ISG Redirect Service

Hello Dears,
  I spent that last couple hours trying to make a simple L4 redirect for web session to a server group with no luck. here is my configuration on 7200VXR router. My laptop connected to interface gig0/1 with ip address gw and I'm capbable to browse internet on the laptop but no redirection happens
ip nat inside source list 2 interface GigabitEthernet0/3 overload
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
ip nat inside
no ip route-cache cef
no ip route-cache
media-type rj45
speed auto
duplex auto
negotiation auto
service-policy type control intial-rdt
ip subscriber interface
access-list 199 permit tcp any any eq www
access-list 199 deny   ip any any
class-map type traffic match-any CLASS-ALL
match access-group output 199
match access-group input 199
policy-map type service initial-rdt-profile
class type traffic CLASS-ALL
  redirect to ip port 80
policy-map type control intial-rdt
class type control always event session-start
  1 service-policy type service name initial-rdt-profile
------------- DEBUG
Rule: intial-rdt
  Class-map:  always event session-start
    Action: 1 service-policy type service name initial-rdt-profile
    Executed: 0
Class-map: match-any  CLASS-ALL               
Extended IP access list 199
    10 permit tcp any any eq www
    20 deny ip any any
Extended IP access list 199
    10 permit tcp any any eq www
    20 deny ip any any

ISG control and service policy-maps look good.
Could you provide the output of sh subscriber session de ? and the interface config ?

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  • Creating a versatile DNS and redirection service on Snow Leopard Server

    For the few of us who use Snow Leopard Server as a main DNS for our small network, the following is a workflow that I would like to share with the board for creating redirection services to not just sites found on the locally hosted apache but also external sites.
    +IF you are adding a second domain name, the reverse domain lookup will not appear and you will need to add a Machine/A record with the fully qualified domain "" (don't forget the . at the end) into the new zone and it will point to the "server" Machine/A record ip address.+
    *DNS Portion* : (ServerAdmin > DNS > Zones >
    Add Zone > Primary > Create a fully Qualified Domain name and dns "server" in the Machine / A Record
    Create the (add Record > Alias/ CNAME) subdomain pointing to the e.g. (library)
    *Web / Apache Portion :*
    Create a new site (ServerAdmin > Web > Sites > Plus button)
    With General > host name exactly as spelled in above subdomain in full (
    Select Web Folder where the site is hosted
    If you are creating a redirection, create a folder on the server, add an index.php (with the script below)
    Add Alias with the same subdomain as number 2
    _PHP script :_
    $location = "";
    header("Location: ".$location, "301 Moved Permanently");
    // Edit the "" to which ever e.g. ""
    _Alternatively you can also mask the page with :_
    <title>Same Title As Your Homepage</title><!-->incase they have javascript turned off<!-->
    <script type="text/javascript"><!-->changes title bar to match title on current page in frame<!-->
    function changeTitle()
    if (top.frames['main'].document.title)
    <frame name="main" src=""scrolling="auto" target="main" ONLOAD="changeTitle();"><!-->You need the onload handler to make the javascript work<!-->
    Place a suitable message here for people with browsers that can't read frames.

    Ok, local DNS services (unicast DNS) are typically straightforward to set up, very useful to have, and can be necessary for various modern network services, so I'm unsure why this is even particularly an open question.  Which leads me to wonder what other factors might be under consideration here; of what I'm missing.
    The Bonjour mDNS stuff is certainly very nice, too.  But not everything around supports Bonjour, unfortunately.
    As for being authoritative, the self-hosted out-of-the-box DNS server is authoritative for its own zone.  That's how DNS works for this stuff.
    And as for querying other DNS servers from that local DNS server (or, if you decide to reconfigure it and deploy and start using DNS services on your LAN), then that's how DNS servers work.
    And yes, the caching of DNS responses both within the DNS clients and within the local DNS server is typical.  This also means that there is need no references to ISP or other DNS servers on your LAN for frequent translations; no other caching servers and no other forwarding servers are required.

