Is ios7 really in the making? Many posts show its true.

I need to know if its true. If ios 7 of APPLE has the features shown in internet. If theyre true or not. Thanks :)

Would be logical to assume that when new IOS comes out it is not going to be 8.
Would be logical to assume that at some point it is not going to be 6 anymore.
Don't I wish to know something else, would not be typing here if I did thou.

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    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Step 1
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left.
    Enter "mdworker" (without the quotes) in the Filter text field. Select the most recent 50 or so messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are long runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don't post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Some personal information, such as the names of your files, may be included — anonymize before posting.
    Step 2
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    You two are obviously talking about the LCD pixels being killed. What exactly does it look like?
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    Where was the brightness control at for the both of you?

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    Here is my problem :
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    * The airport Network to stream music to the soundsystem
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    Many thanks in advance for your answers.

    Before to close this topic and mark it as solved, I will explain the whole process, so if you find this, you can try it directly... French version hereunder.
    Hardware setup :
    - Bbox2 Modem router provided by my ISP
    - PC with latest version of Airport Utility
    - Airport Express connected to amplifier (Jack - Double RCA) and to the router through Ethernet (the whole purpose of this is to remove this Ethernet cable).
    Before you begin :
    Open your router configuration utility (typically or in your browser). Change your network password (by default, mine was the 26 characters WEP key - 13 letters and 13 numbers). Choose a 13 characters password. I chose one with 7 letters followed by 6 numbers. Waring : This operation might (should ?) crash your current internet connexion and you may experience problems reconnectiong. Under Win 7, Go to the properties --> security of your network to type your new password & connect again.
    Once this is done :
    1. Open the Airport Utility on your computer
    2. Do a "hard reset" of the Airport Express" (AE) using a pen or a paperclip --> the AE disappears from the Airport utility, then shows up again.
    3. Select "replace the settings with default settings" to clean up the mess your previous attempts might have caused
    4. You're back to the default configuration
    5. On the Airport utility window you see now, invent a new password for the AE & clic continue
    6. Select "I want AE to join my current network" (3rd option), clic on "Continue".
    7. Select "I want AE to wirelessly join my current network" (1st Option), clic on continue
    8. Select your network in the drop down menu and select "WEP 128 bits" as encryption mode (Your network obviously has to use WEP encryption. If it's not the case, go back to your router management utility and set the security to WEP or write another tutorial
    9. Clic on "Update"
    10. Watch your LAN crash
    11. Say "What the F**" and unplug the Ethernet cable from the AE. Your LAN should get better very quickly.
    12. Accidentally unplug the AE from the wall. Plug it again quickly with 2 or 3 "Sh** !"
    You're done !
    French version :
    Préalable :
    Configuration hardware :
    - Modem router Bbox2 fourni par mon FAI (Belgacom)
    - PC avec la dernière version de Airport Utility
    - Airport Express connecté à un ampli (Jack - Double cinch) et au routeur via un câble Ethernet (le but de la manoeuvre est de virer ledit câble Ethernet)
    Ouvrir l'utilitaire de configuration de votre routeur ( dans le navigateur par exemple) et changer là le mot de passe du réseau (anciennement chez moi : la clé WEP de 26 caractères) en choisissant un mot de passe d'exactement 13 caractères (chiffres et lettres mêlées ont fonctionné pour moi). Attention, cette opération peut avoir des retombées un peu bizarres sur votre connexion... Deux redémarrages de Bbox et pas mal d'essais de reconnexion m'ont été nécessaires.
    Une fois cela fait :
    1. Ouvrez l'Airport utility
    2. Opérez un Hard reset de l'airport avec un trombone --> l'AE disparait de l'utility, puis réapparaît
    3. Sélectionner "Replace the settings with default settings" histoire de virer tout merdier d'essais précédents.
    4. Vous êtes de retour à la configuration "de base"
    5. Sur l'écran qui s'affiche alors, inventez un nouveau mot de passe pour l'AE puis Cliquez sur "continuer"
    6. Sélectionnez "I want Export Express to Join my current network (3ième option)" puis cliquez sur "continuer"
    7. Choisissez "I want AE to wirelessly Join my current network (1ière option)" puis cliquez sur "continuer"
    8. Sélectionnez votre réseau dans la liste déroulante et sélectionnez "WEP" comme mode de cryptage (il faut évidemment que votre réseau soit crypté en WEP. Si ce n'est pas le cas, passez en WEP ou faites un nouveau tuto...
    9. Cliquez sur "Update"
    10. Regardez votre réseau local se planter en beauté...
    11. Débranchez le câble de l'AE. Le réseau local devrait se sentir beaucoup mieux
    12. Retirez accidentellement l'AE de la prise. Rebranchez-le vite fait avec 2-3 "Mert".
    You're done !

