Is enabling face detection worth it?

I have about 20,000 photos in my Aperture library.   I just recently looked at iPhoto '11 and saw that face detection looked kind of fun and useful.  I am thinking of enableing it on Aperture.   What are the pros and cons?

Kirby, thank you for your reply - good point. Yes, my keywords are grouped and the groups are deeply nested - and that is exactly the reason for a big problem I have with large numbers of keywords, and why I want to keep their numbers small, see the screenshot of my keyword  HUD below :
I frequently have to reimport images that I temporarily export to a different machine for editing ( by a different person on a different OS).
When I reimport the images the keywords are still there, but appear as duplicate keywords at the top level of the keyword tree and not in their respective genres. After each import I have to track down duplicate keywords, have to merge them again and to refresh all smart albums, for they will empty after merging duplicate keywords, unless I close and relaunch Aperture.
A similar probem occurs if I export and reimport a project as an iPhoto Library or simply to the Desktop and back - then the keywords will be duplicated too at the top level.
So, with my workflow of frequent exports and imports, I like to reserve keywords for important genres and long term projects, and not for short term reasons, like naming pictures of people I am not likely ever to meet gain. Here is a sample of the duplicate keys (_Auswahl, _Book) after reimporting an image with keywords:
Cheers, Léonie

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    Try unchecking Preferences->General->Enable Faces?

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    In the menu bar select - Aperture>Preferences>General - then uncheck the "Enable Faces" checkbox.
    Checkout the manual, pages 857-858 to get a rundown of the preference settings: al%20(en).pdf
    EDIT, I must try and type faster to beat KK
    Message was edited by: Shuttleworth125

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    The face detection used in the camera jut isnt for me.
    Try a different camera app.  Camera Plus is a good one and there are many others.

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    I don't know how to answer your first question (force it for all photos), but I thought you could add faces / names to a photo using the Name button left hand side of the toolbar. I've used it today to add a "Face" to a photo containing two hands because I wanted to tag each hand with a Name. So I clicked Name, and drew a box on each hand and added a Name to it. So it works for a single photo but that might be a pain to do for a lot

  • Tips For Improving Face Detection Accuracy

    These are some rules I have slowly discovered that have helped improve the accuracy of iPhotos' face detection.
    a. Don't force iPhoto to recognize *+every single+* instance of an individuals face. (If you need to create a location containing every instance of an individual, then you need to setup a Smart Folder using the persons' name as a Description or Keyword. "Faces" is not the section to do this. See a suggestion below for using "Faces" to do this.)
    b. Avoid confirming really poor quality examples of a persons face (low light, pixelated, off in the distance, etc)
    c. Avoid confirming only partially visible faces (hair covering half the face, head turned away to a profile, extreme angles too high or too low, etc)
    d. Avoid too many instances in which the person's eyes are closed. (Obviously, sunglasses are a real problem here as well)
    e. Avoid instances where the persons head is tilted 45 degrees or more, unless the software recognizes the face on it's own.
    f. Avoid instances where the face has areas of heavy shadow, and the light source is at right angles to the face. (Outdoors with Sun directly overhead or near horizon.) If face is in an "even" shadow that seems to be OK.
    g. Clearly, the more full frontal, clearly lit views of an individuals' face you can include, the better the face detection will be.
    h. If you do use the "Add Missing Face" button, then restrict the selection box to just around the eyebrows, nose and mouth. Avoid selecting the whole head since the face detection software concentrates on the features in the center of the face. No need to include the hair as it does not appear to be a factor.
    *Gathering Every Instance of a Persons' Face*
    Here is how you could use "Faces" to gather every photo of an individual, yet maintain its' face detection accuracy. Mind you, this may only be practical with relatively small libraries, not libraries with 10's of thousands of photos.
    1. First, go ahead and name *+every instance+* of an individuals' face (Even poor quality examples).
    2. Then, within the "Faces" corkboard section, open that persons' album and "Select All" of their photos (Do this before the Faces scan is complete or you will also select all of the suggested faces under "So-and_So may also be in the photos below")
    3. Next, create "New Album from selection..." and give it the name of the person. (Alternatively, you could "Batch Change..." all the selected photos with a "Description" using the persons' name and then use a "Smart Album" to gather all of the persons' photos. This could be handy for adding future photos of the person automatically to the Smart Album.)
    4. Once that is complete, now "Reject" all poor quality, or partially visible examples of the persons' face within Faces. This will improve the software's future accuracy at detecting the persons' face in new photos added to the library.
    If, at a future date, you add another large group of photos containing that persons' face, you can repeat steps 1 & 2 and simply drag all the photos to the persons' Album. Or "Batch Change..." the Description again to automatically include the newly added photos to the Smart Album you created earlier.
    In the end I have discovered that the Faces section of iPhoto is really more a "tool" for creating Albums, rather than a destination for viewing photos.
    Hope this helps. Feel free to add any suggestions you have discovered for improving the face detection accuracy.

