Issue installing iMovie 9.0.8

Tried to install iMovie 9.0.8 updater and installer gets as far as "moving items into place" and then stalls and will not finish the installation. I am on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
I am using the installer package downloaded from the apple downloads page. I also had run disk utility repair permissions before installing.
Any suggestions as to how to resolve this issue?

Catherine Venturini wrote:
… and installer gets as far as "moving items into place" and then stalls and will not finish…
just a vague assumption:
Do you have write permissions for your apps-folder?
what are your 'user'-permissions?
is your apps-folder where it should be/did you move it?

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    Hi Ralph,
    I live in the UK and i have called apple support but it is all automated and as i don't have apple care they said that i would need to open an incident which would cost £35. iMovie on the Mac App store is only £10.50!
    do you know of another way of contacting them for an issue like this? is there anyone i can speak to on an online chat?

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    I found the Receipts folder.
    Here is what I found related to iLife'08.
    One other thing - I'm not sure it matters but would registration play a role? Since iLife was preinstalled I did not register each product - just the iMac when I got it. Since nothing else was working with this download I tried to register iLife'08 but it wants a Marketing Product Number which is on the box. Since mine was preinstalled there is no box. I also checked under the System Profiler but no such number was listed.

  • IMovie 08 Requirements. Can't install iMovie 08! Please help!

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    I am trying to install iLife 08.
    The requirements say:
    iLife ’08 requirements
    Hardware: Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 processor
    • iMovie requires a Mac computer with an Intel processor, a Power Mac G5 (dual 2.0GHz or faster), or an iMac G5 (1.9GHz or faster)
    • iDVD requires 733MHz or faster processor
    512MB of RAM; 1GB recommended; high-definition video requires at least 1GB of RAM
    I have the minimum.
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    As Ben says, solved, it is.
    Here's my little saga:
    Upon detaching the 24" from the ATI 9200 and restarting, the installation, including iMovie, went without a hitch. Again, this is with the 9200 still seated comfortably in its PCI slot.
    After reattaching the display and restarting, iMovie '08 would not even launch. I was greeted with a small dialog box:
    "*Quartz Extreme Required*
    iMovie requires a graphics card that is compatible with Quartz Extreme. One or more of your graphics cards does not support Quartz Extreme."
    The only button was Quit. As a comparison, I then launched iMovie '06. I was greeted with this:
    "*Your computer contains a graphics card which may not support iMovie.*
    iMovie requires a “Quartz Extreme Compatible” graphics card. Certain iMovie features such as Themes, Ken Burns Photos, and Video FX may not work properly with your graphics card."
    In this instance, however, my options were "Quit" and "Launch iMovie." Selecting "Launch iMovie" allowed me to use the application, but without the Quartz animations.
    Definitely a "kinder, gentler" iMovie.
    Whenever I wish to use either version of iMovie, I'll have to unplug the third display, and restart before I can get down to business.
    Two things of interest to me are:
    1) What would happen if I had unplugged the third display and restarted, launched iMovie (either version, but '08 especially), and then hot-attached the third display to the 9200? I'm curious to see what would happen. Naturally, attaching and un-attaching displays to a running Mac is not recommended, but it's been fairly common practice in the Mac repair shops at which I've worked. *I definitely do not recommend it, as you may end up frying something.*
    That being said, I'm still curious to see if iMovie would still run properly, freeze, or quit.
    2) Remember a few generations of Mac OS X back there was a little software hack called "PCI Extreme?" It's purpose was to fool an application into thinking you were Quartz enabled. There were many caveats, most notably that it could not perform magic on older cards, but many folks had success with it in Jaguar and Panther. Now, it seems, a few Tiger users are playing with it. The developer’s notes mention the following:
    "Unfortunately, because Apple hardcoded the setting into CoreGraphics, I'm not aware of a way to enable both AGP and PCI graphics quartz acceleration at the same time. If you know a way, please let me know."
    Therein, as the Bard tells us, lies the rub. Still, this avenue remains interesting. If I knew the first thing about coding, I'd delve into this to see if there was a method by which an application like iMovie would at least "ignore" the 9200 (as in this particular case) and just let the X850 XT do its thing.
    For the adventurous among you, PCI Extreme is still available and does, to some extent, function in Tiger. You can get a it at
    I agree that this issue is solved insofar as the boundaries of the initial question posted by Marc. It's the geeky can of worms that follows that will nag at me for a while.
    This is ironic, as I use iMovie so infrequently I shouldn’t be concerned by this, especially seeing as there is a work-around if at least one of your installed cards is, indeed, capable of baring the brunt.
    The biggest lingering issue, to me, is why can't we have a better, more powerful PCI option than the 9200? I suppose the answer is; "There is. It's called a Mac Pro."
    This has been a fun one. Good work, everyone!
    As always, I remain your humble crooner.