  • Redirect service from http to https, session is lost

    I have setup two web sites using NT 4.0 IIS so that both
              "http://nossl/mybeanbeans" and "https://ssltest/mybeanbeans"
              can execute the commerce server mybuybeans example.
              Then I modify the shoppingCartDetail.jsp and commandAssembler.jsp
              (files attached) hoping that when I click the "Checkout" button
              on the Shopping Cart screen, it will redirect the service from
              http to https.
              The URL is redirected to "https" but it depicts the welcome page
              instead of showing the Order Check Out page.
              Previous session information is lost.
              Can anyone help me?
              <!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              <%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              <%@ page import="java.lang.reflect.*" %>
              <%@ page import="theory.smartx.command.*" %>
              <%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              <%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase" %>
              <%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants" %>
              <pt:monitorsession />
              <%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              // Get the Command class name to instantiate
              String commandClassName = request.getParameter(COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM);
              System.out.println("COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM : " + commandClassName);
              if (commandClassName != null) {
              // Get the BuyBeansSessionTracker
              BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker = (BuyBeansSessionTracker)session.getValue(com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalAdminHelper.qualifiedName(BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY ,request));
              // Construct an array of 1 element to hold the BuyBeansSessionTracker
              // parameter type that the constructor takes.
              Class constructorParamTypes[] = new Class[1];
              constructorParamTypes[0] = sessionTracker.getClass();
              try {
              // Get the Class for the concrete Command
              Class commandClass = Class.forName(commandClassName);
              // Get constructor that takes the BuyBeansSessionTracker as argument
              Constructor commandClassCtor = commandClass.getConstructor(constructorParamTypes);
              // Set the BuyBeansSessionTracker argument for the constructor
              Object ctorParams[] = new Object[1];
              ctorParams[0] = sessionTracker;
              // Create the instance of the concrete Command
              Command command = (Command) commandClassCtor.newInstance(ctorParams);
              // Pass the HttpRequest to the command so that it can
              // read the parameter and then execute it.
                   // Store the outstanding command in the session tracker so that
                   // the main portal page can execute it.
                   setOverrideDestination(request, getHomePage(request));
              <%-- Added by Warren --%>
              String queryString = request.getQueryString();
              String encodeURL=response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request));
              String redirectURL=response.encodeRedirectURL("https://ssltest"+encodeURL);
              System.out.println("queryString:" + queryString);
              System.out.println("encodeURL:" + encodeURL);
              System.out.println("redirectURL:" + redirectURL);
              System.out.println("========before sendRedirect============");
              System.out.println("========after sendRedirect============");
              System.out.println("======== end commandAssemblerSSL ============");
              catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, cnfe);
              catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, nsme);
              catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessEx) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, illegalAccessEx);
              catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgEx) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, illegalArgEx);
              catch (InstantiationException ie) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ie);
              catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
                   throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ite);
              <!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              <%@ taglib uri="lib/wljsp.jar" prefix="wl" %>
              <%@ taglib uri="lib/esportal.jar" prefix="pt" %>
              <%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              <%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.Portlet" %>
              <%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              <%@ page import="*" %>
              <%@ page import="*" %>
              <%@ page import="*" %>
              <%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.tags.PortalTagConstants" %>
              <%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase"%>
              <%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants"%>
              <pt:monitorsession />
              <%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
              function submitShoppingCartDetailsForm(commandClassName, bbContent)
              document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>.value = commandClassName;
              document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>.value = bbContent;
              BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker = (BuyBeansSessionTracker)getSessionValue( BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY, request );
              // Get the current Order
              Order currOrder = sessionTracker.getEBusinessSession().getOrder();
              // Get all the items in the cart as a Vector of orderlines from the session tracker
              java.util.Vector orderLines = sessionTracker.getCartOrderLines();
              <!-- Display the items from the shopping cart -->
              <table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
              <tr bgcolor=FFFFFF>
              <td> </td>
              <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" align="center" dwcopytype="CopyTableRow">
              <td colspan="6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif"><%@ include file="contentMessages.jsp" %></font></td>
              <td colspan="6"> <%= JspHelperBase.formatAsTitle("Shopping Cart - SSL*** ") %> </td>
              <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Product ID</b></font></td>
              <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Description</b></font></td>
              <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Quantity</b></font></td>
              <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Price</b></font></td>
              <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600" size="2"><b>Subtotal</b></font></td>
              <form method="get" name="ShoppingCartDetailForm" action="<%= response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request)) %>" >
              // Declare a currency format type
              Quantity one = QuantityHome.create();
              // Print out all the items in the cart
              for(int i = 0; i<orderLines.size(); i++ ) {
              OrderLine currOrderLine = (OrderLine)orderLines.elementAt(i);
              Item myItem = currOrderLine.getItem();
              ItemValue iv = myItem.getItemByValue();
              String desc = iv.description;
              String id = iv.identifier;
              // Specify the color of the row
              String rowColor = (i%2 == 0) ? ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_1 : ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_2 ;
              // Specify the name of the quantity text field - name it as qty+i
              String qtyInputName = ORDER_QUANTITY + i;
              // Specify the name of the remove checkbox
              String removeInputName = REMOVE_CHECKED + i;
              <!-- print out the details of each item -->
              <tr bgcolor="<%= rowColor %>">
              <td><%= id %></td>
              <td><%= desc %></td>
              <input type="text" name="<%= qtyInputName %>" size=3 maxlength=3 value= "<%= JspHelperBase.formatQuantityAsInteger(currOrderLine.getQuantity()) %>" >
              <td align="right"><%= JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(myItem.calculatePrice(one, null)) %></td>
              <td align="right"><%= JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(currOrderLine.getLinePrice(null)) %></td>
              <td><input type="checkbox" name="<%= removeInputName %>" value="<%=REMOVE_CHECKED %>" > Remove </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td align="right"> <font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="3" color="#666600"><b>Total:</b></font></td>
              <div align="right"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#990000"><b><%= JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(currOrder.getTotalPrice()) %>
              </b> </font> </div>
              <input type="button" name="<%=UPDATE_CART_BUTTON %>"
              onClick="submitShoppingCartDetailsForm('examples.buybeans.client.UpdateShoppingCartCommand', '<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>')"
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <input type="button" name="<%=CHECKOUT_BUTTON %>"
              onClick="submitShoppingCartDetailsForm('examples.buybeans.client.CheckOutCommand', '<%= CHECKOUT_JSP %>')"
              <tr colspan="6">
              <td> </td>
              <%-- DESTINATION_TAG is required because the form action goes to getTrafficURI() --%>
              <%-- In this case, the destination is the command assembler --%>
              <%-- <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>" value="<%= COMMAND_ASSEMBLER_JSP %>"> --%>
              <%-- The following line is used for testing SSL redirect --%>
              <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>" value="/portals/buybeans/portlets/commandAssemblerSSL.jsp" >
              <%-- The following two parameters are set by the JavaScript function based --%>
              <%-- on the button that the user presses (default value are provided ) --%>
              <input type=hidden name="<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>" value="<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>">
              <input type=hidden name="<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>" value="examples.buybeans.client.UpdateShoppingCartCommand">
              <td> </td>