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    How can i go back to ios6 ??

    You cannot go back to a previous iOS version.
    State your dislikes to Apple regarding iOS 7 here:
    That's just about all anyone can do...Apple only "listens" through the feedback process.

  • The making of an online game

    Hello all users of the sun forums.
    I've always been facinated of games and have been wrestling with the idea about learning enough to be able to make a simple online game.
    I got several questions, mainly to see if this is something realistic or if it's not doable as a lone wolf.
    Would java be the right programming language for a online game? (As it can be run on many different platforms, its a good candidate).
    - Any other languages that should be learned in addition to java?
    - Specific books that would benefit for the making of a online game?
    What database technology should I learn about that would be the most beneficial for a online game? (be it a small or a large game)
    I know very little about servers and networking, so some points about things to read up on would be nice.
    And something i've always wondered about - How powerful server do you need for a 100 player thirdperson strategy game?
    I know this might take me some years to learn, but its fun to have something to fill my sparetime with.
    And sorry for my bad english!

    Nheme wrote:
    Are there big differences between SQL databases command vise?Well. Not big differences, but significant differences. I wouldn't worry about those at the moment if I were you.
    Are there any database standards except SQL?Probably, but SQL is the one you'd be using.
    I've been looking through several job applications, but it's hard to put together a list of programming languages that would go along with Java. HTML, XHTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, .NET, C#, C++ etc..Well, HTML and CSS and such aren't really programming languages... I'd recommend that you concentrate on Java and then include other things as you go along (and realize that something might be useful to know).
    My way of attacking this would be to make a roadmap of what I'm going to learn and attack it step by step, but it's hard when I don't know what I should include. Please recommend books as I find it easier to read, than tutorials on the net.I'm sure your way sounds very good, but it's impossible to do it like that. You can't decide in advance all the things that you want and are going to learn and then just go on and do it. Learning is a continuous process. I have about 10 years of Java behind me and some dabbling in other programming languages, but I still keep learning things. And I bet most of the people here with 20+ years in the industry (look at the people with tens of thousands of posts) will say the same thing.
    I haven't read it myself, but Joshua Bloch's Effective Java has been recommended in several places. I hope you enjoy reading, because that's really the best way to learn and then keep up with the programming scene.

  • How to REALLY delete the cropped audio...?

    I'm editing a movie a friend and I made with our kids. The boys (aged 6 & 7) played out various monster/robot encounters with their toys, which I've edited into a vague storyline, while my friend's daughter (age 4) just showed me/the camera her unicorn and playschool toys, named them all, and put her dolls down for a nap.
    In putting all this together, there was a horrible accident. While editing the last segment (the dolls) something funny happened to the audio. In playback, the video was fine but the sound for the whole movie was veeeerrrrry sllooooooowwwww. I determined that I had too many audio clips (extracted dialog, sound effects, music) for the program to bear. So I've been doing a drastic reconstruction of the video, realizing that I should save it in progress as a DV file, and then bring that back into iMovie to add more layers, that way simplifying the number of clips the program has to track.
    Now, at long last we get to the question of this post: Is there a way to really delete the bits of audio I clip away?
    The reason I ask is this: In the dolls sequence, I've taken the eight minutes of footage and chopped it all down to descrete short clips of her saying things and doing things, making about a three minute montage of short clips ("This is DeeDee", "This is a baby unicorn", "I like chocolate milk", etc.). Much more effective on screen with the long pauses gone and my prompting eliminated. But to avoid stray sounds in other video clips, I have the sound for the video track off. So to get her comments, all of those clips have their sounds extracted.
    Each extracted sound contains the whole of the audio from that clip. Since I was shooting continuously with her (in two parts, one about three minutes long, one about five) each little four second clip has the whole audio from the original clip. This is what bogged down the project last time....
    I'd rather finish the reconstruction, than go back to the camera tape and start the whole fershlugginer thing over again.
    Is there a way to chop down the audio clips to just the bits I need in each case?
    If not, I'd suggest the iMagineers at Apple hit the drawing boards again and add such an option to future releases. Just put it under the Advanced pull-down, so I know where to find it... : ) : P
    Thanks for reading,

