IPhoto '08 and Tiger question

Will iPhoto '08 and other iLife '08 programs work well with Tiger or are they written to work better/only with Leopard?

Desktop photos: I've upgraded to iPhoto 08 and would like to select a folder where the pictures can change every fifteen minutes. I can't find the folders after Choose photos. Iphoto Library is gray and has hidden the date files in the Pictures column.
Any solution?

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  • IPhoto 2 and Tiger

    I recently upgraded to OS 10.4 Tiger from 10.2.8. As Apple no longer includes current versions of iPhoto in its OS installation I am still using iPhoto 2.
    Is iPhoto 2 compatible with Tiger? When I try to burn a cd with photos, the program crashes after copying and before burning.

    As Apple no longer includes current versions of
    iPhoto in its OS installation...
    Apple has never included iPhoto with any OS
    installation. iPhoto is an application that is
    bundled with consumer computers. Although some such
    applications may reside on the same media as the OS,
    they are not part of the operating system, and are
    generally installed using a separate custom software
    I have to disagree to a certain extent here!
    I first got iPhoto along with Jaguar OSX 10.2, when I upgraded my G4 PowerMac from OS9 - it certainly wasn't bundled with my computer when I bought it, as it didn't exist for OS9. Neither did it have to be installed using a separate custom installer.
    Power Mac G4 450   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Another Iphoto '11 and PSE9 Questions

    I'm running the latest version of iphoto '11.   Just installed PSE9 and all of the updates.
    I've made PSE9 the external editor in iphoto.
    In the PSE9 prefs, I set:
    - the color picker to apple's
    - set on first save to save over current file
    When I want to edit a JPEG file in iphoto, I select the file, and click on the edit button in the bottom corner. Iphoto duplicates it (that is fine) and the picture comes up in PSE9.  I edit it (draw a big snowflake on it), and then select File -> Save.  (Not save as).  A save dialog pops up. 
    QUESTION 1) I thought the save dialog should NOT pop up?  Help?
    QUESTION 2) In the same dialog, the format is set to photoshop.   If I click save, the changes don't show up in iphoto.  Make sense-- it is in photoshop format. Should I have to manually select JPEG everytime?  It doesn't auto select it?
    If I change it to jpeg and click save, and then click ok on the jpeg option window, the file saves and I see the changes in iphoto.
    In iphoto, if I now select the modified photo and select edit, it doesn't make a duplicate first.  I guess it knows not to?
    I edit the photo in PSE9 again (add another snow flake) and select file -> save.The save dialog pops up again and photoshop format is selected.  If I select JPEG, the name now changes from IMG13_3.jpg to IMG13_3 copy.jpg.
    Question 3)  If I save it, it is a new file, and the changes don't show up in iphoto.  Is this expected?  I have to manually change the file name?
    This doesn't seem all that efficient and could be stream lined...

    This may be preaching to the choir but here goes:
    Using Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements) as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop as your editor of choice in iPhoto's Advanced Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    Click to view full size
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop. When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done.
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    Click to view full size
    that indicates that PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file. You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements 9 the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    Click to view full sizes
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.
    In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Click to view full size
    NOTE: If you want to use both iPhoto's editing mode and PS/PSE without having to go back and forth to the Preference pane, once you've selected PS as your editor of choice, reset the Preferences back to "Open in iPhoto". That will let you either edit in iPhoto using the Edit button or Control-clicking on the thumbnail and selecting "Edit in iPhoto" or in PS/PSE by Control-clicking on the thumbnail and selecting "Edit in External Editor" in the Contextual menu.
    Click to view full size
    This way you get the best of both worlds.
    Happy Holidays

  • Iphoto - Zoom and crop question.

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    I zoomed on a photo on iphoto to send via email and when I went to crop it (as in save the zoom for that photo), it always reverted back to the original size.
    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Sorry I don't think I explained properly.
    I just want to zoom into a picture of two faces in the photo, close up and then send it.
    I have tried numerous times with no success.

  • There are too many questions "like" mine, so here it is: I updated from Mountain Lion to Yosemite, I can't open iphoto 9.1.5, I am directed to the app store, I "accept" iphoto upgrade and enter my credentials, but no update occurs. :-(

    Attempting iPhoto upgrade from 9.1.5 to 9.5.

