IPPhone integration with ASP

Dear All
We are developing one ASP dotnet  application and trying to integrate with CUCM. For that we are sending request to phone webpage as mentioned below but received error code "4" initially and after associating user with Phone error code changed to "0"
In order to make phone call from my PC through my cisco ip phone,
I try to access my phone webserver from my browser by the following url :  
( is IPPhone IP Address)
I get the following response (login request) :
Using CUCM user credential assigned to this IP Phone, the response displayed in browser was :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CiscoIPPhoneError Number="0"/>
Please help me in solving the issue
Which is an Authentication problem.  It may be an issue in CUCM configuration.

what if i just want to post information to a public page of an apex application?

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    What's the meaning of webappname, are you mean the sharepoint site?
    I think this issue can be caused by the incorrect url. You can refer to the following link:

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    One way to do this would be to use the Get URL Document step to request an XML file from a web server.
    Upon receiving this request the web server would then retrieve the required data via SQL (fairly easy to do using ASP.NET and  IIS), format it in an XML page and return it to your script.
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    hi All
    i am illustrating the process of integration the central notes to be referred and constraints .hope this definitely helps you please do not forget to give full points for this effort
    with regards
    subrato kundu
    Microsoft outlook  Integration With SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0
    (Process description)
    These documents describe the entire process of integrating Exchange server with enterprise portal server to leverage the usage of lotus notes within the portal framework.
    Step1: Create a System
    o     Choose System Administration&#61664;System configuration&#61664;System Landscape&#61664;Portal Content&#61664;Content Provided by SAP. Right click on collaboration and then choose New From Par&#61664;System.
    o     Select com.sap.netweaver.col.app.gw and choose next.
    o     Select a server (Microsoft Exchange server) and then choose next.
    o     Enter the System Name and ID (for ex Exchange) and choose next and then finish.
    o     Enter System Aliases by choosing system Alias from the display drown list.
    o     Enter the system Alias in the alias field and choose add and then save.
    Step II: Create E-Mail Transport
    &#61607;     The email transport defines the SMTP server and other configuration required for sending e-mails. To configure an e-mail transport choose
    &#61607;     System Administration&#61664;System Configuration&#61664;Knowledge Management&#61664;Collaboration&#61664;GroupWare Transports&#61664;Mail Transport
    &#61607;     SMTP Sever: The address of the SMTPServer for sending e-mails
    &#61607;     Sent Messages: You specify the folder on the server where the sent e-mail is to be   store: -Sent Items on Microsoft Exchange Server.
    &#61607;     System Alias name: Alias that was defined for the groupware server in system configuration.
    Step III: Check E-Mailing Service
    This is a global service that is required for sending e-mails and which can be   located by choosing System Administration&#61664;System configuration&#61664;Knowledge Management&#61664;Content Management&#61664;Global services&#61664;Mailing Service. This service needs to be active and an email transport must already have been created.
    Microsoft Exchange Transports
    The overall transport consists of two parts: MSX-J on the portal server and the MSX-A on the Exchange Server or a machine near to the Exchange Server.
    MSX-J is the java part that runs on the portal server is deployed automatically on the portal server during installation, and implements the groupware API.It uses the Groupware APIs and repository development kit.
