Is Director right for me?

I am a software trainer who creates a lot of elearnings (using Captivate).  I teach people how to use certain customer service software.  I want to create games for the software that I teach, and I am wondering if Director is the right choice.  Kind of like creating a fun, interactive game to teach Excel or PowerPoint.  I'm thinking of creating a game of simulated customer interaction where students have to use my customer service software to answer their questions and help the customer.
I'm good with computers, but I am a trainer, not a programmer.  Do I need a background/understanding in computer programming to use Director?  If Director is not the right choice, does anyone have any suggestions?

Director can certainly do what you want. Are you looking to have these game/training modules as self contained applications that run off the user's hard drive or CD? Or would you wnat them to be delivered online?
Director is a very powerful multimedia authoring application, capable of creating rich presentations, games and a wide range of other products. You can create sophisticated content without extensive programming expertise.
The choice of Director over another product depends on what you want to output. Another consideration is the price. Lastly, manyusers aren't developing big new projects with Director because Adobe haven't been forthcoming with future plans for the product. I am trying to change that.
My advice to you is - download Director, play around with it. Ask questions. And see how it suits what you're doing.

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    Yes, others have experienced the problem, a simple search of the forums would have revealed that and the simple solution.
    Termporarily disable any security software on the computer.

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    I second the above opinion, as I am an Electrical Engineering student currently. I've been using an 11" Air for everything (full options, i7, 8gb, 512ssd). I was using a mid 2011 and i just got the new 2013 model and I have to say both have performed outstanding.
    Since you're gonna be an engineer i'll tell you how I run my machine to let you know how powerful it is for school:
    I run 4 desktops that i swipe between constantly with 10+ programs running, most of which are not your normal small programs (Autocad, MotionBuilder, etc.)
    My 5th desktop that i swipe between is Parallels Desktop running windows 7 for the non-mac apps, inside of windows i typically run 3+ programs which include AutoCad, Quartus (electronic modeling) and PSpice.
    Keep in mind that I run all of this at the same time and it's probably too much (I don't need to run everything at once I just love to keep evrything up so between classes I don't have to prepare for the next).
    All I have to say is the machine kills it. i'm serious, no lag, fluid autocad building, low heat, and great battery, i got about 5 hours out of my 2011 model and i expect to see 8+ out of this one when school gets going again.
    You're in the right direction, i think you'll be more than happy with a new Macbook Air if you max out the options, and then you'll increase the resale so in 2-3 years you can grab the latest and greatest as i did.
    Good luck in engineering and don't let it get to you, stick it out and it'll be worthwhile!

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    Problem solved.
    I had to put the following lines in the specified "" file:
            <Directory "/Library/WebServer/subdomain.domain">
                    Options All +MultiViews -ExecCGI -Indexes -Includes
                    AllowOverride None
                    # For Password protection
                    AuthType Digest
                    AuthName "Password Protection"
                    require valid-user
                    <IfModule mod_dav.c>
                            DAV Off

  • Reader rights for adding attachment

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    thanks and best regards.

    Hi Jun,
    here is a sample code for seting usage rights:
    FORM use_rights
      CHANGING p_pdf TYPE xstring.
    DATA: l_fp           TYPE REF TO if_fp,
          l_pdfobj       TYPE REF TO if_fp_pdf_object,
          l_dest TYPE rfcdest.
    MOVE cl_fp=>get_ads_connection( ) TO l_dest.
    l_fp = cl_fp=>get_reference( ).
    l_pdfobj = l_fp->create_pdf_object( connection = l_dest ).
    l_pdfobj->set_document( pdfdata = l_pdf ).
    DATA: lt_rights TYPE TFPURIGHT.
    PERFORM my_usagerights CHANGING lt_rights.
    l_pdfobj->set_usagerights( default_rights = space  rights = lt_rights ).
    l_pdfobj->execute( ).
    l_pdfobj->get_document( IMPORTING pdfdata = l_pdf ).
    FORM my_usagerights
        CHANGING pt_rights TYPE TFPURIGHT.
      DATA: ls_rights LIKE LINE OF pt_rights.
      REFRESH pt_rights.
      ls_rights-right = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formrights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formright_fillin. "Ukladani
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formright_export. "Export XML
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formright_add.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formright_delete.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formright_submitstandalone.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formright_spawntemplate.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>formright_online.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-right = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>signrights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>signright_modify.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-right = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>annotrights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>annotright_create.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>annotright_delete.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>annotright_modify.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>annotright_copy.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>annotright_import.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.
      ls_rights-value = if_fp_pdf_usage_rights=>annotright_export.
      INSERT ls_rights INTO TABLE pt_rights.