    Glenn Carter wrote:
    h. If you do use the "Add Missing Face" button, then restrict the selection box to just around the eyebrows, nose and mouth. Avoid selecting the whole head since the face detection software concentrates on the features in the center of the face. No need to include the hair as it does not appear to be a factor.
    Apparently you shouldn't worry too much about what you select for the face area when using "Add Missing Face"... From Apple's knowledgebase at
    Note: Only faces that have been automatically detected in your photo library will help iPhoto match faces. Manually identified faces will not aid iPhoto's face-matching ability.
    So, unless they later come out with an update that actually uses that data, any effort you make in selecting especially accurate face regions is going to waste. (Though I'll admit I'm still putting in the effort in the hope that the data will someday be used for something in a future version of iPhoto...)

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    No. Third party software annot control the operating system.

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    Thanks in advance.

    It seems like one of the more requested enhancements on the forum
    The official Adobe feedback forum already has 35 people requesting it: Lightroom 6/CC - Allow facial recognition feature to re-index a folder/collection. Please add your vote and opinion.

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  • Face detect behavior on previously tagged images

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    How should I proceed?
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    Any comments will be greatly appreciated

    Thanks John.
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    Is this common?  This behavior seems only specific to her face.
    Should I delete her face tag and start all over?
    What do you reccommend?

  • Problem in implements ADF Faces: Detecting and handling user session expiry

    Hello everybody
    I´m trying to implement a method to handle user session expiry as explained by frank nimphius in his blog.
    I have implemented the class bellow and add the filters in web.xml. However when I add the JavaServer Faces Servlet to sign the filter, my hole application get nuts. I try to publish the applicatoin in the OAS and it seems that it already starts expired.
    Someone konw what I´m doing wrong?
    I use the filter
    then I add
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    package adf.sample;
    import javax.servlet.Filter;
    import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
    import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    this is the class
    public class ApplicationSessionExpiryFilter implements Filter {
    private FilterConfig _filterConfig = null;
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    _filterConfig = filterConfig;
    public void destroy() {
    _filterConfig = null;
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
    FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    String requestedSession = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getRequestedSessionId();
    String currentWebSession = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getSession().getId();
    boolean sessionOk = currentWebSession.equalsIgnoreCase(requestedSession);
    // if the requested session is null then this is the first application
    // request and "false" is acceptable
    if (!sessionOk && requestedSession != null){
    // the session has expired or renewed. Redirect request
    ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(_filterConfig.getInitParameter("SessionTimeoutRedirect"));
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    I'm really having trouble controlling user sessions. if someone know where I can get materials to learn how to implements session in Jdev ADF + BC, I´m very grateful.
    Thank you Marnie

    The class works fine.. the issue is when I add the this code into web.xml
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    bellow the web.xml
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <description>Empty web.xml file for Web Application</description>
    <filter-name>ApplicationSessionExpiryFilter</filter-name> ==> the problem occurs when I try to add this code
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    By the way, how can I post code on the forum properly?

  • Why No Face Detection for Mobileme Gallery?

    I know to perform face detection, i goto Events, select a photo, then click the "Name" icon on the bottom toolbar, type in the name, and iPhoto will take care of the rest.
    But when i open the Mobileme galleries in iPhoto and select photos, there is no "Name" icon on the bottom toolbar. How could i perform the face detection for mobileme photos then?
    Help very much appreciated

    You can't. You'll need to do your naming with the versions in your Library.

  • IOS photo app vs iPhoto, keywords, smart albums, face detection?

    i have some questions about iOS photos app in comparison to iPhoto (in 10.8).  i've done a little searching on the web and in the forum, but didn't see this covered...
    i always sync my iPhone to my mac, copy/import my photos to iPhoto, and use iPhoto to organize my photos.  in iPhoto, i tag photos (keywords) and use "smart albums" to access all my photos based upon the keyword tags.  face detection in iPhoto is GREAT!.   i have all my friends faces named and finding them by "people" grouping is fantastic.  the down side to all of this is that i have everything working great on my mac, but usually i'm using the photos app in the iPhone to show pics to my friends since that is what i have with me.  i'm not sure if this information in iPhoto ever gets synced back to my iPhone. 
    1- does the iOS photos app have any of these features from iPhoto? 
         in other words, can i tag photos, lable the faces of friends, set up smart albums in iOS photos?  if so, please point me to some info.  i haven't seen an obvious way to do any of this. 
    2- can i sync what i do in iPhoto back to my iPhone?
         in other words, can i get the tags, peoples' names on their faces, and smart albums copied from iPhotos back to my iPhone?  is there some setting or command in iPhoto, or somewhere else?
    3- i just turned on photostream.  can/does this iPhoto data transfer via photostream to the iPhone?
    i have an iPhone 4.
    i am just about ready to upgrade from iOS 5 to iOS 6.  so if any of these features are specific to iOS 6, please let me know. 
    i'd appreciate it if you could mention if there is anything special about iOS in the iPad, because a friend has asked me how she can do in her iPad (iOS 6), what i do with iPhoto in my mac. 
    thank you for any suggestions or advice. 

    You're best bet would be to do your own comparison:

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