Is it safe to sell yet?

Ok, I bought a new iMac, the Duo Core 2 version, and I want to sell my old Power PC iMac. I put in the installation disc and reinstalled everything. It came to the LET'S GET STARTED screen to start configuring everything after reinstalling the OS. Is all of my information now off of the hard drive?

If you first erased the hard drive, or chose to perform an "Erase and Install", then yes you are fine.
If you didn't do either of those, or you performed an Archive and Install or Upgrade Install, then you should do it over again and erase the drive or perform an "Erase and Install" from the options provided.
Now, even if you erase your drive, it is still possible for special tools / programs to recover your information. You can never eliminate any possibility someone recovering information. But, you can make it more difficult.
If you simply erase the hard drive, that is adequate to protect yourself against most users. Only the malicious would bother to try and recover old files with special programs or tools.
If you wipe the hard drive (can be done from disk utility - under security options), you can make it more difficult. There is a 7-pass erase and a 35-pass erase. The 7-pass erase could take a day. The 35-pass erase could take a few days or considerably longer depending on your drive / capacity.
Even the 35-pass erase is not 100% secure. But, it is reasonably secure against all but the most determined.
In-short, erasing the drive is probably sufficient. But, the other methods are more secure (although not 100% secure).
I hope this helps.
Let us know if you have other questions.
P.S., if you'd like, go ahead and click the "Helpful" or "Solved" buttons on any of the posts / replies above if you feel they were helpful or adequately answered your question.

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    Never install a new OS over a working OS on a production machine.
    Get an external hard drive and install Leopard to there. If things go all to h*ll you can just boot back into Tiger and get back to work.
    Repair your Permissions on Tiger by using Disk Utility, and remove any programs that require OS9 and any haxie programs like APE before you try to import your old files into a new OS.
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    Continue with both OS's installed on both drive and see if you can get your work done while using Leopard. Wait a week or so before using a program like SuperDuper to clone your new OS back to the internal drive (of course you've already made a bootable clone of your Tiger OS to another drive).
    Be very methodical with this update and you will probably do well. Just put the DVD in and pray and you'll regret not following a path that can be undone.
    Leopard's working very well and has a lot of nice features. But you have to make sure you don't screw it up with old legacy programs, settings and corrupt files.
    Don't worry about getting some new drives for the conversion. You'll want to have as large a drive as you can afford for using Time Machine anyway...

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    I purchased one and my friend purchased one, both are from week 8 and we have had none of the issues that others have encountered. No whine, heat is subjective I think, mine occasionaly gets hot but not so hot I can't place it on my lap. My friends is the same. The Apple rep that was conducting a workshop for a program I am in had one and it had none of the problem issues either.
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    I have been very pleased with my purchase. It was my first purchase of an Apple product although I have used an iBook for work. I definitely prefer my MacBook Pro.

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