Is my HD dying again???

So almost 2 months ago I bought a refurbished iMac. I do a heavy amount of music, and after about a week the HD started to show symptoms of death. I didn't know at the time, and I figured the reason it would lock up and need to be restarted constantly was because I was recording too much audio.
Eventually, it got to the point where I had to bring in the HD to get replaced, there's a lot more to the story but I don't even want to relive it, it was awful.
Anyway, whatever, so new HD, and I'm back in the game. A few minutes ago, I was recording as usual, and I got the dreaded "(Name of project) could not be saved." And I immediately knew what came next. Chrome would only display "Aw, Snap", and so I rebooted. Unfortunately, while rebooting, I got the kernel error thing with all the different languages at the Apple screen. So I rebooted again and it just stayed at the white screen. So I rebooted again into single-user mode and did a disk check, everything was fine but I saw "disk0s2 I/O error" a few times.
I exited and booted it back up. When I booted it back up it couldn't find my wireless mouse for a couple of minutes. Chrome still displayed "Aw, Snap". I repaired permissions and verified the disk. Everything was good. I start up Logic to see how much work I lost. It asked for my serial key. When my other HD was dying it would always do that with Logic.
Rebooted once more, everything's working fine again.
Look I guess I'm answering my own question here, and I suppose I need to back up everything I've got while I have a chance, but I guess mainly I'm looking for some reassurance. I've only had this thing for like a week since I got it back. This is breaking my heart. I can't just get a new HD every few weeks and go about installing 200GB worth of sounds and whatnot. Please someone tell me I'm crazy and things like this happen from time to time. The computer was working just fine until a few minutes ago.
Apple sure knows how to bring a grown man to tears, I swear.

Welcome to Apple Support Discussions.
Well you are wise to backup. Due to the possibility of two failures so soon I'd take a look at the power you are plugging into. If you are plugging directly into the wall or using an inexpensive power strip that could be creating problems for you. I would recommend buying a UPS that can support your machine, this will help provide more stable power to your machine.
Because HD's are mechanical devices they can go out at any time, some last weeks some last months and some last many many years. Unfortunately there isn't any way to predict their life span.
To check your drive run Apple Hardware Test and see if you come up with any errors.
Because your machine is covered by warranty and this may be the second HD failure when you take it into the Apple Store you should bring this up.

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    ..went through the whole reset.   ... ANOTHER reset after getting it back from them
    What can I say? The gold-standard test for a software problem is to restore the hard disk to its original out-of-the-box contents.
    I'm a Windows specialist. Can't troubleshoot hardware.

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    Hi, Abby. Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Yes, it's undoubtedly the logic board again.
    You can reach Customer Relations at (800) 767-2775 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time (two hours earlier than Chicago time). That number gets you "Legacy" (older hardware), and you may still have to ask for Customer Relations.
    Good luck.

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    t2mann wrote:
    I purchased my shuffle two weeks ago. charged it, sync'd it, used it, recharged it... about two weeks past and then the shuffle went completely dead. dead. nothing to explain its dead.
    Sorry to hear that. Did it by any chance get moisture on it?
    i have plugged into 3 different computers including my mac.
    What did/does Apple System Profiler say about it in teh USB tree when plugged in?
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    THAT's interesting. Would you share with us the serial number so that others might be able to address this issue with Apple support? I'm a bit skeptical about it being an unaddressed "software" issue, especially since it would seem cheaper to be fixed with a firmware update than incurring the costs of replacing affected shuffles...
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    Message was edited by: EggCustard

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    Hello PcktRckt37,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    I'd like you to reset the SMC as is outlined in the article below to try and resolve this issue of your battery not charging correctly.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • MSI N570GTX-M2D12D5 dying again?

