IPod still under "Windows" not "OS X"

I formatted my iPod then plugged it into my MBP. But when I look under info, it still shows Windows. What giveS?b

...or did you simply format it using disk utility?
As Dustin implied, download the latest iPod updater for MacOS and run it, performing a restore on your iPod, and it will no longer show as Windows formatted (if memory serves however, it will not show any format--that is, the format line under about will not be there anymore, at least that's what I recall on my 4G).
I'll most likely leave my iPod Windows formatted when my MBP arrives, as that will allow me to use it to transfer files and songs to and from friends' machines. Unfortunately, that old saying, "Friends don't let friends run Windows" hasn't caught on yet...

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  • Ipod recognized in windows, not by itunes. i've seriously tried everything!

    hi all
    looked everywhere for the answer to see if this has been discussed but this is the weirdest i've ever seen any of my ipods behave. ok...
    30gb 5.5 generation ipod. plugged it in one day, won't sync to windows. froze up itunes only but not all of windows. funny. tried it again. says ipod is corrupt. attempted to restore it, but as soon as i hit the restore button, itunes freezes again. after about a dozen attempts i finally get it to the "restoring ipod" dialog box, but that gets stuck too and i have to restart. ipod stuck on "do not disconnect".
    so i trialed and errored. tried 3 different usb-ipod cords. same thing. plugged in my oldschool 20gb ipod. windows and itunes both recognized that instantly and synced it. tried my 4gb iphone. same thing: windows synced that and recognized that.
    finally took it to the apple store. the guy restored it for me on a mac. says it must be my computer. plugged it back in today (mind you, it's all reset, except i need to reformat it from mac to windows) and guess what, doesn't work. i took it to my brother's laptop computer, worked fine on there. restored it to windows based platform. got home tonight from a yummy thanksgiving dinner and hey, guess what, won't work!!!! same problems.
    i've tried different cords, ipods, iphone, different computers and i am still not sure if the computer is the culprit or the ipod. oh and for the record, i have a custom built, quad-core 2gb desktop computer, and i have plenty of power, so it meets all the itunes requirements.
    any help would be a blessing. karma police will thank you.

    i have a similar problem. it doesnt freeze itunes, just makes it very slow. i tried restoring it but it was going for about 2 hours and was still in the first phase
    also, every time i connect the ipod, i have to open itunes myself, and it thinks its an ipod it hasnt seen before (although the name is the same). it also de-authorizes any songs i got from the itunes store and so they dont get copied to my ipod.
    this is most annoying, im sure all i have to do is restore it but i dont know how to do that if itunes wont do it.

  • IPod Recognized in Windows, not in iTunes

    Like many others on this forum, I've been having issues with iTunes and my iPod since installing iTunes 7.0. My iPod appears in My Computer, but iTunes will not recognize it.
    My first instinct was to try the iPod updater, however when I attempt to run it I get the following error message: "Invalid iPod Service Version."
    I have tried everything I could find on this website, starting with all the steps in Apple's "iPod shows up in Windows but not in iTunes" article. Most of these steps have not worked, though I've had limited success with the step entitled "Restart the iPod Service." After performing this step, iTunes does indeed recognize my iPod, but this only works until the next time I eject my iPod. It does not appear to be permanently solving this issue for me, as I have to manually restart the iPod service every time if I want it to work. I noticed during this step that my iPod service was set to "Manual", so I changed it to "Automatic", however this has made no difference.
    None of the other steps in that article have worked for me, and yes I have done every one of them. I have additionally uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes several times. I have attempted to uninstall iTunes 7.0 and reinstall an older version, but this no longer works as there seem to be errors if I attempt this. I have tried reinstalling the iPod software, but this hasn't helped either. I have tried the first 4 out of the 5 R's, but this hasn't helped (I'm not quite willing to believe I have to restore my iPod just yet). I have tried resetting the iPod while it's connected to the computer, but this hasn't helped. I saw in one user's post that he was able to fix his problem by going to the Device Manager, clicking on his iPod, clicking the Volumes tab, and clicking Populate, but this didn't work for me. I have tried toggling AutoRun on and off, but this hasn't worked. I tried deactivating all potentially conflicting startup services, but this hasn't worked.
    I'm really at the end of my rope here. If anybody has any new suggestions I would greatly appreciate the help.
    Dell Dimension 4600   Windows XP Pro  