  • Installed iMovie 7.1 projects won't play/event clips will play-no volume

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    1. My PROJECTS will not play at all. I can click on a clip and expand it (like I'm going to trim it), and play it from there... but I get no volume.
    2. In the EVENTS window my clips will play, but I get no volume.
    3. Even the iTunes music I put in the background on my projects won't play, so the sound issue is obviously not related to the clips.
    Before I installed this new update, everything was working fine!
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    Apple if you are reading these posts... your new update has problems! PLEASE FIX IT ASAP!
    Also can you put a bug report on this software so I can let the developers know there is a problem.

    Did you also install the iLife Support 8.1 upgrade? That upgrade is required, according to the iMovie 7.1 upgrade page.
    Where it says this about iLife Support 8.1:
    What’s New in this Version
    This update supports system software components shared by all iLife ’08 applications, improves overall stability, addresses a number of other minor issues, and supports general compatibility issues. It is recommended for all users of iLife ’08.

  • Installing iMovie 7.0.1

    I am trying to install iMovie 7.1.0. I have iMovieHD 6.0.3. When I try the install from iLife '08, I get the message: "You cannot install iMovie Update 7.1 on this volume. An eligible iMovie application was not found in the location / Applications."
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    I have OS 10.4.10 on a G4 DP 1.25 GHz with 2 GB RAM. Thanks very much.

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  • Having Trouble Installing iMovie 6 with iMovie 08

    A few weeks ago, I had to take my computer into the Apple Store with some issues. They did archive & install but none of my applications were saved, so the only thing left on my HD was pre-installed applications. iLife '08 was there (and I've used all the programs multiple times) but I needed to reinstall iMovie 6. When I opened the pkg file, it tells me "Please install iLife '08 before installing iMovie HD 6."
    Does anyone have any ideas why this could be happening?

    Welcome to discussions!
    Another user had the same problem. he wrote:
    +"This last suggestion of trashing the iLife'08 applications and receipts and then performing a reinstall worked. I was able to download iMovie HD 6. Not sure why the preinstalled iLife'08 was not being recognized but the reinstall did work.+
    +For those following the thread from the beginning, doing an Archive & Install did fix my new User issue. Now when creating a new User, they have the same hard drive space as everyone else. I did try and download iMovie HD 6 after this step but before the trashing of the preinstalled iLife'08 (as described in the paragraph above) and that did not work.+
    +Thank you to everyone that contributed; very much appreciated."+
    Read the entire thread here:

  • Im trying to install iMovie 11 but download says I have to be at 10.7.4, when doing a software update I get a message saying there are no updates. Currently running at 10.6.8, any suggestions?

    Trying to install iMovie for wife and I am having issues.
    iMac is currently at 10.6.8 but iMovie '11 requires 10.7.4, Any suggestions?

    more info on iMac
    Model Name:          iMac
      Model Identifier:          iMac10,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          3.06 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          1
      Total Number Of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache:          3 MB
      Memory:          4 GB

  • Cannot install imovie on iphone 4

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    All information I can find says imovie should run on iphone 4, but I keep getting the error message:
    'Imovie was not installed because it requires a newer version of the iphone software.'
    Does anyone know if I can run this app?
    Thanks for your time and help.

