IPhone/iPhoto frustration!

I am very frustrated with iPhoto and my iPhone. I take an enormous amount of pictures, and I have come to the limit of my 30 GBs! I tried to sync with my iMac, but most of the 3,000 pictures aren't registering in iPhoto. It only imported 129 pictures! iPhoto doesn't "see" anything else there! I can see these pictures in iPhoto under various monthly Photostreams. Are these permanent from within iPhoto? I know "Photostream" is only supposed to hold the pics for 30 days. How can I be sure? If they are permanent, how do I delete the other pictures from my iPhone?

I can see these pictures in iPhoto under various monthly Photostreams. Are these permanent from within iPhoto?
Yes - those are in events and have been imported to iPhoto and have no connection to the PhotoStream
As to your frustration - no wonder - using a program that yu have not learned is always very frustration - I suggest you go throught th etutorials and take a class so you willunderstand iPhoto and no longer be frustrated

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    Howdy AndieKanaras,
    It sounds like your iPhone is being recognized everywhere but in iTunes. I would use the troubleshooting for that issue in the following article, named:
    If you don't see your connected device in iTunes for Mac
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    Unless you have the source files that were on the TC or Windows machine you will have to start over with a new library as follows:
    Start over from scratch with new library
    Start over with a new library and import the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from your original library as follows:
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    2. Open the library package like this.
    Click to view full size
    3. Launch iPhoto and, when asked, select the option to create a new library.
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    Import the photos to iPhoto - then select the photos in iPhoto and export (file menu ==> export) to the desired location

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    To retrieve photos from a corruptrd iPhoto Library on your Mac we need to know the version number and more about the "crash" you experienced, the state of your mac, the system, the data. Please post back with more details.
    -- Léonie

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    Repair your disk permission: http://bit.ly/OeD7U3.
    Run Cleanup tool http://bit.ly/vnukXY
    Download updated driver from Lexmark website www.lexmark.com
    Run firmware update http://bit.ly/AcNqbg
    Reset printing system http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1341

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    You can view the contents of your iPhoto library by option-clicking your library, and selecting "Show Package Contents". The photos that were (in some cases) re-seized for iPhone will be accessible from there.
    That's one way to view the contents of your library. If that way fails, they will probably be in your iPhone backup, whether it was made in iCloud or iTunes.

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    It SHOULD show up in iPhoto if you have photos in your Camera Roll, in addition to opening in iTunes.

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    Has anyone had this problem?

    This is the Mac Mini forum
    Does iTunes see the iPhone?
    If you open iPhoto does it see the iPhone?
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer
    Have you installed any third-party camera or scanner software?

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    Albums are created in iPhoto, but will only show up on your iPhone if you sync them via iTunes.
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    MobileMe Gallery(s) can be viewed on the iPhone by using Safari on the iPhone.
    Albums and a MobileMe Gallery in iPhoto do not sync with each other.
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    Album's cannot have any pictures added to them via the iPhone. Need to use iPhoto.
    MobileMe Gallery(s) can have pictures uploaded to them (via email) from your iPhone.
    Is this just way too complicated or is it just me?
    (Assuming you subscribe to MobileMe)
    1. Why not sync the galleries I create in iPhoto, with the Photos app on the iPhone? Why do I have to use Safari which is often slow (and with AT&T unreliable)
    2. Why aren't albums and MMe galleries able to be synced? That way, after I go through the whole iTunes sync thing, I can have the same pictures on my phone, that others see in my MMe Gallery.
    (Assuming you don't subscribe to MobileMe)
    1. Why can't I add pictures to an Album that is synced to my phone and the next time I sync with iTunes, iPhoto gets updated?
    I don't know, this just seems clunky to me.

    You may leave feedback for Apple at:

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Photostream doesn't include video. Attach your device to your computer with a USB cable and import the video using your photo application (i.e. iPhoto)

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