IPhone & iPad don't register in iTunes

My iPhone & iPad don't register in iTunes. I'm running Windows 7. I updated to version 10.2.2 and still no luck.  The error message I'm getting says that "This iPhone cannot be used because the required software is not installed.  Run the iTunes installer to remove iTunes, then install the 64-bit version of iTunes".
If I proceed (would welcome advise on how to do this as I'm a newbie and not very technical) with the install... I need to know if I'll lose all my itunes music or folders?  Also, my husband has lost his phone and has just got a new sim card and we need his contacts which were backed up in our iTunes.....
Any help or advise would be appreicated.  I'm in Australia and have done the express lane but need to contact Apple (and pay for a one time call) but the hours don't work because of the time zones.

You won't lose any of your content by uninstalling iTunes.
To uninstall: go to Control Panel, choose Programs, right-click iTunes and choose uninstall; also uninstall Quicktime (which comes with iTunes) and the Apple updater if it's there.
Restart the computer
Go to here to download 64-bit iTunes
Download and install; restart the computer. Hope that works

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    You won't lose any of your content by uninstalling iTunes.
    To uninstall: go to Control Panel, choose Programs, right-click iTunes and choose uninstall; also uninstall Quicktime (which comes with iTunes) and the Apple updater if it's there.
    Restart the computer
    Go to here to download 64-bit iTunes
    Download and install; restart the computer. Hope that works

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    Start here:
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    Thanks for your reply, however, I do have the j2se version tag set and when I have a Java Console window running along with my download the first line in the console window indicates it is using JWS version as 1.6 but the second line in the window indicates it is using JRE version as 1.5...I would like for both of them to be the same. So, I am getting the correct java version but something is happening with the JWS using the version from 1.6. Here's a snippet from my jnlp file:
         <j2se version="1.5"/>
         <jar href="./ShipControlJavaPrototype.jar" main="true" />
                   <jar href="./vecmath.jar"/>
         <jar href="./xith-tk.jar"/>
                   <jar href="./joal.jar"/>
                   <jar href="./log4j.jar"/>
         <jar href="./lwjgl.jar"/>
         <jar href="./vorbis.jar"/>
         <jar href="./xith_utilities.jar"/>
                   <jar href="./swing-layout-1.0.jar"/>
                   <jar href="./sqljdbc.jar"/>
         <nativelib href="joal-win.jar"/>
         <nativelib href="jogl-natives-win32.jar"/>
                   <nativelib href="joystick.jar"/>
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    Hi Lyssa,
    Thank you for the suggestion. I managed to find the iPhone device on the iMac under "shared" rather than "devices". It works great.
    Thanks again,

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    I had that a few weeks ago and had to download apps on PC, it lasted a few days and then stopped happening.  Try touching the waiting app to pause it, press the off button, turn it on again, press the app again and see if it starts loading, but be patient as sometimes it doens't start loading for a while.  I found this worked occasionally.
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    Hello again, LewisPL.
    Thanks for the update. Since those steps have not helped in resolving your issue, the only other option to try is Restoring your Apple TV. The steps to perform that are found in this article:
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Restoring your Apple TV - Apple Support
    If the issue is still peristent, then due to the nature of your issue you may find more information by using another one of Apple's support resources - https://getsupport.apple.com/GetproductgroupList.action to get a more hands-on response.

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    Hi there Amart229,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    -Griff W. 

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    System extension cannot be used
    The system extension “/System/Library/Extensions/IOFireWireMxBt.kext” was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product’s vendor for an update.
    System extension cannot be used
    The system extension “/System/Library/Extensions/MaxtorPowSecDriver.kext” was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product’s vendor for an update.
    I try to uninstall and reinstall and everything is the same.
    There is a bug in this new version of itunes for mac os x
    I am using OS X version 10.8.2 with all the latest updates.

    I downgrade to itunes 10.6.3 and the error still appears.
    I have to download this utility http://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer/download-ie3-mac.php
    And I deleted this file:
    That fix the problem.
    Now my iphone is working without issues on latest version of itunes 10.7

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    I have repaired each of the iTunes elements and restarted both the computer and the iPad several times.
    I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit operating system.
    Processor: Intel (R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz
    iOS 8.0.2 iPad 64GB
    iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iOS 8

  • Lost all my contacts in Mac address book.  Tried syncing my iPhone/iPad contacts to Mac is not working.  Please help

    Lost all my contacts in Mac address book.  Tried syncing my iPhone/iPad contacts to Mac via iTunes and is not working.  Please help

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unless you have the contacts backed up somewhere, you won't be able to restore them.
    You and your son should have your own iCloud accounts then you can keep your own contacts and calendars etc and avoid deleting each others.

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