Isight & ICQ Issue

Okay excuse my newbieness, I'm new to macs. Here's the dealio. Basically, I installed ICQ mac version. All my software is up to date, yet for some reason I can't use the built in isight cam for icq. Anybody able to help me out here? Would be much appreciated. Cheers.

Hello TwistedManner
Follow the steps in the *How to Troubleshoot iSight* article below, then if it's still not working you need to contact Apple or an Apple Service Provider for service.

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    Hello nagendramishr
    I am uncertain whether this is merely an information post or whether you are asking for iSight help.
    If you think you have an iSight problem, use the suggestions in How to test your iSight to ensure it is functional to determine whether the problem is related to your external iSight and to fix common user-correctable problems.
    Whether you are using external or built-in iSight, be sure to consider all relevant suggestions from Apple's iSight troubleshooting page.
    If your iSight works correctly with any app or in any user account, iSight is NOT your problem. In that case you will need to determine whether the problem is with your applications software or your OS.
    Unless the problem you post about here is the same one that you are already working with Ralph in your iChat AV 3 post at ,
    if your only problem is another issue with iChat AV, I suggest you search or post in iChat AV 3 Discussions.
    If using the above links does not give you the answers you need to your iSight question, when you post your specific question(s), please also include specifics on the following:
    (a) which iSight you are using,
    (b) what you found by your iSight troubleshooting,
    (c) which software works with your iSight and
    (d) which does not,
    (e) are ALL the problems EXACTLY the same in every user account you try,
    (f) how the problem differs on your different Macs, and
    (g) how the problem your post about here differs from the issue you are posting about in iChat AV 3 Discussions. 
    We will try to provide more focused suggestions based on the details in your response.
    EZ Jim
    PowerBook 1.67 GHz w/Mac OS X (10.4.11) G5 DP 1.8 w/Mac OS X (10.5.1)  External iSight
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim

  • ISight footage issue

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    What should I do?

    Hello TwistedManner
    Follow the steps in the *How to Troubleshoot iSight* article below, then if it's still not working you need to contact Apple or an Apple Service Provider for service.

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    - seen in System Profiler (Hooray)
    - cannot be seen by any application
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    - fails for screen recording, audio recording, and video recording ("The Operation Could Not Be Completed")
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    Solutions I have tried
    1.  Uninstalled everything 3rd party
    2.  PMU reset (several times)
    3.  Repaired Permissions
    Any other assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Cheers.

    • If Apple's
       suggestions do not help you, (are you certain that you used
       the correct "reset" procedure?) continue with the following.
    • Use Disk Utility to repair permissions and then
       download and apply the 10.7.2 Combo Update:
    • Repair permissions again immediately following the system restart
       that completes the Combo update.
    Properly applying the Combo version of updates
    can sometimes correct problems like yours.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim

  • ISight driver issues

    when i open photobooth, it shows a no camera icon. I have a built in isight.
    Can anyone help me with this? im assuming it is a diver issue. The computer is completely up to date.

    ben oven1 wrote:
    when i open photobooth, it shows a no camera icon. I have a built in isight.
    Can anyone help me with this? im assuming it is a diver issue. The computer is completely up to date.
    Don't worry about Mac drivers for for your built-in iSight. Everything necessary is installed with OS X by the installer.
    For any iSight problems, first try restarting the Mac. If the problems persist, try all relevant suggestions from:
    If your iSight problem still occurs in more than one app and more than one user account, the reset suggested there often restores proper function of inbuilt iSight.
    However, if your built-in iSight still does not work after carefully following all the suggestions in the "How to Troubleshoot iSight" article, and if iSight does not show as a USB hardware device in your Mac's System Profiler utility, yours is most likely a hardware problem. In that case, contact Apple or an Apple-Authorized Service Provider for service.
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.4)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.4)
    LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook  1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

  • MacBook Pro (Late 2007, 2.4/2.2GHz) - Built-in isight camera issue

    I have a MBP (as mentioned, Late 2007) running Lion 10.7.2 (updated yesterday). And I have a problem with the built-in iSight camera
    Same with photo booth and skype.
    So far I have tried
    1) shutdown, unplug power, remove battery, press power for 5 seconds, plug battery back, plug power, boot. No help. No LED's light up to make my day.
    2) Press P R - Alt Cmd during boot (2/3 cycles like that)
    Could anyone throw some light into this?
    Much thanks in advance.

    Try reinstalling Lion:
    Reinstalling Lion
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alterhatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You can also re-download the Lion installer by opening the App Store application. Hold down the OPTION key and click on the Purchases icon in the toolbar. You should now see an active Install button to the right of your Lion purchase entry. There are situations in which this will not work. For example, if you are already booted into the Lion you originally purchased with your Apple ID or if an instance of the Lion installer is located anywhere on your computer.

