Is Primavera R8.3 a stable release like R8.1 & 8.2?

Hi, Please share your experience and thoughts about the Primavera R8.3 release.
Is R8.3 a stable release like R8.1 or 8.2?.
Is there any major technology or UI changes or  mainly talking about additional capabilities within the same framework as R8.2?

There are also any left over drivers that were initially installed on the G5 when it first came out, or when the last erase and install was done. If any of those drivers were not updated in the process of getting up to 10.4.11, they may not work with the dual processor G5. Furthermore, there is a strong likelihood anything that does not get installed directly on the dual processor from the get go, will not be dual processor aware, or have any dual processor drivers. So you might as well be making your dual processor G5 a single processor G5. Not exactly what you would want. Any further upgrading that is not an erase and install would continue to exhibit the behavior of the old drivers. If it works, don't expect it to work much better in the newer machine until you actually perform a migration from the old machine's drive. If it does, you'll be lucky. Many people though have had kernel panics and simply other issues which can only be explained by system specific drivers being installed.

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  • [HOWTO] Installing Arch Linux stable release on Acer Aspire One 522

    [This is a work on progress and my first howto ever]
    These steps will teach you how to install ArchLinux x64 stable release (currently 2010.05) on Acer Aspire One 522 from an existing ArchLinux (your desktop computer)
    As you need a 2.6.37+ kernel to make networking work on the AO522, installing stable release as is won't work.
    This Howto borns with the intention to address this problem.
    You need to be familiarized with Linux internals to follow this howto.
    (Expect this howto to become useless with new stable releases of ArchLinux.)
    Remember to make a backup of your Windows 7 Starter system before installing ArchLinux.
    I did a full raw copy of the harddisk by using systemrescuecd, an external harddisk and dd utility:
    Just boot with systemrescuecd
    Mount your external harddisk on /mnt/floppy for example
    Clone harddisk with: dd if=/dev/sda |gzip -c > /mnt/floppy/ao522.img
    This process took me a lot of time since my external harddisk is USB-1 (almost an entire evening)
    Result image was about 22GB size
    This image will restore partition table, boot sector and all data if things go wrong.
    I followed some of the steps from this guide: … ting_Linux
    If you have some Gentoo Linux experience you will find those steps really familiar.
    You will need 2 USB pendrives or similar storage options.
    One is needed to boot into your netbook, and the other to store our custom archlinux build.
    Making an updated ArchLinux system
    1) Make a local dir on your existing linux system
    # mkdir ./newarch
    2) Install pacman database on it
    # pacman -Sy -r ./newarch
    3) Install base system
    # pacman -S base -r ./newarch
    4) Let's chroot inside
    # cp /etc/resolv.conf ./newarch/etc/
    # cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ./newarch/etc/pacman.d
    # mount -t proc proc ./newarch/proc
    # mount -t sysfs sys ./newarch/sys
    # mount -o bind /dev ./newarch/dev
    # chroot ./newarch /bin/bash
    5) Edit configuration files
    # nano -w /etc/rc.conf
    # nano -w /etc/hosts
    # nano -w /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
    Forget /etc/fstab for now since you don't know what partitions to use yet
    6) Generate kernel image
    # mkinitcpio -p kernel26
    7) Generate locales
    # nano -w /etc/locale.gen
    # locale-gen
    8) Make a tarball with our custom ArchLinux
    # exit
    # umount ./newarch/proc
    # umount ./newarch/dev
    # umount ./newarch/sys
    # tar -cvpf newarch.tar ./newarch
    9) Copy this tarball to an USB pendrive or external harddisk
    10) Boot your netbook with a Linux bootable USB stick (I used systemrescuecd, and remember to pick the x64 bit kernel at grub screen)
