[iphone] Communicating with desktop from my app

I'm investigating ways to communicate from my iPhone application to outer world.
I know obvious ways (IP over either WiFi or GPRS/3G/whatever). But I believe there should be way to contact desktop computer (either Mac or PC) using USB cable. I don't mean transferring files using iTunes but rather communicate my desktop and iPhone programs with each other.
I haven't found any info about it so far.
Does anyone knows?

Oh my
Is there any "official" information about it somewhere?

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    Yes. However, some folks like to use the Combo OS updates directly from Apple's Download site rather than going through Software Update.
    BTW: Have you checked the places where you keep your music CDs if you have any?
    If you are using a computer desk, the insall discs should always be kept in a safe place not to far from your computer or at least in a place where all your other computer stuff is.
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    Yes if you build your app with captive runtime you can put it on a thumb drive and copy anything anywhere you want.
    You cannot get the progress of any given file's copyTo(), it does not support that event.  However if you have lots of files, you could simply count them and average.  The progress bar won't be compeltely accurate, but even on the native OS those progress bars are always wrong.  (like windows knows how long that folder copy is really going to take...)  You could also try to do something tricky like use File.download() from a URLRequest built on file://, but I'm not sure it would work.  If you played around with it, you probalby could.
    If you have enough files, just count the files and make the progress bar be a % of the number of files transferred.
    Also remember to copyToAsync() so that it runs in the background and your progress bar is smooth.
    EDIT: please note that a captive runtime will be windows or mac specific (and wont run at all on linux).  As a result if you need to give your thumb drive to people with both OS's you'll have to bulid your application twice.  Also you'll have to have access to both a windows machine and a mac to do that, since you cannot publish for mac on windows and vice-versa.

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    Hi Rennagade,
    If you are repeatedly prompted to authorize your computer in iTunes, even after you have already done so, you may want to try the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article:
    Apple Support: iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases
    - Brenden

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    I was curious when this popped up as an app that I could not synch because the computer I was using was not authorized.  I had just set up my Iphone and had only installed five app.  After a web search I believe the Aerogram is actually part of the id for the Yahoo Mail app as it was the only app that was not listed of the five installed. On another site I found the following info.
    App Name: Yahoo! Mail
    Bundle ID: com.yahoo.Aerogram
    iTunes ID: 577586159

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    Your speakers are not properly shielded.
    Move them and the phone further apart or place the phone in airplane mode before docking.
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    I tried to delete/reconfigure my Exchange Account, it doesn't change anything.
    Google Mail account configured with Exchange Account.
    Synchronising Mail&Calendar
    Push activated
    (It definitely worked properly before)
    Device: Iphone 4
    Carrier: Orange France
    Country / Language: FR
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    Please run Word in Safe Mode to test if it's 3rd-party add-ins related:
    Press Win + R and type “word.exe /safe” in the blank box, then press Enter.
    If there’s no problem in Safe Mode, disable the suspicious add-ins to verify which add-ins caused this issue.
    We can also refer to the link below, to learn more and check the possible settings that may affect this behavior:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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         2. I would then like to add my 'work' calender from my 'work' pc via Itunes
         3. Then I would also like to add my 'work' contacts
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    Hello there! Welcome to the forums @William61 ,
    I read about the issues you are having with connecting to your "new" network with your Officejet 6500A Plus, and have some suggestions of my own for you!
    You could try restoring the network defaults on the printer, to erase all previous network information and then try the wireless setup wizard again.
    If you want to try that, select Setup, Network, Restore Network Defaults and Yes.
    Restart the printer and run the Wireless Setup Wizard again.
    If that does not work, you can also try installing the printer to your computer as a USB connection, and afterwards, convert the USB connection to wireless through the printer software. Let me know which OS you're running if you need help with this step.
    I hope that helps, have a great day
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say
    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

  • When I synced my iphone 4s with photos from my Blackberry it creatsd 2 albums with the same photos. with 1677 pictures in each, how do i delete one of them?

    It created two libraries "Blackberry" and "Photo Library" and I need to delete one but it will not allow a delete.

    This is how Apple handles photos.
    They are NOT duplicates.
    Just all songs are in your library, and those exact same songs can be accessed from a playlist, all photos synced to your iphone are in Photo Library, you can access those exact same photos (not duplicates) from teh folder/album that you synced.
    If you sync 10 albums, you will have one Photo Library where all the pics reside.  You can access those same photos via the different albums you synced.

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    But i want some way of saving the high scores of everyone on the server.
    Is they anyway to communicate the final score back to the server from the applet?
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    Here is some code that you may find useful. This works for the more flexible serialized object approach. For a query string, you would simply do a post on the servlet with the appropriate URL that includes the query string. However, I have found the following serialized object approach to be more convenient.
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    This function sends an "AppletRequest" object to the servlet and gets the response back from the servlet in the form of a "ServletResponse" object.
    protected static ServletResponse talkToServlet(AppletRequest aReq) {
    ServletResponse sr = new ServletResponse();
    try {
    // Replace the following URL by the URL of your servlet
    servletURL = new URL("http://myservleturl/");
    servletConn = servletURL.openConnection();
    servletConn.setUseCaches (false);
    } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println ("GeneralException: " + ex.getMessage());
    try {
    outputToServlet = new ObjectOutputStream(servletConn.getOutputStream());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("GeneralException1: "+ex.getMessage());
    try {
    inputFrServlet = new ObjectInputStream(servletConn.getInputStream());
    sr = (ServletResponse) inputFrServlet.readObject();
    } catch (EOFException ex) {
    System.out.println("EOFException: "+ex.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("IOException: "+e.getMessage());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    System.out.println("ClassNotFoundException: "+e.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("GeneralException2: "+e.getMessage());

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    Hello JLahens,
    I haven't specifically done this myself, but I did a few Google
    searches and found some MSDN documentation that might be helpful to you
    even though it's ODBC related.
    What is "Thunking" and What Role Does it Play in CVI's 32-bit Environment, or in General?
    MSDN: Using 16-bit Applications with 32-bit Drivers
    Hope that helps, and if anyone else has additional info, please feel free to post.
    Wendy L
    LabWindows/CVI Developer Newsletter - ni.com/cvinews

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    Nothing to do with iOS 5.1 and everything to do with problems in your phone.  Do the basic troubleshooting steps described in the User Guide. 
    Start with resetting the phone (no data loss): Press both the home and power buttons for at least 10 seconds, releasing when the Apple logo appears.

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