Iphone sending old texts instead of the correct one!

For the past two weeks my iphone has been sending old texts to my husband, which is very confusing,  and not actually sending the text I have just tried to send. God only knows where they have gone. Has anyone else had this problem, and how did you fix it? I am with Vodafone AU.

That sounds like there's a problem with the formats.
Select System Prefs > Language & Text > Formats, then click the Customize button in the Dates section.
The "elements" in the top 4 lines must be dragged from the lower section, with the blue buttons:

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    Connect the phone directly to the computer, not a hub.
    Disconnect all other USB devices except keyboard and mouse.
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    You may have to try deleting all the music from your phone (by going to Settings>General>Usage>Music, swipping All Music and tapping Delete), then sync it all back on with iTunes in order to fix this.

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    Hello Todd:
    I had this very same problem when trying to activate iMessage and Facetime on my iPad. When I signed into my account, I actually wasn't even presented with the option of a phone number - notwithstanding the fact that I was contacting others (and being reached by others) by my phone number on my iPhone. Having both the iPad and the iPhone on, I kept trying to turn off and on both iMessage and Facebook in Settings on both my iPad and iPhone, hoping that that they would eventually sync. But this proposed solution by others was unsuccessful for me.
    Then, I found out what the problem was: When my iPhone was activated, it automatically registered my phone number for contact purposes. I was using iMessage on my iPhone for quite some time without actually being signed into my Apple ID account. When another device - such as an iPad or iPod - is being used for iMessage or Facebook, you are prompted to sign into your Apple account, using your username and password. These two devices will not register your phone number as an option for contact unless your iPhone is signed into your Apple account as well. In other words: your phone number will not be synced.
    Go into your "Settings" on your iPhone and click on "Messages". Scroll down and click on "Send & Receive" (which should be followed by your phone number). On the next page, you will be able to determine whether or not your iPhone is using the Apple ID for messaging purposes. (Note: This information applies for Facetime as well.) If it is using your Apple ID for messaging, than at the top, you will see "Apple ID: <your particular e-mail account>" in Blue text. However, if you are not using your Apple ID for messaging, than you will see the words: "Use your Apple ID for message". Even though below this you will see your phone number checked as the contact source, you will want to click the tab that says, "Use your Apple ID for message". Sign into your account (just as you must sign in for iMessage on your other devices), and just choose your phone number as the "Send & Receive" contact. (The option of the e-mail will be there too, but you don't have to check it. And later on, you can delete it as an option.)
    Now that all of your devices are signed in using your Apple ID, the other devices should register your phone number as a choice. It may take a little while, however. What I did was sign out of iMessage on my iPad, and then sign in again. If the option didn't appear, I just went back and signed in again, and kept doing this until the option for the phone number appeared.
    Again, this will work for Facetime as well. The solution is to sync your iPhone account with the other devices by using your Apple ID for messaging (and Facetime) purposes.
    I hope that this works for you, Todd!   ~ Brian

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    This is iMessages, not an SMS/MMS, and this means the same Apple ID is registered for iMessage on each iPhone.
    You or your daughter need to activate your own Apple ID for iMessage and FaceTime. The same Apple ID can continue to be shared for iTunes store downloads - for music and apps.
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    Hmmm, that's strange - just checked again and it is 1066288.
    Note 1066288 - ESS LEA:Workitem XXXX cannot be executed in status COMPLETED
    Perhaps you can't see it because it is a "Pilot Release"?
    Release Status: Pilot Release
    Released on: 26.02.2008  04:54:32
    Priority: Correction with high priority
    Category: Program error
    Primary Component: PT-RC-UI-XS Self Services Web Dynpro

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    Eric Kraft wrote:
    HOWEVER, if you modified a document in 5.0, 4.3 can't open it. You'll have to use Time Machine to replace the modified version with an earlier version that was last modified in 4.3.
    Actually there is a workaround.
    If you open the file in Pages 5, it can then be exported on Pages 0.9 format to another folder. I had to do this as the document was only in iCloud and couldn't be recoverd by Time Machine.
    Worked for me!

  • Is it possible to send a text message using the UDP protocol?