    You can use any linux distribution with usb bootable options. I suppose ArchLinux works too
    To install SystemRescueCD on an USB stick follow this tutorial -> SystemRescueCD on usb stick
    Insert the usb stick on your netbook, switch on, hit F2 to enter BIOS menu, and choose to boot from USB as first option. Save and Exit.
    You should be booting into SystemRescueCD without any problem.
    After initialization you will end in a root prompt.
    11) Let's partition the disk
    You will find 3 partitions if this is your first time:
    /dev/sda1 2048 29362175 14680064 27 Hidden NTFS WinRE
    /dev/sda2 * 29362176 29566975 102400 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
    /dev/sda3 29566976 488397167 229312696 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
    My recomendation is to leave sda1 and sda2 intact, as they have the recovery information to restore Windows 7 Starter
    You have plenty of space with sda3, about 230G.
    So run fdisk/cfdisk and delete /dev/sda3
    Now create a 100M partition for boot
    Now create a Extended partition with all the space left
    Now create a 1GB logical partition for swap
    Now create a 10-15 GB  logical partition for root system
    And finally a logical partition for our home partition with all space left
    Your partition table should look like this:
    /dev/sda1 2048 29362175 14680064 27 Hidden NTFS WinRE
    /dev/sda2 * 29362176 29566975 102400 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
    /dev/sda3 29566976 29771775 102400 83 Linux
    /dev/sda4 29771776 488397167 229312696 5 Extended
    /dev/sda5 29773824 31821823 1024000 83 Linux
    /dev/sda6 31823872 63281151 15728640 83 Linux
    /dev/sda7 63283200 488397167 212556984 83 Linux
    12) Create filesystems
    I choosed ext2 for boot, and reiserfs for root and home partitions.
    # mke2fs /dev/sda3
    # mkreiserfs /dev/sda6
    # mkreiserfs /dev/sda7
    # mkswap /dev/sda5
    13) Mount partitions
    # mkdir arch
    # mount /dev/sda6 arch
    # mkdir arch/boot
    # mount /dev/sda3 arch/boot
    # mkdir arch/home
    # mount /dev/sda7 arch/home
    14) Copy our custom ArchLinux build on it
    # mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/floppy (for example)
    # cd arch
    # tar -xvpf /mnt/flopy/newarch.tar
    15) Configure /etc/fstab
    Mine is as follows:
    devpts /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    shm /dev/shm tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
    /dev/sda3 /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
    /dev/sda6 / reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/sda7 /home reiserfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
    16) Chroot in your new system
    # mount -t proc proc ./proc
    # mount -t sysfs sys ./sys
    # mount -o bind /dev ./dev
    # chroot ./ /bin/bash
    17) Install grub
    # grub-install
    Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to suit your needs
    Mine looks like this:
    timeout 5
    default 0
    color light-blue/black light-cyan/blue
    title Arch Linux
    root (hd0,2)
    kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda6 ro
    initrd /kernel26.img
    title Arch Linux Fallback
    root (hd0,2)
    kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda6 ro
    initrd /kernel26-fallback.img
    title Windows 7 Recovery
    rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1
    As you see, you can restore Windows 7 Starter from Grub.
    18) Change root password
    # passwd
    19) Add a regular  user account
    # useradd -G video,audio,users -m username
    # passwd username
    20) You're done!
    # exit
    # cd ..
    # umount ./arch/proc
    # umount ./arch/dev
    # umount ./arch/sys
    # umount ./arch/boot
    # umount ./arch/
    # reboot
    Remove the usb stick from your netbook.
    If all went ok, you will be inside your new stable and updated ArchLinux system
    Next post is reserved for software configurations specific to the Acer Aspire One 522
    Last edited by tigrezno (2011-04-20 12:22:38)

