IPhone Kalimba sample code

Hi all,
I can't find it from the current Apple iPhone developer page, but there was a
sample code called Kalimba for iPhone SDK (in Beta 4 release, I think). I played
with this sample recently, and the sound does not work anymore when I run the
code in the simulator. I remember it used to work. Was this code deprecated?

Kalimba worked in the earlier versions of the SDK. The routine used to create the sound was eliminated during one of the revisions of the SDK. Kalimba was supposed to be rebuilt using the Interface Builder but never was. Apple never re-released it to work with the later SDKs

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    i m in Great Trouble please help me out..
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    Public Sub HandleEventts_Allowance(ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef EventEnum As SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
                Dim Count As Int32
                If FormUID.Equals("Allowance") Then
                    If (pVal.BeforeAction = True) And (pVal.ItemUID = "1") And (pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK) Then
                        If pVal.Row = 0 Then
                            'BubbleEvent = False
                        End If
                        o_Matrix = SBO_Application1.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("MatAllow").Specific
                        Count = o_Matrix.RowCount()
                        SBO_Application1.MessageBox("Matrix Count is " & o_Matrix.RowCount)
                        Validate(pVal, EventEnum, FormUID, BubbleEvent)
                    End If
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub
        Public Sub Validate(ByRef pval As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef EventEnum As SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes, ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
            Dim Row, ii As Integer
            o_Matrix = SBO_Application1.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("MatAllow").Specific
                For Row = 2 To o_Matrix.RowCount
                    StrName = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("CardCode", Row - 1)).Trim()''' i got Error over there n rest of my code is also not working pls...
                    StrUId = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("U_AlwID", Row - 1)).Trim()
                    StrEnter = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("U_SupEnter", Row - 1)).Trim()
                    StrExist = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("U_SupExist", Row - 1)).Trim()
                    If Row - 1 < DBtable.Rows.Count - 1 Or (Not (StrName.Equals(String.Empty) And StrUId.Equals(String.Empty) And (StrEnter.Equals(String.Empty) Or StrExist.Equals(String.Empty))) And (Row - 1 = DBtable.Rows.Count - 1)) Then
                        If (Not StrName.Equals(String.Empty)) And ((StrUId.Equals(String.Empty) Or StrEnter.Equals(String.Empty)) Or StrExist.Trim.Equals(String.Empty)) Then
                            SBO_Application1.StatusBar.SetText("Invalid values provided!Blank values not vllowed", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error)
                            BubbleEvent = False
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                        For ii = Row To DBtable.Rows.Count - 1
                            If Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("ColName", ii)).Trim().Equals(StrName.Trim()) Then
                                SBO_Application1.StatusBar.SetText("Invalid Allowance ID: Duplication Not Allowed", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error)
                                oForm.Mode = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE
                                BubbleEvent = False
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                        If CDbl(StrName) < 0 Then
                            SBO_Application1.StatusBar.SetText("Invalid values provided!Blank values not vllowed", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error)
                            BubbleEvent = False
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                    End If
                Next Row
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub

