Is is possible to limit download speed

my internet speed is not allowed higher than 3M. however, there is much people using this internet. The new device take almost all of the Internet speed.
I had checked my modem setting. I only saw the Qos upstream, but not downstream. Is that meant i cannot use this idea either? My modem router is Actiontec GT784wnv.

The only QoS possible with the firmware on that modem is upstream. The most you can do in this case is ask Verizon to reconsider the 3Mbps cap in your area. 3Mbps is brutally bad for anything streaming these days, in a multi user home.
The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

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    If you have Flash CC you also have Flash Pro CS6 in your CC membership. You can always use the old bandwidth simulator there.
    Otherwise I fear it's going to come down to controls outside the Adobe realm. Either use software like NetBalancer (free version available) to limit bandwidth to a process. Other techniques like throttling a whole ethernet card or limiting bandwidth from a router perspective, etc.
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    You can always request it:

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    You would need to apply a service-policy to police the bandwidth to that user. As you will most likely be natting to the internet, you will need to apply this policy to the inside interface attaching to the user host. You would need to rely on windowing af the PC connection also to ensure the stream is actually slowed absolute. By this I mean that the download has already hit the ASA by the time we want to slow it down, so if its not a TCP connection, you may find that the ASA will need to buffer the rest of the exceeding traffic. Unlike routers, the ASA does not drop exceeds, it throttles.
    access-list USER1 extended permit ip host any
    class-map USER1
         match access-list USER1
    policy-map Police-User1
         class USER1
              police output 3000000
    Service-policy Police-User1 interface inside

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    There has not been a native Apple OS version of IE for many years now, sorry.  The only way you will be able to do this is to install windows, either via bootcamp and dual-boot your machine, or in a virtual machine like Parallels or VMWare Fusion.
    You can make the site think Safari is IE by using the Developer's Advanced menu to check the box - however, this only makes Safari "sign in" as IE.  If the program actually requires proprietary Microsoft Active-X features, then you need IE itself, and that will require windows.

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    Hi J.Runyon,
    The main purpose is to prevent the Psiphone application running ,right ?
    AppLocker has the ability to deny applications from running simply by excluding them from the list of allowed applications .
    Here is a link for reference of using Scenarios.
    AppLocker Policy Use Scenarios
    We can refer to the following link to configure the group policy,please pay attention that the " Application Identity service " should be running .
    How to configure AppLocker Group Policy to prevent software from running
    Best regards
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Loss in Potential Download Speed

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    Hello, GREAT, Thank-you for updating your post. I've just looked over the images : Your below your speeds this marked as fault. Could please ask you go to your master BT socket and take image of it and send us what it looks like ? Then could please un-do the screws on both sides and you will see socket behind the face plate please plus your phone & adsl cable in to the microfilter, Then send us update screen shot of the same images. Then could you please change your microfilter if you have spare one re-upload  images again. Please could use this site and send us speedtest Please repeat on link 2 : : please share  Thank - You! Im sorry lot of things need to do but i want make sure nothing in the household causing before tell you next step. Thank - You  Please don't for get like the posts.

  • A browser with download speed limit?

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    I was able to implement [global] throttling with wondershaper. You will need to modprobe sch_cbq if you use the CBQ script (not sure about the HTB one). I use the CBQ version.

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    I know this can be done if you are using another computer in path to do some traffic shaping. Many ISPs do this for P2P program traffic.
    Yuor computer should be able to share available bandwidth between applications. Unless on of your apps is sensitive to other traffic this should be automatic.

