IPod app in iPhone 4 skips tracks

32 GB iPhone 4 on Verizon.  Sometimes, on certain albums and songs, when I click a song to play it the iPod skips the track entirely and moves on the next song.  It's usually the first, second or third track on an album, and sometimes all three.  It seems pretty random, and when I sync again the problem seems to go away on that album and usually reappears on a different album.  It happens on music purchased in iTunes and legal CD ripped into iTunes.  I am meticulous about keeping my music info correct (i.e., correct albums, track numbers, artwork, etc.).  My comp is a brand new MacBook Pro (lower end) running Snow Leopard.  Any suggestions?

I found the problem... it's Zone alarm and Seven SP1...
I desactivated  ZA when i would like to sync and miracly... there isn't problem at 1:10-1:14 min.
With the same song, when i activate ZA, the problem appears.
conclusion : When you sync your iphone 4 desactivate ZA.

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    gjdolphin79 wrote:
    I recently purchased an iPod Touch for a family member for a Christmas present. I would like to have it charged and ready for him to use on Christmas morning so he doesn't have to wait for it to charge. According to the instructions I need to register the iPod before it can be used. The problem is that I would need to register it under my account as we won't have a computer available on Christmas day though we will have a wireless Internet connection. My questions are, if I register the iPod under my account will my relative be able to unregister my account information when he goes home and then re-register under his own account or can he just delete my account information and enter his own account information?
    No, the iPod will have to be restored to factory defaults
    If he can't do that is there a way he can reset the iPod so all personal information is deleted and he can start from scratch and enter his account information?
    Yes, just restore the iPod to factory defaults.
    I hope these questions make sense.
    Thank you to anyone who can help me with this. I would love for my relative to be able to use his new iPod Touch from the minute he opens it. Thank you and Happy Holidays to all.
    Message was edited by: gjdolphin79

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    LInking directly to their file is obviously the sensible thing to do. It looks as if the problem lies wieth the athoughtfulfaith.org server.
    There is a test suggested in this thread to check for byte-range request ability, consisting of pasting this into Terminal:
    curl -I -r 200-300 http://athoughtfulfaith.org/podcast/AThoughtfulFaith-001-GregPrince.mp3
    The results, according to that thread, would seem to suggest that the server does handle them:
    HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
    Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2012 21:08:02 GMT
    Server: Apache
    Last-Modified: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 04:06:04 GMT
    ETag: "3fb8374-2bf169c-4c7e6fa626300"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 101
    Content-Range: bytes 200-300/46077596
    Content-Type: audio/mpeg
    I don't know how reliable this test is. It may be that the problem is something different, particularly as the file appears to download complete and then disappears. I can only suggest trying hosting the file on another server, or asking the people who run your server whether they can suggest anything.
    As to your other question, the PubDate for the Classic episode is indeed 2 September but the URL is definitely the mormonstories.org one. In order to look at the feed, control-click or right-click on the URL:
    and choose 'Download linked file' or equivalent. Open the file in TextEdit or any text editor to read it: search for <enclosure to find the tag containing the media file URL.

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    Below are screen shots of what my ipod app looks like (please don't hate on the music taste haha)
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    Did you restart your phone?

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    Hello Sharon Faulk
    C. Windows users having trouble with their iPods should locate a Mac user. In many cases when an iPod won't show up on a PC that it will show up on the Mac. Then it can be restored. When the PC user returns to his computer the iPod will be recognized by the PC, reformatted for the PC, and usable again. By the way, it works in reverse too. A Mac user often can get his iPod back by connecting it to a PC and restoring it.
    a. It does not matter whether the format is completed or not, the key is to erase (or partly) the corrupted firmware files on the Hard Drive of the iPod. After that, when the iPod re-connected with a computer, it will be recognized as an fresh external hard drive, it will show up on the iPod updater.
    b. It is not a difficult issue for a Mac user to find a window base computer, for a PC user, if they can’t find any Mac user, they can go to a nearest Apple Shop for a favor.
    c. You may need to switch around the PC and Mac, try to do several attempts between “Format” and “Restore”

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    I would contact nike never had problems moving from ipod to iphone4

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    On the iPhone tap Settings / iCloud / Store.
    Make sure Music is selected in Automatic Downloads.

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    Can it be possible? Is there a solution?
    thank you very much

    I would contact nike never had problems moving from ipod to iphone4

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    No. You can sync as many devices as you want to the same iTunes account.

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    Hi whit,
    It would be easier to deal with this problem in terms of one iPod or the other. I suggest working with your nano until you get it working, and then addressing any issues that develop with the other.
    So, were you ever able to use iPod Updater with the nano? That would be your first step, to try to get the nano back to factory settings so you can start again.
    See this post:
    iPod displays a sad iPod icon
    Also this for the 5 R's:
    The 5 R's
    Hope this helps.

