IS MEDIA MANAGER USELESS? (or is it just me)

I have a very small project relatively speaking. I captured about an hour of interviews. I cut out at least half of the material and went to media manager. No combination of options gives me any kind of space saving outcome. I start with 11 GB and any possible combination of MM settings results in exactly the same size media except the 'recompress' option which actually results in taking up more space.
What gives with this?

FCE does mot have MM. Try the FCP forum next door.

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  • Help! Do I need to use Media Manager to re-encode my AVI's so that the image is not so terrible?

    I hired someone to take 16mm film and digitize it for me. He gave me AVI files, though I asked for MOV files. When I brought the AVI files into FCP, it said "use media manager to optimize this footage for FCP use." I (foolishly) didn't because I haven't had great success with Media Manager before, and the assets looked fine in FCP despite the warning. In truth, I am kindof intimidated by Media Manager... it's just not something I have ever had the opportunity to learn until now.
    I have now edited the footage, exported from FCP in Quicktime MOV, imported into DVD Studio Pro, and burned a disk. PROBLEM: The image quality is terrible. I know it must have something to do with the warning I ignored. So now I'm looking at Media Manager and wondering how to proceed. I'm sure the warning told me what to do, but now that I can't see it again, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with Media Manager... re-encode? After seeing poor quality images, re-encoding doesn't feel right... but maybe?
    It's also possible that the problem isn't with the AVI's at all, but somewhere else. The DVD quality is poorer than the video playback in FCP, so somewhere along the line there was decay, and I'm assuming it was when FCP exported. I'm kindof freaking out. Any help would be great.
    Also, my Compressor doesn't work anymore, so I'm screwed for using that.

    Much like the ubiquitous "QuickTime Movie" (.mov) file type, the AVI file type is merely a container.  The audio and video streams within that container could be made from a number of different codecs.
    Most AVI codecs don't work in FCP natively, which means you will have to render more often than if you had converted the footage first to a FCP friendly codec.
    If the video looked good in FCP, but bad on a finished DVD, chances are the quality loss was during the encoding process.  I assume you used DVD Studio Pro for encoding, since you say that Compressor doesn't work for you.  I'd look into getting that problem solved and then use Compressor to handle the encoding and just use DVD Studio Pro for authoring and burning.
    Have you tried this?:

  • Just accepted updates to my Blackberry Desktop and ALL Photo and video saved on the media manager have gone

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    Really freaked out as these pics are irrepalcable Would appreciate any advice Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    Have you checked to see if the pictures are located in your Documents folder by navigating to then on your computer system?
    What version of Desktop Software did you update to? Select the [?] is the top right corner and then select 'About BlackBerry Desktop Software'. Version 7.1.0.? or 7.0.0.? or 6.1.0.?

  • Final Cut 10.1 Media Management Very Frustrated

    Hello Final Cut Pros,
    My situation is as follows. I was using Final Cut 10.0.9. That version had a perfect feature that on a simple click allowed me to see all my events organized by Year and even by both year and month if I wanted to. Both Views were simple clicks. I chose to use the By Year and by month view. This is exactly how I want to view my videos in 10.1.  I am not a video professional. These videos are simply my family home videos organized so that we can view them on demand by just going directly to the year and month we want to view. THere are nearly a thousand events spread across 15 years. Upon Upgrading to 10.1 this view has disappeared for me. IN fact it's much worse than that. Each one of my events have now been moved to a 10.1 event. Only there is literally no way of organizing events in 10.1 that I can see. My hundreds of events in 10.1 are simply all lumped together under the one library file that 10.1 created for me. When you search for a way to organize the view of your events you get a little hope when you find that you can orgnize "events" by created date. Only you CAN'T organize events by Created date. You can only organize clips by created date. So when i click to view by created date, my events on the left remain exactly as they were but the clips shown in the browser on the right get organized by Created Date. Nowhere do you see a relationship between the Events on the left which are devoid of any and all organization and the clips on the right neatly organized by Created Date. Now, the thing is in my case I have never  bothered to rename any clip after import. THe clip names themselves have only the clip date as part of the name and that's it. Staring at those clip names for me is useless. After much research, and  couple of fruitless phone calls to Apple Support, I am left completely in the dark. I have spent 3 days agonizing over what to do with this and have decided on somethign that I can;t possibly believe is the answer. I am convinced that I am overlooking somethign brutally obvious but still nobody on the net or anyone in Apple support can point it out to me. Here is what I am doign right now which just has to be wrong. Apple cannot be forcing all of us who are in similar situations to do this, but here goes
    1) I created an Event called ALL EVENTS
    2) I then am going to each of my hundreds of events and doing the following
    3) I am assigning the event name as a Keyword to the clips belonging to that evnt. (No automated way to do this. Nearly a thousand events)
    4) Next, I drag the clips in that event to the ALL EVENTS event. 
    5) I select the keyword collection which is named the same as my event and which now appears in the ALL EVENTS folder and on the broser window I can see the  clips. THe clips are organized by date. 
    6) THen I create a folder in tthe ALL EVENTS folder with the year of the clips and another folder inside the year folder for teh month of the clips. I then drag the Keyword collection to inside the month.
    Doign the above is the only way that I can conceive of with 10.1 to see all of my home videos organized by year and by month. Dividing any of this into multiple events and/or mutiple libraries is useless to me from what I can see. I want to be able to enter the word CHristmas and have all videos relating to Christmas for every year pop up. I don;t belive that can happen with 10.1 if clips are stored across events, and certainly not across libraries but I could be wrong.
    I am just about convinced that I am about to be totally emabarrased by someone's 1 or 2 sentence reply to this post explaining what I need to be doing that will not consume days if not weeks of my time like the steps I described above in order to have a By Year and by Month view of my videos.
    Thank you all for any help you can provide