    Now, at long last we get to the question of this post: Is there a way to really delete the bits of audio I clip away?
    Yes, that can be done. The trick is to select the VIDEO clips above the audio you want to keep, then export the AUDIO of those clips. Then re-import the exported audio to replace the original audio.
    Set the Timeline to timeline mode, not clips mode.
    1. If you wish, split the starting and ending video clip(s) above the audio to match the length of the audio clip.
    Select all the video clips in Timeline that reside over the audio.
    2. Choose File > Export...
    3. Turn ON the checkbox "Share selected clips only".
    4. Choose "Expert Settings" from the Compress Movie For popUp menu.
    5. Click Share
    6. In the export dialog window that opens, choose "Sound to AIFF" from the top popUp menu. (That causes iMovie to export only the audio, not the video.)
    7. Choose "44.1 kHz 16-bit Stereo" from the bottom popUp menu.
    8. Assign the export file name, then Save.
    Import the exported AIFF file back into the project and replace the audio that was there.
    Repeat for each section of audio you want to remove.
    Note, however, that EVERY audio clip you replace must be removed from the project to recover ANY of the disk space its source file consumes. No audio/video file is removed when you empty the iMovie trash unless ALL the clips it supports have been discarded.
    If the project is essentially complete, you can simplify this by exporting ALL the audio this way, then re-import it as a single AIFF file back into the project and discard all your previous audio.
    Another way is to export the entire project to tape and re-import it to a new project. Only the stuff you actually use will be retained.

  • Could Google really be the cause and should we be supporting them?

    Could the end results be more and more timely upgrades and a more true Android experience?
    "Google has also tried to hold up the release of Verizon (VZ) Android devices that make use of Microsoft's (MSFT) rival Bing search engine, according to two people familiar with the discussions."
    Business Week article:
    Do Not Anger the Alpha Android
    Google cracks down on the chaos of Android Land; some mobile partners aren't happy
    By Ashlee Vance and Peter Burrows
    Playtime is over in Android Land. Over the last couple of months Google (GOOG) has reached out to the major carriers and device makers backing its mobile operating system with a message: There will be no more willy-nilly tweaks to the software. No more partnerships formed outside of Google's purview. From now on, companies hoping to receive early access to Google's most up-to-date software will need approval of their plans. And they will seek that approval from Andy Rubin, the head of Google's Android group.
    This is the new reality described by about a dozen executives working at key companies in the Android ecosystem. Some of those affected include LG, Toshiba, Samsung, and even Facebook, which has been trying to develop an Android device. There have been enough run-ins to trigger complaints with the Justice Dept., according to a person familiar with the matter. The Google that once welcomed all comers to help get its mobile software off the ground has become far more discriminating—especially for companies that want to include Google services such as search and maps on their hardware. Google also gives chip and device makers that abide by its rules a head start in bringing Android products to market, according to the executives.
    When Android hit the scene in 2008, Google had a tantalizing pitch: Android was "open source." That is, Google would do the hard work of developing the code, and hardware and software makers were free to use the system at no charge. Carriers and device makers relished the idea of not paying royalties. Android became the people's mobile software, a free zone that contrasted with the closed worlds of the iPhone (AAPL) and BlackBerry (RIMM). HTC, Motorola (MMI), and Acer could avoid spending billions developing their own operating systems and customize Android with unique services. Carriers got a raft of slick new devices to sell. Consumers enjoyed more choice. And Google's search-advertising business could tap the vast mobile phone market.
    Android's share of the smartphone market surged from 9 percent in 2009 to an industry-leading 31 percent worldwide. "I don't think we've seen anything like Android in terms of gaining share," says Bill Gurley, general partner at the venture capital firm Benchmark Capital.
    As Google introduced Android updates, each named after a sweet, devices of varying capabilities flooded the market. Some are polished smartphones that used the "Gingerbread" version of the software; others are clunky tablets released before the latest "Honeycomb" update was ready. It isn't easy for consumers to keep up—and the same goes for software makers, who have to retool apps for every version and device to give their products a consistent look and feel.
    Google's Rubin, a mobile industry veteran, anticipated such market fragmentation. That's why when Google prepares a new version of Android, it selects a chipmaker and a device maker so that the first smartphones and tablets show off all the bells and whistles. With the first version, for example, Google worked in tandem with Qualcomm (QCOM) and HTC. That first Android smartphone turned HTC into a worldwide brand, and Qualcomm's chips now power 60 percent of Android devices, according to Strategy Analytics. With the latest version, the lucky duo was Nvidia (NVDA) and Motorola. "We know we won't get it first every time," says Rob Chandok, senior vice-president for software strategy at Qualcomm. He says Qualcomm has sped up its testing procedures to try to get new versions of Android onto its chips within three weeks of getting the code.
    For the never-anointed—Dell (DELL) and Acer, for example—Android Land can be a harsh place. Hardware makers outside the club often follow their rivals to stores by several months, a virtual death sentence in this market.
    Google says its procedures are about quality control, fixing bugs early, and building toward a "common denominator" experience, says John Lagerling, director of global Android partnerships at Google. "After that, the customization can begin."
    Over the past few months, according to several people familiar with the matter, Google has been demanding that Android licensees abide by "non-fragmentation clauses" that give Google the final say on how they can tweak the Android code—to make new interfaces and add services—and in some cases whom they can partner with. Google's Rubin says that such clauses have always been part of the Android license, but people interviewed for this story say that Google has recently tightened its policies. Facebook, for example, has been working to fashion its own variant of Android for smartphones. Executives at the social network are unhappy that Google gets to review Facebook's tweaks to Android, say two people who weren't comfortable being named talking about the business. Google has also tried to hold up the release of Verizon (VZ) Android devices that make use of Microsoft's (MSFT) rival Bing search engine, according to two people familiar with the discussions. (emphases is mine- DonM)
    It's these types of actions that have prompted the gripes to the Justice Dept., says a person with knowledge of the matter. Google spokeswoman Shari Yoder Doherty declined to comment on Google and its partners or any complaints to the government.
    Google has also started delaying the release of Android code to the public, putting smaller device makers and developers at a disadvantage. On Mar. 24, Bloomberg Businessweek reported Google won't widely release Honeycomb's source code for the foreseeable future.
    The company's moves are hardly unprecedented in such a fast-moving industry. Google owes it to its partners and consumers to prevent Android from running amok. And yet murmurs abound that Android's master has tightened up too much—that its policies limit licensees' ability to differentiate their products. "The premise of a true open software platform may be where Android started, but it's not where Android is going," says Nokia (NOK) Chief Executive Stephen Elop, a former Microsoft executive who recently inked a deal with his former employer instead of Google. He says he did so in part because he thought he would have more opportunity to innovate atop Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 software.
    In the PC realm, Microsoft habituated its partners to expect equal access to new versions of Windows. If anything, says Gartner (IT) analyst Michael Gartenberg, the software giant was equal-opportunity to a fault. "Microsoft often got criticized for treating all partners the same, whether they were doing great work or mediocre work," he says. "Google seems to have no problem with playing favorites."
    The bottom line: Despite grumblings, Google's Android mobile operating system is still open—it's just getting more heavily policed.

