Is it possible to export contacts  from Outlook 2011 for Mac and importing this file back into Mac Address Book.? please reply me its urgent

Is it possible to export contacts  from Outlook 2011 for Mac and importing this file back into Mac Address Book.? please reply me its urgent

Is it possible to export contacts  from Outlook 2011 for Mac and importing this file back into Mac Address Book.? please reply me its urgent

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  • Exporting selected contacts from Outlook 2011 for Mac

    I've wanted to easily export a set of selected contacts from Outlook in Microsoft Office for Mac 2011.  I've been through many threads about synching to Address Book and then exporting, but I've found a host of troubles, including duplicate copies of contacts being created.
    So, I finally broke down and wrote an AppleScript script to export all of the currently selected contacts from Outlook to a file in either vcf (vcard) or csv (comma separated value) format.  The best use of this script is to:
    -- Install this as a script in Microsoft Outlook by saving the script below to Documents>Microsoft User Data>Outlook Script Menu Items
    -- Change to your Contacts in Outlook.  Use the Outlook search bar to find the contacts you want to export.  You might search by name, category, company, or anything else that identifies the contacts you want to export.  Or, you might just leave the view showing all contacts.
    -- Select the contacts you want to export
    -- Launch the script
    The script will have you select between vcard and csv and select a destination file.  This hasn't been optimized for speed, so if you're exporting 100's or 1,000's of contacts, be patient.  And there isn't a progress bar at present, so you have to wait.  It will display an alert when it's complete.
    Sorry not to have a download location for you.  You'll just have to copy the script text :-).  Keep in mind there's been some but limited testing.  Read the comments for details.  And enjoy.
    -- jsc
    --  Export Outlook Contacts
    --  (c) 2012 J. Scott Carr.  The script is made available for free use, with no
    --  warranty, under the Creative Commons license agreement.
    --  This script has only been tested on Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Micrsoft Outlook for
    --  Mac 2011 version 14.1.4.
    property byCategory : "By category"
    property byPattern : "Names matching pattern"
    property vcardFormat : "VCard"
    property csvFormat : "CSV"
    --  main
    set contactsToExport to {}
    -- Get the contact selection
    set contactsToExport to get_contacts_to_export()
    if (count of contactsToExport) is 0 then
              display alert "Please select contacts to export and rerun script" as warning
    end if
    -- Shall we export to vcard or CSV?
    set theFormat to vcard_or_csv()
    if theFormat is "" then
              display alert "Error: Must select VCard or CSV format" as warning
    end if
    -- Get and open the output file
    set oFile to open_output_file(theFormat)
    if (oFile is equal to -128) then
    display alert "Canceled"
    else if (oFile < 0) then
              display alert "File open failed (" & oFile & ")" as warning
    end if
    -- Export the contacts
    display dialog "About to export " & (count of contactsToExport) & " contacts in " & theFormat & " format.  Proceed?"
    if button returned of result is not "OK" then
      close access oFile
              end try
    end if
    if theFormat is vcardFormat then
    export_to_vcard(contactsToExport, oFile)
    else if theFormat is csvFormat then
    export_to_csv(contactsToExport, oFile)
              display alert "Invalid format" as warning
    end if
    close access oFile
    display alert "Complete"
    --  get_contacts_to_export()
    --  We're going to export the Contacts currently selected in Outlook.
    --  Check that the current selection is Contacts and not some other Outlook
    --  object.  Snag the selected Contacts and return them as a list.
    --  A side note.  When I started this, I built options to enter a matching
    --  name string or select a category.  And then it hit me that those features
    --  are much more robust in Outlook, and it would be easy to just use the
    --  current selection.
    --  There is some strange behavior that Outlook needs to have recently been
    --  the front, active window.
    on get_contacts_to_export()
              set selectedContacts to {}
              tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
                        set theSelection to selection
                        if class of theSelection is list then
                                  if class of the first item of theSelection is contact then
                                            copy theSelection to selectedContacts
                                  end if
                                  if class of theSelection is contact then
                                            copy theSelection to selectedContacts
                                  end if
                        end if
                        return selectedContacts
              end tell
    end get_contacts_to_export
    --  vcard_or_csv()
    --  Get the format to use when exporting contacts
    on vcard_or_csv()
              choose from list {vcardFormat, csvFormat} with prompt "Select export file format:"
              if result is false then
                        return ""
                        return first item of result
              end if
    end vcard_or_csv
    --  open_output_file()
    --  Open the destination file for the export, returning the file descriptor or the error number
    --  if the operation fails
    on open_output_file(exportType)
    -- Get the filename, letting "choose file name" deal with existing files.
              set theDate to current date
              set theTime to time of theDate
              if exportType is csvFormat then
                        set fileName to "contacts.csv"
                        set fileName to "contacts.vcf"
              end if
                        set outputFile to choose file name with prompt "Select export destination file" default name fileName
              on error errText number errNum
                        return errNum
              end try
    -- Open the file
      -- Open the file as writable and overwrite contents
                        set oFile to open for access outputFile with write permission
      set eof oFile to 0
              on error errText number errNum
                        display alert "Error opening file: " & errNum & return & errText as warning
      close access oFile
                        end try
                        return errNum
              end try
              return oFile
    end open_output_file
    --  export_to_vcard()
    --  Export each of theContacts to the open file outFile as a set of vcards.  Note that the
    --  vcard data is from the "vcard data" property of the theContacts.  This routine
    --  doesn't attempt to reformat an Outlook vcard, nor limit the fields included
    --  in the vcard.
    on export_to_vcard(theContacts, outFile)
              set vcards to {}
              tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
                        repeat with aContact in theContacts