    Hi Toonz,
    Please note that in my above post I stated that I did indeed follow the steps you outline below, which I originally found in Apple's main article on this topic. The result was that it worked temporarily. The iPod was recognized, but only until I ejected it. It only works once. If I attempt to connect the iPod again (either before or after rebooting), it is again unrecognized and I have to manually repeat the steps below to get it to work.
    Also I did take your advice and try booting with the iPod plugged in. During the boot up process I see a black screen with some text and a message, which I believe said "Diskette Drive 0 failed to initialize". Something like that. When my computer finishes booting and I open iTunes, yes my iPod is recognized, but again this only works one time. If I eject the iPod and reconnect it it is unrecognized. It is only recignized if it is connected before booting up, which is definitely not the way an iPod is supposed to work.

  • Ipod recognized by windows, not in itunes (multiple computers)

    4th gen ipod click wheel + windows 2003 server w/ firewire and/or Vista notebook w/ USB + itunes 7.1.
    Both of my Windows machines see the ipod fine. I made sure there are no drive letter conflicts.
    Itunes just never recognizes the ipod. Strangely, if I run the ipod diagnostics all systems check out green. I can see the name and serial number of the ipod in the log and everything. I tried putting the ipod in disk mode and I still have the same issue.
    Since itunes doesn't see it, I can't restore. Could I use Windows to reformat it?

    Well, I decided that it couldn't hurt and went ahead and did a format of the drive from within Windows using the cmd prompt "format i: /x /fs:fat32"
    When it was done, I unplugged it from USB, the ipod restarted and when I plugged it back in iTunes found it once again.
    I'm back in business and someone might want to update a FAQ somewhere letting people know that formatting might help them too.

  • IPod seen by Windows, not downloading files ...

    Tried the '5R' bit. Didn't help. Let me see if I can explain.
    * Purchased iPod for my wife for Christmas a month+ ago
    * Downloaded iTunes and created a fairly large library of MP3 files from our CD collection. Use iTunes regularly on Windows, no problem.
    * Got the iPod out of the box today, and followed directions.
    * Plugged it in.
    * iTunes sees it, entered information for iPod name, did registration stuff. [NOTE: each time I plug the iPod in and iTunes sees it, it brings up the "Setup Wizard", which is kind of pointless ...]
    * It said it was updating the iPod. It showed it was copying the library file by file.
    * It copied the files not to the iPod, but to: C:\iPod_Control in a folder there (they MP3 files in the library are in a folder called "C:\MP3s" and stored in folders there for individual CDs). This now doubles the disk space used on the harddrive, but also did not copy the files to the iPod itself.
    Suggestions? What did I do wrong? Is it me, the software, what?
    When I plug the iPod in, it is seen by iTunes. It shows the library of files, but in that other folder. How do I know? I go to the iPod menu, select "Settings" and "About" and it shows zero songs, zero videos and zero pictures (have no videos or pictures set for download, just trying to be complete). Any help will be gratefully accepted.

    Thanks. The problem appears to be that the iPod was not being recognized by Windows as a drive. I had to go do some weird jumping through hoops. The computer wanted to map it as drive 'J:' which had a reference to my hard drive that had been mapped for my network -- am not quite sure why. But I could not get the computer to assign as any other drive letter (I am sure it's something I've just forgotten). Anyway, once I unmapped the drive 'J:' mapping, suddenly the iPod showed up as drive J: and I was able to start downloading files to it. I am still doing it, but I think it's working. I should note that I had previously deleted the iPod folder that I mentioned in the first post first. As noted, it apepars to be working, so we'll see. Thanks!

