IPod Changes Album Sequence

I've been having the follwing issue with my iPod ever since I updated to the new iTunes and updated my iPod firmware. Basically, rather than playing albums in track number order, my iPod will now change the track order to reflect which tracks have been played the most. How do I change this? Because although there are times where I like shuffle, or I just want to hear a certain song, I also would like to listen to albums in their intended order, but I haven't found an option to keep things ordered this way. Thanks for any help in advance.

- Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
- Unsync/delete all music and resync
To delete all music go to Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Music>Tap edit in upper right and then tap the minus sign by All Music
- Reset all settings                 
Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
- Restore from backup. See:                                               
iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
- Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       

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    Andrew, I know I am extremely late to the party but I too use Grid View.  I had the same problem that you had but have found this to work for me.  I used it and it is still holding as my default sorting even after switching between the Artist page and Grid View.
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    menu: Sequence Settings (or Commnd 0).
    Then check (√) the Anamorphic checkbox.
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    Dear Anis bazmi
    You will get the conditions as you desire one below another  in PO or MIRO if you have defined them exctly the same way in your calculation schema steps, other wise there is no way in getting the way you want and it can not be changed either in PO stage or in MIRO also.
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    REquest you to take the help of ABAPer and do the modification in standard Program
    But instead of creating a new custom tab you can use additional data B tab to cater  your requirement. Its given blank in standard so that we can modify as per our requirement .So the same will be reflected in all screen no. 4013
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    AVC is h.264, which is not a work-able editing format, it's a delivery format (and a consumer video camera acquisition format suitable for holiday videos going straight to YouTube), that's why you've been having to render all the time in FCP 5.
    Now you're in FCP 7 and it's asking if you want to change the sequence settings to match the video, but there is no sequence setting to match AVC/h.264 so it's freaking your computer out. Still, it shouldn't crash, but that's the problem i believe.
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    Sorry...but it isn't as simple as changing a project frame rate. FCP is NOT good at mixing frame rates. And when you put NTSC footage (29.97fps), into a PAL timeline (25fps), that is exactly what you are doing. No, this won't work. No magic solution for this (although Avid MC5 does this nicely).
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    Rich is correct.. but there is a workaround..
    Use the Report Category that suppresses all the selection fields.. I the program deifne your selection screen with the fields in your own order preference. In the STARt-OF-SELECTION event.. pass the values entered to the PNP fileds.. ie suppoes you have declared S_PERNR ( for Pers No), then use PNPPERNR[] = s_pernr[]. This way you will not have to change the LDB program..

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        Just copy the MEDRUCK to ZMEDRUCK. No need to copy the driver program.
    1) SE71Menu > Utilities > COpy from Client
    MEDRUCK ->>Client 000
    New formname ZMEDRUCK
    2) Now open the ZMEDRUCK in DE language in SE71
    3) Menu > Utilities > Convert original Language
    Change DE  to EN, save and activate
    4) Now open the ZMEDRUCK in EN language
    5) Goto Pagewindows > Main window,
    Look for the HEADER text Text element, copy the whole code under this Text element just after the ITEM text Text element, and comment the HEADER text above.
    Now the Header text Text element will be below ITEM text only. This will full fill your requirment.
    Now goto NACE transaction and add the copied ZMEDRUCK to the EF application.
    Bala Krishna

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    In the tray at the top of the screen, drag the photos around.

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    Process Validations, Render Response four lifecycle. why?
    function moveDown()
         var selObj = document.getElementById("org_rank:childOrgs");
         var index = selObj.selectedIndex;
         if (index == -1 || index >= selObj.options.length - 1)
         var selectedText = selObj.options[index].text;
         var selectedValue = selObj.options[index].value;
         selObj.options[index].text = selObj.options[index + 1].text;
         selObj.options[index].value = selObj.options[index + 1].value;
         selObj.options[index + 1].text = selectedText;
         selObj.options[index + 1].value = selectedValue;
         //selObj.options[index + 1].selected = true;
    <h:form id="org_rank">
    <table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td align="middle" heigth="100" width="160">
    <h:selectOneListbox id="childOrgs" value="#{orgDelegate.curId}" style="height:100px;width:150px" >
    <f:selectItems id="orgNames" value="#{orgDelegate.orgNames}" />
    <td align="middle" width="80">
    <h:commandButton value="down" onclick="moveDown()" /><br><br>
    <h:messages styleClass="errorMessage" layout="table" showDetail="true" showSummary="false" />

    When you say the text shrinks when you change the size of the window, do you mean in terms of making the window smaller / zooming out from the page so that for instance you can see more of the "page" that you're working on?
    If so then that's by design and is how it's always been. The view you see in Word is designed to represent what would appear on the page if you printed it, so relative to the page the text remains the same size. If you change the page so that you can see
    more of it, eg effectively zooming out, then the size of the text must shrink. It's no different to holding a physical document in front of you, if you move the paper further away from you so the page looks smaller, the text will as well.
    On the other hand if you mean when you make the window smaller, eg displaying less of the grey space on either side, that the page and text shrink then I don't know what you mean. Which version of Word are you using? I've tried with Word documents in Word
    2010 and Word 2013, and in both cases simply changing the size of the document window does nothing to the view of the document (other than make it impossible to read all the test on a line without scrolling if I go too far.

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