IR:  Dow to determine group membership?

Is there a way to tell what System 9 native group that a user belongs to from IR?
I have a bqy document that can be opened by users from several different groups, and I would like to branch code based on what group the user is a member of.
I tried to find this in the System 9 BI repository, as well as the Shared Services repository, and couldn't find it. I'm afraid that this may only reside inside the openldap database..

I am not sure of your exact need but there is an IR feature (been there for a while from Brio 6) called row-level security. It allows you to create a hidden join to limit the data in a table based on who runs the bqy. For example, if you have 5 markets - East, West, North, South, Central and 20 locations with 4 locations in each of those markets. You also have a column called Location_ID in your fact data tables. Let us say you have a table called Orders with columns Order_ID, Order_Description, Location_ID. To use row-level security, you create a table say RLSTable with columns such as Group_ID, Location_ID where Group_ID values are East, West, North, South and Central.
There is a BQY tool (you can find it in a folder such as C:\Hyperion\BIPlus\docs\en\row_level_security.bqy) that you use to administer the groups, users and the security restrictions. I would recommend that you copy the row_level_security.bqy to some other location and use that copied copy.
You use this tool to define which groups have restrictions. It uses a specific set of tables created during the install (but can be created later as well) that maintain the row-level security data.
So if a user from West group will run a query on the Orders table, the user will only see the data for Locations with Location_ID matching West group in the RLSTable. The user would not need to define a limit in their bqy file as it will automatically be added behind the scene.
* Chapter 22 of this PDF:

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    Also, here is a Knowledgebase article that covers the same topic:
    Programmatically Determining which Security Groups a User Belongs to Using LabVIEW DSC
    Message Edited by Coal Man on 06-19-2007 09:12 AM
    Brian Coalson
    Software Engineer
    National Instruments

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    If you want to use the Domain Users group for the purpose of representing all the users then you can use the "All principals in domain xxx" group which is created by UM.
    Coming back to Domain Users group. For determining group membership in AD UM uses "member" attribute of the group object. "Domain Users" group is treated differently by AD. It is the default primary group for all the users and normally members of the primary group are not specified using the member attribute.So when we sync the data from AD "Domain Users" membership does not get completed.

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    method=create, methodInterface=Home, signature={}.
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    Group Hierarchy Cache TTL: 3600
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    Max Group Membership Search Level: 0
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  • AD Group Membership with User From Domain Outside of Forest

    Here's one to twist your brain around -
    I have kerberos authentication using Active Directory working between a client's web browser and my web-app hosted in JBoss. I also have limited authorization working by checking group memberships using LDAP. This currently only works if all users are in the same domain. The ever-helpful adler_steven has detailed in another thread ( how to do a group membership check for all Users/Groups in a single forest using the Global Context.
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    Approach #2
    Try to walk through the Active Directory structures in both domains using LDAP. In the domain group that I am checking, I can see a member attribute that references a foreignSecurityPrincipal object. The CN of this object happens to be the objectSID of the user I am looking for in the remote domain. Unfortunately, I have to check the remote domain server directly to verify that. The foreignSecurityPrincipal object itself does not contain any hint about what user it refers to aside from the SID (no originalDomainName attribute or something similar). It is feasible that I could walk the chain of references back to the remote domain AD server. That would require that my configuration include a list of remote domain servers to check (since I could have users from multiple trusted domains) and that my JBoss server have access to those servers.
    Question: Does anyone know of some other LDAP-related way of finding information about a user from a remote, trusted domain without having to hit the server for that domain directly?