                                  copy vcard data of aContact to the end of vcards
                        end repeat
              end tell
              repeat with aCard in vcards
      write (aCard & linefeed) to outFile
              end repeat
    end export_to_vcard
    --  export_to_csv()
    --  Export each of theContacts to the open file outFile in csv format
    on export_to_csv(theContacts, outFile)
              set csvFields to {}
    -- Get the fields of the contact to export
              set csvFields to init_csv()
    -- Write the header row
              set nFields to count csvFields
    write first item of csvFields to outFile
              repeat with i from 2 to nFields
      write "," & item i of csvFields to outFile
              end repeat
    write linefeed to outFile
    -- Export the fields of the contacts in CSV format, one per line
              repeat with aContact in theContacts
      write build_csv_line(csvFields, aContact) & linefeed to outFile
              end repeat
    end export_to_csv
    --  init_csv(): defines the fields to export when csv format is selected
    --  Each of the fields in the list must match a name used in the routine build_csv_line().
    --  The idea is to later create a a pick list so the user can select which contact properties
    --  to export.
    on init_csv()
              set csvFields to {"first name", "last name", "middle name", "title", "nickname", "suffix", "phone", "home phone number", "other home phone number", "home fax number", "business phone number", "other business phone number", "busines fax number", "pager number", "mobile number", "home email", "work email", "other email", "company", "job title", "department", "assistant phone number", "home street address", "home city", "home state", "home country", "home zip", "business street address", "business city", "business state", "business country", "business zip", "home web page", "business web page", "note"}
    end init_csv
    --  build_csv_line(): format one line for the csv file
    --  Parameter csvFields determins which fields to include in the export.
    --  Unfortunately I've not figured out how to use perl-style generation of
    --  indirect references.  If I could, this would have been much more elegant
    --  by simply using the field name to refer to a Contact properly.
    --  Note that email address are a special case as they're a list of objects in
    --  Outlook.  So these are handled specially in the export function and can only
    --  be selected by the column names "home email", "work email", and "other email". 
    --  Outlook allows a contact to have more than one of each type of email address
    --  but not all contact managers are the same.  This script takes the first of
    --  each type.  So if a contact has more than one "home" email address, you will
    --  only be able to export the first to a csv file.  Suggest you clean up your
    --  addresses in Outlook to adapt.  The alternative is to support multiple
    --  columns in the csv like "other email 1" and "other email 2", but that's not
    --  supported in this version.
    --  Another note.  In this version, any embedded "return" or "linefeed" characters
    --  found in a property of a contact are converted to a space.  That means that
    --  notes, in particular, will be reformated.  That said, this gets arond a problem
    --  with embedded carriage returns in address fields that throw off importing
    --  the csv file.
    --  Also note that at this time IM addresses aren't supported, but it's an easy add
    --  following the same logic as email addresses.
    on build_csv_line(csvFields, theContact)
              set aField to ""
              set csvLine to ""
              set homeEmail to ""
              set workEmail to ""
              set otherEmail to ""
              tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
                        set props to get properties of theContact
      -- Extract email addresses from address list of contact
                        set emailAddresses to email addresses of props
                        repeat with anAddress in emailAddresses
                                  if type of anAddress is home then
                                            set homeEmail to address of anAddress
                                  else if type of anAddress is work then
                                            set workEmail to address of anAddress
                                  else if type of anAddress is other then
                                            set otherEmail to address of anAddress
                                  end if
                        end repeat
      -- Export each desired fields of the contact
                        repeat with aFieldItem in csvFields
                                  set aField to aFieldItem as text
                                  set aValue to ""
                                  if aField is "first name" then
                                            set aValue to get first name of props
                                  else if aField is "last name" then
                                            set aValue to last name of props
                                  else if aField is "middle name" then
                                            set aValue to middle name of props
                                  else if aField is "display name" then
                                            set aValue to display name of props
                                  else if aField is "title" then
                                            set aValue to title of props
                                  else if aField is "nickname" then
                                            set aValue to nickname of props
                                  else if aField is "suffix" then
                                            set aValue to suffix of props
                                  else if aField is "phone" then
                                            set aValue to phone of props
                                  else if aField is "home phone number" then
                                            set aValue to home phone number of props
                                  else if aField is "other home phone number" then
                                            set aValue to other home phone number of props
                                  else if aField is "home fax number" then
                                            set aValue to home fax number of props
                                  else if aField is "business phone number" then
                                            set aValue to business phone number of props
                                  else if aField is "other bsiness phone number" then
                                            set aValue to other business phone number of props
                                  else if aField is "bsuiness fax number" then
                                            set aValue to business fax number of props
                                  else if aField is "pager number" then
                                            set aValue to pager number of props
                                  else if aField is "mobile number" then
                                            set aValue to mobile number of props
                                  else if aField is "home email" then