  • 2009 Macbook issue: download speed limitation

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    The ping and upload speeds are the very same of other computers, and apparently randomly the download speed also on that computer gets back to around 7 Mbps...
    I just spent the afternoon doing tests and I got nowhere but maybe I found a pattern...
    First what I excluded:
    -doesn't depend on how it's hooked to the net, same behavior by ethernet or wifi in both cases the other service was off
    -any other mac using the same connection is working properly, did side by side tests
    -ping is always the same on both computers used for test
    -it is not a DNS issue
    -deleted and created a new position in Network panel
    -did several restarts, no solution
    -doesn't depend on a specific app being used (but maybe apps can matter, see below)
    -none of possible fixes I found online did work
    -probably it isn't related to OS version or updates, this issue has likely been there since a lot of time, and over more os updates (not really sure of this, we had unrelated netwok issues and changed provider for that reason in last year, we cot a stable and uniform environment just recently)
    Now what I noticed:
    -As soon as the computer is started and I open a single browser (be it Safari, Chrome or Firefox doesn't change) test is ok, 7Mbps download.
    -work and navigate with it, it's ok, download speed remains 7Mbps
    -As soon another internet using application is opened (Mail, another browser) the connection speed drops to 1.5 Mbps (this is ALWAYS the limit, no relevant fluctuation in this)
    -If I close any of above apps and remain with a single browser, running tests initially report still the 1.5 limit, but shortly after (one or two minutes) the speed gets back to 7Mbps
    My wife needs to work with Mail, Skype, and at least two browsers open, so this limit is giving her great troubles

    taylor.henderson wrote:
    -none of possible fixes I found online did work
    This doesn't really help narrow down the problem
    doh, you are right... sorry... the possible fixes I had found around are the ones reported right before...
    Create a new user account on the problem computer and see if the slow speeds and strange behaviour persists in it.
    I did, it does...
    - created a new user and logged in
    - opened Safari, speedtest returns 7Mbit/s in download
    - opened Firefox, after a little speed drops to 1.4
    - some successive test starts slow (1.4) then sometimes speeds up, but most remain at 1.4
    - start chrome too, same behaviour
    - close Safari and Firefox, wait a little (1 or 2 minutes) do the test with Chrome, back to 7Mbit/s
    Then go through stuff like this
    I went through it and did most of what's suggested there (it's a little complex because when I am not working my wife is usually using her macbook to study and needs to use it all the time)...
    - unused disk space is 95,6 GB
    - booted in single user mode and did a fsck -fy
    - repaired permissions
    Nothing changed, both the behavior takes place in new user account, and in main one, where any internet using application (Mail, Skype...) opened together causes the download slow down...

  • 25mb download speed... doesn't exist

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    But i've never see this happen when I actually download any thing off the internet.  The maximum speed is 2.33mb/per sec  Why is Verizon advertising and selling 25mb download speed when it isn't even possible to get near that speed.  Isn't this false advertising? I'm willing to listen but I find it very hard to understand.

    Also remember that your speed is not the only one in question. The question is how fast can they send it to you?
    As an example. Lets say you have 20/5 and I have 20/5
    You can take it from me at 20 but I can only send it at 5 so you will only get 5.
    But that leaves you 15 left over that you can go out and play with. So you can get many files all at the same time until you reach your 20 limit.
    So no matter how fast your connection is, if the other side is slower, you get it slower. Your only as fast as the slowest link in the chain.
    Error exists between keyboard and chair.

  • Download speed and jargon

    I am in dispute with a "Windows User" who says that it is impossible to download over the internet say a 60Mb (ie megabyte) file in under a minute - which is more than 1 megabyte per second? He feels I am just another crazy "Mac User" with no grip on reality.
    Firstly, it is possible, isn't it, for as far as I can see it happens often enough? For example from an Apple server, such as "Software Update". This may have been where the platform bias came in as I mentioned the Apple server to my friend - silly me!
    (By the way does "Software Update" cache downloads before they are needed? This would change the argument in this case.)
    Secondly, how can I obtain a log of downloads that my computer has done, giving time/sizes, or rate of download - which I know are two different things? (I'm OK to do basic stuff in "Terminal")
    Thirdly, what are the correct terms of size to remove any ambiguity or confusion. For example: download speeds are in say 56K or 1.5Mb (ie kilobits per second and megabits per second) where as file sizes are in say 60MB (ie megabyte)? (I've noticed capitalisation is used rather inconsistently?)
    Why does it all have to be so confusing?
    My internet is "ADSL 2+ 1500-24000 kbits/sec" (kilobits per second) - which is as far as my limited understanding of it all, will allow me to download 60MB in less than a minute given favourable other internet factors? I would presume a 4000 kbits/sec connection could do this?
    Is any of the above correct?
    Thanking in advance anyone that can help.