    MSX-A is the active server page and sap exchange connector.dll running on a n iis server with Microsoft Collaboration data objects (CDO) and in the same domain as the exchange server or in a trusting domain .The ASP and DLL are Collectively CALLED MSX-A and is installed as part of the Outlook Installation. This needs to be installed on every IIS SERVER dedicated to the MS Exchange Server
        The Process flow is
    1.TheMSX_J transport makes an HTTP(s) call to the MSX_A running on the IIS.
    2.Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) uses Basic Authentication to authenticate user based on NT user/password against the Microsoft Exchange Server.
    3.CDO uses the authentication token and fetches the data.
    4.MSX-A converts the data into XMl and returns it to MSX-J
    Installation of MSXA Components
    You have to carry out these steps for every IIS that accesses the exchange server or the Outlook WEB Access 5.5 SP Server in the system landescape:
    1.Locate the MSX-A component shipped with Exchange transport.
    The components can be found in<irj>\root\WEB-INF\PORTAL\PORTALAPPS\com.sap.netweaver.coll.appgw\WEB –INF\external\Exchange.
    2 Locate an IIS that is in the same domain as the Exchange Server or in a trusted domain.
    3.Create a folder on the IIS for example,c:\SAPExchangeTransport.
    4.Copy the MSX-A Components to the folder you just created.
    5.Register the DLL by using command regsrvr32 in the command prompt for example c:\winnt\sysytem32\regsvr32.exe c:\SAPExchangeTransport\SapExchangeConnector.dll
    6.Create a new Iis Website or if using Outlook Web Access 5.5 sp4 create a virtual directory
    Since most of configuration errors arise in the setup and configuration of the MSX-A components a separate test application is shipped with the connectivity, which allows you to check that the setup is correct.
    1.locate SAPPXchTest.exe which is shipped with the exchange transports.The components can be found at <irj>\root\portalapps\com.sap.netweaver.coll.appl.gw\external\exchange.
    2 copy the executable file to the machine on which the MSX-A component has been deployed.
    3.Test the CDO version by launching the executable file on the machine on which msx-a was deployed.Choose Test CDO-Version .You should receive a success message .if you recive an error message follow the instructions given
    4Test data retrieval by launching the executable file on the machine on which MSX-A was deployed choose Test&#61664;Data Retrieval Fill in necessary fields you should receive a success message but if you receive an error message follow the instructions given
    5.Choose Save Results
    6.open the log file indicted by the message
    0000801234     Additional attachment in room created appointments
    0000788151     Post Installation Steps for Groupware after an upgrade
    0000763062     Problem creating an appointment with attachment
    0000738965     E-mail address is mandatory for Groupware Integration
    0000736644     Mandatory Steps for MS Exchange Integration
    0000736541     Support information for MS Exchange Integration
    0000732911     Integrating Outlook Web Access in Enterprise Portal 6.0
    0000712902     SSO to Outlook web access using user/password does not work
    Constraints of Microsoft Exchange Connectivity
    &#61607;     The Microsoft Exchange transport currently only support items with types appointment and meeting request .Other types such as discussion and not currently not supported.
    &#61607;     Deleting an instance of a recurring appointment affects only that particular instance
    &#61607;     Calendar items in personal folder are not supported. Users can only view and modify items located on the exchange server from the iviews
    &#61607;     Public folders on the exchange server are not supported
    &#61607;     Calendar items are delivered as such  if sent to recipients within the intranet .If the recipients is in different domain than the sender ,the format in which the items are delivered depends on the server responsible for sending the item in question

