Is a device w/an ethernet connection REALLY needed to modify wifi password?

I'm not all that tech savvy. About 6 years ago my son helped us set up our wifi and router. We opted to NOT have a password as we were the only home in the area at the time and never understood the risks of unlocked despited being lectured by our son. Times have changed, a development went in where farms used to be and now we have decided to use a password. I've looked up how to do so witelessly and have accessed the screens and now what needs to be done, BUT I'm leary to do so as all the tutorials I've look at seem to suggest an ethernet connection is needed. The issue is we have no devices with an ethernet port. We use our wifi for our mobile devices, tablets, smartTV and Roku. My son now lives in another state. Is the ethernet really needed to simply add a password? Or is there another way to handle this. Thank you!
Go to Solution.

Hi! An ethernet cable is only required to establish a connection with the router. Since you've been connected to the router wirelessly, there's no need to connect a cable connection anymore. To secure your network, follow the instructions from this link: .  Have a good one! 

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    Hi Jhughes1986,
    Are you encrypting your backups?  It looks like for security reasons, if your backups are not encrypted, passwords are not backed up.
    From the iPad User Guide, under "Syncing with iTunes", it says:
    In the device’s Summary pane, select “Encrypt backup” if you want to encrypt the information stored on your computer when iTunes makes a backup. Encrypted backups are indicated by a lock icon  , and you need a password to restore the backup. If you don’t select this option, passwords (such as those for mail accounts) aren’t included in the backup and have to be reentered if you use the backup to restore iPad.
    Try encrypting the backups and see if that works for you.

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    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
     Cheers, Tom

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    So I have the modem/router in DHCP/NAT mode, and Airport Extreme in Bridged mode.
    This would be the simplest, correct way to configure your network.
    Unless you need some special feature from the AirPort Extreme....that would require that the AirPort Extreme handle DHCP and NAT the Guest Network feature......then it would probably be best to keep things simple and leave them "as is" on your network.
    Either the modem needs to be in Bridge Mode and the AirPort Extreme handles DHCP and NAT.....or.....the modem/router handles DHCP and NAT and the AirPort Extreme is setup in Bridge Mode.
    it does not really matter which device handles DHCP and NAT as long as your feature requirements are being met on the network.
    Personally, I strongly prefer to use a simple modem....not a modem/router....and another separate router to control the network. But, your ISP may not offer that option.

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    Is there a way to turn the wireless capabilities off on an AirPort Express?  I have an AirPort Extreme as my main router and use the express to just extend it. I only really want to you use the express for hard ethernet connections.
    It appears that your networking goals with the AirPort Express is to use it as a wireless Ethernet bridge instead of using it to extend the wireless range of your AirPort Extreme. The latter requires that the Express Wi-Fi radios be enabled.
    If you intended to use the Express as a wireless bridge, you just need to reconfigure it to "Join a wireless" network instead of "Extend a wireless network."
    For whatever reason when I have my express extend my wifi at home the download speed from just the express is absolutely terrible, drops to about 1.5 mb compared to when it's on the extremes part of the network the speed goes up to 50-75mb.
    In an extended network, the placement of the extending base station is critical as it can only extend the wireless network at the bandwidth at which it receives it.
    Please check out the following AirPort User Tip for details on optimal base station placement.

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    Hi, you can upgrade the Firmware for the wrt54g router under the system screen.
    you will find the "upgrade Firmware" tab under the system screen.
    Once the Firmware has been upgraded you can then reset the router by holding and pressing the reset on the back panel for 30seconds. And then reconfigure the router again.

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    Can AirPort Extreme join a wireless network and share the connection to ethernet connected devices?

    Yes, if the AirPort Extreme is joining a wireless network that has been created by another Apple router. In this case, it will be extending the wireless network and the Ethernet ports are enabled on the "remote" AirPort Extreme.
    No, if the AirPort Extreme will be used with another router from another manfacturer.
    Ironically, the less expensive AirPort Express can do what you ask about with virtually any wireless network using a special feature called ProxySTA. It won't extend the wireless with a non-Apple router, but the Ethernet port will be enabled.