    It all depends upon how fast your broadband connection is, your modem, and your network devices. For example in Vancouver my Shaw cable connection is around 4.9 Mbits/sec or roughly 612,000 KBytes/sec download speed. In one minute I could download about 37 MBytes. To download 60 MBs in one minute would require about an 8 Mbits/sec pipe which is well within the capability of cable providers. Verizon's FIOS system is able to provide speeds of 15 Mbits/sec if you purchase their highest speed option, but their standard home service is about half that. A typical Motorola Surfboard modem has a maximum speed rating of around 20 Mbits/sec so that sort of sets the upper limit. 20 Mbits/sec is about 2.5 MBytes/sec or 150 MBs per minute.
    Caching is irrelevant because the data must be downloaded before it can be cached, so caching doesn't affect the actual data transfer speeds.
    So, the answer to your question is, Yes, it's quite feasible to download a 60 MB file in one minute. Of course this is also dependent upon the site from which you are downloading. They must be able to push the data out that fast, and not many do. At my Florida home my cable service provides a 7 Mbits/sec pipe. The fastest download I've seen was around 840 KBytes/sec or about 6.7 Mbits/sec - just under the service maximum. Given overhead I don't think it's possible to see a faster speed on that connection.
    Now, upload speeds are a different story. Most broadband services provide upload speeds between 256 and 512 Kbits/sec - 32 to 64 KBytes/sec. In one minute the best you could hope for would be an upload of 3.8 MBytes.
    As you can see the discussion has to specify whether you're uploading or downloading.
    I'm not sure how you're stating your DSL service, but if it truly is "1500-24000 kbits/sec" then you would be better off using a telephone modem. Most telephone modems are rated at 56000 Kbits/sec which is twice as fast as your DSL! That leads me to believe that you aren't providing the correct values.
    None of this is all that confusing since it's just simple arithmetic. The rate measures are:
    Kb or Kbits = kilobits
    Mb or Mbits = megabits
    KB or KByte = kilobytes (1 KB = 8 Kb)
    MB or MByte = megabytes (1 MB = 8 Mb)
    Lowercase can be substituted for uppercase if you wish.

  • Slow Download Speed for VHD file

    Hello, I've looked for the answer to this problem on multiple different sites, but to no avail.
    I'm trying to download a 29.2 GB VHD file that crashed up in the cloud so that I can attempt to fix it, or recover the files. Unfortunately, I am achieving abysmal download speeds, even though speedtest indicates that it should be much higher. For example,
    right now speedtest indicates that I have a 5MBs connection, but my download is capping at about 1 MBs +- 20KBs. Does anyone know the reason for this? Is there anyway to get around this?
    Thanks in advance.

    You can achieve up to 30 gigabits/sec of egress for a locally redundant storage account and up to 60 MB/sec or up to 500 requests per second for a single blob (See Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets article for more info).
    You can also turn on storage analytics/metrics to find out the total egress that you were able to achieve in Azure Storage (
    to rule out the possibility of hitting the scalability limit.

  • New Infinity 2 poor real life download speeds

    I'm hoping someone can help. I had infinity 2 installed on Tuesday and have had poor download speeds since. Now I use mainly iPads and iPhones for connecting to the internet.
    My connection downstream on my modem says I'm connected at 78.12 Mbps however I can stand right next to it and try download something from sky go and this downloads at 11-12mbps. This doesn't seem right to me however as it is wireless devices the BT help centre will not help me.
    Go to Solution.

    Are you sure that it is your speeds that are slow or are you possibly confusing your Megabyte (MB) with Megabit (Mb)
    A Megabyte (used for file size) and a Megabit (used for download speeds). People often assume that a download speed of 1 Megabit per second (1 Mbps) will allow them to download a 1 Megabyte file in one second. This is not the case, a Megabit is 1/8 as big as a Megabyte, meaning that to download a 1MB file in 1 second you would need a connection of 8Mbps. Most downloads are shown as MB/s
    If this is not the problem can you use this speed tester then carry out the further diagnostics and post back a screen shot of all the results including your IP profile for up and down. This test must be done with a wired connection for an accurate reading.