    WOW, my frustration is mounting to no end. Tom, I have searched over and over again. There is nothing out there that addresses my very, very clearly stated predicament in this post. While I most definitely appreciate your response to my post, please notice that you also are not directly addressing and answering my question. Leaving me to continue to suspect that the answer is simply that no there is no way to get a view by Year and By Month without putting in weeks of work". I am looking for a white paper from Apple that addresses the followign question exactly,
    "Hi Mr. Final Cut user, if you have an event library that is based ont he current system whihc allows you to clearly view all of your events by Year and by MOnth here is what you need to do to achieve the same thign in 10.1/ . Here are some of the suggestions on how you might be able to TRANSITION". Of course everyone's case is different Mr Final Cut User but of the 4 or 5 clearly stated options we've given you here it's up to you which one you chooise. And BTW none of the options we;ve given you require you to put in weeks of work to get to what you had already."
    Again, I don;t feel that an answer to my question can be "well to each their own. Everybody's workflow is different so you ahve to get to know 10.1 through online materials. That's baloney. The Group by Year and Month was an option right on the GUI. Its akin to them removing the Import feature and telling us all that everybody imports different.  
    I AM NOT the only person who had all their clips in EVENTS.  THe EVENT in the new media management is nothing like the EVENT in the old. Actually the fact that named it EVENT may be adding to the confusion.
    Tom, if you know Final Cut then you know exactly what's just happened to me. Nearly 1000 events have been dumped into separate 10.1 events yet there is no Event-based organization at all. THere is nothing out there at all addressing this question. Again, in Final Cut 10.0.9 I was clicking once and getting all my events organized instantenaously by Year and by Month. If you would be so kind as to please just answer this question for me before I put in weeks of work. With the new 10.1 am I forced to do tons of work in order to get to see my videos again by Year and by Month? THis answer would be very helpful to me because right now I am in disbelief that I have to do that. It makes the work I am doing very depressing. For all I know, there actually is a way to do it very easily or maybe Apple knows about this issue and is about to issue a fix for it.
    MY quetion is simple. Can someone please help me.
    Thank You Very Much for any help you can provide

  • FCP 6, Media Manager, DualEyes Problem

    I've locked picture on a 90 minute feature and I'm trying to export the sequence to an external drive so our colorist can do the grading.
    The camera original footage came from various Canon DSLRs. Some of the footage was transcoded (Pro Res 422 HQ) off site and delivered to me. But most of the footage, I transcoded myself, using log and transfer.
    I highlight the sequence I want to export in the FCP browser, then right click, but when I click “Media Manager”, nothing happens. The little icon spins for a split second, then nothing.
    The same thing happens if I try to open Media Manager from the top menu. Nothing. Won’t open.
    Everything in the timeline plays just fine. Exporting the timeline as a self-contained or reference file works without any problem.
    It seems Media Manager doesn't like certain clips in the timeline.
    I went through the timeline one clip at a time and started to compare the clips MM had a problem with versus those it didn't have a problem with.
    It seems the offending clips are all clips that were created in DualEyes, off site, to sync second system audio.
    Clips that I synched here, on site, using PluralEyes, do not offend Media Manager.
    I don't know that this matters, but...
    The offending DualEyes-created files that were created off site include a single, merged file - a video track and three audio tracks (a pair of tracks from the second system audio, and a single track from the camera mic that was used for reference).
    One last thing I tried to confirm it was the created-off-site DualEyes files that were keeping MM from working...
    I imported two files, residing in the same folder on the HD.
    File A had been synched using DualEyes. It has a video track and three audio tracks (one from camera mic, two from second system audio).
    File B had not been synched (an MOS take). It has a video track and two audio tracks (camera mic).
    I laid both clips in the timeline, next to each other.
    If I right click on File A and then click Media Manager, I get an "Error 34" message.
    If I right click on File B and then click Media Manager, Media Manager opens normally.
    Any idea what's going on here? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    I'm running...
    Final Cut Pro 6.0.6
    2.4GHz 8-Core MacPro
    6 GB RAM
    OSX 10.6.8
    8TB G-Tech esPRO RAID 5 (4.8 TBs used)