  • Admin and user rights for change active airport

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    my son has a new MacBook (System 10.5) for his school and he learn with the computer in all school-subjects. So I create two users, admin and one for him. After he has install all applications that he need for school, I gave the admin a password. Now my son can't install applications or change system settings. But i must give him admin rights, because when he stay at school, he must change the airport environment for school and if he stay at home he must change it back to home. Is it not possible to set the rights for a not admin user so, that he can change the airport environment?
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    If he needs admin status to use the wireless connection, then you need to make him an admin user. As far as I know, there is no partial admin configuration.

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    or this mac if I can scrape together some more funds.

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    i am trying to figure out if the ipad is right for me. i very much want one, but it seems to me that there are several reasons that it won't work for is my situation: i travel a lot for work, so it would be in my best interest to consolidate how much i have to pack with me when i travel. right now i have to bring my 15' mbp with me wherever i go. i must have internet access for my job. since i spend a lot of time in hotel rooms, i have transferred most of my movie collection to a portable external hard drive that i bring with me....its about 600gb of data.
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    1) is there a way the ipad can access the movies on the external hard drive?
    2) most hotels have wireless, but there are some i stay at that only have wired internet in the rooms
    3) i have 64 gb itouch and an amazon kindle already, so is there any reason to get a ipad considering that i have major problems with the fact that the 3G plans aren't unlimited, and so if i only got the wireless version, i would basically have the itouch with a book reader (which i already have).
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    thanks for the response julian, and to answer your question, of course i don't NEED the 600gb of movies, haha, but WANTING is something different, right ..... to be honest, no, i don't need all that, but sometimes i am on the road for 7-10 days, and i don't watch tv really, so its nice to be able to have anything i need in the area of movies. as for the airport express, i just found that solution as well, and i already have an airport express at home, so then is it possible just to create a wireless network if need be in the hotel room? i havent done that before.

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    I was first introduced to Linux and Unix-based systems last summer when I took a course at my local community college. Since then, I have installed Ubuntu on my HP laptop. In the past months, I have learned and taught myself a lot about the way linux works: downloading and installing software, Unix command line prompt, etc.
    Ubuntu is a fantastic distro for linux beginners, but I feel like I'm ready to take the next step and I'm always itching to see a little more of what goes on behind the scenes. I read a guide on Arch over at LifeHacker and skimmed the "Getting Started" guide on Arch Wiki and I generally understood everything that was going on; nothing seemed way over my head. So I think I could handle Arch. What do you guys think?
    If you think I should take Arch for a spin, is it practical to install it as my main OS on my main machine? Should I dual-boot it next to Ubuntu or similar? I am planning on building a PC this summer and am currently debating over which OS to use; Arch is a main candidate. My main uses for this computer will be surfing the net, listening to music (integration with my iPod would be great), a little video editing, some casual gaming, and general programming/tinkering with my computer.
    I know y'all probably get a lot of these but I appreciate your feedback.

    Check out the Beginner's Guide and The Arch Way in the wiki.  It's important to note that what really distinguishes Arch from most other distros is that it isn't a distro in the most common sense of the term.  Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE, Sabayon, Mandriva, PCLOS, etc. have graphical installers that pre-configure everything for you;  the choices are made for you, and you'll have to work around anything you don't find to your liking. You can easily add and remove programs, but always limited by what they've provided: packages that are patched in order to work in the way they've deemed appropriate, and an init system that's opaque to users (remember the fuss over certain graphics drivers not rendering Plymouth splashes correctly?  I've never had that issue in Arch).  Arch, on the other hand, is essentially a set of tools--the Arch Installation Framework, a couple init scripts, about six config files (give or take), repos, the ABS tree, the kernel and a package manager--that allow a user to craft their own operating system to their liking.  A couple of the things I just mentioned are even optional as it is; at least three of those config files have never been touched by me, as I don't need them.  Combine this sense of freedom and control with the DIY philosophy (which I find empowering as well, but hell--I enjoy research, learning and problem solving) and the close-knit community, and you've got my favorite distro.  Ultimately, it's the choices of the developers that make a distro what it is; the software--at least in principle--rarely changes.  In the case of Arch, most everything comes straight from upstream, goes in the testing repo briefly, then ends up in the standard repo, only altered if deemed necessary for security or basic functionality.
    I left Ubuntu after switching to KDE and finding Kubuntu not to my liking;  I also found that many of the "conveniences" of Ubuntu (and the 9-12 other distros I tried afterward) just got in the way.  For example, why use the Ubuntu USB Startup Disk Creator or Unetbootin when "dd" is faster and easier?  How much frustration could I have avoided installing the Catalyst driver in Ubuntu or SuSE if I'd done so manually (with a number of console commands I can count on one hand) rather than mess around with a GUI, thus knowing exactly what I did wrong?  To me, it just seems better to start with what I absolutely need and build up piecemeal, rather than add a bunch of crap I don't need/want/even know is there in the first place and hide it all behind extra GUI's, then try and pick it apart.  Ultimately, you make Arch what you want it to be.  No one can tell you if it's right for you, or if you should install it (there are rare cases where folks here would flat-out say "No," but yours doesn't seem to be one of 'em ).  Check out those wiki articles I mentioned;  if it seems like something that interests you, give it a whirl!