  • V e e e r r y   S l o o o o w  Movie Rental Download Speeds

    My setup: In my home office is a cable modem connected to my locally owned and operated ISP's coax feed. It's a city operated fiber network (Ashland Fiber Network), not a ComCast/Charter/Verizon conglomerate. The modem is connected to a Time Capsule (500 MB) via ethernet. Also connected to the Time Caspsule via Ethernet is a 2.4 GHz 24" iMac. The Apple TV is in my living room about 30' away through one wood-frame wall.
    I get consistent >8 Mb/sec download speeds from both on my office (Ethernet) iMac and on my MacBook via 802.11g while sitting next to the Apple TV in my living room. The Apple TV shows 5 bars on its signal strength meter, and is running the latest (2.02) software. I have the Airport Utility setup to run 802.11n (802.11b/g compatible) so that it'll work with both the Apple TV and my 802.11g MacBook. There are no 2.4 GHz wireless phones in my house, and no other WiFi devices connected. There are several other WiFi networks within range in my neighborhood, but I use WPA2 Personal security to isolate my network.
    My problem: I have tried only 1 SD movie download. but it took 37 minutes to reach "Ready to Play," and then choked after playing for 56 minutes. So rather than wait for more of the movie to download, I went to bed and watched the rest of it the next day. I've rented 2 HD movies, the first download notice told me that it would take 13 hours to be ready to play, and the next said 11 hours. Both times I just went to bed and watched the movie the next day.
    Trailers generally take anywhere from 2-5 mins. to begin playing, and they almost always choke after about a minute and have to download more to continue playing. They play much faster on my iMac when downloaded from Apple's Quicktime site, though I can't be sure if different servers are involved there.
    This scenario does not jibe at all with what Apple tells me I should expect from the Apple TV, nor with what I read about here on the Apple Discussion boards.
    Things I've tried: 1) Changing the WiFi channel from Auto to a discrete channel--I've tried four different channels now. 2) Switching to 802.11n only--both at 2.4 GHz and at 5 Ghz. 3) Unplugging and removing the batteries from my 5.8 GHz wireless phones. 4) Moving the Apple TV a 6' HDMI cable's length away from the TV and sound system in my living room. 4) Resetting everything several times, even once back to 2.0 before reinstalling 2.02. 5) I even unplugged the microwave in the kitchen. About the only obvious thing I haven't yet tried is stringing an ethernet cable from my Time Capsule to the Apple TV because I don't have one that long and would rather not strip down my entire setup just to test that. But it looks like I'm going to have to.
    I've had four conversations with Apple tech support, the last one after being bumped up to level 2 support. They had me do (among other things) a 100-ping test using Network Utility between the my iMac and the Apple TV--no dropped packets and the network speed was, according to them, well within spec. When I told them all the other stuff I've tried, they had no suggestion other than: "Something is interfering with your signal."
    I took the Apple TV to my local Apple Authorized Dealer (the nearest Apple Store is 300 miles away). It checked out fine and ran great on their network. I got to try downloading a few trailers there and they ran almost instantaneously. Now, they informed me that their network runs at ~15 Mb/sec, but they also have about 30 computers hooked up to it.
    Anyway, I read here that almost all of you are seeing much faster download speeds on your Apple TVs, even those of you with DSL. And it seems pretty clear that I'm experiencing some sort of interference here, but can't seem to locate the source. So, my question is: What other possible sources of interference might I be getting, and how might I go about locating them?

    cause i bot stock wrote:
    How does downloading via your iMac respond?
    I haven't tried downloading a movie from iTunes to see if there's a substantial difference, and you can't rent HD movies from iTunes, only SD. Trailers download faster, but there's no telling if they're coming from the same servers as Apple TV's trailers (nor if iTunes movies are, for that matter).
    I'm quick to blame the time capsule and time machine. Similar to your problems with AppleTV, I've never had time machine work properly. All it does is suck up all my resources while taking days to do anything.
    Unlike some, I've had zero setup or operating problems with my Time Capsule. Works like a charm and doesn't seem to slow anything down on my iMac as far as I can tell.