    You should be able to work back from the foreignSecurityPrincipal object :-) He says with a wry smile..
    This post prompts me to think whether one day someone will draw the entity relationship diagram for AD. Oh well, I've been procrastinating for years, a few more won't hurt !
    If it was a user from within the same forest, you should just be able to perform a search against a GC using the objectSID as the search filter. I've forgotten, but I don't think they will be represented as foreign security principals.
    Have a look at the post titled JNDI, Active Directory and SID's (Security Identifiers) available at that describes how to search for an object based on their SID.
    Now if it is a user from another forest, with which you have a trust relationship, then we begin the navigation excercise.
    You'll need obtain the user's SID (either from the cn or from the objectSID attributes) from the foreignSecurityPrincipal object. For example CN=S-1-5-21-3771862615-1804478405-1612909269-2143,CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,DC=antipodes,DC=com
    objectSID=S-S-1-5-21-3771862615-1804478405-1612909269-2143Then obtain the domain RID, eg.S-1-5-21-3771862615-1804478405-1612909269Next you will have to recurse each of the crossRef objects in the Partitions container, in the configuration naming context (which you will find listed in the RootDSE). The crossref objects that represent trusted domains or forests will have values for their trustParent attributes. A sample query would be something like//specify the LDAP search filter
    String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=crossRef)(trustParent=*))";
    //Specify the Base for the search
    String searchBase = "CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=antipodes,DC=com";For each crossRef object, you can then use the dnsRoot attribute to determine the dns domain name of the forest/domain (if you want to later use dns to search for the dns name,ip address of the domain controllers in the trusted domains/forests), and then use the nCName attribute to determine the distinguished name of the trusted forest/domain.dnsRoot =
    ncName = dc=contoso,dc=comPerform another bind to the ncName for the trusted domain/forest and retrieve the objectSID attribute, which will be the domain's RID. You may want to cache this information as a lookup table to match domain RID's with domain distingusihed names and dns names.String ldapURL = "ldap://";
    Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes("dc=contoso,dc=com");
    System.out.println("Domain SID: " + attrs.get("objectSID").get());Once you find out which domain matches the RID for the foreignSecurityPrincipal, you can then perform a search for the "real user" .And then finally you should have the user object that represents the foreign security principal !
    Just one thing to note. Assume that CONTOSO and ANTIPODES are two separate forests. If you bind as CONTOSO\cdarwin against the CONTOSO domain, the tokenGroups attribute (which represents teh process token) will contain all of the group memberships of Charles Darwin in the CONTOSO domain/forest. It will not contain his memberships if any, of groups in the ANTIPODES forest. If Charles Darwin accesses a resource in ANTIPODES, then his process token used by the ANTIPODES resource will be updated with his group memberships of the ANTIPODES forest. Also you can have "orphaned foreignn security principal", where the original user object has been deleted !
    BTW, If I was doing this purely on Windows, IIRC, you just use one API call DsCrackNames, to get the "real user", and then the appropriate ImpersonateUser calls to update the process token etc..
    Good luck.

  • How to verify user LDAP group membership

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    Any pointers on how to do this ?
    Thank you.

    You could do a couple of things...
    1) Install dsquery (add remote AD tools to your box) and run something like
    dsquery group -u <user name>
    Username would be their login name, yours is "swaupadh" for example. This would return a listing of all the groups they are in and you could regex through that output for the group you are looking for. Use either the Execute Powershell or Execute Windows Command activity here.
    2) Use powershell functions and powershell capability to check for group membership, something like this:
    function Get-GroupMembership($DN,$group){
        $objEntry = [adsi]("LDAP://"+$DN)
        $objEntry.memberOf | where { $_ -match $group}
    Get-GroupMembership "Cn=kazun,dc=contoso,dc=com" "Backup Operators"
    Then you can regex through the output for the "True" or "False" word and run with that.
    Either should get you what you want.

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  • Computer's group membership

    I am trying to find a way to list the groups a computer knows it is a member of. Normally a computer only picks up a group membership change after a reboot. You can purge the kerb tickets and it will sometimes pick up the new membership.
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    I started by trying to run a gpresult remotely but that does not always return the computer group membership. Is there a wmi call that can pull this or can a kerb ticket be dissasembled to get the memberships?