  • Ipod app smartplaylist skips tracks or just stops

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    Either the app skips tracks (maybe 7out of 20) or it simply stops playing ("goes down", abends)

    My iPod Mini continually skips tracks all the time
    every half a second. The only thing that stops it is
    if you press pause but once you press play off it
    goes again. This means noi music is able to be played
    because it's always skipping. The menu button works
    as does the backlight if you hold the menu button
    down. The enter button works and the touch pad
    navigation also works. Both skip buttons have no
    effect on the unstoppable skipping. Can anybody help
    or at least verify the problem with other users of
    simular problems and if they were able to fix them
    simply, without having to go to an Apple dealer (it's
    out of warrenty i think)Any help would be appreciated.
    ---thats what happened to mine, then it stopped working altogether. liek not playing songs at ALL. i have tryed reformating it, i finally got all the settings erased, but then it woulndt 'talk' to iTunes. it has been about 2 months and im still working on it. my suggestion is send it in beore it gets as bad as mine.
    good luck!
    no idea 1123   Windows XP   haha
      Windows XP  

  • IPhone 5 iOS 7.0.2 Music app - volume slider slides to maximum when skipping tracks.

    Hi all,
    Wonder whether any other customers getting this?
    iPhone 5 UK iOS 7.0.2 music app - when skipping tracks (or even selecting tracks) volume slider slides to maximum volume by itself intermittently. I have noticed with EU Volume Limit 'ON' in music settings or Volume limiting 'on' this behaviour occurs. I've turned off volume limiting and now it appears to work normally.
    I did restore as new iPhone via iTunes at iOS 7.0 and had this behaviour followed by update to iOS 7.0.2 via iTunes and same problem.
    I can't decide if this is a hardware or software problem?
    Thanks all!

    Yep - deleting anything that's not purchased on itunes when I try to play it.
    This is terrible, and especially a pain when they're things like limited edition albums where tracks are only available direct, so going for iTunes match is not gonna help.
    Only other variable to consider is that I installed the "Groove" app to try out a few weeks ago, and played music with it twice. Highly doubt this is related, however non-iTunes purchased tmusic tracks also show up there and now *crash the phone* when I try to play them so it's something system-wide.

  • Please help with my iphone 4 ipod app?

    Hi everyone, I am having problems with playing podcasts and music on my iphone 4 (IOS 4.3.5 8L1). The symptom is that the podcast skips or doesn't play at all. Music is similar.
    I have had the phone replaced by Apple once, and have been to the genius bar 3 times and spent hours on the phone to Apple support.
    I have done DFU restores on the phone and downloaded the entire IOS update several times, the firewall, AV and ad aware all disabled on the computer (windows 7 BTW) during the download of both the IOS and subsequent podcasts.
    Directly after a DFU and with no apps installed, sample podcasts (that had experienced problems) seem to be OK. I then installed the apps one at a time and tested the podcasts in between, I installed the 6 apps I find most useful. I then downloaded more podcasts and the problem returned after the ipod app on the phone "lost" some podcasts that were shown as being on the phone in iTunes. Resyncing meant that the podcasts were shown but the problem of skipping etc. had returned.
    Today I went through the same process and got the same result, but with different podcasts. Similarly, the ipod app "lost" some podcasts before resyncing corrected that part but started the "skipping" fault.
    Other things I have done:
    The podcasts all play correctly on iTunes, and also on my iPod.
    I have downloaded the entire podcast library several times to eliminate the remotest possibility that they are corrupt (this would manifest by them not playing correctly in iTunes/iPod I would imagine as well).
    I have had a iPhone 3GS for a while and also an iPod, so I am familiar with the products, and never had a problem.
    I have logged a case with Apple and am now at my wits end, because it seems that getting any sort of ownership is a real problem.
    Any suggestions on what else I can do?
    Many Thanks,
    BTW: iTunes

    Hi there MeMeGuidry,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Display image issues
    This can include bright or dark pixels, lines in video, or sections of video missing.
    Try turning iPhone off and then on again.
    Verify the issue is not content related, by viewing different content.
    If the image is too dark, adjust the brightness. In General Settings choose Brightness and Wallpaper and slide the slider.
    Issue not resolved
    My issue is still not resolved. What do I do next?
    Contact Apple Support.
    -Griff W. 

  • IPhone Not Remembering "Skipped" Tracks

    Hardware involved: iPhone 4 & MacBook Pro i5 (2010)
    I recall, back when we got our first 2G iPhones in 2007, that the iPod app had problems with remembering Last Played meta data. Consequently, when synced backed to iTunes, songs that had been listened to were not being marked as played. Eventually that issue was resolved with an iOS update.
    However, I'm now having a similar problem with the "Last Skipped" criteria. When a song plays that I decide to "skip" I hit the Next / Fast Forward button (>>I) to skip to the next song. The iPhone appears not to "remember" that the song has been skipped.
    As a result, once the iPhone is synced with iTunes, any Smart Playlists that rely on the "Last Skipped" criteria do not work. In fact, the most recently skipped song in iTunes is from last Sept 2010.
    Anyone else experiencing this or have a suggestion on how to resolve this issue? Thanks

    i just want to clarify - when you say you sync twice a day, is the second sync immediately after the first?
    i was having the same issue with smart playlists based on playcount. the playlist would not auto-update on the phone, but after syncing with my computer, the playcounts would update and then my playlists would update. this aggrivated me to no end as there was no way to remember which song i listened to, and after posting on here, an extremely awesome user gave me the solution which is still working for me.
    i know this is not the solution you want, but maybe you do something with it that can help you...

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