  • Download Speed on PIX 515E is Pretty Slow

    Hello, I have a PIX 515E set up between our office switch and our Comcast Business Router and the download speeds are not as fast as they should be. We are paying for 30 down 30 up but it's more like 10 down 30 up. I plugged in a computer directly into the router and got 30/30 so I know its not a comcast issue. I think it might be the low amount of memory on the PIX because its running at 109 out of a total 128mb. The PIX has a site-to-site VPN tunnel with a remote ASA 5520 firewall. The inside/outside ports are both auto/auto. The running config is only 161 lines.
    Here's some information about the PIX 515E...
    Version 8.0(4)
    ASDM 6.1(3)
    Memory 128MB
    Here is the running config..
    Result of the command: "show running-config"
    : Saved
    PIX Version 8.0(4)
    hostname --------------------
    domain-name -----------------
    enable password -------------------------
    passwd --------------- encrypted
    name Data-Center-Firewall    #### Outside Address Changed
    name Data-Center-Subnet
    interface Ethernet0
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ip address standby
    interface Ethernet1
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address   #### Outside Address Changed
    interface Ethernet2
    description LAN/STATE Failover Interface
    ftp mode passive
    clock timezone EST -5
    clock summer-time EDT recurring
    dns server-group DefaultDNS
    domain-name -------------
    same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
    same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
    object-group protocol TCPUDP
    protocol-object udp
    protocol-object tcp
    object-group service http8080 tcp
    description http8080
    port-object eq 8080
    object-group service DM_INLINE_TCP_1 tcp
    port-object range 50000 50100
    port-object eq 990
    access-list outside_access_in remark ip, tcp/990
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host host object-group DM_INLINE_TCP_1
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit icmp any any
    access-list ACL-VPN extended permit ip Data-Center-Subnet
    pager lines 24
    logging enable
    logging asdm informational
    mtu inside 1500
    mtu outside 1500
    failover lan unit primary
    failover lan interface failover Ethernet2
    failover lan enable
    failover key *****
    failover replication http
    failover mac address Ethernet0 001e.f732.008f 000d.28f9.628f
    failover mac address Ethernet1 001e.f732.0090 000d.28f9.6290
    failover link failover Ethernet2
    failover interface ip failover standby
    icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
    icmp permit any inside
    icmp permit any outside
    asdm image flash:/asdm-613.bin
    no asdm history enable
    arp timeout 14400
    global (outside) 1 interface
    nat (inside) 0 access-list ACL-VPN
    nat (inside) 1
    static (inside,outside) netmask
    access-group outside_access_in in interface outside
    route outside 1
    route inside 1
    timeout xlate 3:00:00
    timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
    timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
    timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
    timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
    dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
    http server enable
    http inside
    http inside
    no snmp-server location
    no snmp-server contact
    snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
    service resetoutside
    crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
    crypto ipsec transform-set AES128-SHA esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
    crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
    crypto map MAP-VPN 1 match address ACL-VPN
    crypto map MAP-VPN 1 set pfs
    crypto map MAP-VPN 1 set peer Data-Center-Firewall
    crypto map MAP-VPN 1 set transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA
    crypto map MAP-VPN 1 set security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto map MAP-VPN 1 set security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
    crypto map MAP-VPN interface outside
    crypto isakmp enable inside
    crypto isakmp enable outside
    crypto isakmp policy 5
    authentication pre-share
    encryption aes
    hash sha
    group 2
    lifetime 86400
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    authentication pre-share
    encryption 3des
    hash sha
    group 2
    lifetime 86400
    telnet inside
    telnet inside
    telnet timeout 5
    ssh inside
    ssh inside
    ssh timeout 5
    console timeout 0
    threat-detection basic-threat
    threat-detection statistics host
    threat-detection statistics port
    threat-detection statistics protocol
    threat-detection statistics access-list
    no threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept
    tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l
    tunnel-group ipsec-attributes
    pre-shared-key *
    class-map class_ftp
    match port tcp eq ftp-data
    class-map inspection_default
    match default-inspection-traffic
    policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
      message-length maximum 512
    policy-map global_policy
    class inspection_default
      inspect dns preset_dns_map
      inspect ftp
      inspect h323 h225
      inspect h323 ras
      inspect rsh
      inspect rtsp
      inspect esmtp
      inspect sqlnet
      inspect skinny 
      inspect sunrpc
      inspect xdmcp
      inspect sip 
      inspect netbios
      inspect tftp
    class class_ftp
      inspect ftp
    service-policy global_policy global
    prompt hostname context
    : end