    the problem is when the cookie is exchanged between the browser
              and the app server IE treats request coming from
              and as one and the same : so the browser maintains
              the same session but netscape treats this as responses coming from two
              different servers and hence u lost the session.
              I assume u are having this problem with netscape and not IE.
              the solution is set this property in the file
              "senthil ramiah" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Hi,
              > Did you receive any replies for this question.
              > thanx
              > senthil
              > Warren Li <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >
              > >I have setup two web sites using NT 4.0 IIS so that both
              > > "http://nossl/mybeanbeans" and "https://ssltest/mybeanbeans"
              > >can execute the commerce server mybuybeans example.
              > >
              > > Then I modify the shoppingCartDetail.jsp and commandAssembler.jsp
              > > (files attached) hoping that when I click the "Checkout" button
              > > on the Shopping Cart screen, it will redirect the service from
              > > http to https.
              > >
              > >The URL is redirected to "https" but it depicts the welcome page
              > > instead of showing the Order Check Out page.
              > > Previous session information is lost.
              > >
              > >Can anyone help me?
              > >
              > >Thanks
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > ><!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              > >
              > ><%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              > ><%@ page import="java.lang.reflect.*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="theory.smartx.command.*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              > >
              > ><%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase" %>
              > ><%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants" %>
              > >
              > ><pt:monitorsession />
              > >
              > ><%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              > >
              > ><%
              > > // Get the Command class name to instantiate
              > > String commandClassName =
              > > System.out.println("COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM : " + commandClassName);
              > > if (commandClassName != null) {
              > >
              > > // Get the BuyBeansSessionTracker
              > > BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker =
              rtalAdminHelper.qualifiedName(BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY ,request));
              > >
              > > // Construct an array of 1 element to hold the
              > > // parameter type that the constructor takes.
              > > Class constructorParamTypes[] = new Class[1];
              > > constructorParamTypes[0] = sessionTracker.getClass();
              > >
              > > try {
              > > // Get the Class for the concrete Command
              > > Class commandClass = Class.forName(commandClassName);
              > >
              > > // Get constructor that takes the BuyBeansSessionTracker as
              > > Constructor commandClassCtor =
              > >
              > > // Set the BuyBeansSessionTracker argument for the constructor
              > > Object ctorParams[] = new Object[1];
              > > ctorParams[0] = sessionTracker;
              > >
              > > // Create the instance of the concrete Command
              > > Command command = (Command)
              > >
              > > // Pass the HttpRequest to the command so that it can
              > > // read the parameter and then execute it.
              > > command.assemble(request);
              > >
              > > // Store the outstanding command in the session tracker so that
              > > // the main portal page can execute it.
              > > sessionTracker.setCommand(command);
              > > setOverrideDestination(request, getHomePage(request));
              > >%>
              > >
              > ><%-- Added by Warren --%>
              > ><%
              > > String queryString = request.getQueryString();
              > > String encodeURL=response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request));
              > > String
              > > System.out.println("====================");
              > > System.out.println("queryString:" + queryString);
              > > System.out.println("encodeURL:" + encodeURL);
              > > System.out.println("redirectURL:" + redirectURL);
              > > System.out.println("========before sendRedirect============");
              > > response.sendRedirect(redirectURL);
              > > System.out.println("========after sendRedirect============");
              > >%>
              > >
              > ><%
              > > System.out.println("======== end commandAssemblerSSL ============");
              > > }
              > > catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, cnfe);
              > > }
              > > catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, nsme);
              > > }
              > > catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessEx) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600,
              > > }
              > > catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgEx) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600,
              > > }
              > > catch (InstantiationException ie) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ie);
              > > }
              > > catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
              > > throw new ApplicationException(BUYBEANS_CATALOG_NAME, 600, ite);
              > > }
              > > }
              > >
              > >%>
              > >
              > >
              > ><!-- Copyright (c) 2000 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
              > >
              > ><%@ taglib uri="lib/wljsp.jar" prefix="wl" %>
              > ><%@ taglib uri="lib/esportal.jar" prefix="pt" %>
              > >
              > ><%@ page errorPage="../error.jsp" %>
              > ><%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.Portlet" %>
              > ><%@ page import="examples.buybeans.client.*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="*" %>
              > ><%@ page import="com.beasys.commerce.portal.tags.PortalTagConstants" %>
              > >
              > ><%@ page extends="com.beasys.commerce.portal.admin.PortalJspBase"%>
              > ><%@ page implements="BuyBeansJspConstants"%>
              > >
              > >
              > ><pt:monitorsession />
              > >
              > ><%@ include file="monitorSessionTracker.jsp" %>