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    I believe you question should be if the connector supports this architecture. Check out the versions supported for the connector you are using and you should be good.

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    For what purpose do I need to maintain the value mapping?
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    Any info on this is of great help.
    Best Regards

    HI Reddy,
    We came to know from our basis team that we do not have the Java Stack installed in our BI 7.x system yet.
    As it is integrated with EP which has Java, our web reports are working.
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  • Session keep Alive when EBS is integrated with OIF acting as SP

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    Thanks & Regards

    It appears that OAM is removing the url parameters for the p_done_url sent to it by OIF.
         302 Redirect to -> Location: https://sso.mycompany.com/oam/server/logout?p_done_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsso.mycompany.com%2Ffed%2Fuser%2Fsloosso%3Fid%3Dosso%26type%3D3&invokeOSFSLogout=false
         Result: 200. Set-Cookie OAM-ID to expired.
    Form Submits: https://sso.mycompany.com/fed/user/sloosso
    Result: 500 Error
    Notice the p_done_url value in the redirect has extra parameters which when the Form is submitted are lost.
    If I manually enter the url: https://sso.mycompany.com/fed/user/sloosso?id=osso&type=3&invokeOSFSLogout=false
    Then I am successfully logged out.
    This seems almost like a bug in OAM...

  • RE: Legacy Integration with PI/Open

    Greg -
    We are currently working on wrappering the APIs for UniVerse (aka Pick on
    We received some help from the guys at RTD in Denver.
    We tested out a C program that uses the Universe APIs and it works fine.
    We will be building the Forte piece and compiling it this week.
    Our first application is to inquire the UniVerse data, after that is
    successful, we will move to inserting & updating.
    Let us know how we can help.
    Larry McCartney
    [email protected]
    (203)459-7959 - Trumbull
    [email protected][SMTP:[email protected]
    Sent: Monday, October 12, 1998 11:00 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: forte-users-digest V1 #1111
    forte-users-digest Monday, 12 October 1998 Volume 01 : Number
    In this issue:
    Legacy Integration with PI/Open
    is OBB32.dll available
    Java Integration
    Java Integration
    Re: Legacy Integration with PI/Open
    RE: Forms That Will Not Close
    RE: Forms That Will Not Close
    RE: Forms That Will Not Close
    Re: AfterValueChange event trigged when it shouldn't be...
    math library
    From: [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 09:49:56 +1000
    Subject: Legacy Integration with PI/Open
    This is a bit of a long shot, but has anyone experience with integrating
    Forte with PI/Open. PI/Open is a variant of PICK. We have a requirement
    to read and update a PI/Open database from within our Forte application,
    and we would be most interested to hear from anyone who has experience in
    doing this.
    We are aware of a set of APIs provided with PI/Open that are written in
    "C". We could wrapper these from within Forte, however the issue is that
    the APIs provided are non-shared, and Forte requires shared libraries.
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Greg Barber.
    The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
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    From: "sridhar t" <[email protected]>
    Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 22:01:36 PDT
    Subject: is OBB32.dll available
    am working on forte3.0.G.2. when i tried to use objectbroker library i
    am unable to find the runtime objectbroker library (OBB32.dll). is this
    dll available with this version. if not is there any alternative.
    Goldstone Softech USA
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    From: srinivasa gopi <[email protected]>
    Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:12:22 -0700 (PDT)
    Subject: Java Integration
    I'm trying to integrate Forti with Java in Java mode using IIOP.I
    followed the steps as explained in the Forti Web enterprise manual.I
    compiled the Java files that are generated by Forti along with the
    client Java file.The Java applet is getting downloaded on the client
    browser(IE 4.0), but the problem is browser is giving an exception
    ** Java.lang.RuntimeException can't connect to service object with
    the ior file name **.
    My question is on every client is it necessary for ORB(Visigenic for
    Java 3.2) and also the Forti Java interoperability package that is
    provided by the Forti for compatability with Java or it is not
    required on the clients ?
    Is there any other alternative to achieve the goal as this will give
    wide access to the Forti service objects through Web Browser clients.