    I have no idea why this problem is occuring, but you might try deleting the audio from your sequence before doing the media manage.  You could then copy a mixed down track to the media managed sequence if you want audio reference.
    Also, select one of the problematic clips and hit command-9 (clip settings) and tell us the settings for the clip.

  • Creating a new project with media manager

    This one should be obvious but I can't quite figure it out: I used media manager to recompress my project into a smaller one. Media manager did a nice job with that and placed all the files into a new folder BUT - where is the actual project file?? If I use the actual fcp project file from the original- the settings are all different and it told me that some media files are missing or too short. Doesn't media manager create a new project file that works with the new recompressed files that it just created??

    BUT - where is the actual project file??
    When you have decided on the settings in Media Manager and then tell it to do the job, the first thing you see is a dialog asking where to save the project file. Use Spotlight to search for it.
    If that doesn't turn anything up, start MM again, it might have remembered the last Save location.

  • BB 8330 Media Manager, Media Sync hanging - not connecting...

    (I just know this is treated in depth somewhere but after a couple of hours of searching, I can't find it so appologies in advance...)
    I have a BB 8330 from Verizon running v4.5.0.77 - no media card.
    Using Device Manager, the:
    Driver version is:
    Driver Node Strong Name is: oem25.inf:RIM:RimUsb.Device.NT:\vid_0fca&pid_8004&mi_00
    Windows thinks the driver is up to date.
    I am running  Desktop Manager v4.7.0.32[Nov 4 2008]
    When I launch DM, I can successfully Back up my BB.
    On my Vista PC - When I attempt to launch  Media Manager 9, it has found the files in the Library but it goes into a wierd loop where it keeps seeing the F: drive and then removes it and then resets and then sees it again - forever (or at least for the day that I left it in that loop)
    I loaded the DM on another PC running XP and observe a similar behavior - it's not quite as zippy so it just looks more like a hang
    To try something different, I downloaded Media Sync v2.0.0.22 and, when the BB is connected, I get the error: "BlackBerry Media Sync failed to connect to your BlackBerry device. Click Retry to try again or Cancel to disconnect." - I get the same error with and without the DM running.
    Something seems sort of hinky in that, while my BB is plugged in on my Vista system, occassionall I get the lights flashing on my keyboard like someting is resetting the USB every few minutes (unrelated Vista crap?).
    Please help...
    Message Edited by lgrothe on 05-28-2009 11:36 AM

    You are going to want to get a media card if planning to add music-ringtones-pictures-videos.  Don't want to use up device memory.  It'll go fast.
    Please remember to "Accept as Solution" the post which solved your thread. If I or someone else have helped you, please tell us you "Like" what we had to say at the bottom right of the post.

  • It's official! Media Manager is a POS!

    I've only had a BlackBerry since early July of this year but I've finally come to the conclusion that Roxio's Media Manager that is bundled with the main application is a buggy POS!  The program only seems to open the first time after I've first installed it, if I try to open it up again after that...forget won't open!  I'm always having to uninstall and reinstall to be able to use it.  I'm now officially taking it off my computer.  Why is RIM using this crappy software?

    Roxio Media manager works perfectly fine for many people, and is a POS for others. I guess RIM lets it inside the DM so that the first category of people can still enjoy using it's features.
    As far as I am concerned, I don't use it. I use my Blackberry device as an external card reader and can drag'n'drop all my media files on my device, by just using the Explorer in Windows.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Where is the Media Manager in Desktop ??????

    Last night the BlackBerry Desktop Manager wanted to do an update.  I've done these updates in the past so I thought it would be safe.
    This new version - (Released August 3, 2010 Bundle 42) does not have the Roxio Media manager.  I have to be able to copy files between the BlackBerry file system and my PC.  Not just from the music, pictures and video directories.  I have files in other locations of the file system for my application.

