Is there any Alternative other than %rowtype attribute

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE     Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
    I have two tables by names one with  rak_rt , rak_batch
     Both are having structure except with few columns
       create table rak_rt(rak_rt_sid number, rak_name varchar2(100));
       create table rak_batch(rak_batch_sid number,rak_name varchar2(100));
We need to populate this tables based on some flag meaning if flag is 'Y' then we need to insert into rak_rt table else into rak_batch table.
As of now we are doing by declaring two variables with two tables %rowtype and then inserting two tables.
v_1        rak_rt%rowtype;
v_2        rak_batch%rowtype;
populate the varibles with the respective values and then insert.
   v_1      rak_rt%ROWTYPE;
   v_2      rak_batch%ROWTYPE;
   v_flag   VARCHAR2 (1) := 'Y';
   IF v_flag = 'Y'
      v_1.rak_rt_sid := 1;
      v_1.rak_name := 'Rakesh';--Duplicate code
      v_2.rak_batch_sid := 1;
      v_2.rak_name := 'Rakesh'; --Duplicate code
   END IF;
   IF v_flag = 'Y'
      INSERT INTO rak_rt
        VALUES   v_1;
      INSERT INTO rak_batch
        VALUES   v_2;
   END IF;
This works but the code is being duplicated meaning there is only one column name different in both the tables.
Now the question is if we do in this way there will be duplicate of the same code. like code for populating the same values into two variables.
Is there any way to do this in a differenct there Only the few column name being different.
Thanks in advance

I haven't change your logic, it might create problem to your main code. Just added something , as per my understanding.
Check the modified one ( Not Tested).
I tried to figure out your logic and done some changes and raised some mistake. Check comments properly.
   TYPE typ_name IS RECORD (
                       rak_rt_sid      rak_rt.rak_rt_Sid%TYPE,
                       rak_batch_sid   rak_batch.rak_batch_sid%TYPE,
                       rak_name        rak_batch.rak_name%TYPE
   rec_typ_name   typ_name;
   v_flag         VARCHAR2 (20) := 'Batch';  /* Why you have hard-coded flag to Batch! Then when RealTime will come !  */
   -- ADDED -- Start
   CURSOR cur1(cp_rack_name IN rak_rt.rak_name%TYPE)
   SELECT COUNT(1) FROM rak_rt
   WHERE rak_name = cp_rack_name;
   cnt PLS_INTEGER := 0;
   -- ADDED -- End
    here: use some logic to change v_flag value as per requirement
   IF v_flag = 'RealTime' /* I guess, this will not satisfy ever by this piece of code! */
      rec_typ_name.rak_rt_sid := 1;
      rec_typ_name.rak_batch_sid := 1;
   END IF;
   rec_typ_name.rak_name := 'Rakesh';
   IF v_flag = 'RealTime'
      INSERT INTO rak_rt
        VALUES   (rec_typ_name.rak_rt_sid,rec_typ_name.rak_name);
        /*Added */
          OPEN cur1(rec_typ_name.rak_name);
          FETCH cur1 INTO cnt;
          CLOSE cur1;
          /* Added end */
          IF cnt = 0 THEN
            INSERT INTO rak_batch
           VALUES   (rec_typ_name.rak_batch_sid,rec_typ_name.rak_name);
            NULL;  /* Optional : Add your logic */
          END IF;
   END IF;

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    You could always store it in a properties file.
    You could then write your JSP page to load/save the properties file. Hide it under the web-inf directory.
    Alternatively you could put them as environment variables in web.xml. But you would have to edit the file manually to change the details. How often would this change? Would it really be that much of a hassle?
    Good luck,

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    Generated servlet error:
    Only a type can be imported. test.Simple resolves to a package
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    Generated servlet error:
    Simple cannot be resolved
    root cause
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    Generated servlet error:
    Only a type can be imported. test.Simple resolves to a package
    An error occurred at line: 14 in the jsp file: /1b.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Simple cannot be resolved
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    Server built: Sep 24 2007 11:31:18
    Server number:
    OS Name: Linux
    OS Version:
    Architecture: amd64
    JVM Version: 1.5.0_10-b03
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    :D :D :D...
    My friend it'd be great idea if you can find google tutorial on TOMCAT/web application basics
    anyways coming back to your problem
    whenever,an application is deployed on tomcat a new folder is being created at the following location %CATILINA_HOME%/webapp/ with respect to application name.
    Therefore try to maintain an architecture like the one below if you programmin any web application.
    %CATILINA_HOME%/webapp/<applicationName>/(place all your .jsp files)
    -----------------%CATILINA_HOME%/webapp/<applicationName>/META_INF/(Place your mainfest files & context specific configuration files)
    -----------------%CATILINA_HOME%/webapp/<applicationName>/WEB_INF/ (Genrally used to save secured files which cannot be access directly and always make sure you prepare a web.xml file associated to the application)
    -----------------%CATILINA_HOME%/webapp/<applicationName>/WEB_INF/lib (place where all your .jar file libraries are being placed)
    -----------------%CATILINA_HOME%/webapp/<applicationName>/WEB_INF/classes (place where all your .class,resource files are being placed as the pacakage structure you have choosed in)
    If this doesnot work even if you ensuring everything's right.Reading through tutorials & speding time on finding resources by yourself would be a great idea.
    I hope there are no hard issue on this. :)

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    GP Context = X
    PT Family Service = EMPLOYEEPERSINFO_FAMMEMBER_PT_05 - this parameter is going to be created in the backend (transaction PTARQ)._
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    VERY IMPORTANT: the parameters need to give in action, after in the block, after in the main block, and after in the process (THIS IS CRUCIAL).
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    What does this line mean...
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    Edited by: Saurabh Agarwal on Apr 10, 2011 3:03 PM

    In continuation of my question I have also been following below sap Note :
    929447 - Adopting Life and work events for countries other than US
    In the above note there us a section which confuses me :
    Page 3 - Home and Area page customizing
    Step2 - In this step they say that we have to make an entry in
    IMG node access: Cross-applicaiton components -> Homepage framework ->Services -> Define Country-Specific Services (Add Entries) - (Table:V_T7XSSSERSRVCG)
    Country grouping: 01
    I believe it should not be for should be about service which is actually throeing the error "Countr/structure does not match"
    i.e. in this note case it should be :

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Maybe you are looking for

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