    Using acpid to achieve the following:
    - Change screen brightness when operating in battery mode
    - Power off when the power button is pressed
    - Suspend when the lid is down
    - Reduce CPU frequency speed to maximize battery usage
    Remember that system suspend is only supported by ati free driver xf86-video-ati
    1) Install acpid daemon and cpufrequtils
    # pacman -S apcid cpufrequtils
    2) edit acpid handler script
    # nano -w /etc/acpi/
    Change the following section:
    case "$2" in
    case "$4" in
    echo -n $minspeed >$setspeed
    #/etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode start
    echo -n $maxspeed >$setspeed
    #/etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode stop
    *) logger "ACPI action undefined: $2" ;;
    case "$2" in
    case "$4" in
    echo 3 > /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
    cpufreq-set -c 0 -f 800Mhz
    cpufreq-set -c 1 -f 800Mhz
    echo 9 > /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
    cpufreq-set -c 0 -f 1000Mhz
    cpufreq-set -c 1 -f 1000Mhz
    *) logger "ACPI action undefined: $2" ;;
    Make sure you changed AC) for ACAD)
    Now change this other section:
    #echo "PowerButton pressed!">/dev/tty5
    case "$2" in
    PWRF) logger "PowerButton pressed: $2" ;;
    *) logger "ACPI action undefined: $2" ;;
    #echo "PowerButton pressed!">/dev/tty5
    case "$2" in
    PWRF) poweroff ;;
    *) logger "ACPI action undefined: $2" ;;
    #echo "LID switched!">/dev/tty5
    logger "ACPI group/action undefined: $1 / $2"
    pm-suspend && /etc/rc.d/network restart
    logger "ACPI group/action undefined: $1 / $2"
    Network restart is used because wlan0 will disconnect from AP after some time. You can try using iwconfig wlan0 essid <ap> key <key> instead of the network script, but haven't tested it myself.
    3) Start acpid and load modules
    # modprobe powernow-k8
    # /etc/rc.d/acpid start
    Add "acpid" to DAEMONS in /etc/rc.conf to start on boot
    Add "powernow-k8" to the modules sections on /etc/rc.conf to load at boot
    Stopping system freezes due to ethernet driver
    The only way people have found to avoid freezes is by blacklisting atheros kernel drivers.
    To do it at boot just edit /etc/rc.conf and change the MODULES line as this:
    MODULES=(!ath9k !atl1c)
    Reboot and you're done, but remember to not press the Wifi key, because it can freeze your system.
    Correctly starting wireless at boot
    I've found that standard scripts wont load properly my wireless lan. It gave an error telling you to use the WIRELESS_TIMEOUT variable and such.
    To solve this, edit /etc/rc.d/network script and change the wi_up function by adding a second iwconfig command like this:
    eval iwcfg="\$wlan_${1}"
    [[ ! $iwcfg ]] && return 0
    /usr/sbin/iwconfig $iwcfg
    /usr/sbin/iwconfig $iwcfg
    bssid=$(iwgetid $1 -ra)
    It will do the trick and will start at boot correctly. This is not a solution but a fix.
    Adjust Touchpad to disable false taps
    What I did here is defining an area to be ignored. This area are 3 rectangles on top, left and right of the touchpad.
    This means you can write and press space without having the cursor click out of the window and such.
    # synclient AreaLeftEdge=150
    # synclient AreaRightEdge=1300
    # synclient AreaTopEdge=300
    Also, add it to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf:
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "evdev touchpad catchall"
    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    Driver "evdev"
    Option "AreaTopEdge" "300"
    Option "AreaLeftEdge" "150"
    Option "AreaRightEdge" "1300"
    You can play with those values. They just work for me.
    Last edited by tigrezno (2011-04-23 13:49:48)

  • I have downloaded the latest stable release a few times now and Firefox code variants, all when I close the browser it's process is running indefinitely. Help?

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    Hello Karl, we're sorry to hear that Firefox is crashing. In order to assist you better, please follow the steps below to provide us crash ID's to help us learn more about your crash.
    #Enter about:crashes in the address bar (that's where you enter your website URL) and press Enter. You should now see a list of submitted crash reports.
    #Copy the 5 most recent crash ID's that you see in the crash report window and paste them into your response here.
    More information and further troubleshooting steps can be found in the [[Firefox crashes]] article.
    also you can try to boot the computer in Windows Safe mode with network support (press F8 on the boot screen) and check firefox again.
    (If works in Windows Safe mode then you have a problem with other software, like security software or maybe a system driver, that is running on your computer).
    thank you

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    Ok recently I noticed that when I did
    pacman -S choqok
    it downloaded the beta version of choqok !
    how do I make pacman download only stable releases?
    I know that Arch is all about rolling releases but what if I want some applications to be stable ones ?
    Last edited by bashphoenux (2010-09-07 14:39:26)

    usually we pack only stable releases and maybe there is a good reason to use the beta over stable. Maybe the stable is features less or is not compatible with our current kde/qt or is broken because twitter or whatever changed apis. Better email the maintainer
    Last edited by wonder (2010-09-07 15:03:39)

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    What is the most recent stable release(or versions) of Oracle Coherence?