    Hello there
    sir i want to Add Update and delete these three basic operation onto the Matrix, Sir u game me a Sample code of Delete a specific Column...
    Sir can u do me a favour pls leave every thing n just told me how to update a matrix ,like i have to fill the matrix field through the DATABASE table now i want to update the DataBase table from the matrix..
    i just only know thta i have to fill back database table with the help of FLUSHTODATABASE()
    here is my Sample Code...n i have to update in the validate portion...
    Public Sub HandleEventts_Allowance(ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef EventEnum As SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
                Dim oCellValue As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
                If FormUID.Equals("Allowance") Then
                    If (pVal.ItemUID = "MatAllow") Then
                        If pVal.Row = 0 Then Exit Sub
                        o_Matrix = SBO_Application1.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("MatAllow").Specific
                        If (pVal.Row > o_Matrix.RowCount) Then Exit Sub
                        oForm = SBO_Application1.Forms.Item(FormUID)
                        If (pVal.ItemUID = "1" Or EventEnum = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK) Then
                            o_Matrix = SBO_Application1.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("MatAllow").Specific
                            If pVal.ColUID = "ColName" And pVal.BeforeAction = True Then
                                If pVal.Row = 0 Then Exit Sub
                                oCellValue = CType(o_Matrix.Columns.Item(pVal.ColUID).Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific(), SAPbouiCOM.EditText)
                                If (oCellValue.Value.Trim().Equals(String.Empty) And o_Matrix.RowCount <> pVal.Row) Then
                                    SBO_Application1.StatusBar.SetText("Invalid Allowance ID: Blank Value Not Allowed", )
                                    oCellValue.Active = True
                                    BubbleEvent = False
                                    Exit Sub
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                Validate(pVal, EventEnum, FormUID, BubbleEvent)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub
    Public Sub Validate(ByRef pval As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef EventEnum As SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes, ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
            Dim str, str1 As String
            Dim checkbox1, Checkbox2 As SAPbouiCOM.CheckBox
            Dim o_Matrix As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix
            Dim Sum As Integer
            Dim oRecordset As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
            Dim Container As Integer
            Dim Count As Int32
            o_Matrix = SBO_Application1.Forms.Item(FormUID).Items.Item("MatAllow").Specific
            oRecordset = o_CompanyObj.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                For Count = 0 To DBtable.Rows.Count - 1
                    CodeFill = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("Name", Count).Trme())
                    NameID = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("ColUID", Count).Trim())
                    Price = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("ColPrice", Count).Trim())
                    Quantity = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("ColQuant", Count).Trim())
                    Total = Convert.ToString(DBtable.GetValue("ColTotal", Count).Trim())
                    checkbox1 = o_Matrix.Columns.Item("ColSEnter").Cells.Item(Count).Specific
                    Checkbox2 = o_Matrix.Columns.Item("ColSExist").Cells.Item(Count).Specific
                    If (checkbox1.Checked = True) And (Checkbox2.Checked = True) Then
                        Dim Sql As String
                        Sql = "Update [@Supplier] Set U_Price=' " & Price & " ',U_ID=" & NameID & "Where Name ='" & CodeFill & " '"
                    End If
                Next Count
                SBO_Application1.MessageBox("Record was Updated")
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub

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    Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time
    unable to open 'C:\Documents and Settings\sn55179\My
    Documents\Flex Builder
    Unknown 1237909480511 215
    Can anyone help me in resolving this issue.
    Many thanks in advance.

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  • Sample code for routine

    Hi all,
    This is what I want to achieve. I have an attribute for an IO, but the values for that has to be decided at the transfer structure level. I want to write a routine in the transfer rules to populate the field.
    I have another field that gets populated from R/3. I need to write a routine which would take this value and see if it falls in the range and have to decide the value and populate.
    I have gl_account coming in, and in the routine I need to take that value of the gl_account and see if it falls in the range of 1 – 5000 or 6700 - 8130 if so assign a + sign and if not assign a – sign to the new field.
    Any sample code would be appreciated and rewarded.

    Global code used by conversion rules
    $$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line  -
    TABLES: ...
    DATA:   ...
    $$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line   -
    $$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line        -
    DATA: l_s_errorlog TYPE rssm_s_errorlog_int.
       Data:  temp1_line LIKE LINE OF temp1.
       temp1_line-sign = 'I'.
       temp1_line-option = 'BT'.
       temp1_line-low = '001'.
       temp1_line-high = '5000'.
       APPEND temp1_line TO temp1
       Data:  temp2_line LIKE LINE OF temp2.
       temp2_line-sign = 'I'.
       temp2_line-option = 'BT'.
       temp2_line-low = '5001'.
       temp2_line-high = '8000'.
       APPEND temp2_line TO temp2
    Data: temp(1) char.
    if TRAN_STRUCTURE-0glaccnt  IN temp1.
       temp3  = '+'.
    elseif TRAN_STRUCTURE-0glaccnt  IN temp2.
      temp 3= '-'.
      RESULT = temp3 .
    returncode <> 0 means skip this record
      RETURNCODE = 0.
    abort <> 0 means skip whole data package !!!
      ABORT = 0.
    $$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line         -

