Is it necessary to preconfigure input mode in MAX prior to writing program in Measurement Studio?

If my E-Series device properties Analog Input Mode in MAX is set to Referenced Single Ended, can I still over-ride in code from VB to read Differential mode?

You can do it using VB. Please make sure that if you are changing the input mode (CWAIChannel.inputmode) or you can use functional call to change it too.

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    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for posting and the detailed background on the project! To answer some of your questions:
    1. The FFT Express VI does use a significant amount of space. The FPGA on the myRIO is somewhat limited space-wise. Your best option may to implement the FFT for 1 channel on the FPGA and the other two on the RT side.
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    I hope that this helps!
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Hi Karan,
      In your BADI has a parameter CT_INPUT_FIELD_NAMES with one field called CHANGEABLE with values:
         Field Can Be Changed
    A     Field Cannot Be Changed
       Assing this values to your fields according with your requirements.

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    University of Windsor
    Windsor, ON, Canada

    This is not natively supported in the 10.1.3 releases of JHeadstart. Can you please ask this question at the JDeveloper forum at JDeveloper and ADF ?
    You can use the JHeadstart templating to save your customizations of course, see the JHeadstart Dev Guide chapter on customization.
    Evert-Jan de Bruin
    JHeadstart Team

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    Hi John
    Thank you for your swift response,
    As I said before this only happens locally within Dreamweaver CS5.
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    All outputs from the SCXI module are measured in differential mode. You can still mix differential and single ended measurements (if you use the remaining channels of your daq board).
    The easiest way to mix modes is with virtual channels. All SCXI analog input channels will be differential, while you can make other virtual channels differential or single ended. If you don't want to use virtual channels, you can use AI Hardware Config in LabVIEW to change the mode.
    Hope this helps. Regards,
    John N
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Hi there,
    Thank you for participating.
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    To use a Japanese you should also add the Japanese input method on your computer, you can add a lanuage package in this way:
    Install a language package from the control panel:
    Besides, an input  method should also be added and set as default input method, then log off the computer and log on again to check the result.
    Wade Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    The service pack in question is not for Windows XP.  The Measurement Studio installer required the VC++ 6 service pack 3 or higher.  I know that Microsoft has a service pack 6 for Visual C++ 6, and this is what you should install to get the C++ libraries on your machine.
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    How can i call my application form from within my se38 program?
    is there any way then please tell me?
    and how to pass input parameters to application form through se38 program?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi you can pass the parameter using application program. You can pass the value using the interface of the function module given below.
    parameter p_matnr type  mara-matnr.
          formname           = gc_smart_form 'Name of ur smart form
          variant            = ' '
          direct_call        = ' '
          fm_name            = lv_fmname
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc NE  0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'E'
                          NUMBER sy-msgno
                            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    CALL FUNCTION lv_fmname
      control_parameters         = gs_ssfctrlop
      output_options             = gs_ssfcompop
      user_settings              = ' X'
    **---This is where u can pass ur paramter to the smart form*
      matnr                           = p_matnr.
    called from batch job
    formatting_error           = 1
    internal_error             = 2
    send_error                 = 3
    user_canceled              = 4
    OTHERS                     = 5            .
    Thanx and hope this would help.
    Edited by: Aruna Kumari Chekka on Dec 12, 2008 6:24 AM
    Edited by: Aruna Kumari Chekka on Dec 12, 2008 6:29 AM

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    Thanks a lot

    Hi Yohann,
    Check this link...
    [RMDATIND Document|]
    Hope this would solve your issue.
    Narin Nandivada

  • Hi ALL How to keep field in input mode even if  error is fired in the PAI

    Hi all my requirement is like this
    Here in one screen am using the table  control now in the table control user is providing data .
    while user will press the save button after providing the respective data then it should check one validation by looping on the table control and adding all data bringing into an internal table which is working absolutely fine . the validation is the (result added data is validated against the data which is there in the database) .
    if validation fails then user gets one error message but at that time all fields are going to display mode .
    but user wants to be present in the screen and rectify the data .
      MODULE sub_get_fs_data_0111.
      LOOP AT it_fs INTO wa_fs WITH CONTROL file_system_tab.
        MODULE sub_populate_fs_screen.
      MODULE user_command_0111.
      LOOP AT it_fs.
        MODULE sub_read_fs_data.
    MODULE user_command_0111 INPUT.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'SAVE'.
          PERFORM sub_compute_sum.
          PERFORM sub_upd_fs_tbl_0111.
    FORM sub_compute_sum .
    data : l_error type p decimals 2.
      CLEAR: g_storagesansum,
      LOOP AT it_fs INTO l_fs.
        ADD l_fs-zz_storage_san TO g_storagesansum.
        ADD l_fs-zz_storage_loc TO g_storagelocsum.
        l_sansum = l_sansum.
        l_locsum = afvu-zz_aodfield75.
        IF l_sansum < g_storagesansum.
          l_error = l_fs-zz_storage_san.
        IF l_locsum < g_storagelocsum.
      l_tempsum = l_sansum - g_storagesansum.
      IF l_tempsum GE 0.
        g_availablesan = l_tempsum.
      l_tempsum = l_locsum - g_storagelocsum.
      IF l_tempsum GE 0.
        g_availableloc = l_tempsum.
      IF l_sansum < g_storagesansum.
        IF g_onetimeflagsan = ''.
          g_onetimeflagsan = 'X'.
           g_storagesansum =  g_storagesansum - l_error. " testing
           leave to screen 0.
          MESSAGE E021. "Total storage exceeds total SAN available
          g_onetimeflagsan = ''.
          l_tempsum = l_sansum - g_storagesansum.
          IF l_tempsum GE 0.
            g_availablesan = l_tempsum.
    please answer if there is any way to do this

    Yeah That can be done but i was looking at some Solutions which generally is done In sap screens
    like in the standard transactions if we will give anything wrong value then only that row and that particular field will be open for the input in the table control
    Cant we do it ...
    Before submitting this i already checked all the forums regarding table controls
    There were some regarding how to apply chain and end chain but this is a tricky situation
    none carries this type of problem so i posted this would anybody  answer this qs?

  • Idoc ACC_GL_POSTING in batch input mode gets error

       In  ACC_GL_POSTING, msg type ACC_GL_POSTING01 with process code 'BAPI' it is working fine for me if  i run normally.
       whereas in transaction 'OBA7' for document type 'SA' if I set batch input only enabled i get error message 'Document type SA is only defined for batch input'. what is problem and how to solve it.
    thanks in advance.

    I have been ckecking the problem and the problem is not FF68; it has more focuses with  BSEG-ZFBDT and use of SGL indicators, and according the explanation below described I have decided to take other approach to resolve the problem.
    "Please note that the due date field is as per standard design as per the SAP note 95079.
    Field BSEG-ZFBDT is hardcoded in most FI screens to be mandatory and cannot be influenced by any field status changes. This situation only valid when posting with special G/L indicator (downpayment).
    The reason behind this is that this special GL screen and the data entered here are very important to many other programs. This data affects liabilities and receivables where due date is necessary almost everytime."
    I want to say many thanks to try to help me.

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