    We are using 3.5.1 with Patch1.
    You will need to download Patch1 from MetaLink (and hence need an OracleID).
    Continuous Queries don't work in 3.5.1 and there are a number of other small bugs.
    I understand there are a few problems with Coherence*Web in 3.5.1.p1 (but we aren't using that).
    Here's the patch1 list (its 2521 that was an issue for us) :
    Issue COH-2569: CacheFactory and CacheFactoryBuilder do not respect CacheFactory.setConfigurableCacheFactory()
    Issue COH-2568: CacheFactoryBuilder doesn't check the configurable-cache-factory-config element when the non-default URI is passed to getFactory
    Issue COH-2548: ClassNotFoundException can occur if multiple web applications are deployed when using application or EAR scoped cluster nodes
    Issue COH-2547: NPE in Daemon.isGuarded()
    Issue COH-2543: The optimistic locking mode does not reject updates to sessions that have been concurrently invalidated
    Issue COH-2524: Multiple DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory instances fail returning NamedCaches on the same service
    Issue COH-2521: CQC does does not propagate asynchronous events
    Issue COH-2515: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in SafeSortedMap
    Issue COH-2495: Time to expand off-heap partitions when loading the cache is very slow with initial-size=1MB

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    hi experts,
    I need the RFC/BAPI For Sales Order Credit Block Release like vkm3 function ,please help

    can get the list of all the bapis..
    Reward if USeful
    Thanx & regards.

  • New JSF stable release?

    When the new stable release version is sheduled to be released?

    I can't give out the exact date, but certainly before the end of the calendar year.
    Ed (JSF co-spec-lead)

  • Primavera P6 Professional Project Management Release 7 with My SQL

    We are looking to install Primavera P6 Release 7 with My SQL. Is there any documentations for this installation? I have looked at the documentation from the link below but could not find any info on My SQL. Thank you.

    MySQL is not officially supported so I doubt you will find any documentation on this.

  • Where I can check and download the latest alpha/beta & stable release of Fennec/Nightly for my N900. Ovi Store has really outdated version...

    Everything from repositories to the FTP server is deleted. It's like Maemo is completely forgotten. Ovi Store hasnt been updated since Fennec 6. On the FTP servers there where v13,14 but now Maemo folders are deleted. Where I can obtain the latest alpha, beta & stable versions?

    There is a fellow by the name of Romaxa who has been supplying the recent Firefox builds for the OVI store.

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    We are planning to upgrade production database to 10g ,Which 10g release version is stable one for DB on AIX .i.e( or
    Can we directly upgrade DB to 11g ?
    Thanks and Regds,

    Direct upgrade fto 11g is possible from is available for AIX you should go for this release which is the highest release for 10G so far
    remaining is your decision your needs.
    Coskan Gundogar

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    With the general availability of autoscale and the Microsoft Azure Management Libraries, what's the timeline on the general availability of Microsoft Azure Monitoring Services Management Library? Is there an estimated release date for v1.0?

    We have the preview release for the API/REST and a Nuget package
    Johnny Coleman [MSFT] Any code posted to this Forum is [As-Is] With No Warranties

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    Special thanks to archlinux developers and its great community without which there would be no FaunOS.
    For more information visit:

    Ok, I've installed it on my bigger USB 2GB drive.
    xorg did not work by defaut, I had to boot into the non-gui menu item. Then run "X -Configure" to get another xorg.conf that would work.
    #X -Configure
    #cp ~/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    #/etc/rc.d/kdm start
    Other than the xorg problem, Works great! Very impressed.  Using it now to write this.
    Thanks for working on this!

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    I randomly have phony and abp disappear from the menu. If I disable and reenable the plugin it starts working again.

    The outdated Flash plugins is not due to any Firefox version or updates but due to a blocklist of vulnerable Flash plugins made on Dec 11/12. The Firefox 31.3.0esr and 34 were released on December 1st and the updated Flash came out on Dec 9.
    For Windows and Mac,'''9''' ESR and'''6''' are not vulnerable according to Adobe and are not on blocklist.
    For Linux the Flash'''5''' is not vulnerable according to Adobe and is not on blocklist while'''4''' and older is. Adobe is still supporting the Flash 11.2 with security fixes.
    Get choice of or'''9''' ESR for Windows/Mac and the'''5''' for Linux at

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    It should work in Firefox 9 if you force the extension to install by modifying the maxVersion in the install.rdf file in the XPI (ZIP) archive.

Maybe you are looking for