Is it possible to create a Visual Studio plugin that can copy TFS work item ID by adding a context menu in the work item UI?

Our team is using VS2013 and TFS 2013, and in our daily work we often open a TFS query, then we need to open a work item, and we often need to copy the ID, for example, to the email.
But currently the field is read only, and we often manually copy it.
So is there any convenient way to solve this? Any built in ways?
If no, is it possible to create such a plugin?
Lei Yang
from Motorolasolutions

Hi Lei Yang
You can try the following work around to copy work item ID
for VS 2013:
Right click on work item tab header in VS 2013 and click 'Copy Full Path' from context menu
When you paste it on notepad/email you will get work item ID at the end of the path:
For Web Portal:
Right click on work item link at top and click 'Copy shortcut' from the context menu
When you paste it on notepad/email you will get work item ID at the end of the shortcut:

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    If you set the Build Action of the Lekcija1.mp4 file to Content (right-click on the file in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio) and the Copy To Output Directory property to Copy always or Copy if newer you could use the following code to get the absolute
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    I already developed this kind of customization. The system offered the possibility to clic on a cell (Project Center, or My Task, or Timesheet), to input a value to store in a custom field, or in a database.
    After clicking, a Popup with different textbox, displayed:  it is possible to put values, comments, or whatever.
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    To start, you can search for the Project Server 2010 SDK, Customize Project Center: it would be a good start point.
    In case of big difficulty, ask again here, and we could get in touch to give more explanations.
    Hope it helps,