  • ITunes 9.0.2 locks trying to sync iPod nano under Windows 7 Enterprise x64

    I've been fighting this thing for a couple weeks now and it's getting to be very frustrating. I wanted to sync some new music purchases onto my various iPods, but ended up with a 5G iPod Video with just a couple songs on it and which refused to sync. It had been fine before I tried to sync it, with about 45GB of music on it, but now I couldn't get it to work at all. I formatted it, I ran chkdsk, I restored it, but nothing I did would make it sync. I thought the hard drive was fried, so I ordered a new 160GB Classic. After I got it, I found that it did the same thing! iTunes would simply hang trying to sync to it and it would never get more than a couple songs on there before giving up.
    What it would do is spin for a couple minutes and then lock up completely. If it was playing a song, it would finish the song but then not go to the next one and just stop. I couldn't bring it up, I couldn't click on it, I couldn't close it. I couldn't even end the task in Task Manager. Even ejecting the drive in Windows didn't make a difference. The only way to get it back was to unplug the iPod. Then iTunes would come back and I could use it again.
    Finally, I uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled it, and then both the new Classic and the old Video were able to sync with no problems. I can't tell you how happy I am to have spent that $235 for no good reason!
    So next I grabbed my 3G Nano and tried to sync it. No dice, same problem. So I tried all the same things, check for errors, format, restore. All of this was much quicker since it's only 8GB of flash instead of a 60GB hard drive, but still none of it worked. Finally I installed iTunes on my work laptop running Windows XP, imported the iTunes library from my other machine (via .xml), and waited. And waited. And waited. It takes a long time to rebuild the library from that xml file! When it was done, I plugged the Nano into the XP laptop and restored it... and it synced! Like it was nothing at all. Everything went on there quickly and with no fuss.
    Now, this is the same content, my music is on a network drive. So there is no difference whatsoever in what was being synced. The only difference is the PC being used.
    So, what the heck! I do need to get iTunes working on my primary machine again, as this is the machine I use. I can't depend on my work laptop to sync the Nano since I'd have to re-import the entire library every time to get the changes I've made. Is there some known issue with Windows 7 x64 and iTunes 9.0.2? This used to work just fine! Please, if anyone has any suggestions I could really use some relief.

    Doublechecking something Emcee. I see you've got Windows 7 x64, so I'm assuming you've got at least 4 GB of RAM. Do you also have an NVIDIA USB EHCI chipset on that PC? If so, see the following Microsoft document:
    [You encounter problems when you move data over USB from a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer that has an NVIDIA USB EHCI chipset and at least 4GB of RAM|http://support.microsoft.com/kb/976972]

  • Is my ipod still under warrenty if...

    Hey people,
    My mini is completely ruined and things are shaking around inside and I also get the Sad Face icon quite a lot. I removed the piece of plastic at the bottom of the mini to see what was shaking around inside, however there are now major scratchmarks on it and it is dented around the edge.
    I want to send my ipod into the Apple Shop or send it off and im still in warranty.. but just wondered will I be now i've opened it?
    Also I didn't buy it from apple direct, does that mean I can still have it repaired by them?
    Any help appreciated!

    I want to send my ipod into the Apple Shop or send it off and im still in warranty.. but just wondered will I be now i've opened it?
    Correct, the warranty is very likely void.
    Also I didn't buy it from apple direct, does that mean I can still have it repaired by them?
    They (probably) will not repair iot under warranty.
    If they were to repair it NOT under warranty, it'll cost ~ $225 plus tax & shipping.

  • IPod seen by windows, not by iTunes+ weird error message

    I have a first generation 2GB iPod nano and i use windows xp. I can't load any music because iTunes doesn't see my iPod and an error message pops up that reads like this: "iTunes: iTunes.exe corrupt file. The file or directory \iPod_Control\iTunes is corrupt and unredable. Please run the checkdisk utility." I've tried everything, reinstalling iTunes, different versions, reinstalling OS, resetting iPod, even on another computer, same problem. Other than that, the iPod works normally, it's just lacking music..
    and why is there no email adress from apple for service qustions? 10x

    I still don't get it, how can I put it in disk mode if I CANNOT see the iPod in iTunes..?
    Did you read the document i linked you to? here's another link to it:
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
    whereabouts in that procedure in that document (that you get to by clicking that link) does it say that you have to connect it to iTunes to put it into disk mode?
    ... never mind ... i guess you've fixed it anyway ...

