Is it iOS 7.1, my usage, or the battery?

As you might know, I use an iPod Touch 5G because I use iOS 7.1. Though it may be a really good update for almost everything, I can't say the same about the battery life performance. Since this update, I sincerely say that it's the first time I had to recharge an iPod Touch 2 times a day! iOS 6.1.3 would give an extraordinary battery life, even at 20%! What about now? I restored the device, reset all the settings, configured as a new iPod, and I never synced back from an old backup! I always use it as a new iPod, don't really care if I lose 3-4 pictures. I don't usually play a lot of games, but even then, I use to get 3 hours of gaming. Now, after just 25-30 minutes of let's say Asphalt 7, I lose 25-30% of battery (assume it's fully chared to 100%). I lose 1 hour of gaming for what? I tried not to use WIFI, or Siri, and desactivate Background App Refresh, try to eliminate the blurrs and the parralax, trying all I can, but I didn't really do a thing. I don't beleive in bad iPods and bad batteries, sure enough, it worked great before, but I beleive in OS bugs, and some omitted battery bugs to fix.
If anyone has an idea to fix this, please tell me.
Thank you.

Hey Lil\'fighter, about the only thing you haven't tried is use your iPod until the battery dies, then charge for at least 4 hours. And you're right battery life with iOS 7.1 tanks! I have gone to Apple's suggestions to extend battery life, looks like you have been there too. If you haven't already, checkout C/net more tips there also. I seem to average 36 to 40 hours on standby, 6 to 9 hours if on the net or watching videos. (Depending if using Wi-Fi or videos on the iPod). Gaming kills the battery in 3 to 4 hours. Would be nice if Apple could get some decent battery life back, (probably won't see that until the next model, when every that will be). If your not getting something around the above usage times on a full 4 hour charge, would guess you have a hardware issue and should get iPod evaluated by Apple. As for the % on your iPod don't worry so much about it, the iPod 5 battery meter is nortoriuos for being inaccurate, and it will jump around depending on what your doing. The only % to watch for is the 20% low battery warning. Good luck, Cheers.

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
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    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          

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    no problem.

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    Try to do a reset, if it doesn't work try remove recently added apps this may solve your problem ( like google app because it has happened with me)
    Take a look at apps using your location service in privacy, it can cause battery draining.

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    I had the same problem. I realized that it had everything to do with my calendar app. My iCalendar was having a difficult time fetching information from my Outlook and Yahoo Calendar. Causing my battery percentage to decline at a very rapid rate. (50% in a 4 hour time frame). I resolved the  problem by going into my Settings >" Messaging , Contact , Calendar" Setting > Clicking on one of my selected Accounts ( Outlook or Yahoo) and turning off the Calendar Sync. The problem seemed to go away after doing this. Now I'm only using 4% battery life in a 4 hour time frame in StandBy Mode. Well I Can only hope that this will help resolve the battery drainage issue. Good Luck ....

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    Thanks for the replies. It took a while not hearing anything so thought I was alone. I have done many of the suggestions already. The key here is that it occurs on both phones with apps, and phones still packaged in a box.
    A Genius Bar supervisor also checked his Verizon data usage log and found the same 6 hour incremental use. Suprisingly, he did not express much intrigue over that. Maybe he did, but did not show it.
    I think the 6 hour incremental usage is the main issue here. I spoke with Verizon (again) and they confirmed that all they do is log exactly when the phone connected to the tower and used data. The time it records is when the usage started. I also found out that the time recorded is GMT.
    What is using data, unsolicited, every 6 hours?
    Why does it change?
    Why does it only happen on the iPhone 5 series and not the 4?
    Since no one from Apple seems to be chiming in on this, and I have not received the promised calls from Apple tech support that the Genius Bar staff said I was suppose to receive, it is starting to feel like something is being swept under the rug.
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  • I have an iPad 2 and i want to update it to the iOS 7 but i dont see the software update, i have 6.1

    i've tryed everything, i went to the settings to browse for a new uptade but didnt find anything, i also try in my computer clicking on chek for uptade, what do i do?

