Is VBscript's URL decoding an exact reciprocal of Lingo's encoding from postNetText?

I’m trying to send the output of an RC4 encryption
routine to an ASP script on a WinTel server via postNetText. The
output of RC4 encryption is not URL safe, however, Lingo’s
postNextText encodes the string (when sent as part of a property
list) and VBScript’s request.form(“myString”)
decodes the string automatically … more or less. When I
decrypt the string server side I get about 75% of the original
string, or I get the entire string with letter shifts scattered
throughout. RC4 encryption is symmetrical, ie: the encrypted output
may be sent back though the same code with the same key and results
in the decrypted string. My VBscript is symmetrical with its own
output, the same is true for my lingo script … it’s
only when I send the lingo output to the vbscript that I get this
odd result. I tried various combinations of URL encoding the string
explicitly before sending to postNetText, no luck. I’m going
to try base64 encoding the output but maybe there’s another
problem. I’ve attached the encoding scripts for the

"Applied CD" <[email protected]> schreef in
news:f4n6d8$1gf$[email protected]..
> Woo hoo .. got it. Had to convert the entire outgoing
string from ascii to
> hex
> with $ delimiter rather than % (which gets encoded to
%25) and added a
> function
> server side to convert hex back to ascii again
recognizing $ as the
> delimiter.
> The two encryption routines are now completely
symmetrical with themselves
> and
> each other.
> Base64 would probably be more efficient but for the
amount of data I?m
> passing
> this works fine. If anyone wants to fill me on why the
encoding in
> postNetText
> doesn?t exactly match the decoding by VBScript I?d love
to know.
Hi Applied,
base64 is not an ecryption algorithm like RC4.
Base64 is an encoding technique, and in itself doesnt
Its in the same league as "quoted printable" encoding.
LOOPING Multimedia

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