    I understand how Active Directory and the various methods of GPO provisioning work.
    The systems in question (>300 production servers) have been added to a provisioning group. This group is used to filter application of a GPO. I need to validate the systems have picked up the new group membership before moving forward with a multi-step
    When a gpresult is run the output displays the groups the system is a member of in order to determine GPO application. I am trying to get this data from remote systems programatically, hence why I posted in this forum since I am specifically asking if anyone
    knows of a WMI (or other) call that would return the computer group memberships.
    As I re-organize a GPO structure in dire need of cleanup I am going to have to do this validation multiple times over a large number of servers. Being able to automate this process would help quite a bit.
    "For computer accounts this requires a reboot." - See this article:

  • ACS 5.3 Group Mapping based on AD group membership

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    What i'm trying to do is say that if the user is a member of the AD Group (G-CRP-SEC-ENG) then associate them with the Identity Group SEC-ENG. The under the access service, authorization portion, i assign shell profiles and command sets based on Identity Group.
    It seems that the ACS server will not match the AD Group for the user, and it will match the Default of teh Group Mapping portion of the policy every time.
    I tried several configuration choices from : AD1:ExternalGroups contains any <string showing in AD>, AD1:memberOf <group>.
    Is there something special i need to do in the Group Mapping Policy to get it to match and active directory group and result in assigning the host to an Identity Group?
    Thank you,

    Ok, my case is like this.
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    I have a case with Cisco engineer now and still in the middle to sort things out.
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    Wondering whether there is a fix for this.

  • OIM: What is the purpose of "Update" while editing group memberships

    This is when you lookup a user's Resource Profile and go to "Edit" link. The process form shows up along with a drop down to edit the group memberships. When we select one of the choices such as "Groups" another window pops up where we could add more entires into the child form. In this form there is an "Update" column with a radio button besides a "Remove" column. What is the purpose of this "Update" column? We can add or delete child entries but what does update do? Is there a way to remove this selection altogether?
    Thanks in advance

    Update I can see used for a cases where you have multiple columns on a child table entry and want to change one of them. Strictly speaking, you can update a single column child table rather than delete and insert also. Access policies always do insert and delete actions, but you will want to implement an update task as well if you expect anyone to be editing child tables on resources directly.

  • OIM Group Membership Removal for Disabled Users

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    Today, when accounts are disabled, within 24 hours all the group memberships are removed on the OIM side. I would like to change the interval for the cleanup so that when an account is disabled, all the existing group (role) memberships stay assinged to the account then after 30 days of the account being disabled, the group (role) memberships are removed. Not sure if this would be an ORM thing or OIM, but I think it would be OIM since ORM still has the role mappings for users when they are disabled.

  • How to create LDAP filter-based rule to check Group membership in OAM

    Hi folks,
    I'm having hard time creating an authorization rule to verify ldap group membership. I've followed "Configure User Authorization" article from Oracle website ( and created an Authorization scheme w ldap_attribute_name as User Parameter and ruleExpression as Required Parameter. Then, inside my policy I created an Authorization Rule based on my Authz scheme w Allow Access attrib filter-based Rule which looks like this:
    This works fine.
    Now, I've added another filter-based rule under the same Authz Rule/Allow Access:
    While query looks somewhat correct and works as a command-line argument (slightly modified format), it does not work in OAM (meaning people w out req-d group membership can still login).
    Can someone steer me to the right direction as to what do I need to do:
    1. Change/fix the ldap query
    2. Create new Authz scheme with uniqueMember userParameter; create new Authz rule based on new authz scheme; create new Allow Access filter rule with the ldap query I have
    3. Do smth else
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you, Roman

    You can create two authorization rules
    First for user with attribute
    and second for group
    and then in authorization expression you can have AND of these two.
    Regarding your query...
    First ... If your requirement is to give access to all the members of a particular group then you don't require any ldap filters
    All you have to do is in the authorization rule -> Allow access -> Select People (here you have to select group so click on the group tab, its little hard to see but its there in light blue color on dark blue tab) -> select the group you want to give access
    Second.. If your requirement is such that you want to give access to a member of a group which has certain attribute lets say group with status active ( In this case you are not aware of the name of the group because user can be a member of any group but you want to give access only to the group with specific attribute.) then you have to write custom authorization plugin.
    If the option is second let me know i can give you a solution which will work for a single domain without any effort of developing a major plugin.
    Hope this helps,