    I got a MSI N570GTX-M2D12D5 that was running fine until 2 week ago. Got a RMA on monday, everything was fine, played Deus EX all the week and then, same problems as the other one.
    I begin to notice the problem when I'm browsing the internet, the "driver" crash and recover. Then, if I go to any game (even small game like Minecraft) or Kombustor, I see artefacts.
    Now, I was trying to have the card "hold-up" until I get the new card, so I told my friend "I installed Afterburner and reduced the Memory from 1900 to 1700 and it's seems stable right now!". My friend when   "The clock is supposed to be 950 Mhz". So we both think that's why my card died. Another guy come by and say "Hey, mine too is set at 1900, show I lower it?".
    So, now I'm confused :
    If I set Afterburner to 1900 Mhz, CPU-Z is showing 1900 Mhz clock (so 1900 x 4 = 7600 Mhz   ), but GPU-Z show 950 Mhz...
    If I set Afterburner to 950 Mhz, CPU-Z is showing 950 Mhz (so 950 x 4 = 3800 Mhz), but GPU-Z show 500 Mhz (and state that default should be 950 Mhz). (Also, I'm pretty slow in benchmark if I use this setting).
    So, questions :
    1) Who is right? Is the card supposed to run at 1900 Mhz or 950 Mhz (in Afterburner). I don't want to mess another card when I'll get the RMA back. Is 1900 Mhz OK and I just got unlucky with both card died ?
    2) I'm also looking at getting a better cooling (cause maybe I'll save the next one), so I wish to buy a Zalman ZF3000F. I know that other brand still warranty the card if you have an aftermarket cooler... MSI does it ?
    Oops, forgot my specs :
    CASE : Antec 300 (+3x Noctua NF-P12-1300)
     PSU : Antec High Current Gamer 620W.
     Motherboard : ASUS P8P67 Pro.
     CPU : Core i7 2600K
     CPU Cooling : Noctua NH-D14.
     RAM : 8GB (2x4GB) G.SKILL Ripjaws X DDR3-1600 9-9-9-24.
     Audio: ASUS Xonar DG 5.1.
     Video: MSI N570GTX-M2D12D5
     Disques OS: Intel 320 - 160GB SSD.
     Disque Data: Seagate 500GB SATA.
     DVD-RW: Samsung SH-222A.

    Quote from: nka on 04-September-11, 04:25:49
    you mean, a bad PSU or an underpowered PSU ? specs of the PSU seems ok for the card.
    I'll try it in my GF computer to see if it's working.
    Quote from: nka on 04-September-11, 04:25:49
    you mean, a bad PSU or an underpowered PSU ?
    Quote from: nka on 04-September-11, 04:25:49
    specs of the PSU seems ok for the card.
    Yes, it looks, but you never know..
    it could be defective in some way or maybe it could not deliver what's writen over sticker.. and make those troubles.
    I'll try it in my GF computer to see if it's working.

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    Don't bother with e-mail. call them.

  • Died Again!

    Well this motherboard lasted 102days. Yesterday my windows started bugchecking. I clocked it down restarted, then after a little while it died.
    This is the second time it happens!!!!!
    I bought this board beccause its supposed to be a great overclokers board, with lifepro components and stuff and stuff . how come it only dies on me? My first board lasted 2 weeks, I ran that board @4GHz and my memory modules had more volt than this last board.
    I can guarantee that if I swap this board with a new, it to will crash and die.
    Suggestions anyone? Shall I swap it with the new Abit IC7-Max3 board? Its clear that the motherboard is the weak link here...
    The old board smelled burnt on the backside of the socket, but looked okay.

    Well I happen to have the ABIT-IC7-MAX-3, With a 3.2EE onboard, and I must say that although I think the Board is Pretty Good, I dont think that even under the Best Circumstances that Phase Change or (Thermal Accelerated) Cooling is all that safe for any of the Current Boards out there, You say that your Last Board smelled like it was "Burnt" on the Back side of the CPU Socket, which leads me to believe that A) To Much V-CORE Voltage was applied to the CPU, B) That your Conensation Prevention Heater was not Working Properly, and water dammage caused a Short circut, or corrosion to a trace, or other componant .......I'm just trying to say that I fear that until these Motherboard Manufacturers start making a Product that is built stictly for that type of Radical Cooling, so that the PCB, and the Electronic componants onboard, are Built to operate under those Evnviromentel Conditions, Meaning the Constant temp. fluctuations, and the Condensation that that follows these changes must be addressed, whether this means some type of Water Proof PCB , I dont know, But what I do know is that under the Best of conditions Phase Change Cooling, is still in it's Infancy, and I'm sorry to say, but I believe that until they Make that "Heavy Duty, Water Resistant, Motherboard", that you will be replacing your Boards every Year or so .....I do NOT think that you will Fair Any Better with the ABIT...But thats just my Opinion.. .........Sean REILLY875