  • Routine sample code for reading 2 fields from existing DSO

    Hi Gurus,
                 I am a monkey when it comes to write ABAP code. I have one DSO-A where we store accounting info of purchading (from DS 2lis_02_acc) and one DSO-B getting data from 2lis_02_scl data source.
    We need to write a rountine to read DSO-A for G/L account and populate DSO-B G/L account field.
    Please provide me the sample code for this.
    Warm Regards,

    Hi anil,
    Create a local table this is type of you source,
    Data : LV_table  TYPE  XXXX
    use the select statement to read the table of DSO .You have to use th active table for the dso that you want to read data from.
    Select xxxfieldxxx FROM  /BIC/A..........50
    into lv_table where
    filed name of of scheule line probably order no and item no .
    <soruce-fields>-IOBELN = IOBELN
    and <source-fields>-IOBELP = IOBELP.
    Checke the techinal name i am not sure about it. It will be something like that.
    Cheers mate

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    i have added couple of z field in a extract structure. now i have to write code in BADI to populate those fields.
    please do not send code for user exit.

    Hi Aviral,
    Please consider below thread :
    Best regards - Christophe

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    If anybody is having sample code to do this then please share with me.

    wow now link http://blogs.oracle.com/smuenchadf/examples/#134 is working.thanks a lot.
    also the link http://baigsorcl.blogspot.com/2010/06/deleting-multi-selected-rows-from-adf.html is very useful. Thanks a lot for Sameh Nassar too.He made it clear that in 11g Select column is not available for a ADF table and provided a solution to get Select column.

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    I want to try out the sample code from [http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920013471.do] for the book SQL Pocket Guide 3rd Ed.
    I have downloaded the oracle vm/appliance for oracle 11g2 and I have started sqlplus as sysdba.
    I'm feeling overwhelmed with these links describing how to create a database:
    (1) What is the command to list the existing databases?
    (2) What is the command to delete an existing database?
    (3) When creating a new database with the create database command, is it necessary to specify the logfile, character set, national character set, datafile, sysaux datafile, undo tablespace, temp table space? Do these have reasonable defaults? I'm not sure what proper directories are to specify for Linux and the examples are for windows.
    Can someone give me a simplified create database command to create a database called 3rdEdPocketGuide? Should I follow the example at [http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Oracle-7-HOWTO-3.html] and instead of orcl use 3rdEdPocketGuide?
    (4) What command do I use to execute the script that comes with the book SQL Pocket Guide 3rd Ed? This is the script that has all the drop table, create table and insert commands in it.
    (5) What command do I use in sqlplus to set the current default database prior to running this script? Perhaps this is the connect command? I don't want my script to create tables in the system database.
    (6) I tried the command "connect 3rdEdPocketGuide" and it prompted for a password! Yikes! What password? Do I need to specify a password when I create a database? I cannot tell if I have successfully created such a database or it is just prompting me for a password to thwart malicious users. Is it is possible to create databases which don't require a password or maybe a zero length password?
    Edited by: user8816970 on Sep 26, 2012 12:01 PM
    Edited by: user8816970 on Sep 26, 2012 12:18 PM