                                            set aValue to homeEmail
                                  else if aField is "work email" then
                                            set aValue to workEmail
                                  else if aField is "other email" then
                                            set aValue to otherEmail
                                  else if aField is "office" then
                                            set aValue to office of props
                                  else if aField is "company" then
                                            set aValue to company of props
                                  else if aField is "job title" then
                                            set aValue to job title of props
                                  else if aField is "department" then
                                            set aValue to department of props
                                  else if aField is "assistant phone number" then
                                            set aValue to assistant phone number of props
                                  else if aField is "age" then
                                            set aValue to age of props
                                  else if aField is "anniversary" then
                                            set aValue to anniversary of props
                                  else if aField is "astrololgy sign" then
                                            set aValue to astrology sign of props
                                  else if aField is "birthday" then
                                            set aValue to birthday of props
                                  else if aField is "blood type" then
                                            set aValue to blood type of props
                                  else if aField is "desription" then
                                            set aValue to description of props
                                  else if aField is "home street address" then
                                            set aValue to home street address of props
                                  else if aField is "home city" then
                                            set aValue to home city of props
                                  else if aField is "home state" then
                                            set aValue to home state of props
                                  else if aField is "home country" then
                                            set aValue to home country of props
                                  else if aField is "home zip" then
                                            set aValue to home zip of props
                                  else if aField is "home web page" then
                                            set aValue to home web page of props
                                  else if aField is "business web page" then
                                            set aValue to business web page of props
                                  else if aField is "spouse" then
                                            set aValue to spouse of props
                                  else if aField is "interests" then
                                            set aValue to interests of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field one" then
                                            set aValue to custom field one of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field two" then
                                            set aValue to custom field two of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field three" then
                                            set aValue to custom field three of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field four" then
                                            set aValue to custom field four of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field five" then
                                            set aValue to custom field five of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field six" then
                                            set aValue to custom field six of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field seven" then
                                            set aValue to custom field seven of props
                                  else if aField is "custom field eight" then
                                            set aValue to custom field eight of props
                                  else if aField is "custom phone 1" then
                                            set aValue to custom phone 1 of props
                                  else if aField is "custom phone 2" then
                                            set aValue to custom phone 2 of props
                                  else if aField is "custom phone 3" then
                                            set aValue to custom phone 3 of props
                                  else if aField is "custom phone 4" then
                                            set aValue to custom phone 4 of props
                                  else if aField is "custom date field one" then
                                            set aValue to custom date field one of props
                                  else if aField is "custom date field two" then
                                            set aValue to custom date field two of props
                                  else if aField is "note" then
                                            set aValue to plain text note of props
                                  end if
                                  if aValue is not false then
                                            if length of csvLine > 0 then
                                                      set csvLine to csvLine & ","
                                            end if
                                            if (aValue as text) is not "missing value" then
                                                      set csvLine to csvLine & "\"" & aValue & "\""
                                            end if
                                  end if
                        end repeat
              end tell
    -- Change all embeded "new lines" to spaces.  Does mess with the formatting
    -- of notes on contacts, but it makes it cleans the file for more reliable
    -- importing.  This could be changed to an option later.
              set csvLine to replace_text(csvLine, return, " ")
              set csvLine to replace_text(csvLine, linefeed, " ")
              return csvLine
    end build_csv_line
    --  replace_text()
    --  Replace all occurances of searchString with replaceString in sourceStr
    on replace_text(sourceStr, searchString, replaceString)
              set searchStr to (searchString as text)
              set replaceStr to (replaceString as text)
              set sourceStr to (sourceStr as text)
              set saveDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to (searchString)
              set theList to (every text item of sourceStr)
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to (replaceString)
              set theString to theList as string
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveDelims
              return theString
    end replace_text