              > >
              > ><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
              > ><!--
              > >function submitShoppingCartDetailsForm(commandClassName, bbContent)
              > >{
              > > document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>.value
              = commandClassName;
              > > document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>.value =
              > > document.ShoppingCartDetailForm.submit();
              > >}
              > >//-->
              > ></SCRIPT>
              > >
              > ><%
              > > BuyBeansSessionTracker sessionTracker =
              (BuyBeansSessionTracker)getSessionValue( BUYBEANS_SESSION_TRACKER_KEY,
              request );
              > >
              > > // Get the current Order
              > > Order currOrder = sessionTracker.getEBusinessSession().getOrder();
              > >
              > > // Get all the items in the cart as a Vector of orderlines from the
              session tracker
              > > java.util.Vector orderLines = sessionTracker.getCartOrderLines();
              > >%>
              > >
              > >
              > ><!-- Display the items from the shopping cart -->
              > > <table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
              > > <tr bgcolor=FFFFFF>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              > > <td>
              > > <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"
              align="center" dwcopytype="CopyTableRow">
              > > <tr>
              > > <td colspan="6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana,
              sans-serif"><%@ include file="contentMessages.jsp" %></font></td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td colspan="6"> <%= JspHelperBase.formatAsTitle("Shopping
              Cart - SSL*** ") %> </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600"
              size="2"><b>Product ID</b></font></td>
              > > <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600"
              > > <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#666600"
              > > <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"
              color="#666600" size="2"><b>Price</b></font></td>
              > > <td align="right"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"
              color="#666600" size="2"><b>Subtotal</b></font></td>
              > > <td></td>
              > > </tr>
              > >
              > > <form method="get" name="ShoppingCartDetailForm" action="<%=
              response.encodeURL(getTrafficURI(request)) %>" >
              > > <%
              > > // Declare a currency format type
              > > Quantity one = QuantityHome.create();
              > > one.setCount(1);
              > >
              > > // Print out all the items in the cart
              > > for(int i = 0; i<orderLines.size(); i++ ) {
              > > OrderLine currOrderLine =
              > > Item myItem = currOrderLine.getItem();
              > > ItemValue iv = myItem.getItemByValue();
              > > String desc = iv.description;
              > > String id = iv.identifier;
              > >
              > > // Specify the color of the row
              > > String rowColor = (i%2 == 0) ? ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_1 :
              ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_2 ;
              > >
              > > // Specify the name of the quantity text field - name
              it as qty+i
              > > String qtyInputName = ORDER_QUANTITY + i;
              > >
              > > // Specify the name of the remove checkbox
              > > String removeInputName = REMOVE_CHECKED + i;
              > >
              > >
              > > %>
              > > <!-- print out the details of each item -->
              > > <tr bgcolor="<%= rowColor %>">
              > > <td><%= id %></td>
              > > <td><%= desc %></td>
              > > <td>
              > > <input type="text" name="<%= qtyInputName %>" size=3
              maxlength=3 value= "<%=
              JspHelperBase.formatQuantityAsInteger(currOrderLine.getQuantity()) %>" >
              > > </td>
              > > <td align="right"><%=
              JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(myItem.calculatePrice(one, null))
              > > <td align="right"><%=
              > > <td><input type="checkbox" name="<%= removeInputName %>"
              value="<%=REMOVE_CHECKED %>" > Remove </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <%
              > > }
              > > %>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td align="right"> <font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"
              size="3" color="#666600"><b>Total:</b></font></td>
              > > <td>
              > > <div align="right"><font face="Arial, Helvetica,
              sans-serif" size="3" color="#990000"><b><%=
              JspHelperBase.formatPriceAsCurrency(currOrder.getTotalPrice()) %>
              > > </b> </font> </div>
              > > </td>
              > > <td>
              > > <input type="button" name="<%=UPDATE_CART_BUTTON %>"
              > >
              ingCartCommand', '<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>')"
              > > value="Update">
              > > </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > <td>
              > > <input type="button" name="<%=CHECKOUT_BUTTON %>"
              > >
              mand', '<%= CHECKOUT_JSP %>')"
              > > value="Checkout">
              > > </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr colspan="6">
              > > <td> </td>
              > > </tr>
              > >
              > > <%-- DESTINATION_TAG is required because the form action goes
              to getTrafficURI() --%>
              > > <%-- In this case, the destination is the command
              > ><%-- <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>" value="<%=
              COMMAND_ASSEMBLER_JSP %>"> --%>
              > >
              > > <%-- The following line is used for testing SSL redirect --%>
              > > <input type=hidden name="<%= DESTINATION_TAG %>"
              value="/portals/buybeans/portlets/commandAssemblerSSL.jsp" >
              > >
              > > <%-- The following two parameters are set by the JavaScript
              function based --%>
              > > <%-- on the button that the user presses (default value are
              provided ) --%>
              > > <input type=hidden name="<%= BUYBEANS_CONTENT_PARAM %>"
              value="<%= SHOPPING_CART_DETAILS_JSP %>">
              > > <input type=hidden name="<%= COMMAND_CLASS_NAME_PARAM %>"
              > >
              > > </form>
              > > </table>
              > > </td>
              > > </tr>
              > > <tr>
              > > <td> </td>
              > > </tr>
              > ></table>
              > >

