Issue in running JavaFX application in web browser

Our team currently was developing a desktop application which now needs to be run in a web browser. Deployment is successful, but while running it in IE 8, the background color of the IE outside the stage (from the desktop application) is coming in grey color. Our applucation's background color is white, hence, this makes it look odd. The more peculiar thing is when we run the url in IE8, the first page (login page) comes without the grey part, ie the whole window is white colored. But after logout, (the login page should be made visible) only the stage size comes in white and the rest of the window comes in grey background color. Please help in fixing this.

to answer your questions:
how to set the browser size according to stage sizeTo resize area reserved for application in a web page you can access web page from inside of your app and use javascript to get a handle of application in the web page DOM and then set size on it as you need.
How to get the handle for browser size here?For embedded application you will get initial Stage in the start() sized to browser allocated area.
And you can you tip i referenced before to resize app if browser will change allocated area (due to user requests).
However, i think your real question is different:
that in the login page the stage size is smaller than the browser size we set while packagingDoes it mean your app pops create login stage first and then populate main stage?
Then good app behavior is like:
if (runningEmbedded) { //see tip 2.3.1 in the same guide
//fill given stage with something - e.g. same background as web page or some image
//once user logged populate main stage
And create all assets for all stages in the init(). So in start you will only adding panels to the stages and creating new stages.
You may need to erase "dummy" content from the main stage before you populate it.
Hope this helps. If not, please explain what you app is doing in more details. What do you do with stage provided in start, how you create login and other stages.
What you size your application to and what are stage dimensions.

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    the following is the html page that netbeans generated:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    archive: "tasklistinbrowser.jar",
    width: 1000,
    height: 1000,
    code: "tasklistinbrowser.Main",
    name: "tasklistinbrowser"
    </html>does anyone know where i'm going wrong?

    I also have a problem when trying to run my application in a browser. (running with netbeans works)
    Only a grey shape appears.
    But it seems to be a problem with the application itself, because other applications can be run in my browser without any problems.
    any ideas? thanks

  • Problem in executing javaFX application in web browser.

      When i execute javafx application in web browser the outcome will not fit to the screen.
       so what modifications i have to make so that it fits to the screen.

    you embed a javafx app like this in your html-file:
        function javafxEmbed() {
                    url : 'ASimpleApp.jnlp',
                    placeholder : 'javafx-app-placeholder',
                    width : 1024,
                    height : 768,
                    jnlp_content : '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'
                    javafx : '2.2+'
        <!-- Embed FX application into web page once page is loaded -->
    if you change the values of width and height to '100%', your app will use the hole place of your html site.

  • Problem running JavaFX application as web applet / web start

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    generated by javafxpackager and all works fine if I launch the html page locally from my
    pc but when I load the html page from web server the application runs slow till freezing the browser.
    All jars are signed with a self-signed certificate, I've tried with Firefox, Chrome, IE and different servers.
    Same problem with web start (jnlp), locally works fine, launched from web it freezes.
    Enabling Java Console I've noticed a lot of log like:
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: java.lang.ImageView: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: java.lang.ImageView: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: java.lang.Image: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: java.lang.Image: try again ..
    network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null]
    network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connecting with cookie "has_js=1"
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: java.lang.Font: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: java.lang.Font: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: javafx.scene.control.Font: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: javafx.scene.control.Font: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: javafx.scene.layout.Font: try again ..
    basic: JNLP2ClassLoader.findClass: javafx.scene.layout.Font: try again ..
    network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null]
    network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connecting with cookie "has_js=1"
    What am I doing wrong?
    This is my jnlp (MyApp.jnlp)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <jnlp spec = "1.0" xmlns:jfx = "" codebase = "" href = "MyApp.jnlp">
    <description>Sample JavaFX 2.0 application.</description>
    <homepage href = ""/>
    <jfx:javafx-runtime version = "2.2+" href = ""/>
    <j2se version = "1.6+" href = ""/>
    <jar href = "MyApp.jar" size = "2836601" download = "eager"/>
    <jar href = "libs/gson-2.2.2.jar" size = "189285" download = "eager"/>
    <jar href = "libs/sun.jar" size = "83743" download = "eager"/>
    <applet-desc width = "1280" height = "1024" main-class = "com.javafx.main.NoJavaFXFallback" name = "MyApp">
    <param name = "requiredFXVersion" value = "2.2+"/>
    <jfx:javafx-desc width = "1280" height = "1024" main-class = "test.App" name = "MyApp"/>
    <update check = "background"/>
    and this my html page
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <title>My App</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    function launchApplication(jnlpfile) {
    dtjava.launch( {
    url : 'MyApp.jnlp'
    javafx : '2.2+'
    return false;
    function javafxEmbed_fxApplication() {
    id : 'fxApplication',
    url : 'MyApp.jnlp',
    placeholder : 'MyAppId',
    width : 1280,
    height : 1024
    javafx : '2.2+'
    <!-- Embed FX application into web page once page is loaded -->
              <div id="MyAppId"></div>
    Thank you