    Thank You, but this is a gong show. Why is something that is so important to us all so very, very difficult to do?

  • How do I export contacts from Outlook 2011 to icloud

    icloud will only let me import a vcard and is only showing 24 of my 250 contact I have in outlook 2011.I tried exporting the olm file out of outlook but icloud contacts will not read it.
    Is there a way of getting icloud to pick up on all of my contact .
    Appreciate anyones help with this

    This page: - has this to say:
    'Under Outlook 2002 you could simply open your contacts and drag them to the desktop to turn them into vCards. No longer. Try this and the contacts are converted to messages.
    While you can select a single Outlook contact, choose File -> Save As and, in the resulting dialog box, choose vCard Files from the Save as Type pop-up menu, this works only for individual contacts—you can’t export a group of contacts this way.
    You have a few options for eventually getting the things out of Outlook. The first is to select all your contacts and choose Action -> Forward as vCard. Outlook will create a new email message that contains all your contacts as individual vCard attachments. Send this message to yourself, pick it up on the Mac, drag these files into Address Book or Entourage’s Address Book and you’re good to go.
    Or Sperry Software can lend a hand with its $20 vCard Converter Add-in for Microsoft Outlook. This adds a service that enables Outlook to export all your contacts as a single vCard.'
    A Microsoft Help Page suggests:
    'The simplest way to do this would be to export your Outlook contacts to a tab-delimited file and then import that into Address Book.
    In Outlook select File menu --> Export... and select Contacts to a list (tab-delimited text).
    Save the new file to your Desktop.
    In Apple's Address Book select File menu --> Import... and select your file.
    Use the next window to match the field names in Address Book with those in your export file'
    If using either method you import into Address Book you can sync that to iCloud, which is probably easier than trying to import into the iCloud website. If you're prepared to splash out $20 the Sperry Software program would  simplify matters a lot.

  • Unable to snyc calender and contacs from outlook 2011 for mac

    iTunes won't sync calenders and contacts from Outlook 2011 for Mac
    OS Mavericks 10.9.5
    Also tried on iTunes 11.4

    I don't receive an error, i am syncing to iPhone and iPad... I connect the device to the MacBook with the cable, open iTunes and click on the device on iTunes then go to info tick sync contacts but it doesn't show me any contacts below, then tick sync calender and i could see the calenders and then I select the calender that i want to sync and press apply... the sync icon appears as if it is syncing and the disappeared after a few minutes.  When i check the iPhone or the iPad the calender and contacts are empty.
    I have enabled the sync services in outlook for mac 2011 and ticked calender, contacts and tasks and select the account to sync and the outlook folder to add new items to but still it does not sync anything.
    I went to the iStore technical support and the technicians were unable to help me they just told me that Apple has removed the functionality, to me it looked like they were clueless

  • How to export contacts from Outlook 2007 to Apple iphone 3gs

    how to export contacts from Outlook 2007 to Apple iphone 3gs

    You can import your contacts from your Outlook using iTunes. Connect yout iPhone / iPad to iTunes, then set sync contacts with outlook option. Then Sync your device.
    Note: Your existing contacts may get replaced if you don't read the options carefully.
    You can check out this website if you need more detailed information on this.