  • G5 died (again)  :0(

    Hi all
    a desperate man here...I've had some problems this afternoon with my G5 tower (early 2005 model). Firstly my mac froze whilst using an application (just like the old pre OS X days). I had to disconnect the power (it wouldn't restart or shut down) and start it again but it wouldn't progress beyond the grey apple start-up screen. I left it for a few minutes but the fans began to really rev up so I disconnected the power again. I reset the PMU and the PRAM and had it back up and running only for it to crash again - this time the screen froze with loads of computer code splashed across it. Now it won't boot up at all.
    When I connect the power the white LED on the front comes straight on (without the start button being pressed) and stays on until the power is disconnected. This problem happened last year and turned out to be a fault with the logic board which was replaced under the extended warranty. Unfortunately it ran out in March and I'm wondering if it could be the same problem?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated
    thanks in advance

    Hi Steve,
    I've sworn off of posting on the forums but I owe you a response since you addressed me directly. I'm glad to do so, everyone here should be treated decently and with respect.
    I know there will be objections and exceptions to what I say, but being on my second G5 and yet another problematic one I think I have the right.
    I don't think,"lemon" is quite the word for the G5s, at least when they were fairly new. For more and more G5s however which are near or after the 3 year mark, many are becoming "lemons".
    Since I've been having heat and fan problems since getting the used mac I have now, I've been doing a lot of research. The best (and simplest) reason that G5s aren't holding up is because from the start they produced too much heat. I've talked to experts who told me this was one of the main reasons they switched the later G5s to liquid cooling and then finally switched to Intel. And we all know the effects of too high heat on electronic and mechanical devices. It shortens their life considerably. Apple was and is aware of this problem with the G5s. That they don't address it for their loyal customers is a true shame, but not out of line with what more than a few Apple consumers are experiencing today. When I bought my PM8500 and then a G4, which still work great to this day, I was convinced that Apple was something very special. Their machines were expensive but they ran and ran well. Their customer support was great. Once when I was a newbie I was concerned that the monitor connection seemed to be rather unprofessionally hanging off the back of my Mac. A quick call to Apple Tech Support assured me that it was ok and that was that. I didn't have Applecare and I didn't have to give a serial number or anything else. Just a brief pleasant call and it was done. Try something like that today.
    My first Dual 2.0 was DOA. Remarkably, so was the second that Macmall sent me. That one I took to a service tech since I had Applecare and it was fixed (new motherboard). But during that time I called Apple Support to ask a few questions of my "assigned" Apple Rep. He wouldn't even respond after my second call.
    Sorry for the long post but since it will probably be my last I thought I might allow myself to digress a bit. I'm just very disappointed in the "new" Apple Corp and how they treat their customers, even on the forums.
    I wish you the very best luck, Steve, and I hope your experience with the Mac Pro is much, much better.

  • Iphone totally dead. can't be restored. when i connected to charger, just apple logo show up and die again

    always fail when i want to be restore

    May well be a hardware issue. Make an appointment at your nearest Apple Store, for repair or replacement.

  • My charger broke so I bought a new one and a week later it died again what's happening

    Please help my charger broke after 1 week and after buying a new one

    From whom did you purchase it?
    Is it a genuine Apple cable?
    Are you rough with the cable?
    The Apple cable is covered by warranty.
    I have been using the same cable for both my iPad 4 and 7G iPod Nano for over a year and a half

  • Macbook Died AGAIN!!!  2nd time this year.

