Is it possilbe to use compressor with DivX 6?

I edited some footage in FCP and I use export->using quicktime conversion to convert my sequence to a divx movie.
Is there any way to do a batch export by using compressor? I would think that a related question would be if there is a way to make a preset that uses the divx codec?
I have divx converter which has batch capability, but it's not suitable for my needs.

from the command line this can be done with
sapgui SNC_PARTNERNAME=“<snc-name>“ SNC_QOP=<nr> <connection>
I am not sure if it works to directly add the snc parameters into the connectionString of your script or if you need an additinal API for that.
The  alternative is to define a connection in SAP logon including usage of SNC and then using the openConnection call taking the parameter as the description name in SAP logon.
For more information please refer to the Programming API.
Best regards

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    I am using compressor 4

  • Do you have to use Compressor with DVD Studio Pro?

    I'm trying to find a way to streamline bringing QuickTime Movies made in FCP6 into DVDSP.
    When I try to import QT Movies or movies compressed with H.264 into DVD Studio Pro, I get the error message: "Incompatible Format".
    Is there anyway to get QT Movies into DVDSP successfully without using Compressor?
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    It's odd to me because you can go directly from QT Movie into iDVD with no such problems.
    Marc Griffin
    Message was edited by: Marc Griffin

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for the quick response. The rationale of our workflow is to avoid using Compressor to simplify the process for our students making DVDs. But if we are going to have to use Compressor to change the frame rate, as you suggested, then we're just going to have to live with using the application.
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    Resultantly, we're going to be stuck with using Compressor in our DVD burning workflow.
    Thanks Everyone For Your Help!
    Marc Griffin

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    listen man
    if you can afford an analog compressor then go for that
    source---> tube pre-amp ---> ANALOG COMPRESSOR ----> mixer (for hardware monitoring if you want) ---> Interface
    if you do get a compressor try something with a gate and a limiter built into it as well
    1: limiter is good for setting a level where nothing will over pass that level
    2: gate is a good idea incase you wanna get a good decent sound out of your Tube pre-amp without worrying about the low dirty sounds
    you can use the gate to cut signals below some level, lets say you
    Threshold : -50 dbu
    Ratio : 2:1
    Attack : 1 ms
    Release : 1 sec ( depending on what you want)
    Output : -3 db
    this just a example of what i set for most of my clients, what is, is that i get them in about 30 mins before session and we do sound check plus mic positioning and settings for the PREAMP, COMPRESSOR AND LEVELS IN
    doing all this means the singers / rappers will feel comfortable singing like they are on stage or in their bathroom
    don't let an artist change for you if the artist is good and they happy with their style, position, volume and groove ( because the song will lack of taste and feel at the end)
    tip: recording onto computer/ digital should not clip, you can make the tube as hot as you want but make sure you are about -3 db below clip
    because sometimes good takes only comes once and distorting it and making the clients record about 80x will make the clients lose the feel
    after recording good takes you can go on and compressor to your needs or gain to your needs
    good tip : always make sure you get a good sound before recording or before hitting the disk, less time cutting and pasting more time creating other good things
    and don't over compress with the analog compressor, always leave space for extra stuff just incase
    Message was edited by: $ta$h

  • Can i use compressor with iMovie.

    will compressor worh with imove?

    In a manner of speaking, sort of.
    If you export a QT file from iMovie, Compressor can work on it.
    More importantly, what is it that you want Compressor to do?

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    You should be able to use Compressor with iMovie - it's a standalone app - but, of course, there will be no "Send To" buttons. But I really doubt that it will help you much.
    sdharwadker wrote:
    However, when I finalize the project, the darker hues in my footage always come out pixelated and crappy. Whether it's 1080p or 480p, this is always the case.
    Finalizing means that iMovie renders your video in different sizes. Have you tried to export or "Share to Media Browser"?

  • Why won't Compressor let me submit? And why use compressor rather than FCP?

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    So from Final Cut I've gone to 'Export' using 'Using Compressor', for a piece of Quicktime that I want to convert to Mpeg 4. IN compressor, I've set a MPEG 4 conversion, and I've set a destination. But the 'submit' button hasn't come on, and I can't go ahead with the operation. Can anyone tell me the basic things that would prevent me going ahead with the conversion here - no matter how obvious? I'm a new user, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong... any hints?
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    Thanks for your help with these issues - you guys rock!