    Please mail me the solution to this problem as early as possible it is
    very urgent.
    Thanks in advance,
    Srinivasa Gopi,
    Goldstone Softech USA
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    From: srinivasa gopi <[email protected]>
    Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:26:26 -0700 (PDT)
    Subject: Java Integration
    I'm trying to integrate Forti with Java in Java mode using IIOP.I
    followed the steps as explained in the Forti Web enterprise manual.I
    compiled the Java files that are generated by Forti along with the
    client Java file.The Java applet is getting downloaded on the client
    browser(IE 4.0), but the problem is browser is giving an exception
    ** Java.lang.RuntimeException can't connect to service object with
    the ior file name **.
    My question is on every client is it necessary for ORB(Visigenic for
    Java 3.2) and also the Forti Java interoperability package that is
    provided by the Forti for compatability with Java or it is not
    required on the clients ?
    Is there any other alternative to achieve the goal as this will give
    wide access to the Forti service objects through Web Browser clients.
    Please mail me the solution to this problem as early as possible it is
    very urgent.
    Thanks in advance,
    Srinivasa Gopi,
    Goldstone Softech USA
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    From: Tim Hagemann <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 09:21:06 +0200
    Subject: Re: Legacy Integration with PI/Open
    This is a bit of a long shot, but has anyone experience with integrating
    Forte with PI/Open. PI/Open is a variant of PICK. We have arequirement
    to read and update a PI/Open database from within our Forte application,
    and we would be most interested to hear from anyone who has experiencein
    doing this.
    We are aware of a set of APIs provided with PI/Open that are written in
    "C". We could wrapper these from within Forte, however the issue isthat
    the APIs provided are non-shared, and Forte requires shared libraries.Would be interersting, which operating system you're using.
    You could write a dll (on windows) or shared library (on unix) wrappering
    original,statically linked "C"-Libs. This lib could be used by Forte.
    Tim Hagemann
    Tim Hagemann
    Ascom GmbH Email: [email protected]
    Charlottenburger Allee 61 Phone: +49 241 96806 273
    D-52068 Aachen Fax: +49 241 96806 225
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    From: "Rottier, Pascal" <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 09:38:25 +0200
    Subject: RE: Forms That Will Not Close
    Exiting the event loop will not close the window! Invoking
    'Close' method on the window will. Check if this method
    is executed. It appears, the AfterFinalize event exits the
    event loop and nothing more. Then, your applications
    waits for some event from your main window, like 'Mouse-
    Enter', before invoking Window.Close().
    We seem to be having some type of deadlock problem when trying to
    forms and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem.
    phenomenon does not always occur and is not specific to any one client
    I will explain the phenomenon:
    1. We have an object that contains our main application startup
    This method then instantiates our main application window (Control)
    invokes the Display() method using start task.
    2. All other forms created by the application are created using a form
    manager service object which exists on the client partition. The form
    manager has a CreateForm() method which instantiates a form class of
    specified type and invoked the form's Display() method using start
    3. Each form has a Close push button which when clicked invokes
    Now, the problem we have is this:
    The user starts the application and the main application window is
    displayed. The user then selects an option from the main window and a
    child form is created using the form manager service object and is
    displayed. The user can continue to create more child forms by
    options from the main window and all child forms are instantiated and
    displayed correctly.
    However, when the user attempts to close one of the forms the form
    not close. The finalize event is triggered and the event loop is
    but the form continues to be displayed and does not close. If the user
    then moves the mouse pointer over the main application window, the
    form immediately closes. Moving the mouse cursor over other child
    windows (or even the desktop) does NOT do this - only when the mouse
    cursor is moved over the main window does the child form close.
    Does anyone have any ideas on this?
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    From: Jason de Cean <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:47:20 +1000
    Subject: RE: Forms That Will Not Close
    Hi Pascal,
    The Display() method is as follows:
    event loop