    Please check on the speed and duplex settings whether the downstream and upstream links are fine and healthy.
    Inside/outside are both set to auto/auto at
    Check for the processes usage of the cpu of the pix.
    CPU is running at 2%
    Process:      tmatch compile thread, PROC_PC_TOTAL: 2, MAXHOG: 8, LASTHOG: 8
    LASTHOG At:   19:01:15 EST Dec 31 1992
    PC:           26b616 (suspend)
    Process:      tmatch compile thread, NUMHOG: 2, MAXHOG: 8, LASTHOG: 8
    LASTHOG At:   19:01:15 EST Dec 31 1992
    PC:           26b616 (suspend)
    Traceback:    26b616  26bdb9  26ec89  1182b3
    Process:      Dispatch Unit, NUMHOG: 1, MAXHOG: 5, LASTHOG: 5
    LASTHOG At:   09:25:12 EDT Jul 18 2012
    PC:           130114b (interrupt)
    Traceback:    100178  12edd0c  9771e5  8c0e66  927164  928996  8ec3f5
                  8ec7ed  79d35e  2780c3  1182b3
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, NUMHOG: 1, MAXHOG: 5, LASTHOG: 5
    LASTHOG At:   12:27:25 EDT Jul 18 2012
    PC:           130114b (interrupt)
    Traceback:    100178  d870cb  13016b3  15cf68  e91a6f  e9118b  abfcea
                  a7cb2e  a7daeb  18d800  5ae9a9  5a6aa0  5a7272  5a75e5
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, PROC_PC_TOTAL: 4, MAXHOG: 7, LASTHOG: 7
    LASTHOG At:   12:34:10 EDT Jul 18 2012
    PC:           5ae903 (suspend)
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, NUMHOG: 4, MAXHOG: 7, LASTHOG: 7
    LASTHOG At:   12:34:10 EDT Jul 18 2012
    PC:           5ae903 (suspend)
    Traceback:    5ae903  5a6aa0  5a7272  5a75e5  5ad3d5  1182b3
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, PROC_PC_TOTAL: 4, MAXHOG: 5, LASTHOG: 5
    LASTHOG At:   12:37:47 EDT Jul 18 2012
    PC:           f4078b (suspend)
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, NUMHOG: 4, MAXHOG: 5, LASTHOG: 5
    LASTHOG At:   12:37:47 EDT Jul 18 2012
    PC:           f4078b (suspend)
    Traceback:    f40be2  130f41e  aab54d  aac3b0  5a6c2e  5a7272  5a75e5
                  5ad3d5  1182b3
    Process:      IKE Daemon, NUMHOG: 1, MAXHOG: 5, LASTHOG: 5
    LASTHOG At:   23:07:40 EDT Jul 19 2012
    PC:           1b6dd0 (interrupt)
    Traceback:    100178  1b8a31  1baaeb  6438d7  12efc6f  64250b  653fe9
                  654b78  1182b3
    Process:      IKE Daemon, PROC_PC_TOTAL: 347, MAXHOG: 31, LASTHOG: 30
    LASTHOG At:   16:01:55 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           654bab (suspend)
    Process:      CTM message handler, PROC_PC_TOTAL: 346, MAXHOG: 27, LASTHOG: 27
    LASTHOG At:   16:01:55 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           2087ec (suspend)
    Process:      IKE Daemon, NUMHOG: 693, MAXHOG: 31, LASTHOG: 27
    LASTHOG At:   16:01:55 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           654bab (suspend)
    Traceback:    1182b3
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, NUMHOG: 1, MAXHOG: 5, LASTHOG: 5
    LASTHOG At:   17:23:30 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           130003b (interrupt)
    Traceback:    100178  13008b8  f5a0cd  f5ac32  f5ae40  f60828  f617c1
                  d38a0d  aab50b  aac14a  5a6c2e  5a7272  5a75e5  5ad3d5
    Process:      Dispatch Unit, PROC_PC_TOTAL: 227, MAXHOG: 432, LASTHOG: 35
    LASTHOG At:   17:37:03 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           278207 (suspend)
    Process:      Dispatch Unit, NUMHOG: 227, MAXHOG: 432, LASTHOG: 35
    LASTHOG At:   17:37:03 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           278207 (suspend)