  • Service type redirect and ASR

    I am thinking that there is no use setting ASR with services of type redirect (and the corresponding content rules)because the CSS do not need to keep sessions for services of type redirect. Is that ture? Any other suggestions?
    CT Yau
    Hong Kong

    that's correct.
    The redirect message is sent with a RESET, so the connection is closed as soon as it hits the CSS.
    No need for ASR on redirect service.

  • Service type redirect with long url

    I need to configure a content rule on CSS11501 with redirect services. However, I need to redirect to url's like this:
    Then I found that the redirect url cannot be longer than 64-byte.
    How can I get this done? I cannot use the domain command or prepend-http command because I am redirecting to https. I think I must include the whole url including the "https://" part in the redirect string.
    Moreover, is there anything the CSS can help with the attribute-value pairs in the URL?
    CT Yau
    Hong Kong

    Here is a link to sample configs for the different ways to config redirect.
    I think you need 'no prepend-http' and a redirect-string.
    However, I also believe the url size is limited to 256 characters.
    Give it a try so, as I'm not sure at 100% and have no devices to check right now.

  • Only 'web-cache' gets redirected - no other service groups...

    I have a Netcache configured for transparent caching for port 80 and 443. The Netcahce IP is We have a 6509, sup720 IOS. 12.2(17a)SX3, configured to redirect web-cache and 1 to the Netcache. Here is the config:
    ip wccp web-cache
    ip wccp 1
    The 6509 interface that controls the subnet the netcache is on is configured thus:
    interface Vlan1
    ip address
    ip wccp web-cache redirect out
    ip wccp 1 redirect out
    We have a PC on another subnet connected to the 6509 that we are using to test the config, and we can only get port 80 to be redirected to the Netchace. HTTPS port 443 never gets redirected. Service group 1 is configed on the Netcache as tcp port 443.
    Here is the output of 'sh ip wccp':
    ENGLAB-6513-Native#sh ip wccp
    Global WCCP information:
    Router information:
    Router Identifier:
    Protocol Version: 2.0
    Service Identifier: web-cache
    Number of Cache Engines: 1
    Number of routers: 1
    Total Packets Redirected: 3431
    Redirect access-list: -none-
    Total Packets Denied Redirect: 0
    Total Packets Unassigned: 0
    Group access-list: -none-
    Total Messages Denied to Group: 0
    Total Authentication failures: 0
    Service Identifier: 1
    Number of Cache Engines: 1
    Number of routers: 1
    Total Packets Redirected: 0
    Redirect access-list: -none-
    Total Packets Denied Redirect: 0
    Total Packets Unassigned: 0
    Group access-list: -none-
    Total Messages Denied to Group: 0
    Total Authentication failures: 0
    ENGLAB-6513-Native#sh ip wccp 1 detail
    WCCP Cache-Engine information:
    Web Cache ID:
    Protocol Version: 2.0
    State: Usable
    Redirection: GRE
    Packet Return: GRE
    Assignment: HASH
    Initial Hash Info: 00000000000000000000000000000000
    Hash Allotment: 256 (100.00%)
    Packets Redirected: 0
    Connect Time: 00:33:23
    ENGLAB-6513-Native#sh ip wccp web-cache detail
    WCCP Cache-Engine information:
    Web Cache ID:
    Protocol Version: 2.0
    State: Usable
    Redirection: GRE
    Packet Return: GRE
    Assignment: HASH
    Initial Hash Info: 00000000000000000000000000000000
    Hash Allotment: 256 (100.00%)
    Packets Redirected: 2911
    Connect Time: 23:37:29
    What would cause the router to no redirect service-group 1 packets to the Netcache?