    Support doc
    says to use the following format with connectToNetServer:
    errCode =
    "chatServer.myCompany.com", #logonInfo: [#userID: "Bob",
    "MySecret", #movieID: "Tech Chat"], #mode: #smus,
    #localUDPPort: 1627,
    #localAddress: "", #remoteTCPPort: 1626])
    But if I change the mode to #text, it still sends out
    messages as smus.
    In fact, if I leave out the UDP parameters altogether but
    still use the
    list parameters for connectToNetServer, it still always sends
    as smus.
    Sends as smus:
    errCode =
    "chatServer.myCompany.com", #logonInfo: [#userID: "Bob",
    "MySecret", #movieID: "Tech Chat"], #mode: #text,
    #localUDPPort: 1627,
    #localAddress: "", #remoteTCPPort: 1626])
    Sends as smus:
    errCode =
    "chatServer.myCompany.com", #logonInfo: [#userID: "Bob",
    "MySecret", #movieID: "Tech Chat"], #mode: #text])
    Only the string parameter method can be made to send text
    Sends as text:
    errCode = gMultiuserInstance.connectToNetServer("Bob",
    "chatServer.myCompany.com", 1626, "Tech Chat", 1)
    Am I missing something? Is this a known issue? Anyone have a
    work around?

    Thanks for the answer though.
    alchemist wrote:
    > The multiuserXtra supports either tcp text or tcp smus
    > The ability to send udp messages was an expansion to the
    original mus
    > protocol/xtra and is valid only for muXtra instances
    already connected in
    > smus mode.
    > So, if you are asking if you can create a udp instance
    and use it at will
    > (exchange udp messages with some remote udp socket),
    then the answer is no.
    > "Jeremy Aker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> I'm really sorry that I wasn't clear enough. I'll
    repeat the questions
    >> more concisely.
    >> Is it possible to send a text message using the UDP
    protocol? If so, how?
    >> Is the bug I described in my original message (see
    below) really a bug or
    >> am I doing something wrong?
    >> If it's a bug, does anyone have a work around?
    >> alchemist wrote:
    >>> And the question is?
    >>> "Jeremy Aker" <[email protected]> wrote in
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> Support doc
    >>>> says to use the following format with
    >>>> errCode =
    >>>> "chatServer.myCompany.com", #logonInfo:
    [#userID: "Bob", #password:
    >>>> "MySecret", #movieID: "Tech Chat"], #mode:
    #smus, #localUDPPort: 1627,
    >>>> #localAddress: "",
    #remoteTCPPort: 1626])
    >>>> But if I change the mode to #text, it still
    sends out messages as smus.
    >>>> In fact, if I leave out the UDP parameters
    altogether but still use the
    >>>> list parameters for connectToNetServer, it
    still always sends as smus.
    >>>> Sends as smus:
    >>>> errCode =
    >>>> "chatServer.myCompany.com", #logonInfo:
    [#userID: "Bob", #password:
    >>>> "MySecret", #movieID: "Tech Chat"], #mode:
    #text, #localUDPPort: 1627,
    >>>> #localAddress: "",
    #remoteTCPPort: 1626])
    >>>> Sends as smus:
    >>>> errCode =
    >>>> "chatServer.myCompany.com", #logonInfo:
    [#userID: "Bob", #password:
    >>>> "MySecret", #movieID: "Tech Chat"], #mode:
    >>>> Only the string parameter method can be made
    to send text messages.
    >>>> Sends as text:
    >>>> errCode =
    gMultiuserInstance.connectToNetServer("Bob", "MySecret",
    >>>> "chatServer.myCompany.com", 1626, "Tech
    Chat", 1)
    >>>> Am I missing something? Is this a known
    issue? Anyone have a work
    >>>> around?
    >>>> -Jeremy

  • How to use logger to send any output instead of the console?

    How to use logger to send any output instead of the console?

    How to use logger to send any output instead of the
    console?There are three commonly used logger inferfaces, the log4j, the java.util.loging and the Commons logging (which works with either.)
    You create a logger object, generally one for each class. Normally a private static variable points to it and it has a name equal to the FQN of the class.
    package org.widget;
    public class MyClass {
      private static   Logger log = Logger.getLogger("org.widget.MyClass");That's the java.uitil.Logger formula.
    Then there are method on the logger to call for various kinds of output. There' are different logging levels, priorities like SEVERE or DEBUG. When running the logs are configured to ignore messages of less than a set priority.
    You can also pass an Exception or Error to the logger which will log the stack trace.

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