IPhone stuck on vibrate only

Some how ringtone and alerts will not sound. iPhone 4 will only vibrate now. Have gone to settings changed tone, alerts, and volume even turn vibrate off had no succes. Any suggestion how to turn call, text, an email notifications back on?

Make sure you don't have the silent (mute) switch on on the left side of the phone.

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    If it is unlocked, the there is no way of us knowing whether the problem you are experiencing is due to the unlocking process, or to a normal hardware fault. Unfortunately, by unlocking it, you have voided the warranty and cannot therefore return it to the Apple store for support or replacement. I'm really sorry, but I can't see how we can help you anymore, and this thread is likely to be locked by the mods soon, as I see that they are (over)active this morning, so no more replies will be possible after that. I would try using one of the other iPhone forums where they can discuss unlocked phones, and see if they can help you more.
    Good luck with it.

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    It is NOT YOU... and PERSONALLY i get upset when Apple does not play by their own rules.
    IT IS TEXT, let me over score it and hit my keys assigned to speak it.
    I live with chronic pain and reading becomes near impossible. So i LIVE by speech, and listening to things.  I get really ticked off cant use it in the iTunes Store, or read about Pod cast etc.  Just like can past html into txt editor but cant into my notes in the address book??  come on guys.
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    You have the rocker switch just above the volume controls (on the left side of the phone) which can do this. It will put the phone into vibrate mode until you flip the switch back.
    I am not aware of any app that does this scheduled. There is an app that does similar for email push notifications, and I use that app heavily. It is called PushMail, and costs about $3.

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    If under Settings>>Sounds all the sound are turned to ON>
    Then try a reset. Hold the home key and the top button at the same time until an Apple logo appears.
    If this does not solve your issue, try a restore.
    Connect to iTunes and when the iPhone pops up hit restore in the iPhone tab on iTunes 7.5.

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    Thank you,
    That pretty much settled any doubts I had. I researched about sapphire and iphone and found:

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    I will help you to solve your problem, don't worry just follow as I say.
    1. Firstly it is not a big problem just do as I say.
    2. Connect your device to the PC and then launch the iTunes software.
    3. And then go for the option of 'Restore' in that iTunes.
    But if your device doesn't respond to it.
    4. Then try to update the iTunes software to latest version.
    And using windows OS means you need to uninstall the whole previous version of software and need to download and install the latest version of it.
    5. And if you are having the third party apps such as Antivirus and etc are installed then it will object your phone to respond to iTunes. So you need to update your iOS software at any cost, which is the only way to fix iPhone stuck on Apple logo.
    All the best

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    But does not show up anywhere else. This playlist does not show up anywhere but the two screens above. The ALL SONGS 1 or 2 playlists do not show up here:
    When I search for those song in my library, it shows that I do not have them:
    But if I go to the iTunes store, I get the play button and not the price of the song:
    This is what things look like from my phone's side of things:
    "Summertime Sadness," one of the songs I bought from iTunes Radio, does not show up in the iTunes store under purchased "All" or "Not on This iPhone"
    But, it does show up under "Recent Purchases"
    Also, this is what playlists are on my phone after syncing a million times:
    Only what was on there before I started any of this. "Summertime Sadness" and the other songs I bought from inside iTunes Radio, do not show up in either of these playlists. Please, help me.

    Hi Petrafin,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots.
    You can download your purchases directly to your computer.
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
    - Judy

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