      I too had the same problem not being able to access any of my files in device memory after upgrading to DM6. Mass storage device is turned on.  I posted this issue on Aug 12 with no reply from RIM/BB with a fix.  I therefore was forced to reinstall DM5 with Roxio Media Manager and can once again access all my files on my device and move them around.  Now I have two DM'S running on my desktop.  As I stated in my post, I'm not impressed with DM6 at all!  Why release something that doesn't work? In my opinion it's a downgrade! 

  • Problem with Roxio Media manager

    I have installed v4.6 for my desktop manager and it the Roxio media manager worked fine for a couple times and now it tries to reinstall it everytime i use it? 
    1) Why is it trying to reinstall?
    2) How can i fix it? 

    did you read the complete discussion that I linked ? there is just one file : the installer that is several megs. you can download the desktop manager with or without the media manager. The media manager is just a module inside the desktop manager.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Media Manager - Images tranferred - Displays a red X

    Have 8703e BB. Have Internet Services turned off directly by Sprint - don't need it and do not want to be charged for the non-communication Casual Data Usage (a slick illegal method cell phone companies charge when internet services are turned off - had to file federal charges before they took it off my bill). Can't download ringtones or pictures.
    Tried to transfer ringtones and images a while ago and Media Manager would not recognize my device. Finally found out that without an external card, the Media Manager would not recognize my device.
    However, just installed the new OS and Desktop Manager with Media Manager and it recognizes my device! 
    I transferred a ringtone from my PC to my device and...YES...Viva La Vida plays!!!!
    BUT, two images I transferred show up with a generic image thumbnail and the picture displayed is just a small red X in the upper left hand corner. Yet, when I highlight the folder in the device in Media Manager, the pictures display very clearly.
    To also clarify, the pictures reside in MEDIA>PICTURES>DEVICE MEMORY
    Under properties for the folder, the file path is - /Device Memory/home/user/pictures
    The sizes of the pictures are 37KB and 65KB, hardly any different than the images in the Preloaded Pictures folder, which path is /Device Memory/samples/pictures
    Is this a BB issue or Media Manager issue? As I said, the ringtone transferred and works, the images transferred and are listed, but don't display. Anyone have a solution to this problem?
    I've reset the device by taking the battery out, etc. Nothing. Pictures still give me the red x.

    Ok, so this has been driving me nuts for such a long time. I did everything that anyone suggested and nothing worked. This included creating a new temp internet files folder, checking and unchecking all the appropriate boxes, creating a new profile, and
    most other things suggested. Then I cam across something on a forum (sorry I don't know the link) that made me think. I looked through the reg to the key HKCU>Software>Microsoft>Office>15.0
    (I use outlook 2013 but previous versions of office were there as well.)>Outlook>Security>OutlookSecureTempFolder. My setting was C:\Users\"USER"\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\TIF\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\B5U77NH4\.
    NOTE: TIF is where I chose to create the new Temporary Internet Files folder. Ur most likely will be different or not there at all!!!
    What I realized was that the last folder in this setting was different that the actual folder on my harddrive. So I edited just the last folder B5U77NH4 to be the same as the folder on my HDD. WALA this worked and works great currently. All the other fixes
    sometimes worked for a short while but always reverted back.  I do have to say though that prior to doing this I went into Internet Options and deleted all the browsing history. EVERYTHING it sucked for freq visited websites but I wanted to start fresh.
    Then I physically selected every item that was still in my Temp Internet files folder, even B5U77NH4 and manually deleted every item. That way any folder that was created dynamically would be gone. What was left and would not delete was B5U77NH4 so that is
    the folder I chose to copy into the registry.
    ]This has been so frustrating but now it seems to work. I hope this helps.

  • IPad and Media Manager Issues

    I just installed the Verizon Media Manager App on my iPad and it will not pull anything from my pc.  It keeps telling me to register.  It lets me sign in with my id, lets me bookmark things, but I cannot pull media from my PC.  It is very frustrating.  Want to be able to view flex view stuff for the kids while on the road and cannot.  Also cannot find the fios on demand app in the App store.  Please help.  The other app that is not working at all is the MY VZ account app.  I cannot check bills, pay bills, check email or anything you should be able to do with it.  If the app's are buggy, pull them.  Please advise with any solutions.

    Here's the master page for all of Verizon's apps. Right now only the Media Manager app is available for iPad.
    In order to view your personal media, it must first be uploaded to your FlexView Library. This can be done using the Media Manager application on your PC or Mac.
    The Media Manager iPad app also allows you to stream Flex View movies and TV shows you have purchased from Verizon, whether you bought it on your set-top-box, PC or phone. In other words, it also serves as the FiOS On Demand app.