    Some more info,
    I watched the web server logs and I found many repeated log entries like
    "GET /applet/myapplet.html/META-INF/services/ HTTP/1.1" 404 19023 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (Windows 7 6.1) Java/1.7.0_09"
    Googling this I've found many posts regarding similar problems:
    It seems to be a strange Behaviour of the JNLPClassLoader that tries to load classes from server instead from jar or local class path.
    Somebody suggests to remove all logging entries from code or to add "codebase_lookup = false" to applet parameters but this does not solve the problem.
    I use FXML to define my UI and I think that every time an fxml is loaded JNLPClassLoader tries to load the xml parser (
    from server.
    Somebody have any idea?
    Thank you.

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    It sounded like I do write some Java Beans, based on some threads I've read. But I didn't fully understand.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Ok, I was able to do it when I hard-coded to the http://servername:port in the web.show_document. My question is: I have a windows and Linux (Development and Test server). All 3 are different servers. How can I make it to where I don't have to hard-code the server name. I've put the html page in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/java folder. The application and web browser closes just fine when I hard-code the server name in the web.show_document command. Is there a way I can get around this where I don't have to hard-code the name, but still access it from the same path on all 3 servers?
    web.show_document(http://servername:port/forms/java/closewebbrowser.htm, -self)

  • Embedded JMS/OC4J issue while running an application in Jdeveloper

    I am facing an issue while running an application on my laptop.I downloaded Jdeveloper Jheadstart along with that.
    Created a new application specified in HR demo.When I run the application I get following messages,After that it does not show my application pages.It does not even open browser window.
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    Aug 29, 2007 6:01:47 PM com.evermind.server.jms.JMSMessages log
    INFO: JMSServer[]: OC4J JMS server recovering transactions (commit 0) (rollback 0) (prepared 0).
    Aug 29, 2007 6:01:47 PM com.evermind.server.jms.JMSMessages log
    INFO: JMSServer[]: OC4J JMS server recovering local transactions Queue[jms/Oc4jJmsExceptionQueue].
    07/08/29 18:01:55 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    When I delete persistnce directory files under embedded oc4j (specifically jms.state), It logs following messages.But it does not run my application pages and not even open browser window to display some error.
    [Starting OC4J using the following ports: HTTP=8988, RMI=23891, JMS=9227.]
    C:jdevstudio10132\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath C:jdevstudio10132\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar;C:jdevstudio10132\jdev\lib\jdev-oc4j-embedded.jar -Xverify:none -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -DcheckForUpdates=adminClientOnly -Doracle.application.environment=development -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=true -Doracle.j2ee.http.socket.timeout=500 -Doc4j.jms.usePersistenceLockFiles=false oracle.oc4j.loader.boot.BootStrap -config C:\jdevstudio10132\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\config\server.xml
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    07/08/29 18:06:16 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized.
    I tried by creating another standalone application with simple html page, it throws same logs and does not show up browser window.I even tried with Jdeveloper, but still same issue .
    can you please throw some light on this issue and any suggestion for resolutions.

    Can someone throw somelight on this issue?
    I posted the same issue in Jdeveloper forum but did not receive any reply .appreciate your suggestions.

  • JMS/OC4J issue while running an application in Jdeveloper

    I am facing an issue while running an application on my laptop.I downloaded Jdeveloper Jheadstart along with that.
    Created a new application specified in HR demo.When I run the application I get following messages,After that it does not show my application pages.It does not even open browser window.
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    Aug 29, 2007 6:01:47 PM com.evermind.server.jms.JMSMessages log
    INFO: JMSServer[]: OC4J JMS server recovering transactions (commit 0) (rollback 0) (prepared 0).
    Aug 29, 2007 6:01:47 PM com.evermind.server.jms.JMSMessages log
    INFO: JMSServer[]: OC4J JMS server recovering local transactions Queue[jms/Oc4jJmsExceptionQueue].
    07/08/29 18:01:55 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    When I delete persistnce directory files under embedded oc4j (specifically jms.state), It logs following messages.But it does not run my application pages and not even open browser window to display some error.
    [Starting OC4J using the following ports: HTTP=8988, RMI=23891, JMS=9227.]
    C:jdevstudio10132\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath C:jdevstudio10132\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar;C:jdevstudio10132\jdev\lib\jdev-oc4j-embedded.jar -Xverify:none -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -DcheckForUpdates=adminClientOnly -Doracle.application.environment=development -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=true -Doracle.j2ee.http.socket.timeout=500 -Doc4j.jms.usePersistenceLockFiles=false oracle.oc4j.loader.boot.BootStrap -config C:\jdevstudio10132\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\config\server.xml
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    07/08/29 18:06:16 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized.
    I tried by creating another standalone application with simple html page, it throws same logs and does not show up browser window.I even tried with Jdeveloper, but still same issue .
    can you please throw some light on this issue and any suggestion for resolutions.

