IPTC Title & Keywords on Export

I see that in iPhoto '08, it allows the exporting of IPTC titles on export if JPG or TIF is selected. As my photos are all JPG to start with, my concern is that this is regenerating the JPG photo which would result in greater loss. Can anyone tell me if I export from JPG to JPG, specifying that as the type will it just export the current pic with the IPTC data, or does it regenerate the JPG?

I'm not sure what it does. I had an original of 2.4 MB. When exported as a jpg, max quality, full size I got a 4.9 MB file. When using the high quality I got a 1.2 MB file. I've no idea why the mac quality jpg export was so large.
Comparing the original and maximum quality files at 200% I could not see any image quality difference. I used iView MediaPro to compare them side by side at full screen.
Do you Twango?
TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    Lightroom stores metadata in its own database, located:
    [Username]/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Database.lrdb (Mac OS) file.
    [Username]/My Documents/My Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Database.lrdb (Windows) file.
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    if ( BridgeTalk.appName = "bridge" )
    //This script copies selected thumbnails' filenames to the title field
    //Also shows how to add menu items
    //The AdobeLibrary scripts must be loaded
    //This script was created by John Beardsworth www.beardsworth.co.uk/ and modified by Peter Krogh www.DAMuseful.com
    //This script may be freely distributed and modified
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    var getFolderChildren = true ;
    var filesOnly = true ;
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    for ( var i = 0; i < thumbs.length; i++ )
    { thumb = thumbs[i];
       md = thumb.synchronousMetadata;
       md.namespace ="http://ns.adobe.com/photoshop/1.0/";
       md.Title = thumb.name;
       Window.alert ("Done " + i + " records");
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    Many thanks.

    md.Title = thumb.name;
    md.Title = decodeURI(thumb.name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');

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    md.Title = thumb.name;
    md.Title = decodeURI(thumb.name).replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '');

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    Thanks for that - its nearly right but I had tried doing that already and it didn't work.
    The reason why is when simply unchecked the Export Containing Keywords and Export Synonyms remain ticked but greyed out. I assumed that having been greyed out they are no longer effecting the output in any way but I was wrong.
    So, simply uncheck ALL the items in that dialogue box for top-level terms.
    Thanks again!

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    Hi David,
    There is something wrong with the way Compressor handles stills & titles.
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    Preview should be able to do this
    In Preview you can see the field in the Inspector:
    From Peview's main menu bar: Tools > Show Inspector.
    Select the IPTC tab
    I tested several images - when I set the IPTC Subject Code and exported the edited version as jpeg, the modification showed in Preview correctly in the IPTC Subject code field.
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    I have already tried unchecking the "include on export".
    You need to uncheck "Export Containing Keywords" of the child keyword.  For example, if you have the hierarchy Places > United States, and you don't want "Places" exported, you need to uncheck "Export Containing Keywords" from the keyword "United States":
    Also, in the File > Export dialog, be sure to uncheck the option Metadata > Write Keywords As Lightroom Hierarchy.  This will stop the child keywords from getting written into the exported metadata fully qualified; e.g. the keyword will be written as "United States" rather than "Places|United States".

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    If you tick the box on the Export panel, iPhoto writes your keywords to the IPTC data of the file and uses your title as a filename. The IPTC data is standards compliant and (I would have thought) ubiquitous.
    You can confirm this using an app like Informator
    So, do these apps on Windows read this data?

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    John, and Brent -
    Yes, thank you, you were both right.  Here is an updated screenshot showing the image in both applications, with the metadata where I expected it.  The trick, in my case, was to follow "Method 1" in the link above, to write the IPTC data into the .jpgs.  I'll use the sidecar method for the .NEFs, probably.  Also, expanding the fields proved that the keyword was present.  I'm sure I can mess around with the Display Metadata options from Default to other things.  All well; heroes to the rescue!

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    LR exports them to IPTC when I export them to jpeg.
    Which database can easily make use of those keywords?
    I don´t want to type all those categories again...
    Thanks in advance

    This article may help you understand how to use and set the properties, as well as a general understanding of the TDMS file format in general.  Feel free to ask any more questions and I will be glad to assist you.
    J Newk
    Systems Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Is it possible to backup LR keywords without export/import?

    Hi everyone,
    I know that I can periodically export my entire keyword list as a .txt file, and that from this I could subsequently reimport this file in order to reconstitute the rather extensive hierarchical list I have carefully built up over the years in the event of a hard drive crash, new install etc.
    What this approach relies upon however is that I routinely export my keywords to a file that I later backup. As I am constantly making incremental additions to my keyword list and know I will not be disciplined enough to export a new .txt file each time I am looking for an automated solution I can incorporate in my daily backup routine that backs up my entire keyword list every day so that incremental additions are captured.
    I have a daily backup routine running from Syncback which backs up a number of directories. Included in this is my Application Data\Adobe\ folder, meaning all of my personal PS actions, and Workspace settings are backed up, as well as my LR Develop Presets folder and others. The Keyword Sets folder is backed up, but this simply holds the .lrtemplate files that correspond to the various keyword sets I have created. There is not, as far as I can see, a file within the %User\Application Data\Adobe\ folder that provides the entire keyword list.
    Is there a single file for the keyword list that Lightroom creates, and if so what is its location? Or is this data embedded in XMP within the catalog?
    Thanks and hope that's clear,
    Dave M

    Thx DJ.
    That's helpful to know. I do have LR set up to prompt me to backup the catalog every week which I almost always do, and the original Lightroom catalog folder is part of my routine backup, done each day. Good to know that the keywords are in there.

  • Is it possible to make the entire keywords hierachy export in the metadata?

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    Location, Europe, Eastern Europe, Croatia, Dalmatia, Split
    In Aperture I only need to add the bottom level 'Split' as a keyword and when I use the search function and insert a word from any of the higher levels (e.g. Croatia) It finds my picture.
    My problem is that when I export that file the Keywords that get exported in the metadata is only the bottom level I first entered (ie Split). This is no use to me when using the files outside of aperture as I may still want to search at the higher levels.
    Is there anyway to make the entire relevant keyword hierarchy be exported within the metadata without have to go back and add all the levels myself?

    Unless things have changes, keywords are not hierarchical at all as a standard. The hierarchy in Ap is used just for managing keyword purposes only.
    So it works within Ap but not when exported. You will have to assign multiple keywords or reestablish similar scheme in whatever other app that your are exporting the image to.

  • Title not getting exported to excel when i use ALV oops.

    Hi Friends,
               I have split the container and used cl_dd_document to display my Title data in TOP of page ( Container 1 ) and displayed my table data in the second container. I'm getting the output perfectly but when i try to export to the excel sheet, only table data ( i.e data in Container 2 ) is getting downloaded. i'm not able to bring the title ( Container 1 ) details in the excel while exporting . pls help. .
    Note : I also want the title details to be displayed when i click on the print button.
    I dont get this problem when i use REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE but in my senario i cant even use this FM as it doesn't supports more than 60 characters.

    Since you have two different container for Header & ALV data, the buttons on ALV grid ONLY will only consider the data within itself.
    To be able to download header and data both, you need to add additional buttons to either PF-status or ALV and write a code to do that.
    Naimesh Patel

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