  • Problems with iTunes and iPod running under Windows Vista

    I recently changed my computer. I now have an HP Pavilion running windows Vista (use to have XP). I have a video iPod -30GB. I downloaded iTunes onto the new equipment without incident, but that is the last thing that went smoothly.
    I can no longer watch TV shows or movies from iTunes. The video plays like a slide show of stills (the audio is real-time however). Eventually I will get an error message from Windows and it closes the application.
    I am also having issues with syncing my iPod and computer. I get a message requiring me to delete all of the content of the iPod and replace it with the contents of iTunes. I haven't done this -no trust and no backup
    The delete message is from iTunes. I suspect it is a security feature to prevent downloading to more than one iPod, as iTunes doesn't seem to 'know' my iPod anymore. Syncing has also caused iTunes to close and my computer to reboot. Has anyone else had these problems?
    HP Pavilion   Windows Vista  

    you may want to take a look at the iPod 101 tutorials. Those might help.
    < Edited by Host >

  • Ipod shows in Windows, not in iTunes - it used to work!

    I've tried everything I could find on the site to remedy this - resetting ipod when connected and when not connected, removing everything itunes and ipod related & reinstalling, changing iPod's drive letter, etc.
    The problem started when our sysadmin migrated us to the domain. I now get an explorer window showing the iPod contents, but iTunes says: "The software required for communicating with the iPod is not installed correctly." When I start iTunes and then attach the iPod I get this message when the explorer window pops up. What else can I do to debug this?

    but I can't delete them. I get the message "Cannot open IPodService.iPodManager: Error while opening key.". I wrote a little program to try to open or delete these keys, and I get error 5 - Access denied.
    good lord. if you're capable of doing that, you're way better with registries than i am. but i might be able to keep pumping observation and experience from reports here on the forums at you, that might be helpful with this.
    i've seen one report of someone not being able to open one of those keys, but i wasn't able to follow up on it. but i've had some more experience with "sticky" keys in some threads dealling with recalcitrant installation errors. (typically 1406s and 1402s.) let's try to transfer some of those techniques over to this situation.
    I don't see any iPod apps or services running. What could be locking these registry entries?
    okay, although iPodService.exe is our main process/service relevant to the ipod, iTunesHelper.exe is also associated with iPod connections:
    Background processes installed with iTunes 6 for Windows
    so lets try locking that one down too in MSCONFIG prior to any attempts at registry edits:
    Using MSCONFIG to troubleshoot conflicts in Windows
    other possibilities ... (bit of a long shot since you tried a registry edit in safe mode with no joy) i've seen people be unable to edit registry keys on some PCs if they have an antivirus application running at the same time (which makes a perverse sort of sense). other applications might also be implicated in that sort of behavior. so prior to any registry edits, let's try shutting down all background applications (including TSRs) prior to the edit. try the techniques from this InstallShield document:
    Close Applications Running in the Background
    (if you can get this to allow the reg edits, try it prior to the reinstall attempt too. if it's blocking your regedits, it will probably block the registry key modifications during the install too.)
    ... and we'd better check on malware too. some malware does lock down registries in unusual ways (to prevent removal, i guess, but an incidental horking of some registry keys isn't out of the question.)
    let's get some fresh definitions onto your PC and check for viruses and spyware. you might want to also try an "online" scan with your security software provider to try to cover the possibilities where the security software on the PC has been compromised. (or if your tech support has some advanced "off-PC" antimalware techniques, i'd try throwing those at the beast.
    keep us posted.
    love, b

