IPhone and Docs To Go help.

Help this is in the correct location, if not please move as needed.
Have an iPhone 3Gs and Docs To Go. How do I save an Excel spread sheet that I opened in my email (through the phone) to my Docs To Go? Thanks for the help.

Ah, good question. You don't. You must retrieve the email using Docs to Go, because Apple doesn't allow apps to access email. On the D2G home page tap on Attachments.
First you must do a 1 time setup of your email account(s) in D2G settings.
I think this feature is only available in the Premium edition of Docs to Go.

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    Hey mauricio,
    Could you please elaborate what exactly is the issue that you are facing.
    Are you able to click on the Acrobat icon?
    Also, tell me if you are trying to open PDFs using Acrobat or in a browser?
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    See Here...
    Device Not Recognised
    And Here
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    iPod appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    Also, Here...
    Unable to Update or Restore

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    This is the iSync forum. iSync is for syncing Contacts & Calendars to non-Apple mobile phones, and doesn't sync anything to iPhone or via MobileMe.
    The MobileMe forums start here:

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