Is upgrading *.ADM/*.ADML to *.ADMX on your DC central store imperative to managing IE 10/11?

Is upgrading *.ADM/*.ADML to *.ADMX on your DC central store imperative to managing IE 10/11?
I just got thrown into this and now I am seeing that they have not upgraded the central store at this time and we are having a difficult time pushing out preferences and policies to IE 10 users.
Thank You
John Millsap

If you have a CS implemented, you will need to maintain/update the ADMX/ADML files to the relevant versions, yes.
If you don't have a CS implemented, you need to maintain/update the ADMX/ADML files on the computer where you edit GPO.
ADM files are not used in a CS scenario at all.
Preferences does not require ADM/ADMX/ADML at all - GPP doesn't use template files at all.
Implementing a CS, or having a CS, is not a requirement for managing IE settings (nor is it a requirement for managing any other GP settings)
[ CS is a good idea, but it isn't ever a requirement ]
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    Yup, your question and Diane's answer helped me also. Tho' I had had problems before getting into the iTunes store I always managed to find a way. Today they had me blocked cold with the "Update to 10" advert no matter what I did. Other questioners are being told, incorrectly as it turns out, that they have to update their OS to accomodate iTunes 10 and upgrade to iTunes 10. I did the download which did not take up much more room on my crowded old hard drive and now I'm back in business.

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    Hi keithalbert,
    Please refer :
    and check what version you own and if you are eligible for an upgrade. It also lists the upgrade price, product and version comparison.
    After choosing the product you own you can order Acrobat XI online and pay the upgrade price.

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    etresoft wrote:
    Martin_1 wrote:
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    The Central Store basically lets your GPMC see what settings you can configure. Here is a guide on updating the central store plus links to another ADMX templates you might want to include.
    If my answer helped you, check out my blog:
    DeployHappiness. Subscribe by
    RSS or

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    You got a confirmation from AT&amp;T that it was authorized. Is this correct? - Yes i did get an email authorization on the 21st.
    Then you connected the phone to a computer with the latest version of iTunes installed. You clicked on the phone's name in iTunes, then clicked "Backup Now". - Yes
    When that finished you clicked "Restore iPhone" (NOT "Restore Backup") - Yes
    Are you with me so far? - Yes.
    And @ Varjak is right that after the 3rd restore I get the replacement error. 
    Plus I have NEVER jailbroken the iPhone. To give you another update, I spoke to a really nice apple tech in India who was atleast able to get me out of the replacement error by doing a recovery mode option. However, the lastest restore still gives me the same error
    The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported.
    The SIM card that you currently installed in this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported under the activation policy that is currently assigned by the activation server. This is not a hardware issue with the iPhone. Please insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that this iPhone be unlocked by your carrier. Please contact Apple for more information.
    Message was edited by: jabgars

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    Hi csreddy, 
    If you are receiving a message to contact an Apple Retail Store or Authorized Service Provider for help updating from iOS 3, click on the link below to initiate that support:
    Update the iOS software on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Update your device using iTunes
    If you can’t update wirelessly, or if you want to update with iTunes, follow these steps:
    Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer.
    Plug in your device to your computer.
    In iTunes, select your device.
    In the Summary pane, click Check for Update. 
    Click Download and Update.
    If you don't have enough free space to update using iTunes, you'll need to delete content manually from your device.
    Find out what to do if you get other error messages while updating your device.
    Last Modified: Jan 12, 2015
    Apple - Find Locations
    Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support
    - Judy

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    I had the same thing yesterday. After google gave me nothing and after I was sure my phone had enough charge to restart, I did a reset on my phone...
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