    I walked away to look at my daughter's new macbook came back and it was black screen dead. wouldn't start, chime anything. My confidence is shaken I'm gonna send her's back and get her a toshiba PC. I'm OVER this. I paid for some reliability but this is worse than anybody I know. People always ask if I like it but I have to be honest and say yes BUT it is not very reliable. The ibook I had before it was about the same it went in several times for the old screen chip problem. I guess I may just leave Mac all together. I hate that.

    I hope you bought the system at frys oe somewhere where u get a full refund

  • HT201412 Iphone 4s just died.

    My phone just died. My sleep/wake button is also broken and i have been using assist to turn put the phone to sleep. How do i see if it really is dead and get it turned back on. Its on

    Hey neigh.oink and btacres thanks for the replies.
    so I tried that link you posted, i tried connecting it to a wall plug and it turned back on but there's no signal. it just says searching and the wifi isn't working, as in, it doesn't give me the option to turn on the wifi... also, when i disconnected it from the wall plug it died again and didn't turn back on (despite the battery being 100%)..
    This is really odd because I had the battery replaced last month...
    I still don't know what to do.. it won't respond when I connect it to my laptop to restore it either!!
    It's sad that I'm so dependent on my phone but I feel so helpless without it!

  • My first problem is that I have no apps on my iPod desktop. The second is that my battery died, and despite being able to charge it, it is unable to restart back up.

    My first problem is that I have no apps on my iPod desktop. After using my computer to install something onto my iPod 5, it somehow disconnected. When i restarted the iPod, some apps (Safari, FaceTime, Game Center, App Store, iTunes Store, Camera, and some others disappeared. Apps like Flashlight and Jetpack Joyride which I had previousyl downloaded from the App Store were still there. I wanted to get the aforementioned apps back, so i decided to back-up my iPod to iTunes. The downloaded apps weren't able to be backed up ("authentication problems") but some apps like Tips, Video, iBooks, Reminders, Stocks, Settings, Voice Memos, were backed up. I then proceeded to factory reset the iPod, deleting everything and starting it as a new iPod. Once I finished this, I looked my desktop to see everything was gone, absolutely everything. I double-pressed the home button, showing Settings was open, but that's it. I opened settings and factory reset it again, this time choosing to restore from a backup. After doing this, I found the iPod looked the same as the last time i reset it - blank. If I scroll down the middle of the screen to bring up a search bar, I can find only the apps I backed up (Tips, Video, iBooks, Reminders, etc.) That is the first MAJOR problem. I was getting really frustrated, so I opened up iBooks and discovered I can download a could free books from the store, which was essentially the only thing I can use the iPod for. There were no videos in the Video app, and pressing the "Go to Store" button did absolutely nothing. No lag, it just ignored my touch. Once i found a few books, I decided to start reading. Eventually, i brought this iPod somewhere to read it, and didn't bring the charger with me. The battery died, and when i got home, tried charging it.
    Which brings me to the second problem. A minute or so after I plugged in the charger into the dead iPod, the Apple logo came on. But the iPod never started up. The logo stayed there, getting dimmer after a minute, but no vanishing even after fully charging or pulling out the charging cord. It didn't leave even after hours, but by then the battery died again. If i press and hold the power button and the home button at the same time, the Apple logo disappears. But I can't get into recovery mode utilizing the volume buttons. If i hold the power button when the screen is blank, the Apple logo comes back. But the iPod cannot start up.
    After everything was wiped, i was pretty angry. But I still had books to read, even if i couldn't do much else. Then the battery died, and it really wrecked me up. I feel so mad right now, although this actually happened about 4 days ago. The iPod being wiped happened about 3 days after the Christmas holidays began. This iPod also was not brand new, I bought it off a friend who had it for over a year, although it was in perfect condition (Obviously out of warranty.) I desperately need a solution to this HUGE problem. Due to personal reasons, I can't go to a Genius Bar or go to an Apple retailer in person, but communicating by E-mail is an option, as is instant messaging.

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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