    I am also facing the same issue on my laptop. I searched for forum but no luck.
    appreciate if anybody can throw some light on this.

  • Requires a microsoft sharepoint foundation-compatible application and web browser

    SharePoint 2010 version 14.0.7102.5000.
    Clients are Windows 7 SP1, Browser is IE 10.0.9200.17296
    Problem is the well known famous message 'requires a microsoft sharepoint foundation-compatible application and web browser' when the user chooses the button New Document.
    Why this behaviour for this user is different then all the threads and blogs I read about this message is because of the  following: I am logged on using my Windows account on my computer (VDI so I have the same computer as the user experiencing the
    message) and don't have this problem. When the concerning user uses my logged on computer under my account and only logs in with his credentials within SharePoint (sign in as Different User) then the problem occures. I performed the same actions on the same
    library as the concerning user.
    So ruled out are:
    - Browser version
    - Office version
    - windows User Profile
    - x86 vs x64
    - MS Foundation Support installation
    - add on SharePoint OpenDocuments Class
    Please help me out.

    Do you have different versions of Office or SharePoint Designer or any Office product installed? 
    You can try repairing office installation in that particular user machine and see what happens.
    Sorry to say but software versions can be ruled out as I mentioned the user have the same problem when using
    my logged on account in Windows on my computer. Only in the browser the user is logging in with his credentials. I don't have this problem when using this Document Library.

  • I can't seem to get my iMac (late 2009 model) into automatic sleep mode.  If I manually put it into sleep I don't have any issues.  I used to solve the issue by running "PleaseSleep" application but that doesn't work anymore since Lion.

    I can't seem to get my iMac (late 2009 model) into automatic sleep mode.  If I manually put it into sleep I don't have any issues.
    I used to solve the issue by running "PleaseSleep" application but that doesn't work anymore since Lion. I now want to fix the underlying problem.
    I'm not running any weird background processes and in my energy saver settings I've tagged "put the hard disk to sleep when possible:, "allow power button to put computer to sleep" and "automatically reduce brigthness". All pretty standard.
    Is there anyone who can give me some pointers ?

    Today I solved the same problem for my iMac running Snow Leopard. See The method may help you, too.
    For me it was the DynDNS Updater preventing my iMac from automatically entering sleep mode.
    To my knowledge the cause of this sleep problem can only be a peripheral device or a process. So I suggest to first unplug all peripherals and test whether that's the cause. If not, I suggest to terminate one process after another and to test automatic entering of sleep mode after each. Start with user processes; continue with system process if necessary.
    At least that's the way I found the offending process. Fortunately, I was able to change the configuration of that process to allow again automatic entering of sleep mode.
    Good luck!

  • Any known issue about running Swing application in WTS?

    *{color:#0000ff}Is there any known issue about running Swing Application in Windows Terminal Server?{color}*
    It is started using JWS from internet (I mean, it checks if there is an avaiable update and updates or just fun).
    _*{color:#800000}+The problem is that just one machine can open the application at the same time+*_
    *{color:#666699}Is there any config in java or jws to run properly several instances of the application (terminal clients)?{color}*
    Edited by: Franzisk on Sep 24, 2007 6:16 PM

    876587 wrote:
    ... and that cause the other threads cannot access the JNI. The same application works fine on other Solaris 10 machines.
    Different environments mean just that. So something could be causing it outside java.
    Additionally if anything at all is different in the execution data, such as even a name having a different size, then it would change the execution path.
    Which would cause a problem in the JNI code to manifest itself on only one box. Probably isn't a pointer bug but all sorts of odd behavior can result from that.

  • Help, how can i run JavaFX as Applet in browse

    can someone please tell me, how can i run JavaFX as Applet in browse

  • When I open a new tab, an unwanted website opens instead of my desired home page. THIS IS ONLY AN ISSUE WITH NEW TABS; (opening the web browser AND clicking on the home button frings me to my desired home page.)

    When I open a new tab, an unwanted website opens instead of my desired home page. THIS IS ONLY AN ISSUE WITH NEW TABS; (opening the web browser AND clicking on the home button frings me to my desired home page.)
    I have attached the url of the unwanted site.

    Use this add-on [ '''Custom new tab'''].