    The sup720 does not support wccp yet.
    The commands are available and some functionalities may work but currently the sup720 does not support wccp.

  • Redirected Downloads won't download properly

    Downloads that are downloaded via a redirection service (And thus, never have a time remaining) are having trouble starting on the newest version of Firefox/redesign (29.0)
    I can't give the web address to such a file however.

    They will start downloading after a considerable amount of idle time however.

  • Server 2012 R2 - No response from the UmRdpService service and more...

    We have a Remote Desktop Services Deployment with the following:
    LIC01 – Windows 2012 R2 - Licensing
    RDCB01 – Windows 2012 – Connection Broker
    RDWA02 – Windows 2012 R2 – Web Access
    RDG01 – Windows 2012 R2 - Gateway
    RDG02 – Windows 2012 R2 - Gateway
    RDG03 – Windows 2012 R2 – Gateway
    RDSH01 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH02 – Windows 2012 - Session Host
    RDSH03 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH04 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH05 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH06 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH07 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH08 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH09 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    RDSH10 – Windows 2012 R2 - Session Host
    We have two Session Collections:
    Office-R2 (All Server 2012 R2 RDSHs)
    "Office (RDSH02, Closed for users)"
    User Profile Disk are enabled to a SOFS Share (Server 2012).
    Client Settings: Everything except "Plug and play Devices" are enabled
    Suddenly, one or more of RDSH
    servers (in the Office-R2 Collection) get the following error:
    A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the UmRdpService service.
    After this, we get similar error messages
    to other services, such as:
    AudioEndpointBuilder, NcbService, ScDeviceEnum, WPDBusEnum, Netman
    Users logged into the server, looses Redirection
    services as local drives and local
    printers, and they also have problem signing out of the server. (Hangs on signing out)
    New Users that tries to sign in to that server are also having trouble (Hangs on signing in).
    After using the logoff tool to sign out every user on that server, I end up With the following:
    appears that there are no users logged on,
    yet there are many Disconnected sessions...
    Looking at the SOFS file share I still see that RDSH04 has read/Write to the .VHDX file that hold the User Profile.. And If the user try to log on to another server in that Collection, it get a temporary profile.
    If I kill the Conncetion to the VHDX files, Users can then sign in normally to another node it that Collection.
    Trying to restart the server With "Shutdown -r -t 0 -f" does not work, It just hangs on Shutdown (waited 3 days), so All I can do is Press and Hold.We
    have also seen BSoD on these nodes, but I'm sure if they are related to this error:
    WinDBG is saying:
    BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff803538fa84e, ffffd0002711cb00, 0}
    Probably caused by : dfsc.sys ( dfsc!DfscCacheStore+6f )
    I found and, but they are not for Windows Server 2012 R2.
    Any Idea?

    Firstly, dfsc.sys indicates the DFS clients. It means that your systems use DFS service to access the file share.
    Please let us know if you configured the DFS service on your file server.
    Also, what is the format of file path you configured for UPD?
    \\\DFS NameSpace\File Share
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • CSS redirect based on client IP address?

    We have a number of web servers behind CSS11500. We would like to be able to send an http redirect to a client browser, depending on the client's IP address.
    I had thought this might be possible using ACL but I can't find anything that seems to fit the bill. Can anyone suggest whether this is even possible, and how?

    create a redirect service.
    Then you can use an acl like this :
    clause 10 permit tcp x.x.x.x destination content prefer

  • Performing redirects with a CSS

    I have a CSS performing load balancing between some servers on port 443 (SSL). Since some clients try to connect to the VIP using port 80 (hhtp), I’m trying to find a solution on the CSS to send a redirect to the client in order that this one connects to the VIP using port 443.
    Is it possible to do it on the CSS?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    configure a content rule with the vip address and port 80.
    config a service with type redirect, redirect-string and no prepend http.
    add the redirect service to the content rule and thats it!

  • ACE: How to have icmp-reply active ignore redirect rhosts?

    I'm wondering if anyone knows if I can have an ace4710 not reply to ICMP requests for a VIP unless atleast one of the host rservers is up. It appears to reply if just a single redirect service is online.