  • FCP 7.0.3 Media Manager crashing during copy

    I want to copy the used media from a project (used media is on an internal hard drive) to an external RAID drive using Media Manager in its "copy" mode.  I do this when I have finished a project to "archive" the keeper video so I can clear up space on my scratch drive for the next import.
    Media Manager starts OK but then crashes about 20 to 30 minutes into the copy process.  Both the source and destination disk look OK in Disk Utility.  Neither are full.
    Tried with two different projects - both crash.  Projects appear to be OK and successfully exported when last accessed.
    Done this many times successfully in recent months.  Only change I can think of is recent upgrade to OS.
    Any thoughts on how to work out what is causing the problem.
    FCP 7.0.3
    OS X 10.6.8
    6 Core Intel Xeon
    24Gb RAM

    It is the darndest thing.  You know when you take your car to the mechanic and report a problem but then the problem mysteriously disappears, well, after I put up the post above, I ran Media Manager for the 5th time to get the error details when it crashes  - AND IT DID NOT CRASH!  I have just run the Media Manager copy successfully on 3 projects.  Crashed 5 times, ran successfully 3 times.  And I did not change anything.  Weird?
    Sorry to bother.

  • Blackberry desktop media manager won't open

    I have no problem syncing my contacts, calendar items etc, using the desktop; I can even transfer media files no problem directly onto my media card.  But when I try to use desktop manager media manager it won't open.  When I double click on it it thinks for a second then does nothing.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

    have you had a previous version of DTM installed before?
    do you have an active start button for media manager?
    check add/remove programs and see if you have any other roxio, or ezcd creator software
    have you tried syncing just contacts, or just calendar?
    do you get any errors?
    what version of DTM do youhave installed?

  • Media I doing the right thing?

    I'm making an amateur film in Final Cut Pro. Since I'm doing the sloppy (although much less time consuming for me) batch capture method, I have right now far too much DV footage for my scratch HD.
    To fit in the final scene, I have to delete some material. I was going to use the media manager, set it to "Use Existing" media and delete anything that was unused in a few of my sequences. I tried this in a test sequence by selecting the sequence alone and then performing the media manager operation. It seemed to work fine.
    My questions are these--
    1. If I captured my footage as one big clip, then split up the big clip and made the split clips into "independent clips," am I doing anything egregiously wrong with the Media Manager with these settings?
    2. Is there any tutorial/link/settings anyone can recommend in the media manager for a newcomer to FCP like myself? Any suggestions about how to make sure I won't delete something I don't want to?
    Thanks for the help.

    Unfortunately, no. Media Manager is a failure in FCP
    that has been completely ignored by Apple since it
    was introduced.
    Not quite true... It's been rewritten several times... the interface isn't friendly, partly because it does so many different things other than just consolidating media...
    But no one seems to take the time to read the top box which explains what you have set the MM to do... it's there and very understandable - just nobody seems to read the dang thing...
    For some folks, MM works perfectly
    and predictably.
    Like me who reads the summary, and consistently use it before the media has taken all the space up and there's no way to make "copies" first... And when the audio is finished in the offline, I'll copy and paste the clips to the mm'd sequence, or export a stereo mix and edit that into the MM'd sequence.
    I encourage you to search the forum for Media Manager
    posts. It will take you several hours to wade through
    the screeds but you will find many helpful
    The explanation in FCP's manual explains it pretty well... again user's are not reading the manual... See section IV-77 of the manual (available online thru help if you don't have the printed copy handy).
    Because of this, my next commercial training effort (a DVD) will have a very detailed explanation of the MM... and it's not going to be a reading exercise... rather a QT movie of it all... no reading required.
    And in answer to the original post, the only thing that could cause problems is the fact that "using existing" will delete the original files in the process and if there's a hitch there (like a corrupted copy, or a crash etc.., you can't recover as easily. It's safer to use "copy" instead, but that of course requires that you have open space for the copies that you can check before you delete the original files so it's really not going to be useful to those who didn't think ahead... pretty common problem.
    I'm not saying that MM is without flaws (the confusing interface is one of them apparently), but am saying that there's a way to use it properly and have a lot better time of it...
    Jim Cookman here has a workaround that works very well too... Don't use it. Instead, Jim logs clips as individual master clips first, so he can manually delete media that is no longer needed... Of course this takes the patience that most users don't seem to have for what ever reason.

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