    You may not have enough free hard drive spacein your destination folder or your destination folder is Write protected. I've had that problem and compressor will not always tell you why its not giving you the ok to submit yu kind of have to figure it out. *** far as the benifit of useing it the only rel one is that you can continue to use final cut to do other work while compressor is working, ut that only works if you first export it as a fcp Quick time move and then open compressor and drag and drop the fcp full dv or hdv quick time movie into compressor for compression. affter that you can quite compressor without even saving it and it will continue to work in the background only using what ever cpu power you aren't using allowing you to continue to work on other parts or projects.

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    I suspect you are attempting to burn an HD DVD, which will not play on a DVD player...
    But if you provide more details such as the settings you are applying in Compressor, then we would be able to provide you more accurate information.
    How are you adding the files to Compressor?
    In FCP, what are your footage properties (command-9) and sequence settings (command-0)

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    Although you say you have let the battery drain, was it for long enough? Since nothing else that you've tried so far has worked, I suggest that you leave the iPod unplugged for at least four days, preferably a week. That way, if something is stopping the iPod from turning the screen on, then whatever it is will drain the battrey. However, since the screen isn't on, that may take longer than if the screen was on.
    Then, after that time, plug the iPod into a power source and leave it alone for at least thirty minutes. Only after thirty minutes will it show any signs of life, but you should leave it until it is fully charged before trying to use it.
    If you get to this stage, the fact that the battery has drained will cause the iPod to reset when it springs back to life.
    Let us know how you get on.

  • Exporting using Compressor failed, and other awekward issues with FCP

    Hi FCP gurus! I need your help!
    Everytime I try to export using compressor, my submission fails.
    I even try a sequence a exported as m2v on Monday, but today is not working.
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    I am using FCP 5.1.4
    Thanks so much in advance!

    First off, fwiw, I never "send to compressor."  I export a self-contained QT movie, not a conversion.  Then I run that through compressor with the appropriate settings.  I like the self contained file, it becomes a master from which I can make all sorts of variations.  The only difference, in theory between self contained and reference, is that if for any reason you lose the render files the reference movie will not work.
    Q1 No.
    Q2 see above
    Q3  There is no such thing as uncompressed.  It's just a different codec rather than a perfect copy of your timeline.
    Q4 lots of reasons for making a conversion, but none of them are valid for making DVD's
    Q5  Nothing wrong with letting DVDSP make the encoding-- just be sure to get into the preferences for DVDSP and set the destinations to a folder for the project, so you don't overwrite any other projects.  Depending on how long the project is, you can let it encode in the bg while you set up your project, build the buttons etc.  It's all the same encoding engine, whether is is done in compressor or dvdsp.   I find it much faster to use compressor then to take to dvdsp becaue you can use quickcluster.
    Now a couple of questions for you:  what sort of footage are you using and what are your fcp sequence settings?

  • Im having problem with the dvd quality, I'm using compressor to convert the video fils from apple prores to mpeg2 .It doesn't matter how long my video is even if its just 5 minutes  I'm getting cut edges in the video , does anyone have any idea ?

    Im having a problem with the dvd quality, I'm using compressor to convert the video fils from apple prores to mpeg2 .It doesn't matter how long my video is even if its just 5 minutes  I'm getting cut edges/lines  in the video specialy if i have titles it comes up really bad , I took the same video to a friend of mine who have PC and he uses Encore , did the encoding there and it was just fine no problems! BTW I tried using doferent setings in compressor from CBR and VBR I even pushed up the setings to 8 or 9 BR and still no luck !
    does anyone have any idea ?
    Thanks in advence ...

    Let's focus attention on just the Sony. (What model and what resolution are you shooting?)
    For now, I'll assume you're shooting 1080i.
    Take a representaive clip  into a new sequence. Add a title.
    In your sequence, make sure field dominance is set to Upper.
    Set render settings to Pro Res 422.
    After rendering, export QT self contained.
    Import into Compressor (I'm now referring to v3.5).
    Select the 90 minute Best quality DVD preset.
    Open frame controls and turn on (click the gear icon). Set Resize filter to Best.
    Submit burn and check quality on TV.
    Good luck.