    Hi.  I found away to avoid the whole App Store issue.  Here is the video on YouTube:
    If you go to from Safari on your phone.  Create an account.  Then start creating passes.  They will show up in your Passbook app next time you open it.  I tested it out with a Target gift card - worked great. 
    (NOTE:  I had changed the time to a year ahead and forgot to change it back before I tested this but I wouldn't think it would matter.)

  • Install Imovie 4 Dithered

    We have a lab full of eMacs and want to move backwards to iMovie 4. We have had too many issues (graphics cards etc) with iMovie 6. The teacher just wants to add pics, some video, a few titles, sound track and leave it at that. I have removed all the ilife apps on the eMac, I go to install and the option to install imovie and iphoto are dithered. I have original cds from Apple. Any ideas as to why that would be happening. Most of the eMacs are 700 to 1.25, all running 10.4.11. Thanks in advance

    Any ideas as to why that would be happening
    Because, while you removed the applications, you likely left the receipts, so any attempt at reinstalling sees the receipts and assumes the applications don't need reloading. Check Library >Receipts folder and remove the receipt files for those removed applications.

  • Will Elgato Turbo converter/encoder fix the posterization issue in iMovie?

    I know this is a well-known issue with iMovie. Dark spots and shadows look posterized or color-banded in iMovie. I've scoured the internet in search of a solution, but short of learning how to hack my computer and install different codecs, I can't find a reasonable solution. I know the elgato turbo USB stick is an encoder. My question is, if I used the elgato turbo to export my videos, would that get rid of the color-banding issue? Does that even make sense? (I'm not a video expert.) If anyone has tried this, let me know. If you don't know what I'm talking about and what I'm trying to get rid of, see the image below. are some files to help demonstrate the problem I am encountering.
    access my iDisk here:
    *RC* is the footage from my camcorder in iMovie.
    When I export it to HD 720p setting using turbo.264 HD, the resultant file is *RC Stuff.mp4*. This file is beautiful...perfect...crisp...looks just like my HD camcorder. It is 1280x720 progressive (Apple TV spec), avg bitrate 4,907 kbps (Apple TV spec) but it is 59.940 fps (NOT to spec) size 3.2mb
    When I choose the "Apple TV" output option, I get file *RC Stuff.m4v*. It is flat, not crisp, doesn't "popp" on either my iMac or when viewed on Apple TV. It too is 1280x720 progressive, avg bitrate of 3,438 and 29.970 fps. I changed output size to 1280x720 in the Apple TV preset and it still looks flat and crappy.
    So....who can get me from point A to point B? How do I need to process RC to that it will LOOK like RC Stuff. mp4 but is compatible with Apple TV specs and looks as good on a HDMI LCD flat screen TV? How do I deinterlace/what field order, etc to cut the frame rate in half and still look sharp and crisp?
    Thank you anyone in advance!

  • Issue installing System Update 5.01

    Hello all I am having an issue installing System update 5.01.  I looked in the logs within the temp directory and it says error 1602 which is user canceled.  However, I am not canceling the install.    I also tried​and_Uninstall  that didn't work either. 
    I'm on a T420 with Windows 7 64bit.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for your time

    I had similar issues installing 5.01. I believe there is something wrong with the package. Here is how I fixed it:
    Download installer from​DocID=TVSU-UPDATE
    Extract package with 7zip
    Copy "Lenovo System Update.msi" to "System Update.msi"
    Run setup.exe
    For some reason the installer was looking for this file and it wasn't there, perhaps running the installer in silent/unattended mode caused it to exit with the code you mentioned.
    I hope this fixes your problem too!

  • I am having a issue installing Adobe Acrobat XI.  I am running Windows 8.1. When  go to install it gets an error.  The error is with transform in registry and will not install product. I am looking at how I can fix this registry problem.