    when Window.AfterFinalize do
    when task.Shutdown do
    end event;
    Are you saying we should do a Window.Close() in there somewhere as well
    On Monday, 12 October 1998 17:36, Rottier, Pascal
    [SMTP:[email protected]] wrote:
    Exiting the event loop will not close the window!
    'Close' method on the window will. Check if this method
    is executed. It appears, the AfterFinalize event exits
    event loop and nothing more. Then, your applications
    waits for some event from your main window, like 'Mouse-
    Enter', before invoking Window.Close().
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    From: "Rottier, Pascal" <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 11:04:24 +0200
    Subject: RE: Forms That Will Not Close
    No, self.Close() should close the window. This is the
    method I referred to. You could place a traceline
    behind self.Close() to see if it is executed. It is not
    inconcievable some exception may exit the Display()
    method before self.Close() is executed.
    After that, maybe, some events from your main
    window trigger something that causes a call like 'My-
    Window.Close()', where 'MyWindow' is a subclass of
    'UserWindow', so 'MyWindow' gets closed after all.
    Maybe you've overridden 'Close()', so now it doesn't
    work properly anymore.
    Are you sure you exit the event loop after you press
    the close button?? The display method is not regis-
    terred for any <PushButton>.Click event, though maybe
    you just didn't include the full Display method in your
    Remember that an event loop will only respond to an
    event if it is not currently handling an event. So, the
    method behind <PushButton>.Click may call a self.
    Window.RequestFinalize(), which will cause an After-
    Finalize event to be posted, which will be placed in
    the event queue. If this method however keeps waiting
    for something, the event loop will not respond to the
    AfterFinalize event, until this method is done waiting.
    Hi Pascal,
    The Display() method is as follows:
    event loop
    when Window.AfterFinalize do
    when task.Shutdown do
    end event;
    Are you saying we should do a Window.Close() in there somewhere as
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    From: Thomas Kunst <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:28:55 +0200
    Subject: Re: AfterValueChange event trigged when it shouldn't be...
    Which version of Fort=E9 are you using? We had some strage problems with
    GUI events in Fort=E9 3.0.F.2, which disappeared now that we use 3.0.J.1!=
    Fouche, Jaco wrote:
    Hi there,
    I'm hoping that someone out there has experienced the following (and
    knows why it is happening. ) :-)
    I have a couple of windows on which the AfterValueChange event is
    triggered on a field upon hitting the delete key.
    We all know that this should only happen upon leaving the field, ie. th=e
    field loosing focus. The problem is that I'm trying to recreate this in=
    a simple test class, but now it won't happen. I still have the original=
    windows on which it is happening, but I would like to construct
    something small and simple to send to Forte.
    Any ideas as to why this could be happening?
    =- -- =
    Dr. Thomas Kunst mailto:[email protected]
    sd&m GmbH & Co. KG http://www.sdm.de
    software design & management
    Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 Muenchen, Germany
    Tel +49 89 63812-221 Fax -444
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    From: Greg Gorham <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 09:51:07 -0400
    Subject: math library
    I need direction to the source of Forte libs that handle more scientific
    math. Also included is the need for more scientific print formating. I
    understand, second hand, that such material is available from third
    party vendors/sources.
    Greg Gorham
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    This is a bit of a long shot, but has anyone experience with integrating
    Forte with PI/Open. PI/Open is a variant of PICK. We have a requirement
    to read and update a PI/Open database from within our Forte application,
    and we would be most interested to hear from anyone who has experience in
    doing this.
    We are aware of a set of APIs provided with PI/Open that are written in
    "C". We could wrapper these from within Forte, however the issue is that
    the APIs provided are non-shared, and Forte requires shared libraries.Would be interersting, which operating system you're using.
    You could write a dll (on windows) or shared library (on unix) wrappering the
    original,statically linked "C"-Libs. This lib could be used by Forte.
    Tim Hagemann
    Tim Hagemann
    Ascom GmbH Email: [email protected]
    Charlottenburger Allee 61 Phone: +49 241 96806 273
    D-52068 Aachen Fax: +49 241 96806 225
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  • Excel integration with Entry and Approval for SSM not working