  • Suggested user rights for FCP daily work

    I am wondering what is the suggested user rights for a user doing daily work with final cut pro?
    Should this user be an admin or restricted?
    What is the suggested - best practice?
    I am wondering what the benefits - drawbacks are of iether means.
    What do you do?

    If you're the only user, you need to have admin privileges...
    If you're not the only user, and you don't trust the other users, then just give one person admin privileges... That said, I know of several bays here in Denver which are used extensively by many users and they all share the same user account without a problem... just sort of depends on how much you trust all those different folks.
    FCP runs fine either way, but only admin's can install updates or other applications. In some cases you can even set up systems that won't allow users to even use utilities... I think this is likely taking things a bit far, but it's certainly not unknown to do this. (keeps them from reformatting drives for example).
    But in and of itself, FCS runs OK with or without admin privileges.

  • Was just loading indesign and cannot start it. seem to have no rights for some presets. i deinstalled and installed new, same problem. help!

    was just loading indesign and cannot start it. seem to have no rights for some presets. i deinstalled and installed new, same problem. who can help?

    Not easy if vital information is missing. Sometimes it seems like people are using the internet the first time...
    What version of Indesign?
    What OS? "Rights" sounds like Windows
    What is happening when starting it?
    If Windows, where was it installed?
    If Windows, do you have admin permissions?

  • Local Administration rights for Xcelcius and Crystal Reports

    Hello Customercare,
        I am currently compiling a list of software that does and does not require local administrator rights to install and run.  
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    Please let me know or point me in the right direction of a resource who would be able to help me with the above information.
    Many thanks for your time,
    Phil Booth
    Technical Support Engineer

    Hi Joseph,
    Download [Product guide/end userdocument|] select your product.
    For Business objects Integration kit for SAP click [here|]

  • Save and File Attachment usage rights for adobe reader

    With Acrobat Pro is there any way to save a pdf that has both save usage rights and file attachment usage rights?
    It seems that if I save the pdf with save the form data usage rights then I can no longer use createDataObject or setDataObjectContents methods when viewing with adobe reader or acrobat.
    createDataObject and setDataObjectContents require 'File Attachment' usage rights, which from the behavior I am getting totally disjoint from the save usage rights.
    I have no trouble using submitForm method with save usage rights applied to the pdf.

    Thanks for the replies, I also want to verify that a pdf created with acrobat that uses createDataObject or setDataObjectContents will no longer function properly in acrobat after saving the pdf with the additional usage permissions.  Is there any documentation that points to what  functions are crippled by saving the pdf with the various choices of  extensions enabled?  It seems as if I save the pdf with any type of extended usage rights for reader, then the pdf functions as if it was opened by adobe reader even if I have it open in acrobat?

  • Enable "Save" rights for Reader using LC Server

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    To enable the "Save" rights for Reader I can use Acrobat Pro menu option Advanced -> Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader...
    What is the option in Reader Extensions console that maps to this right? Also, what service would this map to in Reader Extension WSDL?

    If that is the case please let me know if the following mapping between RE webservice and RE browser UI is correct.
    enabledFormFillIn                     - Basic form fill-in
    enabledFormDataImportExport   - Import and Export form data
    enabledSubmitStandalone         - Submit outside web browser
    enabledOnlineForms                - Database and web service connectivity
    enabledDynamicFormFields      - Add, delete and change form fields
    enabledDynamicFormPages      - Create pages from templates
    enabledBarcodeDecoding      - 2D bar decoding
    enabledDigitalSignatures      - Digital signatures
    enabledComments                - Commenting
    enabledCommentsOnline      - online commenting
    enabledEmbeddedFiles           - Embedded file attachments
    This will help decide the correct WS call.

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