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    So, where do you find the MAC addresses listed of ethernet-connected devices using Windows Airport Utility?

    but it appears the Airport Utility -> Advanced -> Logging and Statistics tab -> "Logs and Statistics" only holds information of wirelessly connected devices.
    That would be true if the AEBS is configured in Bridge Mode.  In this case, another likely call this your providing DHCP information to all connected devices. That is the device where you need to locate MAC Addresses and set up Static IP addresses.....not the AEBS.
    If your AirPort Extreme is in charge of providing DHCP services, then the window in Airport Utility will have a DHCP tab, which will display all of this information for both wired and wireless devices.  If you don't see a DHCP tab....this is yet another confirmation that the AEBS is in Bridge Mode.

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    I have an ethernet connected device (among others) that is running headless, so I need to create a static IP ("DHCP Reservation") based on the MAC address to SSH into the device.
    This device is connected to my AEBS with an ethernet cable, and I cannot figure out where in the Airport Utility app lists MAC addresses connected by ethernet. This is very easy if it were a wirelessly connected device but it appears the Airport Utility -> Advanced -> Logging and Statistics tab -> "Logs and Statistics" only holds information of wirelessly connected devices.
    I am connecting to my AEBS with the most updated Airport Utility for Windows v5.6.1

    but it appears the Airport Utility -> Advanced -> Logging and Statistics tab -> "Logs and Statistics" only holds information of wirelessly connected devices.
    That would be true if the AEBS is configured in Bridge Mode.  In this case, another likely call this your providing DHCP information to all connected devices. That is the device where you need to locate MAC Addresses and set up Static IP addresses.....not the AEBS.
    If your AirPort Extreme is in charge of providing DHCP services, then the window in Airport Utility will have a DHCP tab, which will display all of this information for both wired and wireless devices.  If you don't see a DHCP tab....this is yet another confirmation that the AEBS is in Bridge Mode.

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    I want to connect my iMac to my Time Capsule using Ethernet.  I have them connected via an Ethernet cable, but only WiFi seems to be working.  How can I specify the Ethernet connection instead of WiFi?  Thanks

    Go to preferences, network and see if ethernet is indicated. Be sure it shows a green dot.  Also be sure it is at the top of the list (above WiFi).  If not click on the the wheel at the bottom and set service order.

  • Gigabit Ethernet connection

    Is the only current option for an Ethernet connection for a MacAir the USB adaptor? I've seen where the Sonnet thunderbolt adaptor will be coming but I can't find it for purchase. I'll be using my MAP mainly connected to a hard line and fear it's going to be too slow. The laptop isn't an option due to travel.

    The Sonnet Thunderbolt Adapter is not available yet.
    But unless you have a really super speed internet connection or are doing a lot of machine to machine transfers then the gigabit over 10/100 speed of the Apple USB adapter.
    The Apple Adapter is rated as 10/100 Mbps. The USB 2.0 port itself is rated at 480Mbps though it has a lot of overhead. Both of these should be faster than your ISP connection unless you are very lucky.
    802.11g WiFi speeds should be comparable to the USB Ethernet speed.
    802.11n WiFi speeds could be faster to the USB Ethernet speed.
    Again, both of these should be faster than your ISP connection unless you are very lucky.
    The 10/100 Mbps speed from a practical standpoint will only make a visible difference for machine to machine transfers where the other devices are 10/100/1000 Mbps capable.

  • E3000 severe drop in speed from ethernet connection to wireless

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    Its best to check speeds on wired LAN cables as there are many factors that contribute to bad results on WiFi. Different WiFi device may exhibit slower than expected results. 
    Wireless Configurations
    What wireless modes are you using?
    Try single mode G or N or mixed G and N on 2.4Ghz and single mode N or Mixed on 5Ghz?
    Channel Width set for Auto 20/40Mhz.
    Try setting a manual Channel to a open or unused channel. 1, 6 or 11. 11 for single mode N if the channel is clear. 13 for EU regions. Try channel 48 or 149 on 5Ghz.
    What security mode are you using? Preferred security is WPA-Personal. WPA2 Only.
    Ensure any devices with WiFi adapter drivers are updated.
    Any 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz cordless house phones or WiFi APs near by?
    Any other WiFi routers in the area? Link> Use to find out. Use v3. How many?
    WMM Support must be enabled for single wireless N mode to function.
    Router Placement
    Forum User - "Well I feel really dumb. After moving the router away from other electronic devices my speeds are back to normal. Just a heads up for anyone experiencing slow speeds, you might want to move it away from other electronics and see if that helps."
    3-6' feet minimum safe distance between devices.
    Placement on main level floor and central in the building and WELL ventilated is preferred. Not in basements or closets as building materials, or near by electronics devices could interfere or hinder good signal propagation.