    Iu2019m having trouble getting excel integrated with E&A for being able to enter large number of historic data points into a cube-built model u2013 Iu2019ve gone through all the docs several times and there is no good concrete explanation on how to do this. I keep getting the following error message:
    Error opening Excel Automation server can't create object. This can be caused by:
    1. - The application is not installed on your machine
    2. - The browser security does not support ActiveX scripts.
    3. - Your were prompted to run ActiveX and you said No, if that is the cause close all browser instances and reopen.
    However, I've done the following:
    -          Iu2019ve installed the excel add-in on both the server and my local machine, and Iu2019ve enabled the add-in part in Excel on my local machine.
    -          The browser security is definitely set to accept all active X scripts
    -          I am never prompted to run activeX when I select u201CHistorical Datau201D within entry/approval. I just get the above error message.
    -          Iu2019ve flushed cache and restarted listener several times.
    What am I missing? I donu2019t see it in any of the docs.

    Looking at what you've done, there doesn't seem to be an obvious answer. The best suggestion I can make is to fill out a support ticket on this. There must be other factors at work here that will require a deeper look.

  • Jabber cannot Call - Integration with CUCM/AD

    Dear all,
    I installed CUCM 9.1.1 and CUPS 9.1.1 with Jabber client 9.0.1.
    when I run Jabber on a joined domain PC (login with AD username and password), there are no problem with the calling ability.
    But when I try to use a non-join domain PC (I am using VPN to connect to office network and using my personal PC), only the chatting feature that are available. I cannot loggin to phone accounts and cannot make any calls with my Jabber client.
    Should I use UDS integration with AD?

    Hi Hasan,
    Can you take a look on this thread:
    If you still have problem connecting, can you try with newer version of Jabber?

  • CUCM integrated with Office 365?

    Hi people,
    Does anybody knows something like that? How to integrate with Cisco Unified Communication Manager 8.6? It is similar the integration with Exchange 2010?
    Best regards,

    Unless you can create a SIP trunk on Office 365 and allow traffic to pass between CUCM and Office 365 across the SIP trunk it would not work. Cisco never supported any Exchange UM for voicemail, it works, but if you have issues Cisco is not going to help you there. No different here, if you can get it to work based on the above, then support is on you.

  • Unity Connection Integration with CS 1000 and Meridian 81 - PIMG

    I have a customer who have  (2) Nortel Meridian 81 and (1) CS1000  for their 3 locations along with Octal 350 servicing 2500 voicemail users today. Customer also has a  Cisco UCM in their network today which is servicing their wireless phone users.
    UCM and CS1000 are networked together using Q.Sig trunks today. Customer is looking at replacing their Octal solution with a new Voice mail solution.
    I was looking at integration documents for Unity Connection using PIMG.
    In this  scenario, would I need 3 separate PIMG 's at the three remote sites and integrate it with Unity connection or Can I achieve this using just one PIMG at one of the sites, considering the three sites are trunked together using tie-trunks.
    Appreciate any pointers/ help.

    Hi there,
    Just to add a note to the great tips from Hailey (+5 Hailey!)
    We are in the final stages of replacing our "old" Octel with Unity Connection, part of
    which is integrated to our CS1000 and CUCM in a "Hybrid" deployment like yours
    Centralized Voice Messaging
    Cisco Unity Connection supports centralized voice messaging through the phone system, which supports
    various inter-phone system networking protocols including proprietary protocols such as Avaya DCS,
    Nortel MCDN, or Siemens CorNet, and standards-based protocols such as QSIG or DPNSS. Note that
    centralized voice messaging is a function of the phone system and its inter-phone system networking,
    not voice mail. Connection will support centralized voice messaging as long as the phone system and its
    inter-phone system networking are properly configured.
    Setting Up a Nortel Meridian 1 Digital PIMG
    Integration with Cisco Unity Connection
    cucwithnortel.pdf (308.1 K)
    Centralized voice messaging provides voice messaging services to all users in a networked phone system environment. Connection can be hosted on a message center PINX and provide voice messaging services to all users in an enterprise assuming the message center PINX and all user PINX phone systems are properly networked.For a centralized voice messaging configuration to exist, a suitable inter-phone system networking protocol must exist to deliver a minimum level of feature support, such as:•Message waiting indication (MWI).•Transfer, which ensures that the correct calling/called party ID is delivered to the voice messaging system.•Divert, which ensures that the correct calling/called party ID is delivered to the voice messaging system.Other features may be required depending on how the voice messaging system is to be used. For example, if it is also serving as an automated attendant, path-replacement is needed as this feature prevents calls from hair-pinning.

  • How is the integration with ECC in SRM 7.0??

    Working with SRM 5.0 or 5.5  the use of XI for integration with ECC is not mandatory because when we send any document from ECC to SRM like requisitions (to convert them in shopping cards) or when we send any document from SRM to ECC like shopping cards, PO´s, contracts,  we only use the RFC´s and the abap programs.
    Is the same behavior with SRM 7.0?????
    Could the integration from SRM 7 with ECC 6 work with RFC´S without XI or for this vertions is XI mandatory?????

    SRM70 is closely integrated with XI for transferring docs between ECC and SRM.  SAP introduces eSOA tech nology with SRM70 and hence all documents like PR from ECC to SRM, Central Contract from SRM to ECC, PO creation (Classic), etc uses this techn ology.

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