IPod Folder is popping up

Whenever I sync my iPod to iTunes, an iPod folder pops up that contains folders such as "contacts", "calendar", etc. It really doesn't do anything, just a pain to have to close it. How can I stop this folder from popping up each time I sync. It only started doing this after I downloaded 9.1.

Yes, Me too, just started at 9.1. It's annoying because it means that you can't eject the Ipod until you've closed the window - Is if it isn't already irritating enough that you have to Eject your Ipod, rather than just being able to disconnect it!

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    If you relaunch the finder the phantom iPod folder should disappear.
    You can do this by holding down the option key and right-clicking the finder icon in the dock, or by ctrl-option left-clicking the finder icon in the dock, and selecting "Relaunch" from the pop-up menu.

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    From http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694#error3194:
    Unable to contact the iOS software update server gs.apple.com
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    If there are problems with updating or with the permissions then easiest is to download the full version and trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
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    *Firefox 8.0.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
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    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

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    My suggestions, when Restoring the iPod.
    Disconnect your PC from Internet. (just to make sure no nasties creep into your system while you syncing.
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    Connect your iPod to the PC, using a high speed USB 2.0 port at the back of your PC.
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    Good Luck!

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    Do you have disk use enabled? If so, disable it.
    Check iTunes/edit/preferences. With the iPod connected of course. : )

  • Interesting ways to solve problems of "Sad iPod" & "Folder icon"

    First allow me to post here this article which you may read it the past. But these problems are FAQ ...
    I have to mention that I am not a techician, I may not understand the reason behind, I could be wrong and my suggestion may not work in your case. But, I must say that all the suggestions I made are basically from my past experienece fixing more than 10 iPods (from my friends and family members). I do not and have no intention to make a suggestion purely from what I heard and read (otherwise I would indicate). These have been tested and proved to work in my cases. I also have to deal with iPod problems such as:-
    1. Sad iPod
    2. Folder with exclamation mark
    3. iPod failed to be recognized by the computer
    4. broken iPod with 'clicking' sound
    I can simply post a link from the apple article - which would suggest you to do a Reset and Restore actions, however, most of the users would agree with me that the iPod with the aforementioned problems would not able to get mounted with the computer. In that case, how could you do a Restore. Should I just suggest the user to send their iPods for repair?
    I have tried myself with different ways, and I discovered 2 tricks to solve the above problems. First, we must understand what is the problem behind - in my opinion, the problem mainly caused by the head of HD of the iPod getting stuck at a certain point and unable to read the sector properly. If an iPod is an external Hard Disk, how are you going to fix it, I believe that all of us would suggest one to do a Reformat. Right, but unfortunately, the iPod could not be mounted, so what next? I find an interesting way - when the iPod is formatted in PC and connected with a Mac computer, it will "Force" mount, then why not do a Restore there. And once it has been completed, re-connect it with your original PC, and this time with the iPod being formatted to a different format, a window will pop up, indicating that it cant read the iPod and ask whether you would like to do a reformat. Then open the iPod updater and click Restore (back to PC version). Again, interestingly, it works the other way as well i.e. Mac's iPod fixed with a Window based PC.
    Regarding the suggestions of hitting the back of an iPod or dropping it from the waist height to the carpet. Please do not laugh, they do work, and please do a search in this forum, there are some successful cases being reported.
    But I must say that normally I do not suggest fixing it this way - unless the user's iPod is no longer covered by the warranty, and they cant find a Mac computer. Then, as a last resort, I will make this suggestion cauciously.
    I understand that there are people who do not agree with my point of views, but I purely do it for the base of trying to give some help. Again, I only make suggestions that have been proved successful in my cases before.

    re: chkdsk issue:
    Da Gopha, "chkdsk errors are fixed by iPod Updater 2005-06-26", 10:01am Jul 20, 2005 CDT
    Kind regards,

  • 4th Gen iPod, folder error, wont show up in itunes but says do not disconne

    Ok so here's the deal: when I turn on my iPod I get the folder with the exclamation point. Sometimes it does come up. So i then try to update m iPod by connecting it to my computer, with no such luck it freezes iTunes up until i disconnect it. It sits in the do not disconnect state until it is disconnected. I can't even get it to show up on the computer so I am not sure as to how I would restore to factory settings. Please help!
    R.I.P Zachary's iPod 2004-2008

    I found a thread that referred me to this support page:
    I haven't tried Apple's suggestions yet, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
    Good luck.

  • IPod: Folder icon -- Disk Mode -- won't mount on desktop or iTunes

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    I'm getting a folder icon with ex point on my iPod (see my pic for version). Reset doesn't work. The solution to that is to restore but when I plug into my computer it doesn't show up so I can't restore. Then it goes into "Disk Mode."
    Anyone have any ideas?

    What about the Hardware? I had a similar problem with my iPod 10G scrollwheel not mounting in Finder or being recognized in iTunes. I read all these posts, did the powerdown/uplug thing to reset the FireWire port, refreshed settings, etc., all to no avail. Then the iPod wouldn't even take a charge. In digging around for repair options on the web, I discovered a site where they said that the #1 killer for scrollwheel iPods was faulty connections on the FireWire socket to the main board. With all the plugging-in and unplugging I did trying to get the iMac to see the iPod, my connector now would slide a few mm forward with a light pull. More searching revealed someone who described how to DIY fix the connector, so I figured I'd try it and ... TA-DAA. Back to life, hello iTunes6, life is good. If you are up to the task, check out: homepage.mac.com/toj/PhotoAlbum20.html for step-by-step pictures. PDAsmart.com gives the details about the bad FireWire connector, and does a fix for $50. Be advised the soldering is on fine pitch surface-mount pins, so you need a steady hand and patience.
    Good luck!

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    Did you try this:
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer
    Next I would
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