  • Ipod Works with Windows, not with Itunes

    Hi there. Three members of our family now have ipods. We were using them with 2 computers, with all three on each. It was only about two weeks ago that they stopped working with one of the computers. And not all at the same time, either. The 2nd and 3rd ipods connected to the desktop stopped working at the same time. The first to ever be connected remained working, but then stopped. These working/not working changes occurred around the removing (2nd and 3rd stopped) and then replacing (1st stopped) of our external hard drive. The drive letter for our ipods now reads 'C:', but our local disk has always been 'F:'.
    I am using Windows XP SP2, the firmware is 1.0 for all of them. I used to have the latest Itunes and latest updater, but I recently reinstalled the CD that originally came with package, and now I have older ones. I tried everything on the support site's page "Windows sees my Ipod, Itunes doesn't."
    I can't restore my ipod because the updator/ipod for windows doesn't detect it.
    Thanks for any help.

    I figured it out! I thought it had something to do with the ipod being remapped C:. So all I had to do was to change the drive to I: for Ipod, and put my Maxtor back to C.
    :. problem solved.

  • Ipod Update and Windows - Not Working. 1.1.2. Downgrade?

    I installed 1.1.2 on my 160GB yesterday and it has basically ruined my ipod. Something is wrong with the windows version of this update. I can get itunes to recognize it only if I put the ipod in disk mode. But then when I disconnect it from the computer it will just go to the apple logo screen and repeatedly reboot itself until the battery dies. I took it to the apple store and they got it working by doing a restore on a mac. When I got back home, I restored to Windows and it's back to the same problem. So something is wrong with the update. I also tried restoring on a different windows PC just in case there was something wrong with my download. It didn't help. Same problem.
    Anyone else have this problem?
    How can I get back to the old firmware. It would have been nice if apple would test their software BEFORE they released it.

    As one who is running Windows XP, I updated to 1.1.2 absolutely smoothly yesterday. I waited to see if there was a consensus as to any pervasive problems - the fact that there are so few posts about this update indicated to me there are no major issues. There seems to be nothing inherently wrong with the Windows version of the update. Are you sure you are allowing the update to complete before disconnecting it from the PC? I always wait for the iPod to reboot and run another complete synchronization before disconnecting it.
    To Downgrade your firmaware:
    Disconnect your iPod from your PC and shut down iTunes
    Delete the files for the version 1.1.2 from your PC. In Windows XP they can be found at C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates. Make sure you have the files for the previous version of the firmware.
    Start iTunes and disable checking for updates automatically (Preferences > General)
    Connect your iPod and click the Restore button. You should be asked if you wish to load an older version of the firmware (answer yes).
    Let the restore do its thing
    Resync your iPod
    My guess is you will need to put the iPod into disk mode first, since you say that this is the only way it will be recognized.

  • IPod connects to windows, not to Mac HELP PLZ

    I had my ipod connected to my windows for a couple of months, then i started downloading from my mac computer so in order to get the songs from my mac onto my ipod i connected it to the mac .... i recieved the message" would you like to authorize this ipod on this computer" and by mistake i clicked "NO" is there anyway i can reverse this?

    Does this article contain anything useful?

  • Is the earpods of my ipod touch5 can excange with the new one? my ipod still under warranty

    my ipod touch's warranty will expired on 11th may btw. anybody can answer my question?

    Hey Arthurjm, you never really stated that you have a problem, assuming your headphones / earbuds stopped working one or both sides not producing sound, if it is determined by Apple that the reason they stopped working is due to a defect in manufacturing and not from abusive usage-- miss handling, something you have done-- and you are within the 1 year from purchase date, then yes Apple will replace your Apple headphones / earbuds free of charge. Seeing as you are in Indonesia with no local Apple store and it is 4 May and your warranty runs out 11 May-- Good luck, because time it not on your side. Try Illaass' link or at least contact Apple online or by phone and get a repair ticket started you may be able to beat the cut off date on your warranty. If the headphones / earbuds have to be in Apples hands before the warranty runs out, you may be out of luck. Hope this helps. Good luck, Cheers.

  • IPod still under warranty ...needs charging after 2 hrs of play time

    where on earth do i go to get a replacement....this website goes around in circles and getting answers is difficult...
    help plz

    Go here...
    or call...

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