    If you have an iPad 1, the max iOS is 5.1.1. For newer iPads, the current iOS is 7.0.4. The Settings>General>Software Update only appears if you have iOS 5.0 or higher currently installed.
    You can no longer update to iOS 6.x, or down grade the iOS.
    iOS 5: Updating your device to iOS 5 or Later
    How to install iOS 6
    iOS: How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you are currently running an iOS lower than 5.0, connect the iPad to the computer, open iTunes. Then select the iPad under the Devices heading on the left, click on the Summary tab and then click on Check for Update.
    Tip - If connected to your computer, you may need to disable your firewall and antivirus software temporarily.  Then download and install the iOS update. Be sure and backup your iPad before the iOS update. After you update an iPad (except iPad 1) to iOS 6.x, the next update can be installed via wifi (i.e., not connected to your computer).
    Tip 2 - If you're updating via wifi, place your iPad close to your router to preclude getting a corrupted download.
    How to Upgrade to iOS 7
    The iOS 7.0 update requires around 2.5 GB of storage space, so if your iPad is almost full, you may need to clear up some space. You can check your available space in Settings -> General -> Usage.
    There are two ways to upgrade to iOS 7: You can use your Wi-Fi connection, or you can connect your iPad to your PC and update through iTunes. We'll go over each method.
    To upgrade using Wi-Fi:
    Note: If your iPad's battery is under 50%, you will want to plug it into your charger while performing the update.
    Go into the iPad's Settings.
    Locate and tap "General" from the menu on the left.
    The second option from the top is "Software Update". Tap this to move into the update settings.
    Tap "Download and Install". This will start the upgrade, which will take several minutes and will reboot your iPad during the process. If the Download and Install button is grayed out, trying clearing up some space. The space required by the update is mostly temporary, so you should gain most of it back after iOS 7 is installed.
    Once the update is installed, you may have to run through the initial steps of setting up your iPad again. This is to account for new features and settings.
    To upgrade using iTunes:
    First, connect your iPad to your PC or Mac using the cable provided when you purchased your device. This will allow iTunes to communicate with your iPad.
    You will also need the latest version of iTunes. Don't worry, you will be prompted to download the latest version when you launch iTunes. Once it installs, you may be asked to setup iCloud by logging into your iTunes account. If you have a Mac, you may be prompted on whether or not you want to enable the Find my Mac feature.
    Now you are ready to begin the process:
    If you upgraded iTunes earlier, go ahead and launch it. (For many, it will launch automatically when you plug in your iPad.)
    Once iTunes is launched, it should automatically detect that a new version of the operating system exists and prompt you to upgrade to it. Choose Cancel. Before updating, you will want to manually sync your iPad to make sure everything is up to date.
    After canceling the dialog box, iTunes should automatically sync with your iPad.
    If iTunes doesn't automatically sync, you can manually do it by selecting your iPad within iTunes, clicking on the File menu and choosing Sync iPad from the list.
    After your iPad has been synced to iTunes, select your iPad within iTunes. You can find it on the left side menu under Devices.
    From the iPad screen, click on the Update button.
    After verifying that you want to update your iPad, the process will begin. It takes a few minutes to update the operating system during which time your iPad may reboot a few times.
    After updating, you may be asked a few questions when your device finally boots back up. This is to account for new settings and features.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Iphone 5 and IOS 6.0.2 is draining my battery! (new thread)

    Well, apparently Apple doesn't want us to talk about this -- They locked the previous forum I had created after 217 posts and 16k views?
    I'll assume there is some other Apple Forums rule that I don't know about that would cause them to do that instead of trying to stifle the reporting of this problem?  It was clearly generating many posts that show a correlation between IOS6.0.2 and battery issues.
    To summarize... I was having significant WiFi issues on all my apple products (several Iphone 4's and and Ipad2) with 6.0.1 - all the same issues that have been reported on these forums thousands of times.  I was excited to see 6.0.2, hoping it would correct the wifi issues for my iPhone5, at least. Unfortunately, not only did it NOT correct my wifi issues, but now my battery is draining about 5x compared to before.  I can barely get through a day of batterly life with minimal usage whereas before 6.0.2 I was easily able to go 2+ days.
    An apple representative called me today (actually he tried very hard to call me for several days.)  I was appreciative of the reachout (saw my other post) and was hopeful they would be willing to help me.  The guys was very nice, but it truly felt like he was reading a script and was more interested in getting information from me.  The only advice he ad for me was to back up my phone and then reset it to factory settings (like new) without using any of my previous apps, mail, etc.  He wanted me to do this "for a day or two" to test it and see if the problem persists.  Then, if the problem is gone, we can work together to restore apps/settings one-by-one until we find why the problem is there.  In other words, they have no idea what is causing this problem, and they want to use my time to help them figure it out. 
    Ironically, I was able to watch my battery indicator drop several percentage points while I was on the phone with him for about 20 minutes. 
    When he asked if I would do the restore and/or load profile software on my iphone to track my usage, I said no.  I shared with him I'm simply out of time and energy -- I have logged over 40 hours trying to debug these wifi issues (I'm somewhat tech savvy and figured I could just plow my way through to a solution with my router/security settings.)  When I realized that these issues are all IOS driven, and now the battery issues, I find I've had enough.
    Maybe I'll go return this Iphone5 and ask for a replacement.  However, I'm also seeing other posts saying that did not solve their problems.
    We are talking about wifi and battery life.  This is not new technology. 
    If IOS 6.1 doesn't correct these issues, it's probably time to buy an Android.
    Please keep posting things directly relevant to BATTERY issues with iPhone5 so that this thread can stay on task and bring to light the correlation between 6.0.2 and the battery.  Maybe Apple will care about their loyal customers, acknowledge the issue, and let us know how much longer we should wait for 6.1 to fix the issue before it's too late and they start losing their fan base.  No information from Apple is only exasperating the problem.