    Thanks for the clarification regretably I'm pretty sure the ACE works alike as the CSS in this requirement.
    The problem is that the content rules (CSS) and the class-maps (ACE) are not dependent with each other. i.e with a config like the one shown below regardless if you suspend the service SIP or the content Web, ICMP still is going to be answered as the MAC address is still allocated on the arp table of your SW, in this case for the content Redirect there's no way you can stop ICMP replies other than manually suspending the rule.
    owner Web
      content Redirect
        vip address
        url "/*"
        port 80
        protocol tcp
        redirect ""
      content Web
        vip address
        port 80
        protocol tcp
        url "/blah*"
        add service SIP
    I had thought I would've been able to it with an ACL like this one buuuut this is not traffic directed to the VIP :S
    acl 5
      clause 1 deny icmp any destination content Web/Redirect
      clause 2 permit icmp any destination content Web/Web
      clause 3 permit any any destination any
      apply circuit-(VLAN10)
    Same happens with the ACE redirect services will always make the VIP show as "inservice" as they don't require a health check to check the aliveness, these ones were thought to be UP all the time.
    serverfarm host Web
      probe HTTP
      rserver Web-1
      rserver Web-2
    rserver redirect Redirect
      webhost-redirection https://%h/blah.htm
    serverfarm redirect Blah
      rserver Redirect
    class-map type http loadbalance match-any Any
      2  math http url  .*
    class-map type http loadbalance match-any Blah
      2 match http url /blah.htm
    policy-map type loadbalance first-match Insertion
       class Blah
         serverfarm Web
       class Any
         serverfarm Blah


    Hi experts.
    I am in SRM 5.0, and using EBP-SUS, when purchaser mark vendor as portal vendor, vendor receive an e-mail with user and pass to create a Administrator user in SUS in service SRMSUS_SELFREG, when vendor ends to crate a user the sistem auto matically redirect service SRMSUS, in my case I am using SAP PORTAL, so all vendor must log in sap Portal.
    How can I redirect the system to open the SAP PORTAL URL after srmsus_selfreg automatically.

    The URL was for the supplier to get access to SUS.  You have to set the supplier in portal and provide then acess to the SUS application. That will have a differenet password which can be sync later.
    -Devi Swain

  • SQLBrowser Service unable to locate installed instances...

    Good morning.
    I have a client who's having an odd issue with the SQLBrowser service shutting down each time it's started, indicating that it can't find any installed instances (although there are two... One SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and one SQL Server 2012 Express).
    The SQL instances are installed and running on a Windows 2008 R2 Server, and both of the engine installations seem to be functioning normally.  The one application that attaches to the 2012 engine works just fine, but it's hard-coded to connect via
    a specific port and therefore doesn't need the browser service.  The second application which connects to the 2008 R2 instance however does requite the browser service be running, and is unable to connect from a workstation without it.  Both installations
    have been removed and reinstalled, but the issue remains.
    When I run the sqlbrowser.exe -c I get the following :
    SQLBrowser: starting up in console mode
    SQLBrowser: starting up SSRP redirection service
    SQLBrowser is successfully listening on ::[1434]
    SQLBrowser is successfully listening on[1434]
    SQLBrowser: Found no installed SQL engine instances -- not listening on SSRP.
    SQLBrowser: Both SSRP and OLAP redirection services are disabled. Shutting down browser service
    From the way this reads, it seems that the browser service isn't "seeing" the installed instances on the machine and shuts down.  I suspect permission problems/corruption in the registry as this server was poorly implemented and "poked
    at" by the previous IT company, but I'm not sure what mechanism/tests the browser service uses to detect installed instances so I'm hesitant to start making too many low level changes...
    Has anyone run into this before, or does anyone have insight as to how the browser services finds installed SQL instances?
    Thanks in advance for any light shed on this...
    Phil Malmstrom
    Diamond Computer Incorporated

    One possibility: Using SQL Server Configuration Manager, in the left pane, expand
    SQL Server Network Configuration to show the Database Engine services. Right-click them, and then click
    Properties. Check the value of the Hide Instance
    property. No is normal = the instance is exposed to the SQL Server Browser service.
    Yes is hidden = the instance is not exposed to the SQL Server Browser service. I can't reproduce a shutdown of the SQL Server Browser if they are all No, but I have lots of SQL Server services on my computers.
    Also, is the browser running under the Local Service account? This is the default. I'm not sure this matters, but if the Browser Service still has trouble running under Local Service that eliminates some possible permission problem.
    Rick Byham, Microsoft, SQL Server Books Online, Implies no warranty

  • Document IDs and the DocID Service in SharePoint Server 2010

    My understanding is that the DOC ID looks up the absolute URL and then attempts to open the document.
    My question is, how often does the data "refresh". That is, if you change the name of the document, or change the location, in theory the DOC ID service should update the absolute URL from the old name to the new name. But on my SharePoint site
    it is not instantaneous and often takes overnight for the record relationship to update.
    that is:
     http://sitecollection/web/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=2960-489 =
    so when I change the name of the DocumentV1.0 to DocumentV2.0
     http://sitecollection/web/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=2960-489 =
     Yet when you click on
    http://sitecollection/web/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=2960-489 not long after changing the name (or location) I get a HTTP 404 error. Yet tomorrow I wont, so therefore the service has updated the static URL match.
    How often does the DOC ID service refresh the data, and where is the setting to change it to more frequently on change of document name or location?
    Thanks for any replies.