    How many questions like yours should there be? What exactly do you expect the volenteers here to do about what you personally consider "too many questions"?
    To move to iphoto 9.6 (required for Yosemite) You must log in to the App store  using the Apple ID that was used to set up the compter (or purchase the application if it was purchased later), backup your iPhoto library and then download and install iPhoto 9.6 from the App store
    If that is not working then you must contact App store suport - link is on the right of the App store window

  • Edited photos are not reflected in iPhoto 08 and a bonus question

    I'm using iPhoto 08 to upload photos from my DSLR. I then drag them into Photoshop for editing and save them from that application. When I go back to iPhoto they still show the unedited version. If I drag that photo back into Photoshop, it is indeed the edited version.
    Is there a setting to show the edited version in iPhoto 08?
    2nd question:
    When I use the finder application to navigate to the location of my iPhoto library, I can't "dig"any deeper than the iPhoto application. I know I can "show file" from iPhoto, but it some cases, I'd rather just navigate to the location through finder. Can this be done?

    mil8 wrote:
    I'm using iPhoto 08 to upload photos from my DSLR. I then drag them into Photoshop for editing and save them from that application. When I go back to iPhoto they still show the unedited version. If I drag that photo back into Photoshop, it is indeed the edited version.
    Is there a setting to show the edited version in iPhoto 08?
    No - once you export a photo, you own it and iPhoto has nothing more to do with it until you import it back into iPhoto (which in your case is not what you want because it duplicates the photo in your iPhoto library)
    -- BUT
    There is a setting to make photoshop the editor for iPhoto and if you use that your photos will be correctly reflected in iPhoto
    iPhoto menu ==> General ==> edit photos "in application" and select photoshop as the application
    Now when you edit a photo in iPhoto it will pass it to photoshop, you will edit it and save it (NOT SAVE AS) and the edited version will be part of your iPhoto library
    2nd question:
    When I use the finder application to navigate to the location of my iPhoto library, I can't "dig"any deeper than the iPhoto application. I know I can "show file" from iPhoto, but it some cases, I'd rather just navigate to the location through finder. Can this be done?
    see this thread for instructions, warnings and discussion of direct access to your photos files
    Larry Nebel

  • I cleaned up my mac and now all my applications are gone. I try to open them and it has a question mark on the app icon. Everything from System prefrences, Everything in itunes, iphoto, preview and mail? Please help

    I cleaned up my mac and now all my applications are gone. I try to open them and it has a question mark on the app icon. Everything from System prefrences, Everything in itunes, iphoto, preview and mail? Please help

    These question marks are on your dock? And you can't open applications from your dock?
    If so, try this: Open a new finder window and navigate to the Applications folder in your hard disk. The applications in question should still be in there (the Applications folder). So drag each of the application icons that you want to be available on your dock from the Applications folder onto your dock, one by one. Take each of your question mark icons that are on the dock and drag them off the dock to get rid of them. See if that fixes you up.
    Now, if your hard disk no longer has an Applications folder in it, or the Applications folder is empty, you are going to have to reinstall OS 10.6 then do a software update to bring you back up to OS 10.6.8. You may be able to just go to the "optional installs" folder on the installer DVD and maybe all the stock applications are there -- I don't remember and I don't have an installer DVD handy to look. That would be way easier than doing a full blown OS reinstall. Also, as I recall, if OS 10.6 was on the computer when you bought it from the store, I think there should be an "extras" DVD that has a handful of applications that could be reinstalled from it, too.

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    Do you know which versions they were? Sometimes they came on an iLife disc; sometimes on an Applications disc or Restore disc with the original software package that came with the iBook when it was new.
    Doing a Dock reset would not have removed these applications from the Applications folder.
    If they are no longer in the Applications folder, you will have to reinstall them from a disc.
    Which exact iBook model is it?
    You can choose from this list:

  • How do I uninstall iPhoto 5 and reinstall iPhoto 4 in Tiger

    I would like to uninstall iPhoto 5 and go back to iPhoto 4. I am using a Pentax Optio S4 Camera and have 3500 pictures in iPhoto 5 and am very unhappy with the performance since upgrading to iPhoto 5. I have read others are also having problems with certain cameras because of EXIF information used to create Maker Notes. With iPhoto 4 my system was very responsive, fast, and reliable. I've decided that the functionality of iPhoto 4 out weighs the features I will loose with iPhoto 5. So, I am wondering what the process is to uninstall iPhoto 5 and reinstall iPhoto 4. I am running Tiger 10.4.3. Has anyone else done this?