  • Isight firewire issue

    This is just FYI:
    I purchased a new isight (12/06) and had a terrible time getting it to work on my dual processor G5. Finally, after fussing around with everything, I realized that, at least on my system, this is one of those firewire devices that is sensitive to anything but being plugged directly into the computer. So if you are having trouble with an isight, and it is plugged into another firewire device for convenience, you might try plugging it in direct. For me, it solved all the problems I was having, such as the green light being on, but the program not finding it.
    Have fun!
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    As Tony said above, "Known problem."
    A bit more detail for those of you with the external iSight.
    It has been detailed in a number of threads, but the external FW iSight may have a problem working with any other external FW device.
    My suggestion is to only have the iSight plugged in to your Mac when you intend to use it. If there are other ext. FW HD's plugged in at the same time (or scanners or...) there is a chance that you may lose the device mounting, or if in the middle of a data transfer, data.
    I personally have not had a problem, so it's hit and miss, but there have been enough reports to post this reminder.
    Bill Gallagher

  • IChat to ICQ

    Once upon a time I had no trouble chatting with ICQ users via iChat, aside from the fact that when this first became possible they saw all the xml formatting (long ago fixed). Now I can see my ICQ "buddies" status, but I can't get messages to them anymore. They no longer see me at all in their lists. Doesn't matter which machine I try it from (I have multiple Macs). Seems like it started happening at least a few months ago.
    All of the affected machines are running the following:
    OS X version 10.3.9
    iChat AV 2.1 (v153)
    I log into iChat with a .mac account.

    Finally got this resolved, turned out to be partly an ICQ issue (and partly a little human error). My friend had his ICQ setting to only allow messages from his contact list, and for some reason he had accidently deleted me. ICQ has a character limit on adding AOL/.mac usernames, and mine was 1 character too long. He temperorarily downgraded to allow all, I sent him a message, and he added me that way. Now it works again.

  • IMac iSight camera doesn't work in oSX

    The built in iSight camera in my iMac has stopped working in OSX. It certainly used to work in the past but I'm not sure exactly when it stopped.
    This is definitely an OSX software issue as the camera works when using Skype on Windows XP on Parallels on the same Mac.
    iChat, Skype and Photo Booth on OSX all just show a black screen for video. The green camera light is on.
    System Profiler shows USB / USB High-Speed Bus / Built-in iSight
    This issue seems to come up a lot and I have tried the following without success:
    - reset the SMC (power down computer and unplugging all connectors)
    - reset the PRAM
    - created a new account to see if the issue occurs in that account - it does
    Any suggestions?

    +(1) You have tried some good troubleshooting already. Your iSight can only operate with one application at a time, so, when you test OS X apps:+
    + • quit all other apps,+
    + • have nothing active in fast user swithching, and+
    + • have no Windows® items using iSight.+
    iSight does not work when only iChat, Photo Booth, Skype or iMovies is running. All just show a black screen.
    +(2) Restart the Mac and check iSight with no other apps or Login Items running. If the problems persist, try all relevant suggestions from:+
    I have gone through this already several times - I came across these instructions googling for the problem of iSight not working .
    +In your testing, you should add QuickTimeX to the list of OS X apps you test with iSight.+
    With QuickTime I again get a black screen with the New Movie Recording command and the message "Recording failed because no data was received. Make sure the media input source is turned on an playing".
    +If your iSight problem still occurs in more than one app and more than one user account, the reset suggested there often restores proper function of inbuilt iSight.+
    +(3) The instructions for proper SMC reset of your iNtel iMac are found here:+
    +Be certain to begin with the instructions in the section marked "Before Resetting the SMC". After that, the reset instructions specific to your iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo are are follows:+
    I have done this 3 times. I went through these instructions before posting this message. Additionally I unplugged all connectors to the Mac.
    +(4) If your problem persists and you need to post back for other suggestions, please let us know which OS X apps you tested in more than one user account and whether any of them worked properly. Also confirm that those tests were done when no other apps or OSs that can use iSight were running.+
    iChat, Skype, Photo Booth, Quicktime and iMovie do not work.
    I only had one of these applications running at a time.
    I set up another user account and none of these applications worked.
    The iSight camera does work using Skype on Windows XP running on Parallels. Note: Parallels is not running when I tested the OSX applications.
    +(5) If you need to post back for other suggestions, please also verify that your inbuilt iSight is recognized as a USB device in your Mac's System Profiler utility.+
    Yes, the built-in iSight does appear in System Profiler under USB > USB High Speed Bus > Built-in iSight
    Built-in iSight:
    Product ID: 0x8502
    Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Inc.)
    Version: 1.45
    Serial Number: 606F6A72C9AEA8D8 (03.01)
    Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
    Location ID: 0xfd400000
    Current Available (mA): 500
    Current Required (mA): 500
    +(6) If you need to post back for other suggestions, in addition to Skype, please also list any webcam-enabled third-party software you use, and tell us whether you have verified that it is the current version compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.4+
    I do not have any other 3rd party webcam applications other than Skype. Additionally, I only installed Skype after I discovered the iSight was not working in order to see if the same problem happens with Skype.
    I took a quick look at the Console. Interestingly the following message appears from all of the applications where iSight does not work. I also have a MacBook Pro where iSight does work and the same messages do not appear with the same applications.
    28/08/2010 14:34:59 iChat[632] __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs
    28/08/2010 14:35:05 iChat[632] ------ startPreview: previewing: 2
    28/08/2010 14:35:18 iChat[632] [Warning] FZVideoConferenceController: _localVideoClientCount decremented below 0!
    28/08/2010 14:36:51 QuickTime Player[642] __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs
    28/08/2010 14:38:49 Skype[649] __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs
    28/08/2010 14:39:47 Photo Booth[655] __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs

  • Erratic pointer:  right clicking in VISTA under Leopard Bootcamp

    Hi! This is my first post, so please be gentle! I have searched the forums and, although I can find many similar threads, I haven't been able to locate an identical one to this. Or, more importantly, a solution.
    I have the 2.16ghz, Black MacBook which came with Tiger installed. I had been using VISTA under Bootcamp Beta for some months with no problems. I recently ungraded to Leopard (keeping all my original settings etc), upgraded the Bootcamp drivers and everything was still working fine.
    Since upgrading to Leopard I had felt that the Mac OS was a little slower in certain areas. Nothing severe, just mainly the time to display the contents of a folder could take a couple of extra seconds. A few days ago, I thought I would start afresh and would do a fresh install of both Leopard (erasing and installing) and VISTA. Leopard now runs perfectly. Very smooth and noticably faster.
    VISTA installed with no apparent problems and I used the Leopard disc to install drivers. After they were installed and the machine restarted, VISTA gave me a problem retort saying certain drivers were not installed (iSight, null issues etc...etc...), although they definitely had been. I noticed this problem report is mentioned in the Apple trobleshooting questions but in says it may occur before installing the drivers and installation will resolve the pronlem. However, I didn't get the report till after installing the drivers. Anyway, that in itself is not the most obvious problem (as things do seem to be working, mainly).
    My main issue is... When I right-click in certain ares (2 fingers on trackpad and click on button), the pointer "jumps". Sometimes vertically, sometimes horizontally. However it only happens when rightclicking on an item which is part of a list or number of options. For example, if I open the GAMES folder in the start menu and try to right-click on Solitaire, the pointer will jump making it impossible to make a selection. The same problem will occur when selecting from a list of items in a folder. I can right click on the desktop with no problems.
    VISTA worked perfectly under Bootcamp BETA and under Bootcamp 2.0 before erase and install. I have tried to install an old trackpad driver from Bootcamp BETA that I found on another forum but when I try to install it, I am met with " already have the up to date driver" and it will go no further.
    Can anyone help?

    Do you know how to remove a driver (may need to do a Safe Boot for some), reboot, and install the driver you want.
    Sometimes, maybe during testing? maybe the presence of the older driver first, and then update.
    Meaning that having the older drivers from 1.3 etc, then apply the 2.0 Apple drivers, works best. Remove, install, see how that goes, and maybe then apply 2.0 drivers if you want (I'd wait and see how it goes).
    Also, you might want to look into cloning and backing up Vista. I can say that Acronis TrueImage looked good, but eventually learned hard way they don't yet support Mac (EFI/GPL parttitions). So I use Norton Ghost 12. WinClone is working on an update for Leopard.
    Might want to send feedback to Apple about BootCamp which is always useful and helpful.
    Just a guess/hunch.



    [Topic: iMac G5 (pre-iSight) general issues|]
    [] - G5 iMac video issues

  • Green light permanently on

    i updated my mac last night with some standard updates.. itunes etc.
    ive turned it on this morning and the green light next to the camera is permanently on. when i open up photo booth it just shows a green screen.
    if anyone has any ideas that would be great

    Hi jamie...see if the info in this link to iSight specfic issues helps....
    If not try reposting in the iSight forums....

  • So I received my second 17" 2.93GHz UMBP...

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    Im waiting for my second 17" Unibody 2.93GHZ , 320GIG 7200RPM, 4gigs of ram.
    Yes its because of the annoying ticking from the front left. It also on bootup was stuck on the grey screen for 3min, then would slowly boot up. The first time I had Isight camera issues and thought I should reboot and it just got stuck on the grey screen( It wouldnt boot in at all ). I had to reset the SMC to get it to work again. They first sent me a drive to swap out, but that drive was either bad or just really crappy ( Dog Slow ).It was like putting a lawnmower motor in a Ferrari. I wasnt happy, so there sending me a new one as wee speak.
    PLEASE PLEASE! Let this one be ok. Yes, For $3400 plus taxes CA Laptop, it should be perfect.......

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