    The behavior I found was completely different than yours, so I was hesitating to post, but here goes...
    It is my understanding that there are only 2 timer jobs related to the document id service, the document id assignment job (which assigns document id's to existing documents) and the document id enable/disable job (which saves config settings across sites).
    You can force the execution of those jobs and see if it makes a difference, see . I've always assumed that sharepoint doesn't ever need to refresh the url, because it can just use the doc id to retrieve the document directly from the
    content db and then establish the location of the document (which, after all, is just virtual and doesn't really exist). Based on that assumption, as long as the document has a document id, sharepoint can never lose track of it.
    So, I've tested it out in an O365 environment and I got what I expected: changing names or moving files has no effect, the doc id redirection service always finds the latest location without any latency. Apparently, that is not what you're getting at all,
    but I wanted to share my thoughts...
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site:

  • 302 Redirect Location Header Rewrite not working with code upgrade

    We have a portal webservice hosted by an ACE4710. It has two services (www/https) on the same IP
    One is a redirect service that redirects all requests to tcp/80 on this ip to the other which is a 'standard' https proxy service.
    The backend servers are http only. Externally everything needs to be https.
    So we have an ssl proxy and Location header http to https rewrite on the https service.
    The configuration below operates correctly on v5_1_2.
    But with a code upgrade to 5_3_1b, the Location header rewrite does not work.
    We've tried several different configurations and even 'ssl url location rewrite ".*". It just looks like the ACE is completely ignoring the configuration to rewrite the Location field.
    Reverting to the older code fixes the problem.
    Problem seen:
    Here is the problem as seen on the *client*. The 302 redirect Location header is NOT rewritten:
    Response headers:
    HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND
    Server: nginx
    Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 10:59:43 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Content-Length: 295
    Connection: keep-alive
    Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
    Set-Cookie: information=35a7831d-928d-4122-aef3-39ef48ac4440; Path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    X-Frame-Options: DENY
    HTTPSampleResult fields:
    ContentType: text/html; charset=utf-8
    DataEncoding: utf-8
    Config extract:
    1) Set up the servers (4 normal on tcp/80 and one for a redirect)
    rserver host WEBSERVICE-1
      ip address
      conn-limit max 200000 min 160000
    ...and the same for the other three
    rserver redirect PORTAL_REDIRECT
      webhost-redirection https://%h/%p 302
    2) Set up the server farms
    serverfarm host PORTAL_LIVE
      probe webping
      rserver WEBSERVICE-1 80
      rserver WEBSERVICE-2 80
      rserver WEBSERVICE-3 80
      rserver WEBSERVICE-4 80
    serverfarm redirect PORTAL_HTTP_REDIRECT
      rserver PORTAL_REDIRECT
    3) Setup the ssl proxy and a location rewrite to https for responses from the servers
    action-list type modify http HTTPS_LOCATION
      header rewrite response Location header-value "http://(.*)" replace "https://%1"
    ssl-proxy service WEB_SSL_PROXY
      key webportal.key
      cert webportal.crt
      chaingroup root-chain
      ssl advanced-options SSL-SECURE-STRONG-WEB
    4) Set up the L4 services
    class-map match-all PORTAL_HTTP
      2 match virtual-address tcp eq www
    class-map match-all PORTAL_SSL
      2 match virtual-address tcp eq https
    5) Setup the policy maps - one for the reals servers with header rewrite for redirects
    policy-map type loadbalance http first-match PORTAL_HTTP
      class class-default
        serverfarm PORTAL_HTTP_REDIRECT
    policy-map type loadbalance http first-match PORTAL_SSL
      class class-default
        serverfarm PORTAL_LIVE
        action HTTPS_LOCATION
    6) Create the service policy
    policy-map multi-match EXTERNAL-SERVICES
      class PORTAL_SSL
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy PORTAL_SSL
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply
        appl-parameter http advanced-options PARAM-HTTP
        ssl-proxy server WEB_SSL_PROXY
      class PORTAL_HTTP
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy PORTAL_HTTP
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    7) Apply to the interface
    interface vlan 211
      description External Access
      ip address x.x.x.x
      alias x.x.x.x
      peer ip address x.x.x.x
      access-group input PERMIT-ALL
      service-policy input EXTERNAL-SERVICES
      no shutdown

    I found that the v5_3_1b code seems to need a bit of extra configuration and it now works ok.
    parameter-map type http PARAM_HTTP
    header modify per-request
    no persistence-rebalance

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