    Hi xjfo,
    To go back to an older version of iPhoto, you must have a backed up Library from that version. An older version of iPhoto will not open newer versions libraries.
    If you have newly imported photos in your 5 library that are not in your backed up library you will need to share/export them now. Export the Original to the desktop. These can be imported once you are back in the older version of iPhoto.
    Navigate to /Applications and drag iPhoto to the trash
    Navigate to /Library/Receipts and drag all of the iPhoto receipts to the trash
    Navigate to ~/Library/Preferences and drag com.apple.iPhoto.plist to the trash
    Navigate to ~/Pictures and drag your iPhoto 5 Library folder to the desktop. You can keep it on your hard drive in another folder, or you can rename it and keep it in the Pictures folder, or you can move it to an external for safe keeping or you can burn the entire iPhoto Library folder for safekeeping.
    Insert your older iLife CD/DVD and choose to do a custom install.
    Install iPhoto
    Run Software Update and update iPhoto to the latest version. that means if you installed 4 there should be some updated version of 4
    Put your backed up iPhoto Library in the Pictures folder. If it is named iPhoto Library then it should open when iPhoto is launched.
    If you renamed it, then launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and have it open the library you navigate to.
    If you don't have a backed up version of the iPhoto Library of the version you want to install then you have a lot more steps to do.
    If done this way, all albums, keywords, folders will have to be redone because you are starting from scratch with a new library and importing these photos into the new library.
    Close iPhoto
    Rename your old iPhoto Library to "iPhoto Library_old"
    Drag this library to your desktop
    Hold down the Option key and launch iPhoto
    This is the window you will get
    Create a new library or choose a library to open
    Choose to create a new library
    Once this new empty library is open it is time to import the images from your old library
    Go to File>add to library
    Navigate to the old library on your desktop and choose it.
    iPhoto will start importing the images from your old library
    This is what to expect:
    Your images will be imported in nice dated rolls. (make sure your view is set to sort by rolls to see it) There are a couple of caveats to this. You will get rolls named "Originals" These rolls will contain your video clips and your original images that you had edited. If you had RAW files they would be in those rolls too (I don't do RAW, so I don't know for sure) Delete what you don't want from those rolls. You will also get the jpeg pointer files to your video clips imported. They will just be jpegs and will not point to the video clips anymore as iPhoto made new ones when the clips were imported again. You can delete those. they should be in a roll right next to the newly imported video clips so they are not hard to find. The thumbnail files don't get imported as iPhoto makes new ones when the images are imported.
    Once all you images have been imported, check through the library and make sure everything looks ok.
    You can now start making your Albums, and do your keywords or any other organizational steps.
    You can also delete the old library on the desktop.
    It is also a good time to backup this new library to CD/DVD by burning the iPhoto LIbrary folder in the Finder, or copying the iPhoto Library folder to an external drive formatted for Macs, or copying the iPhoto LIbrary folder to an iPod.
    Good luck!

  • Iphoto 6 and web gallery question

    I'm a newbie, so please excuse me if this sounds stupid. I have iphoto 6 and have successfully made photo pages, but I can't figure out how to start a web gallery. (I want other people to be able to upload their photos.) I've tried looking at tutorials & stuff but they all have to do with iphoto '08. Am I just blind? I haven't subscribed yet to .mac, I'm still in the trial, does that make a difference? I'd appreciate any help,

    I was referring to the customer reviews of ilife '08 on the Apple website. You're right though, most of the negativity was regarding iMovie 7, and the majority of the iPhoto complaints were about their current published photo pages being "all messed up". That doesn't bother me so much because I want to start over with a new web gallery anyway. Also, a guy I talked to said that he was having trouble with iPhoto 7 and his photoshop work. (Like I said, I'm new to this, so my feeble brain lost the exact terminology he used.) I think I will trust what you say though and go ahead and buy it just because it looks so **** pretty. Thank you for your help!

  • IPhoto not in new Lion OS install and iTunes question

    I recently had my iMac recalled for a faulty hard drive.  Apple replaced the HD and installed Lion v10.8.2.  I cannot find iPhoto anywhere.  Am I missing something on this, as I cannot find it anywhere?
    Also, I backed up all HD info on an extermnal HD before my iMac HD was replaced by Apple.  How do I now trasfer iTunes items on my External HD into new iTunes on new HD?
    Thanks for replies and help

    In addition to mende1's answer: did you already accept the iLife apps, if they came preinstalled on your mac? If not, see this support article: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4718, i.e. the paragaph
    Restoring iLife applications after Internet Restore of OS X Lion or OS X Mountain Lion
    If you erase install OS X Lion or OS X Mountain Lion on a new Mac that shipped with OS X Lion or OS X Mountain Lion installed, you can download iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand from the Mac App Store.
    After installation, start (up) from OS X.
    Double-click the App Store icon in the dock.
    Enter your Apple ID and password.
    Click Purchases.
    If you haven't previously accepted your bundled iLife applications within the Mac App Store, you should see your iLife applications appear in the Accept portion of the screen. Click Accept.
    You may be asked for your Apple ID and password once again. Your iLife applications now move to the Purchased section. These applications are part of the software that came with your Lion based computer. Your account will not be charged for them. Click Install to complete installation of your applications.

  • HELPPP !!! ......... it's about iPhoto 6 and Snow Leopard.

    Please help. I have a Macbook 10.4.11 [Tiger] and it will soon be upgraded to Snow Leopard. I am planning on buying the $29 Snow Leopard [cheaper], instead of the $129 box set.
    My questions are: 1) Will I still have my iPhoto 6?
    2) Can I still use iPhoto 6 with Snow Leopard?
    3) Do I *have to buy* the box set?
    My partner had iPhoto 9, which had problems and from what I can tell, iPhoto 11 is much better, but it still has a lot of bugs. Thanks!