    I had the same experience with a new iPhone 5 that I bought  last week. Did not have a chance to measure battery life before the 6.0.2 upgrade installed but I set up my phone exactly like my 4S and immediately started running out of power after short periods. Went to Xmas get together with fully charged 5 and 4S. Heading home the iPhone 5 shut down for low battery and the 4S had 65% power. Both phones had two half phone calls on then and no data usage.
    That night I fully charged the iPhone 5 and, without lighting it up, put it on my night table. Next morning I picked it up and looked at battery indicator and I had 42% charge with NO activity!
    Tried it again next night and wound up with 37% charge. (Slept longer).
    Today I called the carrier and reactivated the 4S.  Took the 5 to Apple Store and they kindly gave me choice of new replacement phone or refund. I took the refund. Uniquely, the Apple Store said it was Verizon CDMA phones that were coming back.
    The are other strings on this with temporary solutions, but from my experience with 7 firmware changes on an HTC 4G phone the problem will continue because the solution will be hardware caused. We are in the days where RTM means Rush to Market - not Release To Manufacturing.
    I fear the only solution is to either wait for the next model (I did not notice a really major change in performance over the 4S in LTE heavy Seattle area) - or switch to another manufacturer.
    It might be useful for these forums to indicate if you have a GSM or CDMA phone to see which have more problems.

  • Why is my battery life so bad on my iphone 4s. I signed up for a 2 yr contract with a new iphone 4s. The battery life didn't last a day. I went back to Apple and they replaced it with another iphone 4s. This one is just as bad. The iOS 5.0.1 does nothing!

    I have never been so disappointed with an Apple Product such as the Iphone 4s. When I signed up with a new 2 year contract, I received my iphone 4s. I charged it fully the night before, then it didn't even last the day (with minimal usage). I turned off Location Services, Wi Fi, and Bluetooth, this helped a bit. But what is the point of turning these services off, when I NEED THEM!!!  The wonderful new Siri doesn't work properly without Location Services turned on.
    So I upgraded to the iOS 5.0.1. version - that did absolutely nothing to assist the battery life.
    Apple, what are you going to do about it?  My new Apple phone is a LEMON!
    If I had of known how bad the battery life is on the iphone 4s, I would have got a Samsung Galaxy 2!!!!!

    It doesn't really matter whether I am talking to Apple or not (and I'm sure they monitor these comments), I want everyone to know how bad this new iphone 4s is, and all of it's problems.
    Apple have already launched an upgrade to the software - it obviously did not help, as many around the world would concur.
    As far as being patient and waiting for another "update in the works" is concerned, it is just not satisfactory. This is not a cheap phone, and those who are experiencing these problems, should not have to be paying a substantial amount of money, for a very smart phone, that obviously, has some serious problems.

  • Hi,  I would like to ask you a question. a month ago I bought a battery case for iPhone 5 and it worked properly until I installed iOS 7. From that day iphone is operating normally, but when the battery is empty, unfortunately I can not charge additionall

    I would like to ask you a question.
    a month ago I bought a battery case for iPhone 5 and it worked properly until I installed iOS 7. From that day my iphone is operating normally, BUT when the battery is empty, unfortunately I can not charge additionally my iphone with the "extra battery case".
    Does that mean that you did not even create a new software that supports additional battery case or it is something else?
    I need your help!!,
    Thank you in advance.

    The Mophie Air is a good battery case, but doesn't offer the protection she's looking for. I suggest sticking to the Lifeproof, the iPhone has a very good battery (2-3 days moderate usage for me).
    To your 2nd to last paragraph, that is false. Verizon is allowing exisiting customers to keep Unlimited Data - but will lose it once they use a subsidized upgrade. So if you buy a 4S (or LTE device for example) outright, you will keep unlimited data. Mobile hotspot may use up a bit of data, but it is a separate add-on/feature. The new Family Share plans may change that, so it's one giant center of data all devices use.

Maybe you are looking for

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