  • Map a network drive by group membership

    I'd like to map network drives by group membership.
    To begin I just tried with this command.
    $TestMembers = Get-ADGroupMember -identity Test
    $TestMembers | foreach-object {New-PSDrive -name T -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\MyServer\MyShare -persist}
    My network drive is well mapped but for all my domain users.
    Could you please tell me what's wrong in my command ?
    I know I could use Group Policy Preferences but I'd like to know the powershell command.
    Thanks by Advance.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Thanks for your answer it will help me.
    Best Regards.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Group Membership under Settings/My Account is not updating

    We use an External table for User permissions/Groups to get updated in Group Membership.
    We use our custom tool to create/update new/existing users with the permissions. Then our ETL picks up the changes from the OLTP tables and update User Permission table in our DWH hourly. Now let me explain the present situation. User ABC is an existing user and never used our Report Portal before, we updated ABC user with all the necessary groups to use Report portal and with curiosity she didn't wait until Hourly ETL run and she didn't had the necessary permissions to run any reports in Report portal. But when she login after 1hr/10 hr/ 1 day/2 day, the user won't see the Permissions getting updated in Group Membership. If we check the User permission table in DWH, it is updated with all the new roles, but it is never being updated in 'My Account' Answers. I think this is some kind of Presentation Cache issue, but I did clicked "Reload Files and Metadata" under Settings and "Close All Cursors" under Settings/Manage Sessions. You may also say it may be with the Caching on Initialization Block for the User Permission table, but we did Un-check the 'Use Caching' right below the Row-wise initialization for the corresponding Initialization block. We has 3 users with the same issue now. But when the user waits for certain time (for at least 1hr), and when they login after the actual hourly ETL ran, they were able to get in and use Report Portal without any issue. So, I am kind of sure this is something with CACHING and I might be missing some thing on Clearing this type of Cache. Could someone please help me out on this? This is in PRD and we are not able to find a solution. Any help would be appreciated!

    Yes, we are using Initialization Blocks to update the User Groups. Our USER_PERMISSION table has Login, Company_ID, Roles, etc columns in it. The Initialization Block will query on this Table and the query has a where clause in it and the Where clause "where company_id=(select substr(':USER', 0, (instr(':USER', '.')) - 1) from dual) and upper(login)=upper((select substr(':USER', (instr(':USER', '.')) + 1) from dual))) and dw_delete_date is null" from which it will get the roles for each user. And YES, the Caching is turned off for this initialization block.
    And I should try deleting the user folders, but my company has a very strict policy so I should do that in DEv, then QA and in PRD. Hope this works, but I am still not convinced why this is happening. We cannot keep on deleting the user folders in future if this happens again.

  • Group membership on AD-bound server is not updating correctly

    I have a 10.6.4 server that is bound to AD with Win2008 domain controllers. I am seeing group membership not update properly on this OS X server. If I type "id -p username" I don't get a full list of groups the user is a member of. If I launch Workgroup Manager, all of the groups are listed. I am using the box as a Subversion server and need the group updates to propagate from AD for Apache authentication to work correctly. Any ideas as to why the propagation is not happening? Is there a way I can flush whatever cache might be causing an issue? Can the group membership list be "refreshed"?

    Yes, we are using Initialization Blocks to update the User Groups. Our USER_PERMISSION table has Login, Company_ID, Roles, etc columns in it. The Initialization Block will query on this Table and the query has a where clause in it and the Where clause "where company_id=(select substr(':USER', 0, (instr(':USER', '.')) - 1) from dual) and upper(login)=upper((select substr(':USER', (instr(':USER', '.')) + 1) from dual))) and dw_delete_date is null" from which it will get the roles for each user. And YES, the Caching is turned off for this initialization block.
    And I should try deleting the user folders, but my company has a very strict policy so I should do that in DEv, then QA and in PRD. Hope this works, but I am still not convinced why this is happening. We cannot keep on deleting the user folders in future if this happens again.

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