  • Problem with Video Quality when exporting to Quicktime or using compressor

    I've attempted exporting a video sequence (stills with transitions, video footage and audio tracks) directly as a QuickTime Movie and using Compressor (Apple-DVD-HD_30 Minutes) for import into DVD Studio. The export process seems to work well for each. Only problem: the video seems to get a bit distorted at random spots. The best way to describe the distortion: images (still and video) seem to blur and squiggle for a few frames at a time. This distortion is especially prevalent during more complex transitions (3 Spins and such). The sequence is nice and clean in Final Cut. I'm only seeing this distortion after export. Thanks for any thoughts you might have on this issue.

    "Pear-shaped" (or sometimes "fruit-shaped") is a euphemism meaning that the effort has gone awry; it was a mess.
    Export to DVD is a PPro 2.0 function; in CS3 it is now Export to Encore. Is that what you meant?
    First thing is to check the field orders of your source material and of your export settings. Don't invert them, and don't deinterlace interlaced footage.
    Perhaps a short list of the settings you have tried (and why you chose those settings) would help us help you.

  • Can I use motion 5 and Compressor with Final Cut Pro 7?

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    After reading a lot about the new Final Cut X I decided not to buy it. I´m not gonna say anything about it, pretty much everything has been said so there´s no point in being redundant about it.
    So my question is this:
    Can I use the new version of Motion and Compressor with the old Final Cut Pro 7?
    I heard the new version of Motion is nice, not so sure about the new Compressor but any improvement would be nice.
    Thanks in advance.
    Daniel Sametz.

    Can I use the new version of Motion and Compressor with the old Final Cut Pro 7?

  • Issues with Motion in Using Compressor for a PAL DVD

    I am new to DVD Studio Pro and Compressor and am trying to create a DVD of a 50 minute PAL project that I made using FCP. I have found a couple tutorials on how to export my project using compressor to be compatible with DSP via pre sets (DVD: Best Quality 4:3) and actually manipulating the controls myself. I have found in using both techniques that during any scene with motion, the edges of the moving actor become blurred and grainy. The tutorials that I checked out I assume (since they were from the US) were for NTSC projects, is there any other considerations that I should make in compressing a PAL project, which might contribute to this graininess? Any ideas?
    Any help would be much appreciated. I have included my settings from Compressor below.
    Name: MPEG-2 6.2Mbps 2-pass 4:3
    Description: Fits up to 90 minutes of video with Dolby Digital audio at 192 Kbps or 60 minutes with AIFF audio on a DVD-5
    File Extension: m2v
    Estimated file size: 273.48 MB
    Type: MPEG-2 video elementary stream
    Video Encoder
    Format: M2V
    Width: 720
    Height: 576
    Pixel aspect ratio: PAL CCIR 601
    Crop: None
    Frame rate: 25
    Frame Controls: Off
    Aspect ratio: 4:3
    Field dominance: Bottom first
    Average data rate: 6.2 (Mbps)
    2 Pass VBR enabled
    Maximum data rate: 7.7 (Mbps)
    High quality
    Best motion estimation
    Closed GOP Size: 12, Structure: IBBP
    DVD Studio Pro meta-data enabled

    The general concepts are the same in terms of maintaining quality throughout the work process in terms of Codecs, exports etc.
    As to the motion areas, compression markers in FCP can help in problem areas. What you should do is grab some of the problems sections and drop markers in there and encode them. Some of the frame controls can help, depending on source footage. What was the original material and cpautred/edited? Sometimes things in there can also give quality hits.
    Lastly some things (like real black outfits on light backgrounds) can cause some edging issues which can take some work to clean up as much as possible...

  • Anyone have experience with using Flip4Mac with Compressor?

    I am suddenly getting a strange QT error. I just upgraded my QT version to the latest one, 7.4.5 and now I can't encode anything using Flip4Mac's WMV encoder through Compressor. Everything was working just fine before I did the upgrade, but now whenever I try to use Compressor to export to a WMV file, I get an error that reads "QuickTime Error: -2002"
    It's like the codec isn't even installed or something, because the error is instant. It's not like it gets going and then quits out in the middle.
    I've tried a full clean re-install of Compressor, QuickTime and Flip4Mac and I still get this error. Does anyone out there have any ideas?

    I would recommend downgrading to QuickTime 7.3.1, which is currently the most stable version of QuickTime for Final Cut Studio 2.0.2.
    - QuickTime 7.3.1 for Leopard
    - QuickTime 7.3.1 for Tiger
    - QuickTime 7.3.1 for Panther
    Have a look here for instructions:

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