    user8816970 wrote:
    Thanks! I tried changing my profile name to siegfried but I'm not seeing the change...
    Anyway, I'm trying your suggestion to use SQL Developer which was already installed in the virtual box appliance and I cannot figure out how to get a connection.
    When I use the defaults of sid=xe, port=1521, hostname=localhost and specify
    I get status: failure - test failed: listener refursed connection with the following error: ORA 12505, TNS: listener does not current know of sid given.
    So I try sid=orcl and that works better: status: failure - test failed: ORA-01017: invalid username/passowrd; login denied
    OK, sqlplus let me in with out a password, why does not this work?
    So I try checking the box for "OS Authentication" and I get the same error!
    Hoek: I tried searching the documentation and found "3 Exploring Oracle Database with SQL Developer" at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10766/toc.htm but following those directions did not help. Can you be more specific? The directions were for a tutorial and I need to know what the passwords are for the database set up with [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/databaseappdev-vm-161299.html|http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/databaseappdev-vm-161299.html] . I also found [http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10766/tdddg_connecting.htm#CEGHFHIG|http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10766/tdddg_connecting.htm#CEGHFHIG] but that did not help either.
    Do I need to create a user using SQL*Plus first so I can login with "Oracle SQL Developer" so I create my database called? What would be the "create user" command I would execute?
    OK, so I run sqlplus and issue these commands
    create user siegfried identified by abc ;
    grant connect to siegfried ;
    connect siegfried/abc;
    Now, how do I create a database? In Microsoft SQL Server one has to create a database first and if you just start creating tables without creating a database first, the tables will be created in the system database and this is usually undesirable.
    Sometimes a database is known in the java connection string as the catalog. Is there any such analog in oracle SQL plus?
    So now what do I do? I want to create a bunch of tables using my script I downloaded from 3rd Ed SQL Pocket Guide. Does my new user "siegfried" have the right to create tables? I guess I could try but I don't want to create tables in the system database.
    I noticed I can also use "Oracle SQL Developer" to connect with my new "siegfried" account. It seems that I should have been able to connect with sysdba... strange.
    So now I am connected in the "Oracle SQL Developer" and I see no list of databases.
    Thanks! I tried changing my profile name to siegfried but I'm not seeing the change...
    Anyway, I'm trying your suggestion to use SQL Developer which was already installed in the virtual box appliance and I cannot figure out how to get a connection.
    When I use the defaults of sid=xe, port=1521, hostname=localhost and specify
    I get status: failure - test failed: listener refursed connection with the following error: ORA 12505, TNS: listener does not current know of sid given.
    So I try sid=orcl and that works better: status: failure - test failed: ORA-01017: invalid username/passowrd; login denied
    OK, sqlplus let me in with out a password, why does not this work?
    So I try checking the box for "OS Authentication" and I get the same error!
    Hoek: I tried searching the documentation and found "3 Exploring Oracle Database with SQL Developer" at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10766/toc.htm but following those directions did not help. Can you be more specific? The directions were for a tutorial and I need to know what the passwords are for the database set up with [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/databaseappdev-vm-161299.html|http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/databaseappdev-vm-161299.html] . I also found [http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10766/tdddg_connecting.htm#CEGHFHIG|http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e10766/tdddg_connecting.htm#CEGHFHIG] but that did not help either.
    Do I need to create a user using SQL*Plus first so I can login with "Oracle SQL Developer" so I create my database called? What would be the "create user" command I would execute?
    OK, so I run sqlplus and issue these commands
    create user siegfried identified by abc ;
    grant connect to siegfried ;
    connect siegfried/abc;
    above does NOT use SQL*Net to connect to the instance
    Now, how do I create a database? In Microsoft SQL Server one has to create a database first and if you just start creating tables without creating a database first, the tables will be created in the system database and this is usually undesirable.
    Sometimes a database is known in the java connection string as the catalog. Is there any such analog in oracle SQL plus?
    So now what do I do? I want to create a bunch of tables using my script I downloaded from 3rd Ed SQL Pocket Guide. Does my new user "siegfried" have the right to create tables? I guess I could try but I don't want to create tables in the system database.
    I noticed I can also use "Oracle SQL Developer" to connect with my new "siegfried" account. It seems that I should have been able to connect with sysdba... strange.
    So now I am connected in the "Oracle SQL Developer" and I see no list of databases.SQL Developer can only connect to the instance via SQL*Net
    Siegfrieda database in SQL Server is same as schema/user in Oracle

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