    Dad-Bill wrote:
    sandystorm posted:
    I told you all to be patient  the delay is your own fault by to much complaining. My husband who I cant mention anything else said that because of so many complaints it was held up and google has nothing to do with it
    I have to disagree. We got together about 3 weeks ago to start banning together on FaceBook. Who is responsible for not releasing froyo for the prior 8 months or so!? Does your husband work for samsung, verizon or Google?
    Do you really believe that samsung and vzw did not release froyo because of those of us defending ourselves? In the end they may blame us but they have no credibility with the habitual lying that they have done!
    Facebook with just your few comments and the use of Twitter will not help at all

  • Some apps that have iOS7 icons in the app store, are downloading with their old iOS6 icon, in my case the first Infinity Blade.

    First of all, it wasn't letting me post in the App store section, so this is my best bet. Basically the title says it all I went to download Infinity blade which update its icon upon the release of ios7 to look like this
    But, Once downloaded it looked like this.
    I don't want to download the app again if it can be helped as my Internet connection is terrible. But I've seen this happen many time within the app store itself, showing the old app icons with the transparent glow overlayed

    You've been hitten by Apple's recent SNAFU. I fear you are SoL until their pending investigation fiasco is over with.

  • How do I lock the number of posts per page?

    I am getting very tired of switching from 30 posts per page to 15 posts per page every time I select a "community".
    I have not found any place to specify that I always want 15 posts per page.
    Did I miss it or is it not there?
    Just for the record, I hate this new format.

    Well, the old version, like the versions that came before it, is dead and gone, so I don't really have use or time for waxing nostalgic about what was. I'll leave that to you and others.
    In spite of all the complaints, there are plenty of ways to customize the user experience here. It takes a bit of time, but, you know, such is life. If people want to make the most out of the site, fantastic. Pretty much every complaint I've seen can be overcome with some digging and tweaking, and I will help continue to help people with that in any way I can.
    As you know, there are a lot of refinements being worked on. There are some issues with finding new content that I would like to see straightened out, but otherwise, I'm enjoying the new ASC and discovering its many possibilities.
    Good luck!

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