  • Roaming (ethernet connected base station) and wireless extended network at the same time. Good idea?

    I have a Time Capsule (6th gen.) which is my main base station. I also have a number of airport extremes around the house. I only use them in the client mode, i.e. they just join the network so that I can stream audio to devices connected to them.
    As I had bad reception in the garden, I installed my old dual-band airport extreme (4th gen) in the garden shed. All Apple articles I read on the topic convinced me that roaming (ethernet connected base station) is much better than wireless extending because you don't lose throughput. As I had no ethernet in the shed, I used two powerline adapters to bring ethernet there and I connected my airport extreme.
    Then I had to re-install all the airport expresses (as I had also changed the name of the network) and I noticed that the default option of the Airport utility is to make them extend the network wirelessly instead of just joining to it. I did not do it, but I am wondering. Is it a good idea? As they are in different rooms than the Time Capsule, of course the network there is not as strong as close to the Time Capsule. I still get "good enough" connection, but I will I have an improvement if I allow every Airport Express to extend the network as well? Or will I have problems with the throughput. My idea is not to do it and keep the net as simple as possible, i.e just extend it with roaming in the garden where I really need it and let the airport expresses in client mode.

    As usual AirPort Utility is trying to be clever. It is proposing what Apple thinks most people will want to do with it, and most of the time it succeeds.
    Having the Expresses "wirelessly extend" the Time Capsule's wireless network will increase your wireless network service area and should not introduce new problems. If that is not what you want to do though, you can certainly return to AirPort Utility and select "join a wireless network". It is a simpler configuration, and simpler is better for home wireless networks.
    Wireless > Network Mode > Join a wireless network.

  • Mac-mini looses wired ethernet connection

    Hey out there.
    I know this topic has been covered, however i could not find a solution that works for me.
    Last week I bought a intel mac-mini and got home and happily connected it to my wireless router (this all went fine)
    I am using a Asus wl500g router.
    However, once i updated all the software via the wirless and moved my router closer to my mac-mini.( i am using a 1 meter Cable) it tell's me that my etherent cable is not connected.
    So I swapped out my ethernet cable with the one connected to my NAS which is connected to the same router and it is still did not work, Even though it functions fine on my NAS which also had two gigabit ports.
    After messing with the setting on my ethernet connection i disabled IP ver 6 and did a renew and all of sudden i had wired ethernet connection.
    So i thought that i fixed it. However after the next reboot, the wired connection did not connect again and it continued to tell me that there was not cable attached. I used the same cable connected to the mini to test on my macbook (also intel) and it worked just fine. I also tried swapping the cables from my mac mini and my nas again. My nas device connected with the cable that did not work for the mac and ofcourse my mac told me that i have no cable attached.
    I then tried to put my mac to sleep and woke it up again and bam.. i had wired ethernet!
    Great, however after another reboot, i have not been able to get connection again or since. this has been for a few days now.
    SO what i know is this:
    The cables are the right length.
    The cabels work!
    it should have nothing to do with the fact that my router is 100baseT cause my nas connects to it just fine which as i said also has two gigibit ports.
    THe issue is on the mac side that is forsure!
    I took my mac back to the store where i bought it and they tested it and they said that is fine, they must be connecting to some airport.
    So, could some please tell me what i need to do to get a constant connection between my mac-mini and my router please.
    there must be a way of getting it work as it works on and off at random times.
    I have been a happy mac user for a few years, so this kind of issue is really puzzling, why does it not just work like most other things MAC?
    Buying a airpot extreme is not an option in my books, as the rest of the my mac network functions just fine on my current router.
    Looking forward to some inlightenment.

    Hallo dinodam,
    I am having exactly the same problems you are. Everything worked fine for a few months and now I copy you problem identically. Again, the shop in Frankfurt says everything works fine. All my other PCs and cables work.
    I have been quietly going around the bend. Every now and again I have a connection for a short while and then it is gone. "Kabel nicht verbunden".
    This tends to suggest that the problem lies either in the OS or the hardware, nothing external. Surely someone at Apple must be aware that there is an issue? The time I have wasted on this issue more than covers the cost of buying a new pc. Unless someone has any bright ideas, that is what I shall end up doing and send Apple the macmini back.
    I should be grateful for any suggestions how to resolve this.

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