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    thank you!
    CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION.
        TYPES: t_proc TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d,
               tt_proc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_proc,
               tt_proces_subpr TYPE TABLE OF ltyp_proces_subpr.
        CLASS-DATA: lr_context TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
        r_selections TYPE REF TO cl_salv_selections,
        lr_menu type ref to cl_ctmenu.
        CLASS-METHODS: main CHANGING ct_zmp_c00_pr_d TYPE tt_proc
                                     ct_proces_subpr TYPE tt_proces_subpr
                                     cv_screen TYPE i.
        CLASS-DATA lt_zmp_c00_pr_d TYPE TABLE OF zmp_c00_pr_d.
        CLASS-DATA ls_process TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d.
        CLASS-METHODS: handle_double_click
                   FOR EVENT double_click  OF cl_salv_events_table
                   IMPORTING row column,
                   IMPORTING l_objkey TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d-objkey.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_events DEFINITION
    * CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD main.
        DATA: lr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
              lr_events TYPE REF TO cl_salv_events_table,
              lr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns,
              lt_col_tab TYPE salv_t_column_ref.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS <column> LIKE LINE OF lt_col_tab.
        IF r_container IS INITIAL.
          CREATE OBJECT r_container
              container_name              = 'CONTAINER'
              cntl_error                  = 1
              cntl_system_error           = 2
              create_error                = 3
              lifetime_error              = 4
              lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
              OTHERS                      = 6.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE i004(z_pm_tool).
    *Für Dynpro 1400
          IF cv_screen = '1400'.
                CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
    *    list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE
                    r_container    = r_container
                    r_salv_table   = r_alv
                    t_table        = ct_proces_subpr.
              CATCH cx_salv_msg .
    * zeige die Daten
                r_alv->display( ).
                IF sy-subrc NE 0.
                  MESSAGE i001(z_pm_tool).
              CATCH cx_salv_msg.
    * Für Dynpro 1100
              CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
    *    list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE
                  r_container    = r_container
                  r_salv_table   = r_alv
                  t_table        = ct_zmp_c00_pr_d  .
            CATCH cx_salv_msg .
    * zeige die Daten
              r_alv->display( ).
              IF sy-subrc NE 0.
                MESSAGE i001(z_pm_tool).
            CATCH cx_salv_msg.
    *Ereignisobjekt holen
          lr_events = r_alv->get_event( ).
    ** get the SELECTIONS object
    *r_selections = r_alv->get_selections( ).
    * Interne-Tabelle füllen und an die Methode handle_double_click übergeben
          LOOP AT ct_zmp_c00_pr_d INTO ls_process.
            APPEND ls_process TO lt_zmp_c00_pr_d.
    * Zeiger auf Container für Kontexmenu
          CREATE OBJECT lr_context
              i_parent = r_container.
          DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events.
          CALL METHOD lr_context->set_registered_events
              events                    = lt_events
              cntl_error                = 1
              cntl_system_error         = 2
              illegal_event_combination = 3
              OTHERS                    = 4.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    * Interne-Tabelle füllen und an die Methode handle_double_click übergeben
          LOOP AT ct_zmp_c00_pr_d INTO ls_process.
            APPEND ls_process TO lt_zmp_c00_pr_d.
    * Event: Add Function
          SET HANDLER: on_added_function FOR lr_events.
    * Event: Kontexmenu
    *      SET HANDLER: on_context_menu_request FOR lr_context.
    * Event: Doppelklick
          SET HANDLER handle_double_click FOR lr_events.
    * get the SELECTIONS object
          r_selections = r_alv->get_selections( ).
    * Einzelne Spalte holen
          lr_columns = r_alv->get_columns( ).
    * Doppelklick funktioniert nur auf das Feld OBJKEY
          LOOP AT lt_col_tab ASSIGNING <column>.
            <column>-r_column->set_output_length( 20 ).
            IF <column>-columnname = 'OBJKEY'.
              <column>-r_column->set_visible( 'X' ).
              <column>-r_column->set_visible( ' ' ).
          IF lt_col_tab IS NOT INITIAL AND sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE i002(z_pm_tool).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "main
      METHOD handle_double_click.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d> TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d.
        READ TABLE lt_zmp_c00_pr_d INDEX row ASSIGNING <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d>. " vor dem Changing Parameter der Klasse
    *    READ TABLE ct_zmp_c00_pr_d INDEX row ASSIGNING <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d>.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        IF column = 'OBJKEY'.
          lcl_event_handler=>detail( <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d>-zz_slotid_a ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_double_click
      METHOD detail.
        DATA: lr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
              lt_alv_tab TYPE TABLE OF zmp_p00_sp_d.
    * Subprozess holen
        SELECT * FROM zmp_p00_sp_d INTO TABLE lt_alv_tab
          WHERE objkey = l_objkey.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE i003(z_pm_tool).
    * Neu erzeugte Instanz für ALV-Tabellenobjekt holen
            cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = lr_alv
                                     CHANGING t_table = lt_alv_tab ).
    * Ausgabe Fenster für SubScreens
            lr_alv->set_screen_popup( start_column = 1
                                   end_column = 130
                                   start_line = 1
                                   end_line = 10 ).
    * Anzeige der Daten
            lr_alv->display( ).
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              MESSAGE i001(z_pm_tool).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "detail
    ENDCLASS."lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    Edited by: polaris1 on Dec 15, 2010 12:18 PM

    Can't read that jumble, but suggest you look at the excellent SALV tutorials by Rich Heilman by searching for SALV tutorial on SCN.  You'll find working code and how-to for adding your own functions to SALV.

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    You will need to export it as an Excel spreadsheet.

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    can a slide show be created  in photoshop elements 11 that can be viewed on an ipod?

    You can create a sideshow in PSE but I don't know anything about ipod so can't tell you whether it can be viewed in it.
    Just for interest sake, what does an ipod do?  I thought it was mainly for the music and speech based stuff but you seems to suggest otherwise.
    For an old tutorial of creating  SIDESHOW SEE THIS VIDEO:
    Good luck.