    Thank YOU! That was fast. [wow, my username {funny}--- Puto, *i meant* Pluto]
    Should I back-up everything on DVD, wipe my hard drive clean, reinstall Tiger and its iLife disk [which has iPhoto 6] and THEN install Snow Leopard? Does this sounds like a good idea? +Of course install my back-ups after Snow Leopard.+
    I heard/read that the above is better for Snow Leopard cause it runs better this way on the older Macbooks.
    Message was edited by: attheEndsofPuto
    Message was edited by: attheEndsofPuto

  • Creating a "Favorites" Event in iPhoto '08 and transferring to my iTouch

    I really like the EVENTS organization in iPhoto '08, but would like to create an event that just has photos I really like -- to be able to show my family and key events in one event to friends via my iTouch!
    OK so what I've done so far is to go to each event (about 48 with total 7000 photos, 27 gb or so) and duplicate that phote (cmd-D) then take the duplicated photo and drag it to a new event entiteled "Favorites". To do this I have to right-click the event and say "open in a separate window" then find the photo I duplicated and drag it to the new event FAVORITES. (I could drag the original, but then it would no longer be in the event of origin).
    Is there another way? Would creating a new ALBUM be a way?
    Thanks for any comments,
    Steve Schulte
    Saturday 31 May 2008

    I second Larry's choice of using an album. You can create a smart album which the criteria that Rating is 5 stars. Then any photo you give a 5 start rating will automatically show up in that album. No duplicating files, no moving files, etc. Really simple.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.≤br>
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • I opened iPhoto today and found I had NO PHOTOS in the library.  After a day of reading, I seem to have found them.  However, panic does not begin to describe my emotions.  They continued to come up on the screen saver, so I knew they were in the computer

    I opened iPhoto today and found I had NO PHOTOS in the library.  After a day of reading, I seem to have found them.  However, panic does not begin to describe my emotions.  They continued to come up on the screen saver, so I knew they were in the computer somewhere.  What I don't understand is what happened??  I am now busy backing them up into my external hard drive, again, but just now including the ones from about August 2011 to now.  I don't back up often enough, but thank gosh I haven't lost them all.  My question is this:  What is the best way to get them back into iPhoto?  I have an old version of iPhoto and I was prompted to update to '08, which I thought I had and BOOM - all the photos were gone when I said "no".  I have lost all my albums and wonder what it will look like if I put them back in?  They were found in the iPhoto Data folder.  I looked it up in iPhoto Help.

    They were found in the iPhoto Data folder.
    These are not your Photos. They are just the thumbnails that show in the iPhoto Window. They are tiny and not useful for anything. Look for your photos in the Originals Folder.
    Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'. Are any Libraries listed?

  • I need to create a new iPhoto library and import 'ORIGINALS' from a time machine backup on an external hard drive.

    I made the mistake of installing OS 10.9 on my older MacBook Air and the machine has become horribly slow and unpredictable. I visited the Apple store and questioned a 'Genius' about getting rid of 10.9 and reinstalling the previous OS 10.6 for which I have the disks. He advised that I should reformat the Air, reinstall 10.6 and then restore from the Time Machine backup that I have.
    He explained that of course, after I reinsatll 10.6,  I couldn't import the iPhoto Library from the backup drive complete because it had been recreated using the OS 10.9 and wouldn't work with 10.6.  I would have to create a new 10.6 iPhoto Library and move the actual ORIGINALS, from the backup into it.   He actually had the path to the iPhoto library shown on my Air to the point of >Pictures >iPhoto Library > ORIGINALS.
    I didn't question how he got the path to the point of > ORIGINALS and figured that it wouldn't take too much to do what he suggested. Now I can't find how to get to point of seeing the ORIGINALS in the path. When I go through the path >Pictures >iPhoto Library, the next column shows me the iPhoto Library icon and the info re size, creation date etc.
    Can anyone advise how to get to the 'ORIGINALS' in order to import them and does anyone have any further suggestions that might help in completing this procedure ?
    Thanks, in advance, for any assistance available.
    p.s. is there any way of looking at a Time Machine backup and finding what O.S. was present when the backup was produced ?

    Rather than do that, which means starting over from scratch, losing all your edits, organisation and so on, why not simply use iPhoto Library Manager to revert the Library to the older version? Easier, less destructive.
    The instructions on that are here
    If you really want to start over: you can access the Originals folder simply by going to your Pictures Folder and finding the iPhoto Library there. Right (or Control-) Click on the icon and select 'Show Package Contents'. A finder window will open with the Library exposed.

Maybe you are looking for