I can get Handsfree for in my car (since our state is making it illegal to talk on cellphone without having handsfree, plus I don't want to use a bluetooth ear piece), have the phone call go through my car speakers, keep phone charged and then also use the function of the iPod with my radio controls without having to use the actual iPhone to control what I want to listen to.
    Is that too much to ask for? LOL Is there such a product. I found this...it's close, but no cigar:
    Thanks for your help

    Check out Parrot BT car kits. They have a couple models that should do what you're looking for.

  • IPhone and Bluetooth syncing

    Does anyone know if you can sync the iphone with a macbook through itunes via bluetooth? I can not seem to get it to work?
    Message was edited by: jnl2000

    If you have a look at the Remote Buddy AJAX Remote, it seems to be possible. I've been looking at this to run my Keynote lectures; I can walk around a big hall, unlike with IR remote.
    Link here:
    Let us know how you get on,

  • IPhone and Bluetooth with 3.0

    what devices can you now connect via bluetooth? is it just headsets? what about car kits etc?

    I have a JVC KW-AVX810 head unit with Bluetooth add-on. Before 3.0 the bluetooth worked fine for phone calls. Now since 3.0 update now my audio comes works fine on the head unit. Can play iPod or Pandora or whatever. My biggest complaint is that all the sounds are being sent through bluetooth. So whenever I get in my car it automatically pairs to the JVC unit and if I'm listening to a CD or the Radio and don't have the headunit source set on BT Audio then if I get a text message I won't hear it. Notifications and everything are going over bluetooth. That kinda stinks because unless I disconnect my phone from the JVC Audio part i will not get any notifications for text, mail, etc. because I won't be able to hear them.

  • IPhone and Bluetooth Devices

    I have a request from a couple of different customers to have an iOS device connect to a product that my company has produced for many years. The standard interface to this device is either through a serial port or Bluetooth (it can be either serial over Bluetooth or OBEX over Bluetooth). I have been attempting to contact someone at Apple to discuss this issue. I know that the current iOS does not support RFCOMM or OBEX on its Bluetooth stack (which seems to make this issue much more difficult). Any help is appreciated.

    BT & Accessories -- All Bluetooth accessory developers must go through the Made for iPod program. Once you have an MFI device you can then talk to it via the ExternalAccessory framework.
    You'll have to go through the MFI folks to get this ball rolling. Their contact address is <[email protected]>

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    Looks like it can at least be done with a jailbroken iPhone: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lancephoto/4049204241/

  • IPhone Issues with USB Connection and Bluetooth in GM cars

    I recently purchased a 2009 Chevy Cobalt SS/TC and it has a USB connection for an iPod. Prior to the 2.1 updated the USB connection worked flawless as well did my handsfree/bluetooth. I had the Apple Genius Bar check my iPhone for any issues due to a corrupt update but everything turned up fine. When i connect to my car I receive an error message (iPod Did Not Authenticate. Check iPod Version). Also my bluetooth will sync but when you answer the phone using hands free you get no audio from the iPhone or speakers in the car. I used a friends iPod and everything worked fine but when I connect with a new iPod it displays the same error. I have contacted GM but they said talk to Apple.
    If anyone can help please let me know.

    Hey J,
    Well you got me thinking about your question, and I guess I didn't get it the first time. Again, I own the same car - 09 Chevy Cobalt SS/TC, Black. A lot of fun! I plugged my iPhone into the radio USB connection and get the same error. The GM radio does not support the iPhone. It will not authenticate. The GM radios' firmware is looking for an iPod, not an iPhone. That is expected. As far as the iPhone and it's Bluetooth, again the iPhone's Bluetooth hands free works fine, except I cannot answer the iPhone during an incoming call without first unlocking the iPhone then pressing the mute button on the steering wheel. For what it's worth the iPhone will charge through the USB connection. I'm a little confused on what you are trying to connect. Bottom line, an iPod should always work, an iPhone, not at all. Lastly, I have purchased the GM Personal Audio Link (PAL) and hope to use it with my iPod so I can put the iPod in the glove compartment. Although I have heard a lot of negative comments and issues with it for being slow and sluggish. If so, I'll be sending it back and I'll stay with the USB connection. I'll let you know how that works.

  • IPhone 6 and Bluetooth phone connectivity issues with my vehicle: this is how I fixed it.

    With so many threads on this topic, I wanted to detail the steps I took to fix my iPhone 6 Bluetooth issues regarding connectivity to my vehicle and handsfree calling.  My phone was pairing with my vehicle without a problem and syncing my contacts and call history but when I attempted to make a call (from either the phone or the vehicle screen) the audio went out and I could not hear the call either through the vehicle speakers or on the phone. The call was going through but I was unable to see it on my vehicle screen and/or hear it either the phone or the vehicle screen. 
    Based on my research and what I have learned so far, the people having problems are those who restored their new iPhone 6 from an iCloud backup from a previous phone, rather than setting up their iPhone 6 as a new phone.  I did an iCloud restore from my previous 5s running iOS 8.   
    First, I am a Verizon customer and I enabled Advanced Calling on my line.  After I requested that this feature be added to my line, under “Cellular” settings on my iPhone, I enabled LTE voice & data.
    Next steps:
    1) Unpair/remove iPhone from the vehicle;
    2) Forget/remove the vehicle from the phone Bluetooth settings;
    3) Soft reset the iPhone;
    4) Reset network settings on the iPhone; and
    5) Pair the phone to the vehicle again and attempt to make a call. 
    If that does not work…
    6) Perform a factory reset, erasing EVERYTHING from your phone and set it up as a new iPhone rather than restoring from a backup.  
    Resetting the network settings seems to be working for some people.  It did not work for me.  I tried it a few times with no result.  I did the dreaded factory reset, paired the phone with my vehicle and had all of my Bluetooth functionality back and was able to use the handsfree phone with zero issues.
    I was on the phone yesterday multiple times with Apple, Toyota Entune, Verizon and my Toyota dealer. Verizon blamed Toyota Entune, Toyota Entune blamed Verizon and my Toyota dealer blamed Apple.  Nobody had a clue how to fix this issue or what was causing it. I don’t know the exact reason why the previous iCloud backups are killing the Bluetooth connections, I just know what worked for me and I thought it was worth sharing. 
    Good luck.

    The new 8.0.2 update DID NOT FIX THIS ISSUE AT ALL. After you power off and on with the phone, same issue as the 8.0, all 3 of my cars lost Bluetooth connection and shows no signal at all.  Good job Apple, what a lousy update you guys did.
    2011 Lexus ES350
    2011 Subaru STI
    2012 Mercedes E350.

  • Macbook pro and Iphone 5 bluetooth

    That's just amazing, two of Apple's premiere products - iPhone and Macbook Pro - are not configured to exchange files over Bluetooth.  It worked with a Samsung phone and the same MBP.  Come on Apple, you can't leave out something so basic....fix it!! and by the way,, Apple techical support suck!

    Sorry, you can't do what you want to do. File transfer, by Bluetooth, has never been supported on any iOS device. That's why you're getting the error message you're getting.
    If you want these ringtones on your phone, you need to sync them to your phone.

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