  • How do I load an SSIS package created in Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated) onto SQL Server 2012 using SQL Management Studio 2012

    I am fairly new to this whole process of working with the Microsoft development environment.  Here is what I have to work with:
    an NT server running Microsoft SQL 2012  - Microsoft SQL Server Standard (64-bit)  11.0.2100.60
    and on my laptop (all freebie downloads):
    SQL Server Management Studio 2012            ver 11.0.2100.60
    Visual Studio 2012 Express  for Desktop Development and
    Visual Studio 2012 Shell (Integrated)
    I was able to create an SSIS package in
    2012 Shell (Integrated).  It takes a flat file and imports it into an SQL database table.  It runs successfully from within the
    2012 Shell (Integrated) envrionment.
    But I am having trouble figuring out how to set this up on the 2012 SQL Server.  I see that one of my colleagues created an Integration Services Catalog,
    and using SQL Management Studio I was able to create a folder under that called DigLic.  But when I go to the Projects subfolder of DigLic and attempt to import my SSIS package, I get an error message:
    "To launch the Integration Services Deployment wizard, one of the components: Integration Services, Management Tools - Basic or Business Intelligence Development Studio has to be installed by the SQL Server
    2012 Standard, Enterprise, Developer, or Evaluation Edition.  To install a component, run SQL Server Setup and Select the component name"
    I realize that Express Versions of Visual Studio lack the full feature set of a professional version.  But am I wrong in assuming that owning a server version of SQL Server 2012 gives us license to a professional
    version of SQL Management Studio 2012?  If so, how would I go about getting this software component installed?  And I am not clear if this is something that needs to be installed on our SQL Server or if I simply need a professional version of SSMS
    loaded on my laptop.
    I work for a company that is fairly fractured in its repsonsibilities, so I would need to know exactly what to ask for if I need to track down any licenses that I might need and if I need to have any specific software installed on our SQL server or on my
    All helpt would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your reply.  But at this point, one of my points of confusion is what software I have available to me.  I wish I had a useful central help desk to call up and just say, "Hey, load me up with all of the professional version(s) of Visual
    Studio.  But I do not know what we have license to.  And I kind of need to know what the options are, so that I can ask a specific question of our vast buracracy.
    For now, I have downloaded only free versions of Visual Studio client software.  Since my company does have servers running Microsoft SQL Server, I am going to assume that we have proper licensing for those servers.  But does that server license
    allow me to get any professional versions of the PC client software for the various Visual Studio(s) 2012?
    And if I get a professional version of Visual Studio 2012, does that do away with the three different flavors that I have right now?  I have 2012 versions of SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio Express, and Visual Studio Shell (Integrated).
    Your feedback is much appreciated.

  • EnterProjectStage - reading GUID from a string variable within Workflow created in Visual Studio 2012.

    I am creating a Project Server Workflow (site workflow) using Visual Studio 2012.
    If i set the "EnterProjectStage" activity with a GUID within quotes the workflow works
    (as suggested in the MSDN blog (
    However, the GUID of stages will change from environment to environmet (QA, Stage, PROD). So, I tried setting the GUID in a string variable (which i am populating dynamically) and assigned the string variable to the "EnterProjectStage"
    activity. However, this dynamic assignment of stage id to "EnterProjectStage" does not work and after deployment the workflow dumps with the following error:
    Exception Starting Workflow: Sequence contains no elements. Trace: at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Workflow.<FillWorkflowStatusTableFromXaml>b__47(XElement
    e) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.<DistinctIterator>d__81`1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1
    source) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Workflow.FillWorkflowStatusTableFromXaml(String xaml, WorkflowDataSet& ds, Guid projUid) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Workflow.StartWorkflow(Guid projectGuid, Guid enterpriseProjectTypeUid,
    Boolean isNewProject, Guid previousEntepriseProjectTypeUid, Boolean skipStage, Guid stageToSkipTo):
    WorkflowExceptionStartingWorkflow (35115). Details: id='35115' name='WorkflowExceptionStartingWorkflow'
    Is there a way the "EnterProjectStage" can be made dynamic so that it reads from a variable.