    Traceback:    278207  1182b3
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, PROC_PC_TOTAL: 1901, MAXHOG: 8, LASTHOG: 7
    LASTHOG At:   17:44:20 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           118ed5 (suspend)
    Process:      Unicorn Admin Handler, NUMHOG: 1901, MAXHOG: 8, LASTHOG: 7
    LASTHOG At:   17:44:20 EDT Jul 23 2012
    PC:           118ed5 (suspend)
    Traceback:    118ed5  b2d032  f5a80d  f5ac0a  f5ae40  f607e5  f617c1
                  d38a0d  aab50b  aac14a  5a6c2e  5a7272  5a75e5  5ad3d5
    CPU hog threshold (msec):  5.120
    Last cleared: None
    Check on the inetrface whetehr u get any crc/input/overrun errors. Please check with the physical connectivity.
    Interface Ethernet0 "inside", is up, line protocol is up
      Hardware is i82559, BW 100 Mbps, DLY 100 usec
        Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(100 Mbps)
        MAC address __________, MTU 1500
        IP address, subnet mask
        60862937 packets input, 29025667892 bytes, 0 no buffer
        Received 1371 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
        0 L2 decode drops
        68515603 packets output, 44084404472 bytes, 0 underruns
        0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
        0 babbles, 0 late collisions, 0 deferred
        0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
        input queue (curr/max packets): hardware (0/1) software (0/47)
        output queue (curr/max packets): hardware (0/67) software (0/1)
      Traffic Statistics for "inside":
        60997029 packets input, 28080179952 bytes
        68553614 packets output, 43104566708 bytes
        29544 packets dropped
          1 minute input rate 63 pkts/sec,  30371 bytes/sec
          1 minute output rate 64 pkts/sec,  16557 bytes/sec
          1 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
          5 minute input rate 91 pkts/sec,  45254 bytes/sec
          5 minute output rate 93 pkts/sec,  56181 bytes/sec
          5 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
    Interface Ethernet1 "outside", is up, line protocol is up
      Hardware is i82559, BW 100 Mbps, DLY 100 usec
        Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(100 Mbps)
        MAC address ___________, MTU 1500
        IP address ___________, subnet mask
        67730933 packets input, 44248541375 bytes, 0 no buffer
        Received 4493 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
        0 L2 decode drops
        60418640 packets output, 29310509840 bytes, 0 underruns
        0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
        0 babbles, 0 late collisions, 0 deferred
        0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
        input queue (curr/max packets): hardware (0/1) software (0/39)
        output queue (curr/max packets): hardware (0/42) software (0/1)
      Traffic Statistics for "outside":
        67782987 packets input, 43276611710 bytes
        60562287 packets output, 28342787997 bytes
        206651 packets dropped
          1 minute input rate 57 pkts/sec,  14273 bytes/sec
          1 minute output rate 61 pkts/sec,  30258 bytes/sec
          1 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
          5 minute input rate 89 pkts/sec,  54426 bytes/sec
          5 minute output rate 87 pkts/sec,  45115 bytes/sec
          5 minute drop rate, 0 pkts/sec
    enable flowcontrol recieve on on the firewall interfaces and switch/router interfaces connected to the firewall.
    Not sure how to do that.

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