IPhone IPod feature out of control

I purchased my new iPhone only four days ago, and it worked fine until this morning. Now the iPod feature plays constantly, starts and stops on its own, and skips forward through music on its own. And while this is happening I can't even use the phone part of the iPhone because as soon as it dials it hangs up.
I've tried powering it off and rebooting it. I've tried this a number of times, but to no avail. Has any one else had such problems?
I've had this thing for only four days!
<Edited by Moderator>

Mine starts to play when it feels like it and it pauses and restarts podcasts as I listen to them. I realized also that it starts to play songs when I do Safari searches! Very annoying. And, no, just restoring my iPhone has not solved the problem I've already done that twice.
This is definitely a new bug in 2.1.
Great. Thanks Apple.
Message was edited by: kaseli

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    I do have AppleMobileDeviceService.exe running.
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