    I am having a issue installing Adobe Acrobat XI.  I am running Windows 8.1. When  go to install it gets an error.  The error is with transform in registry and will not install product. I am looking at how I can fix this registry problem.
    I have tried to uninstall all Abode Acrobat installations but one file remains and refuses to be uninstalled. It gives me this error : Error applying Transforms . Verify that specified paths are valid. It was installed on Sept 18 2014.  I have downloaded a Transform update but it tells I do not have a Adobe Acrobat product installed. 

    Hi all,
    Sylonious, did you manage to sort this problem out? I have been experiencing similar problems. I think my problem was because I had many different versions of JDKs. I have done a complete re-install. I would be really grateful to you (and anyone else) for help with this problem.
    I have re-installed JSDK1.4.2_03, set the "path" variable to "C:\JSDK1.4.2_03".
    When I compile using "javac" I get an error saying "javac" is not recognised.
    When I compile using "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin\javac" no error is thrown.
    Every time I try to run a java file, I always get the NoClassDefFound error. When run with the -verbose option, files are loaded from C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_03\bin - is this correct?
    I have removed all previous references to java in the registry editor.
    Please help !

  • Suddenly my event library in iMovie 11 is empty.  I have tried deleting the plist, importing clips from multiple locations (to see if they show up in the library), re-installing iMovie, and re-installing Mountain Lion. Help??

    Suddenly my event library in iMovie 11 is empty.  I have tried deleting the plist, importing clips from multiple locations (to see if they show up in the library), re-installing iMovie, and re-installing Mountain Lion.
    I was working on a project, when all of a sudden the event library went blank.  There are no devices showing in the left column, only "last import" and "aperture videos".  There are no video clips in the editing window.  I have "Show: All Clips" selected.  I've tried "group events by disk". 
    When I have a Project open, it plays just fine.  There are no yellow triangles saying "source clip is missing".  Yet, again...nothing is in the event library large editing window.  So, it seems the data is still there, but invisible.  This is true with all the projects, and all the external devices I've experimented by plugging in to see if their video clips show up in the event library. 
    I have tried to import new movies, and iMovie responds as normal...looking like it's importing, then "generating thumbnails", then it makes the "ding" signalling that the import is complete...but nothing shows in the event library.  I've tried importing movies from the harddrive, from quicktime, and from an external drive.
    I have searched the forums, and found many users with a similar, but not the same, problem.  For them, it seems the "go to users-library-preferences and delete iMovie plist" has solved their problem.  This didn't work for me. 
    I uninstalled/reinstalled iMovie, I even have re-installed Mountain Lion (from a last-ditch effort suggestion from Apple technician). 
    HERE'S AN INTERESTING DETAIL:  After almost 5 hours on the phone with Apple, I decided to cut my losses and take my project to another Mac I have.  I'm working on a project, for work, that is critical that it's completed by tonight (whoops), and all my video is on an external drive.  So, I plug in the external drive to Mac #2, open iMovie, and everything is looking fine.  I continue importing some files I was converting, through Wondershare, and suddenly (whether or not this has to do with the importing, I'm not sure), the SAME THING happened to Mac #2!!!!  I can't believe this. 
    Does anyone have any suggestions?  Have you ever heard of this happening?  Could it have to do with the files I'm importing??? 
    I apologize if my language is confusing.  Obviously, I'm not an Apple genius-person!  I hope I've provided all the information you need.
    Mac #1 is a 27" desktop, mid-2012, software up-to-date.  Mac #2 is a 24" desktop, about 4 years old, OSX 10.7.5

    I'm adding more information:
    in Finder, my iMovie folders are all visible and accessible.  When I click on a clip from iMovie Events folder, Quicktime opens and plays the clip.  ALL my video is not missing - it just isn't showing up in the Event Library!
    This happened all of a sudden, while I was working on iMovie project (on both computers).
    All my Projects are intact, and play when I open them. 

Maybe you are looking for