  • Transfer emails from outlook 2011 for mac to Outlook 2010 for windows

    I want to transfer emails from outlook 2011 for mac to outlook 2010 for windows. 
    Outlook 2011 exports mails only in olm format and there is no option to import olm files in outlook 2010.
     I can drag and drop emails from outlook 2011 to a finder folder which saves emails as eml files. How can import eml files into outlook 2010. 
    Please help

    Thank you for using
    Microsoft Office for IT Professionals Forums.
    Base on the research ,
    We can try the steps below to add the registry sub key. This will open all .eml files that are in the file system using Outlook, including *.eml attachments on messages in OE/WLM. Any replies will be sent
    using Outlook.
    Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the
    registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem
    regedit in the Search field on the Start menu or press
    Windows Key+ R and enter it in the Run command.
    2.Navigate to
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Microsoft Internet Mail Message WLMail\shell\open\command
    Or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Microsoft Internet Mail Message\shell\open\command
    3. Change the command line (here its "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe" /eml:%1)
    to the following line, exactly as shown below but correcting the path to Outlook.exe to match the path on your computer.
    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE" /eml "%1"
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Rex Zhang
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Why don't private appointments synched from Outlook 2011 (for Mac) show up on my iPad2?

    I have an iPad2, and have upgraded to iOS5. I sync my mail/calendar from Outlook 2011 for Mac. Recently (after the upgrade to iOS5), I noticed that the appointments marked "private" in Outlook no longer sync to my iPad, though they do sync to my iPhone 4 (also running iOS5).
    Any suggestions?

    I am a doofus. All I needed to do was go into settings, click on keynote and turn iCloud on in keynote.

  • Is there any way to sync Outlook for Mac with iPhone? I have tried everything but not successful. Apple says it is not possible to sync contacts from Outlook for Mac to iPhone 5. Any help will be much appreciated.

    Is there any way to Sync contacts from Outlook for Mac to iPhone 5? Apple support says that only iTune can only sync contacts from "Contact" which is the default contact of Mac. If one is running Outllok on a Mac machine then it is not possible to sync the contacts with iPhone. It is strange that Apple distributors are promoting and offering machines with promise that Windows users can now run MS Office on Mac machines without any problem. While this is true, it is so strange that one cannot sync the contacts from MacBook Pro to iPhone5. If someone has found a way to sync contacts from Outlook to iPhone 5 please help as it is very frustrating to not be able to sync the contacts. Thanks, Amit.


  • Is it possible to export contacts from google acco...

    Is it possible to export contacts to C3-01.5 from google account as VCF file? I tried, but phone can't find the .vcf file from PC if I have opened folder there the file should be!??
    It is very unhandy to enter all 350 contacts to Nokia manually.
    Please help!
    Thank You!

    What you can try is.. Install Nokia Suite on your PC.. Then open the suite and go to Contacts-->File-->Import contacts..and select the the .vcf files .. The Contacts, once imported should be visible in the Nokia Suite ..Now connect the phone to PC and select all the Contacts in the Nokia Suite and Drag-and-Drop on the Phone Icone at the Bottom .. Check if the Contacts are now stored on your Phone ..

  • How can I migrate from Outlook 2011 to iCal and Apple Address Book in Mavericks now that synching is no longer possible?

    Now that I am on Mavericks and no longer able to sync between my iPhone/iPad and Outlook 2011 on my MacBook Pro, I'm finally taking the leap (which I should have done long ago) and abandoning Outlook 2011 all together (doesn't help that Outlook now prompts me to rebuild by Identity multiple times per day). I am hoping to export from Outlook to iCal, Address Book, etc, but I would love it if someone could check my steps.
    Delete iCal and Apple Address Book content -- Because I have old data in iCal and Address Book (that was synched before I upgraded to Mavericks), I planned to delete this data as follows:
    Manually deleting my multiple calendars in the iCal app
    Go to Go>Home>Library>Calendars and drag "Calendar Cache" to trash
    Go to Go>Home>Library>Caches and drag "" and "" to the trash
    Go to Go>Home>Library>Application Support and drag "Address Book" to the trash
    Export Outlook 2011 Calendars to iCalIs there a file format that I can use to export from Outlook 2011 and then import into iCal? I will use this file format to individually export each of my calendars from Outlook 2011 and import them into iCal.
    Export Outlook 2011 Contact List to Apple Address BookIs there a file format that I can use to export from Outlook 2011 and then import into Apple Address Book?
    Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi acs4055,
    As per your query I found a relevant solution for resolving this,  actually I haven’t tried the steps you wrote here in your query.  But I found a solid key answer for exporting from Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9.1) Outlook 2011 to iCal for Apple mail. This is possible through Drag and Drop method via this you can undoubtedly migrate Outlook 2011 Calendar to ical format.
    Hope it will assist you and you will be able to attain a desired solution.

