ISight won't work properly

I've been experiencing problems with my built in camera for the last week. When I am skyping, the cam freezes sometimes, and then it starts repeating the last 2 seconds of my streaming. I hope you can understand what I mean. Anyways, when that happens I close the cam and open it again and it doesn't happen again until after 5-10 minutes. It might be cause I dropped my laptot last week, although it was not that bad really, it fell from the desk on the floor. Something else I've noticed is that at the bottom of the laptop the one corner of the part that's screwed onto the rest of the laptop protrudes a bit.
Thanks for any help!

Welcome to Discussions, John Ben.
The fall may have damaged some of your hardware, but you can try some troubleshooting to see if the problem might be something you can fix.
(1) Restart Mac and then try your camera again.
If the problem remains, use all relevant suggestions in
(Apple has changed the built-in camera's name on newer Macs from "iSight" to "FaceTime" and then to "FaceTime HD." Regardless of the name of your Mac's built-in camera, the same info and troubleshooting applies.)
Be sure to test more than one camera app in more than one user account.  Do NOT use the "Guest" account for this test.  If you do not have more than one user account for the testing, create a new one now.  (A "Standard" account is all you need for testing.)
If your problem is with more than one Apple App in more than one user account, try the MBP reset suggested in the Troubleshooting article.    The "reset" for your model sometimes restores normal camera function.
(2) If your trouble is ONLY with connected apps like Skype in every user account you test, shut down everything.  Restart your modem, router (if you use one), and Mac in order.  Let each item complete its self-test before starting the next.  Sometimes restarting your Internet connection improves performance.
If you normally connect via Wi-Fi, try connecting via ethernet cable.  If wired connections work, you will need to troubleshoot your Wi-Fi further.
(3) If your troubleshooting proves that yours is a Skype-specific problem, (your ONLY camera problem is when testing Skype in more than one user account,) update to the latest Skype version compatible with your Mac OS and test again.  If the Skype problem remains, Skype's comprehensive support system should best be able to help you use their product with your system.
You can search or post for help with your problem in Skype's dedicated Skype Discussions for Mac.  The Skype users who post there may have already solved your problem.
If nothing else works to fix your Skype, you can even sign in and ask for email help directly from Skype's Technical Support people.
(4) If your camera problem also occurs with non-connected  apps like iMovie and QuickTimeX Player, you may need to have your Mac professionally serviced.
Unless you have a current backup, make one now.
Then use Apple's final "Troubleshooting" suggestion:
"... contact Apple or an Apple-Authorized Service Provider for service."
(5) If you want to try one more thing on your own before seeking professional help, use your Mac's Disk Utility to repair permissions.
Then download and apply the latest Combo Update for your OS.  Currently, the latest ML Combo is
Repair permissions again immediately following the system restart that completes the 10.8.3 Combo update.
Properly applying the latest Combo version of updates can sometimes correct software problems, but, if your trouble is really a hardware problem, there are no user serviceable parts of the camera.  Your AASP can fix hardware issues.
Message was edited by: EZ Jim
Mac OSX 10.8.3

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    Welcome to Discussions, bluejayDDS
    ... I'd like to avoid taking it to the store ...
    You can the following three things (listed in order of increasing effort on your part) before seeking professional help:
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    hey..actually i have same problem 2 days ago n yesterday my imessage finaly worked..
    in my case i use another sim card/not original bundling,then i use my original sim card/carrier, n it instanly worked..
    so actually carrier does take the problem..
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