  • Running a Java application from web browser

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, and it probably isn't, but I don't really know what else to do at the moment.
    I have a problem. I've written all these nice and pretty Java applications that do all this complicated junk that makes me proud. However...I have no idea how to actually run those applications.
    I've looked at guides on Java applets, Java Web Start, Java Server Pages, etc, and I still am not sure. JSP looked like the best option, until I figured out I can't use it with my web server. So, I've pretty much hit a wall here.
    If anyone could shed some light on this, I would be very appreciative. All I want is for a certain application to run when a user clicks a button on a simple HTML page. That's all I want...yet it seems so hard.
    Is there a simple way to do this, or do I need to use JWS or something and configure all these JARs and JNLP and classpaths and everything under the sun (no pun intended)?
    Again, I apologize if there is a better forum for this; I am just very confused right now and feel like I've hit a brick wall. If anyone can give me any advice, or point me in a good (easy) direction, I would truly be grateful.

    If anyone could shed some light on this, I would be
    very appreciative. All I want is for a certain
    application to run when a user clicks a button on a
    simple HTML page. That's all I want...yet it seems so
    hard. There's a lot of hidden details that make it so hard. What computer will run the application when the button is clicked? If the application will run on the client computer (within the web browser) there has to be a mechanism for allowing arbitrary code to be downloaded, verified and executed on any number of different target platforms. This is the problem that Java Applets address. Mostly this is a security issue, since a simple HTML page being able to run arbitary code without user interaction or approval is going to cause the world to be overrun by computer virii. There's also the multi-platform issue, but in many cases that can be avoided by requiring the client to use a single platform (the MS approach).
    If the application will run on the server, then the client code is much less difficult, as only a basic web browser is needed, and the server code is complicated, since it needs to keep track of multiple clients at the same time and process data in a request-response fashion.
    From the end-user's point-of-view, it certainly is simple though. Press the button and voila!
    "Any technology which is distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"

  • Issue with opening pdf file from web browser

    I have Acrobat Pro ver 6 and Adobe Reader 9.1 on a computer.  when my user tries to open up a pdf from the web he is getting the following error message:
    "The Adobe Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a WEb Browser.  Adbe Acrobat/Reader version 8 or 9 is required.  Please exit and try again."
    What also happens is that Acrobat Pro ver 6 opens up and nothing is there.
    I am not sure why he is getting that message since Reader 9.1 is installed.
    Can any one shed some light on this for me.
    This user needs to have Acrobat and Reader on his system.  I understand that there are issues with having both.
    Also he has it set up so that any PDF is opening using the Reader 9.1.

    Your PC's default reader configuration for embedded PDFs has become confused, due to multiple Adobe PDF document solutions installed on one PC.
    Solution 1:
    Go to Start > Run
    Type regedit and click OK.
    Browse to the following key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Adobe\Acrobat\Exe
    Make sure that the correct Default data value is set for the path where Adobe Reader or Acrobat are installed.
    The default installation values are:
    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"
    "C:\Program Files\adobe\acrobat 6.0\acrobat\Acrobat.exe" (not sure about this path.  Check on your PC to be sure)
    depending on whether Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat is installed.
    Solution 2:
    Configure the browser to use Acrobat or Adobe Reader as a helper application.
    If you are using Firefox to browse the web, you can change this setting in Firefox by going to:
    Tools > Options
    Click on the "Applications" Tab.
    The first item in the list should be "Adobe Acrobat Document".  Under the Action list, click the drop down arrow and select the application you want to read PDFs within the web browser.  Click OK, and you should be done.
    If you're using Internet Explorer to view PDFs, try the below steps.
    After you configure Acrobat or Adobe Reader as a helper application, the browser starts the helper application in a separate window and displays PDF files within that window. Acrobat and Adobe Reader both include a preference that lets you specify Acrobat or Adobe Reader as the helper application.
    To configure Acrobat or Adobe Reader as a helper application:
    Start Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    Choose Edit > Preferences.
    Select Internet on the left.
    Deselect Display PDF In Browser Using [Acrobat application], and then click OK.
    Quit Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    The next time you select a link to a PDF file in the browser, a dialog box asks what you would like to do with the file. If you select Open It, the browser opens the PDF file in Acrobat or Adobe Reader (the helper application); if you select Save It To Disk, the browser saves the PDF file to your hard drive.

  • How to Run a form in Web browser?!

    1- Is it possible to run a .fmx file in web browser? if yes how to do so?
    if no. what do I need to do to make it possible?
    Many thanks

    Forms 6i and above yes it is possible.
    Forms 6i can be deployed both web and client/server, but 9i and above is only for web deployment.
    If you want to deploy for testing purposes you can run the forms from the forms builder using OC4J Instance, but for production deployment you need to have OAS, Oracle Application Server.

Maybe you are looking for