    Thank you for your reply.  But at this point, one of my points of confusion is what software I have available to me.  I wish I had a useful central help desk to call up and just say, "Hey, load me up with all of the professional version(s) of Visual
    Studio.  But I do not know what we have license to.  And I kind of need to know what the options are, so that I can ask a specific question of our vast buracracy.
    For now, I have downloaded only free versions of Visual Studio client software.  Since my company does have servers running Microsoft SQL Server, I am going to assume that we have proper licensing for those servers.  But does that server license
    allow me to get any professional versions of the PC client software for the various Visual Studio(s) 2012?
    And if I get a professional version of Visual Studio 2012, does that do away with the three different flavors that I have right now?  I have 2012 versions of SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio Express, and Visual Studio Shell (Integrated).
    Your feedback is much appreciated.

  • Cannot edit form in InfoPath when list was created in Visual Studio

    I am using SharePoint 2013 Enterprise, InfoPath Designer 2013 and Visual Studio 2013.
    When I create a list using the SharePoint UI, I can use the "Customize Form" button on the "Customize List" ribbon to customize the list form in InfoPath Designer and publishing the changes works just fine.
    When I create the same list in Visual Studio and deploy it via a solution package, I can still use the "Customize Form" button to customize the list's form in InfoPath Designer, but publishing the changes won't work. The error message I receive
    The publish operation could not be completed. It cannot be determined if the form template was successfully published. Try publishing the form template again, or change the list settings to
    Catastrophic failure
    How can I solve this problem?
    Thanks in Advance!

    Hi Eduardo, this sounds like a data connection or SOAP issue. Check out the following links for solutions similar to your problem:
    cameron rautmann

  • How do we use Script (batch file with msbuild/msbuild project) to build Cordova Project created with Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova?

    I use Visual Studio to create Cordova projects. I need to build Cordova projects using msbuild and buildbot via script for my project but I can find only information about how VS combine with Cordova CLI to build multi device hybrid application.

    Hi Samseth,
    Yes, correct, the only thing we can find on the MSDN is:
    Deploy and Run Your App
    And that's the reason why Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova existing.
    I think you may get more detail compile information from here:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 can't connect to IIS Express 7.5 on Windows 7 Virtual Machine Using Parallels 6.0

    Here is what I am using:
    MacBook Pro - Version 10.7.5 with 128 GB SSD
    Parallels 6.0
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate
    IIS Express 7.5 download that changed it to IIS Express 8.0
    I also have WebMatrix but I am not planning on using it.
    I am a novice when it comes to development and these technologies so I am sure that has some impact on my issues. 
    I have spent a lot of time looking between the various forums to find a solution and they all seem to offer parts but not an entire and workable solution to solve the two errors that I receive when starting a new project and/or web site:
    Configuring IIS Express Failed with the following error:
    Filename: redirection.config
    Error: Cannot read configuration file
    Unspecified Error Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL))
    Based on the research I believe it has something to do where the IIS Express files are located on the Mac side of the computer.  I have tried to map them back to the Windows machine but I still get the same errors.
    I understand it should be looking in the documents folder on the C Driver for the user, which is Administrator.  I have tried to redirect, open the port, change the Firewall settings to no avail.  I believe it is something very simple
    but I am not seeing it.  I did turn on the Windows Features for IIS and removed the read only check box for the IIS Folder.
    I have looked at the binding and port settings but cannot figure out how to make changes there.  I think I need to remove local host and replace it with my computer name.  I did try this but it didn't work.  Here are the defaults:
    Please let me know what you think and share a possible solution.  Remember that I am a novice and some things will go over my head so the more detail the better.
    I am happy to not use IIS Express and just use IIS because the volume of development is low.  I am also open to using VS directly onto Azure and bypassing IIS if that is the best solution.  I say this because I saw some posts that state there isn't
    a workaround. 
    Thanks for taking the time to assist.

    Hello jats1910,
    Your problem may more related to IIS setting and configuration. But this forum is about Visual Studio Setup and Installation. If your Visual Studio installed without problem on your OS, then you may need to consult this issue on IIS forum.
    Best regards, 
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

Maybe you are looking for