  • Export mail from outlook 2002 for Entourage 2004 - how to?

    I've tried for some time now to export my mail from outlook 2002 for Entourage.. Can't say it's been easy, and I still haven't figured it out.
    Can anyone help me with this..
    and .. oh yes.. I'm a newbie at mac.. got it for only about a week or so now..
    please bare with me..

    I don't use contacts but I found this document that should help:
    However it does specify Outlook 2003 or later is required to sync contacts so that will be an issue for you.

  • I cannot send email from Outlook 2011 (for Mac). But can send from other applications

    I have Outlook 2011 for Mac - I have validated the settings and up until yesterday could send and receive emails using my .mac account.
    I can send using icloud and mail (I use Outlook for work purposes) and can send in outlook using my work accounts.
    My settings
    Incoming server -
    Use SSL to connect checked.
    Outgoing server -
    override default port checked (port 587)
    use SSL to connect checked
    authentication - Username and password.
    I have rebuilt the database - no effect.
    I continue to get the error
    "Mail could not be sent
    The server for account "mac" returned the error. 5.7.8. Bad Username or password (Authentication failed..)" Your username/password or security settings may be incorrect. Would you like to try rentering your password"
    I have validated my username and password and rentered them both.
    I have emptied the outbox and retried but nothing works.
    Thanks for the help.

    Update - I now have it working.
    am not really sure what exactly fixed it.
    I changed a lot of things but my setup now has the following which I think fixed.
    outgoing server  -
    override default port checked - port now 587
    on more options button changed it to "use incoming server info".

  • Export contacts from Outlook 2013 as CSV - no email

    I am trying to sync all of my contacts, and in the process I'm getting a lot of contacts that need merging.  i.e.:
    Two contact records for one, John Smith.  One record has phone and address while the other has the email.  I want one use Excel and an Add-On to Combine rows like this...
    Contacts to Merge
    John Smith
    1234 Main St
    John Smith
    [email protected]
    Desired Results
    John Smith
    1234 Main St
    [email protected]
    However, when I export contacts that are from Outlook's "Connect to social network" I'm not getting the email from all my contacts in the exported CSV so combining rows in Excel doesn't help anything.
    These are two contacts I want to merge into one.  One is from Facebook/LinkdedIn and the other is from my iPhone.
     When I export my contacts I get a record for each contact, but the email doesn't show up in the CSV.
    Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it?

    Bu-b-Bump it up

  • Updates to contacts from outlook 2007 on Iphones and Ipad

    Hello... I was wondering if anyone else is having issues finding a solution to this problem.  I work for a large distribution company and I am responsible for making sure all the mobile equipment is up to date with the latest contact information from Outlook.  We do not have an exchange server and therefore contacts are not automatically updated when a change is made in Outlook.  Right now I manage the list from my main PC and then the list is then updated manually onto each and every device (we have almost 300 devices).  I would like to be able to manage these updates remotely if possible.  Does anyone know of a program that works with Apple Iphones and Ipads?  We have tried many different types of programs (including icloud) and our mobile service provider has also made attemps to help us with this issue.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Do you have google sync installed for your contacts?  If you do, IT may be what is doubling your contacts!  I run 2000, not 2007, but I had a similar problim. 
    AND each time I tried to correct any addresses Google thoguht they were new and recoppied the whole address book again!  Went for 700 contacts to over 8000 before I got it figured out

  • Export from Outlook 2011 for mac to mac address book

    As I'm not in a corporate setting any longer, and i'd like to simplify, moving all outlook files -- contacts, mail, reminders, all that -- to address book and ical. Is there a simple elegant way to do this?

    Thank you for using
    Microsoft Office for IT Professionals Forums.
    Base on the research ,
    We can try the steps below to add the registry sub key. This will open all .eml files that are in the file system using Outlook, including *.eml attachments on messages in OE/WLM. Any replies will be sent
    using Outlook.
    Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the
    registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem
    regedit in the Search field on the Start menu or press
    Windows Key+ R and enter it in the Run command.
    2.Navigate to
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Microsoft Internet Mail Message WLMail\shell\open\command
    Or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Microsoft Internet Mail Message\shell\open\command
    3. Change the command line (here its "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe" /eml:%1)
    to the following line, exactly as shown below but correcting the path to Outlook.exe to match the path on your computer.
    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE" /eml "%1"
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Rex Zhang
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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